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tv   Boom Bust  RT  April 26, 2019 12:30pm-1:01pm EDT

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mysie and london thank you so much for coming on the program and sharing your unique perspective. thank you. a recap of our breaking news story this hour russian citizen maria bush in the accused of conspiring against the us and being a russian agent has been sentenced to eighteen months jail by federal court she will serve half that time having already been in detention for more than nine months her lawyers won't appeal the sentence but have strongly condemned the verdict warning it sets a worrying precedent for both foreigners in the u.s. and americans abroad we'll keep you updated with all the waves on that story after this short break. most people think just stand out in this business you need to be the first one on top of the story or the person with the loudest voice of the biggest raid. to stand
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out of the news business you just need as the right questions and the right answers . question. also the government just creates the platform against this dialogue because their platform does not allow any compromise in their platform talks about serving crimes how serbia should play war iterations. being in all its official states cos it was simply things that everything is already over when they wake up from their illusions that they will have to face it several reality or. even. just have to keep it as i live the good fell for them.
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beyond. we have many things in this world and this is you know. why some peoples also take our things all the power just for themselves and it is the mother.
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we're back with our breaking news story this hour russian citizen maria bush an accused of conspiring against the us and being a russian agent has been sentenced to eighteen months jail by a federal court which in as large spoke to the media after the court hearing. clearly ripe for reform you've got an odd situation where maria could not have been prosecuted under civil farah which is the one that everyone knows about through metaphor and other cases because she had no knowledge of the statute in order to be criminally prosecuted under fair you need to have a willful violation so because of her lack of knowledge she ended up being charged with a more serious crime the foreign agent statute i think is an area that's ripe for reform if you take it seriously and literally the government's position in this case and apply to other circumstances you really end up in a in a pretty dangerous situation not only for foreign nationals here but i think for
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americans and abroad doing similar activities i think would not be thrilled with this but i don't know if i'd go that far then we have a overall a good process in this country i don't think she's in jail for old because of politics but that anyone who thinks that someone who wasn't russian would be in this situation is one itself. but the details we go live to are to caleb maupin killed take us through what happened. while those who were in the courtroom heard maria buton and give quite an emotional speech prior to her sentence being handed down she talked about how she came to the united states not as an agent or an operative but with purely good intentions and what a nightmare her family has been through this is some of what maria buton a said to the court my parents discovered my arrest on the morning news they washed in their rural house in a savior and i love them dearly but at home the morally and financially they're
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suffering from all of that i destroyed my own life as well i came to the united states not under any orders but with who and now nothing remains but penitence. now the prosecutors in the d.c. courtroom argued that somehow maria bootless activities with the national rifle association had somehow harmed the political process of the united states significantly they argued that by being an unregistered lobbyist and working behalf on behalf of the russian government inside the national rifle association that she was in severe violation of u.s. law and had somehow harmed to the u.s. political system and done a great deal of damage now the judge did then hand down a sentence of eighteen months in federal prison now nine months of that will be time served that will be the time that she's been held since she was initially arrested so only nine months remaining in federal prison and then after that time she will be deported from the united states back to russia now what's interesting
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is that maria bhutto was swept up in the aftermath of the twenty sixteen u.s. presidential elections in which talk of russian agents and russian meddling and russian subversion seemed to be quite widespread there was quite an atmosphere of fear and in that atmosphere she was swept up and it appears that now after months of being detained after quite a bit of time in which it was it was reported that she was held in solitary confinement in rather harsh conditions that she now has nine more months to serve in u.s. federal custody before she will be allowed to return home to her family so people are seeing this is kind of a conclusion to the case as at this point her lawyers are saying they will not appeal this verdict artie's caleb been reporting live from new york thank you for bringing us the latest. for live analysis we are now joined by patrick henningsen of the twenty first century wired dot com news site welcome to the program now what
