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tv   News  RT  April 26, 2019 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT

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things that everything is already. when they wake up from the illusions that they will have to face it several reality. question national media which in a is sentenced to eighteen months in prison by a us federal court for failing to register as a pouring agent it's very dangerous because if other countries adopt the same. you're going to get a tit for tat situation with countries grabbing civilians of other countries. as leverage or for other reasons of. three journalists are just the holden fronto french intelligence officials for questioning over their publication of sensitive information about france's arms sales to saudi arabia. a project of truly athletic ambition britain and germany hailed china's belgian road trading network initiative that such as the countries take part in
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a major economic forum on beijing's plants. coming to life from the russian capital this is our national welcome to the program i u.s. court has sentenced russian national media blitz in a to eighteen months and present after she pleaded guilty to conspiring to act as an unprejudiced heard foreign agent her lawyer weber driscoll spoke to the media after the son's and saying. well you got an odd situation where maria could not have been prosecuted under civil farrah which is the one that that everyone knows about through metaphor and other cases because she had no knowledge of the statute or to be criminally prosecuted or fair you need to have a willful violation so because of her lack of knowledge she ended up in charge of the more serious crime for an agent statute i think it's an area that's ripe for
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reform but i don't know if i'd go that far then we have a overall a good process in this country i don't think she's in jail for old because of politics but that anyone who thinks that someone who wasn't russian would be in this situation is one of them so those who were in the courtroom heard maria buton and give quite an emotional speech prior to her sentence being handed down she talked about how she came to the united states not as an agent or an operative but with purely good intentions and what a nightmare her family has been through this is some of what maria buton a said to the court my parents discovered my arrest on the morning news they're washed in the rural house in a savior and i love them dearly but at home the morally and financially they're suffering from all of that i destroyed my own life as well i came to the united states not under any orders but with who and now nothing remains but penitence now the prosecutors in the d.c.
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courtroom argued that somehow maria buton his activities with the national rifle association had somehow harmed the political process of the united states significantly they argued that by being an unregistered lobbyist and working behalf on behalf of the russian government inside the national rifle association that she was in severe violation of u.s. law and had somehow harmed in the u.s. political system and done a great deal of damage now the judge did then hand down a sentence of eighteen months in federal prison now nine months of that will be time served that will be the time that she's been held since she was initially. only nine months remaining in federal prison and then after that time she will be deported from the united states back to russia now what's interesting is that maria bhutto was swept up in the aftermath of the twenty sixteen u.s. presidential elections in which talk of russian agents and russian meddling and russian subversion seemed to be quite widespread there was quite an atmosphere of
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fear and in that atmosphere she was swept up and it appears that now after months of being detained after quite a bit of time in which it was it was reported that she was held in solitary confinement in rather harsh conditions that she now has nine more months to serve in u.s. federal custody before she will be allowed to return home to her family so people are seeing this is kind of a conclusion to the case as at this point her lawyers are saying they will not appeal this verdict russia's foreign ministry has condemned to may have witnessed treatment and to legis she's a victim of america's internal politics the russian embassy in washington has also issued to ski thing response to the news. group to move a political prisoner a victim of. justice norms and provoke someone to be us. we insist on our computer of innocence we do need to through we.