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is your reaction to the sentence both the fact that she's been convicted and the length of the term given. i'm actually surprised you know i would consider her time served on remand as the sentence itself it looks like this is a face saving exercise i think this was political from the beginning i think a lot of people who look at this case carefully and all honestly would agree with that in fact some of the media stories that have been circulating about her early on have been proven to be patently false like that she was exchanging sexual favors for information or somehow trying to sort of corrupt the democratic system through activities and this is all mainly in the wake of the twenty sixteen election and i think her lawyer is absolutely spot on if she wasn't russian this wouldn't be happening so why do you think boys now wasn't deported back to russia
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immediately as her lawyer expected. yeah that's a good question that's what that's what i would have expected i think that her lawyer expected i don't know i don't know maybe maybe this there's there's some political currency to be won by keeping her in the united states for a period of months before she's shipped off who knows maybe they're not finished you know observing her or whatever but it's going to usually embarrassing when she's released this is the thing so maybe there's a political reason why she why she's being held i'm just guessing but you know to have her going free speaking to the media the russian media the international press telling her story is going to hugely embarrassing this is going to when she doesn't when she is able to tell a story that's going to be right in the thick of the twenty twenty us presidential
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election so that should be very interesting. so when it comes to politics and the u.s. the moeller investigation has been closed the report has come out but it doesn't feel like many in the capital are ready to move on do you expect this to be seized on by democrats as so-called proof of trumped russia collusion. or they the case of the jena no i don't i don't think so i think it's just a huge embarrassment and it would have happened if not for the press getting up the story to begin with and then you actually look at some of the e-mails that have been released recently as a result of a report we can see that when simpson from fusion g.p.s. sent the article to bruce or and then all the sudden it sort of makes its way to the f.b.i. the i raged in his apartment and not long after she's arrested so there's definitely political currents in this story as far as the investigation goes itself
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. it's collapsed the narrative has collapsed so but i think certain aspects of the liberal democratic oriented media going to keep milking it as much as they can but in the end they're really flogging a dead horse is just going to increase the compiled compound the embarrassment. from this whole sure rod which is just sort of dominated the u.s. political scene for the last three years until after the sentencing lawyer warns that the ruling will be disturbing both to foreigners in the u.s. and to americans abroad does that ring true for you. yes and i think it it is i think it is a thinker laura i mean a very good point she had she wasn't aware of the farrah regulations and her arms of you know registering as a foreign agent and so forth so that she was bumped up to a much more serious crime so again this is
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a this seems to me like another pro. described it again it's under the sort of theme of all things russian or bad so anybody that is russian or that is working with russians or anything like that is seen as suspect in this sort of hype hyper hysterical political environment that we've i think we're coming out of a little bit. as a result of the whole report's release of the no collusion being the sort of official line now so we're hopefully. if we come out of this hysterical period. of the last three years and get some so bright and some levity on some of these issues are going to be able to see that there's been a lot of injustices that have happened as a result of this what can only be described as a political hoax nice idea that russia somehow metal older got down trump elected in two thousand and sixteen so as time goes by it's going to become more of
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a ridiculous proposition and in the end also possible charges or investigations into the hillary clinton side of the coin and also the f.b.i. itself peter struck mccabe and the sort of conspiracy that was going on within the federal bureau of investigation which i think is connected directly to the between the case as well so it as we have this kind of malfeasance in the f.b.i. with regards to trial prussia collusion i think you're going to find that some of the same methods or mistakes or. this has been carried out at the expense of maria bettina as well patrick henningsen of the twenty first century wired dot com news site thank you for joining us on the program. the u.k. and germany have praised china's plan for a massive global trading network known as the belt and road initiative a forum for which is currently underway in beijing their leaders from your asian
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countries and further afield have gathered to share their views on how to develop economic cooperation reporting from beijing hears interest on the. well i have to say it is more than just a forum more than just a place for people to meet to talk and sign documents no it is a statement by beijing and those countries and representatives of international bodies and leaders who have come here today who have come to beijing it is a statement that this is a new way to boost global prosperity and also it is far from being just a regional event for instance the boat and road initiative and this forum have been the cautiously praised by the european union have a listen to both the mode initiative has tremendous potential to spread prosperity and sustainable development to achieve as it does potentially seventy percent of the world's population a project of truly epic ambition the u.k. is committed to helping to realize the potential of the belgian road and to doing
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so in a way which works for all of those whose lives are touched by the project in the big used seats we have agreed that we don't want to sign any by a literal memorandums but together make necessary arrangements between the greater european economic area and the economic area of greater china we will take this promise seriously this tone goes into a bit of a contrast with what the united states have been saying in fact washington has been one of the most stark opponents to the whole belt and road initiative because they see it as a threat to their dominance and here's why because thing is this forum is merely a tiny part of a much larger scheme a much grander vision of beijing outlined its concept for the first time in twenty thirteen and since then it's been all about well investing into global infrastructure into building new major trade routes somewhat inspired by the you once prosperous silk road in fact he's a map showing you two key projects two key trade highways if i may say so that are
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being developed within the frameworks over this belton road initiative as for the rushed. leader vladimir putin he's of course here in beijing and when it comes to relations between moscow and china the two haven't really pulled any complements i should say when it comes to that and also both lattimer ping they shared their thoughts on why they think the belton road initiative is so important. we work together to promote the high quality development of one belt and one route we are told the principle of extensive consultation joint contribution and shared benefits and have to create multilateralism that it's important to create an effective answer to the risks of global economic political and technological space fragmentation and answer to the rise of protectionism the most dangerous form of
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which is the illegitimate one sided measures taken without any account from the un or even worse trade was well when it comes to action the sides are russia and china have already agreed to conduct joint military drills sometime in the near future the also announced the establishment of a new fund of a new investment fund and it is now it is said to gain of the net capital totally warthe of around one billion dollars and its key purpose is to streamline the process of investments of russia and china investments into projects within the framework of the bridge of the belt and road initiative and somewhat beyond that as well so i guess it is fair to say that russia for now has asia and it's spotlight. this week the race for the u.s. presidency and twenty twenty stepped up a gear after the former vice president joe biden officially threw his hat into the ring democrats are hopeful they can pick a candidate to topple trump but they'll need plenty of support and to get that
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they're considering extending voting rights to prisoners. people in jail can vote there is my view but i think the right to vote is inherent to our democracy yes even for terrible people but people who are in convicted in prison like the boston marathon bomber they should be able to vote i think we should have that conversation but it's not just prisoners democrats want to get to the polling booth andrew yang one of the twenty democratic presidential candidates has also suggested lowering the voting age to sixteen republicans and particular have come out against the move saying it would give democrats an unfair advantage over it many say it is the economy that will determine the outcome of the twenty twenty alexion which could potentially be the key to a trumpet victory a recent c.n.n. poll shows more than seventy percent of americans are positive about the u.s. economy right now a record number since two thousand and one in particular more than fifty percent are pleased with trump's handling of the economy analysts predict
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a healthy economy coupled with low unemployment and rising wages might lead to a second term for trump political expert and author john a lot of believes the democrats have lost touch with the average voter. most americans think once you kill people and you take away their right to be alive your rights are pretty much the gate at least until you've served out your term in prison and in some cases even as you know in the united states we are going to the death penalty regarding murder because we believe you relinquish your rights when you take another life they realize now that the basic americans out here the people the joe six-pack in america the guy that's just working his job trying to provide first family he's not going to vote democratic or because the democrats have gone so far regressive left that they've lost the rank and file old school democrats that used to vote for them and in fact not only have they lost i'm president trump has rein them in and has become the president really of the average
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american so the democrats realize they have to go someplace else they're quite desperate and they're willing to let criminals and children vote. britain's queen may be happy with the saying god bless her and all who sell her but it seems a maritime museum in scotland isn't it's become referring to ships as it to appear more gender neutral the move comes after it was from people who have been scratching off references to boats as she from information signs although the museum's director says the vandalism wasn't the reason for the swap but instead to recognize changes in society despite this the british marine industries federation says their organization will continue the centuries long tradition. referring to both dates back to at least the fourteenth century some historians believe sailors associated the ships with motherhood and protection but the struggle to keep up with modern times sparked heated debate in society we took to the harbor city of portsmouth for reaction. disagree trey i think. history.