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we spoke to many of which in this lawyer about the case and the president he believes it may set. i think it's impossible to separate from from the politics and i think that there is a an underlying crime that he pled guilty to which you can make out under u.s. law but i think the notion of this would have been investigated or an arrest would have been made for a typical foreign national who wasn't russian and wasn't in the car environment where in the us i think it's almost impossible to believe that southern politics has a lot to do with the atmosphere of the case and it's one of those things where if the elements of the crime are there they were selectively enforced in the sense and so i think it's hard to argue. the charges unregistered agent it's not foreign
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it's not secret agent it's not intelligence agent it literally is just doing something for someone else as being their agent not of maria maria's activities in the us were illegal in and of themselves so there's no classified information there's no political sensitive kind of information given she was not paid by by the russian federation she's in her shoes supported by americans while she was here financially but she got caught up in this and she rushes hysteria. i would fear that other countries will start applying the same standards and saying that any american who went abroad to another country and it was involved in civil society organizations and social and met people and networks that's really all we're talking about doing are anything more serious than that and reported back on those activities some in the u.s. so i think it's very dangerous because if other countries adopt the same as you're
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going to get a tit for tat situation with countries grabbing civilians of other countries as leverage or for other reasons and i think it's a bad idea. three journalists are to be questioned by french intelligence officials over what's been described as a breach of national defense secrecy that's after they publish sensitive data about the use of french weapons and the four year long civil war that's been tearing yemen apart or teeth charlie do pinsky has more. they appeared to have exposed a government line but now it's three journalists all the ones being investigated they've been summoned to appear before the french general directorate of internal security or the d.g.a. s.l.i. after a feeling of confidential note from the country's intelligence services it showed the french government knew weapons that sold to saudi arabia and the united arab
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emirates were being used in the conflict in yemen a fact the government has repeatedly denied a war that's left thousands died and pushed millions to war to the brink of starvation it's been described by the un as the world's worst humanitarian disaster. you're. the way this investigation by the d.g.'s only has provoked theory with journalists from thirty seven french outlets signing a letter defending their colleagues this document the publication of which in no
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way jeopardizes the safety of french agents on the ground was revealed because of its obvious interest to the public they have done only their job to bring the citizens attention information of public interest on the consequences of french arms sales at the center of all that this storm is a classified by france's military agency the d r i'm real to these journalists it should be forty eight french sees a terrorist guns were being used along the sound the game in that tanks and fight is sold to the u.a.e. . in action and it's miss our guiding technology may have been deployed as well it reveals french ships are serving in the blockade of the yemeni ports directly leading to diet food and medical shortages in additional battalion of sees a truck mounted how was that had been deployed the yemeni border on the saudi side to bring the number of cesar's in that area to forty eight as of the twenty fifth
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of september twenty eighth seen about forty you look tanks are observed in a fixed defensive position and advance positions in the west of the seventy or so tanks deployed by the u.a.e. as part of the operation the french government has continued to repeat the line that weapons that sold to saudi and u.a.e. were only being used for defensive purposes but this note was written back in september contradicting those claims the concern now is that this investigation by french authorities is about putting pressure on these journalists to break their professions most. to reveal their sources challenged even ski ulti paris political journalist elizabeth gave us her thoughts on the leak and why it's cast such concern for the french government. i
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don't think there's any kind of secret that french weapons are being used in yemen and you could very well argue the government has been saying this a briefing about this that since the civil war in yemen was started by rebels against a legally installed government with the support of a foreign power are you wrong this is indeed in defense of a state that's a member of the us it's the position of a number of people from getting america britain saudi arabia etc so i think what's different in this specific instance is the detailed nature of the report which is fascinating reading but it also ate meat makes it easier to place possible french agents on the ground so the french government feels that this is hard for a lot it's not helping and it's their position that's what they're defending themselves. the u.k. and germany have praised china's plan for a massive global trading network known as the ballot and wrote initiative
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a forum for which is currently underway in beijing there are leaders from your asian countries and further afield have gathered to share their views on how to develop economic co-operation reporting from beijing here is a good on a. well i have to say it is more than just a forum more than just a place for people to meet to talk and sign documents no it is a statement by beijing and those countries and representatives of international bodies and leaders who have come here today who have come to beijing it is a statement that this is a new way to boost global prosperity and also it is far from being just a regional event for instance the bolton road initiative and this forum have been cautiously praised by the european union have a listen to both the mode initiative has tremendous potential to spread prosperity and sustainable development to ching as it does potentially seventy percent of the world's population a project of truly epic ambition the u.k.