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quite important to keep our history. so beautiful. to be found in. the major cities change for the sake. of the historically the bridge. for shooters and i really don't see any particular meter to train you. because we have a queen and if we had a came the ship would be a. place. we also spoke with a former marine captain ryan ramsey he believes generations of sailors will be angered by such a move. sure is a safe haven for many scientists and i actually see that they see that capability to ship because i think that's where the focus is not so much whether
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it's. a man or woman but actually some of the ship's names. then dr everything but especially while the ship. for the said is true that's speciation for the moment we lose all history and tradition it's. also within the military. if first ever summit between bottom or putin and kim jong un concluded invited by stark on thursday and what's described as a productive meeting but the north korean leader decided to stay on in russia for another day our correspondent maria for national try to find out how he spent it. after the historic first ever a get together between putin and he was over the strangest thing happened the north korean leader decided to stay a little bit longer here in this russian far west import of ledge of us talk why no one can say it's a beautiful friendly city maybe he might feel at home here especially given that
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he's home is not far from here just one hundred thirty kilometers away this is russia's shortest international border just seventeen kilometers there are several stops and teams off to puting program here and let us stop including visiting these historic submarine known as as if six world war two veteran famous for fighting successfully not safely back in nineteen thirty nine forty five with laying flowers to a world war two memorial not far from this submarine to commemorate those who died in that what a conflict was number one stop but the last minute the north korean leader has sold it with no explanation. two hours later when the flowers were already laid and people killed in the world war two commemorated all of a sudden again with no explanation he decided to go back to his. initial plan now we're going to the city center and we got lucky to have a seat in he's cortege our car is number nine you can see it here there are many
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cars and actually he brought. big delegation with him. and one member of his delegation is sitting right now in our car. by. here we go we have back to the city center to the world war two memorial where we are. i have been waiting for keane this morning. let's go. through a special ceremony here. he's walking towards the memorial. yeah you can see him. he's trademark cat.
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he took his hat off right now. will try to talk to we will go and try to talk to the key now. on all of. gritty and listen to the. tickets now ok at least we tried eventually the program was shortened dramatically and after the flowers we jump back to our cars so you know submarine newmarket no see it or for mr keene. and we're driving somewhere and we don't know where it could be rest or end or hotel or. railway station. i don't know we're back to our car number nine and we found another member of games
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delegation here and we're going to try to talk to him again. excuse me. excuse me do speak english. no you do. can you say something about. you cannot talk. where we go. we know. where you think we go. while this man is full of surprises even the member of he's delegation doesn't know where we go in. wow. we arrived to an authentic russian restaurant outside. team is expected to have dinner here with the governor off region but. we were advised to stay in the car i know not to me coming sticking. a story can
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visit to russia he's now get into it and. he says yes yes. yes yes whatever you want to talk to you just one word. how did you find russia one word please we went to love one day. long what do you like it. yeah yeah. yeah. but you'll. find your russian economist again got such a crappy general and if you go to. the fifth it was to give him a little. fellow feeling that if he's going home and around seven hours when they reach the border with north korea and then they special train will continue his journey on the northern. north korean territory so that's it.
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and the wrap up of our breaking news this hour russian citizen accused of conspiring against the us and being a russian agent has been sentenced to eighteen months jail by a federal court she will serve half the time having already been in detention for nine months her lawyers won't appeal the sentence but have strongly condemned the verdict warning it sets a worrying precedent for both foreigners in the u.s. and americans abroad we'll keep you updated with all the lives on the story our breaking news coverage along with the day's top headline news continues at the top of the hour so stay with us. they can come and blow our brains out at any given time if we can't really do anything actually america is the only country in the world where you can kill
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people. wore it legally get away with. all the fire crawls still birria all the trouble here is very frail the point is it's hollow flame the k.k.k. exists because america wants it to exist they have the biggest terrorist group to ever operate in this country and they're dead to me they're worse off than the people who destroyed the world trade centers of the scroll why. the government has created a platform against this dialogue because them plump little does not allow any compromise in them platform talks about self-serving crimes how serbia should play war iterations. being in its official state cos it was simply things that
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everything is already over when they wake up from the illusions that they will have to face it sarah the reality of. the trumping ministration is on an offensive around the globe as a candidate trump called out neo cons for supporting american military adventures now many of them work for the president in this administration the very idea of diplomacy is absent it relies upon threats and saying. right.
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the. russian national marine is sentenced to eighteen months in jail by a us federal court for failing to register as a foreign agent. i don't think. anyone who thinks that someone who wasn't russian would be in this situation is for self. journalists who leaked sensitive information on arms sales in the yemeni war i hauled in for questioning by french intelligence. also a project of truly epic ambition britain and germany pale.


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