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is committed to helping to realize the potential of the belgian road and to doing so in a way which works for all of those whose lives are touched by the project in the big huge piece we have agreed that we don't want to sign any by a literal memorandums but together make necessary arrangements between the greater european economic area and the economic area of greater china we will take this promise seriously of this tone goes into a bit of a contrast with what the united states have been saying in fact washington has been one of the most stark opponents to the whole belt and road initiative because they see it as a threat to their dominance and here's why because thing is this forum is merely a tiny part of a much larger scheme a much grander vision beijing outlined its concept for the first time in twenty thirteen and since then it's been all about well investing into global infrastructure into building new major trade routes somewhat inspired by the you
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once prosperous silk road in fact he's a map showing you two key projects two key trade highways if i may say so that are being developed within the framework of of this belton road initiative as for the rushed. leader vladimir putin he's of course here in beijing and when it comes to the relations between moscow and china the two haven't really pulled any complements i should say when it comes to that and also both lattimer potentiating ping they shared their thoughts on why you they think the belton road initiative is so important. we work together to promote the high quality development of one belt and one route we are told the principle of extensive consultation joint contribution and shared benefits and have to create multilateralism that it's important to create an effective all in search of the risks of global economic
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political and technological space fragmentation and onset to the rise of protectionism the most dangerous form of which is the illegitimate one sided measures taken without any account from the un or even worse trade was well when it comes to action besides her russia and china have already agreed to conduct joint military drills sometime in the near future they also announced the establishment of a new fund of a new investment fund and it is now it is said to gain of the net capital totally worth around one billion dollars and its key purpose is to streamline the process of investments of russia and china investments into projects within the framework of the bridge of the belt and road initiative and somewhat beyond that as well so i guess it is fair to say that russia for now has asia and its spotlight. julian assange has right to privacy may have been violated while he was holed up in
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the ecuadorian embassy in london a un representative is now investigating whether that's the case. to support it because it's a very special set of circumstances where a person who was not formally on the potential u.s. was subjected to. the u.n. is now assessing whether aqua doors decision to place that we keep weeks co-founder under a strict surveillance violated the universal declaration of human rights a son she was arrested earlier this month when he was dragged out of the ecuadorian embassy where he had been claiming asylum for almost seven years he may now face extradition to the u.s. after being charged there was a conspiracy to hack a government computer. gained international intentions for his week eight weeks project which publishes leaked documents that incriminate governments all around the world his organization is behind some of the
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biggest disclosure so classified information after. i. told my daughter that we're going to.
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wiki leaks walks like a hostile intelligence service and talks like a hot and cold turkey. where the interview to a friend of julian assange swedish journalist to your highness wall strum who is sure of the rights of the weekend igs front man were violated numerous times. quite clearly it was just under that rights are violated on a daily basis. because basically without saying because he is currently detained for no other reason than being a journalist and seeing and this is think is probably one of the most important developments that has happened over it recently and that is after roughly nine years of returns where the discussions and have been concerning it will usually
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a new is a new person or a rapist or racist or just not going to do that he's in prison for the sole reason of. the charges as far as we know or don't have any substantial evidence only sort to start with and the second issue is that even the way we're at the early describe their disparate as a classical relationship between a journalist and a source where according to the arguments of of the court as far as i understand it at least mr assad has asked his source to provide him with material if that is illegal and seriously the journalism is as such you don't. want to get created of the nuclear weapons while that's the message from donald trump and now wide ranging interview where he also welcomed to moscow's abhor it's
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to help don't you care as the korean peninsula and the u.s. president to name two countries that must also scrap their at time a carson else. i want to get rid of the do clear weapons we all have to get russia has to get rid of them and child i was to get rid of an. all comes just a day after the opposite message from their pound of guns told policy official deputy undersecretary david trachtenberg said the u.s. nuclear forces will be ramped up as they play catch up to beijing and moscow adding he would try to counter russia's confidence we're trying to take some modest steps in order to lower russia's sense of confidence that what they are doing gives them some kind of exploitable advantage that could lead to a miscalculation on their part that we absolutely do no one to see on this issue is of increasing concern after the u.s. and russia suspended participation in the i.n.f. treaty eliminating intermediate range nuclear forces we spoke to arms control
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expert margo parade about the current rhetoric. we are seeing a new arms race or resurgence of the arms race that has been developing over several years and it's got a lot of people alarmed hopefully including the president but when i hear him making these statements i think we're in danger of falling into two traps one is to put too much faith donald trump is really going to achieve something major in arms control when in fact it seems as though there isn't much substance it's very reminiscent of the kim summits where they met twice and they've handshake to meet grin but they haven't agreed on anything substantial. and the second is the all or nothing trap this notion that we have to have one big deal that's going to solve all our problems so it's i think a good thing if everybody gets together and. and ambitious agenda of talks and look at all these issues but if we say that we have to have one big deal and solve all
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our problems or once then we're probably not going to get any deal at all donald trump has also pledged to withdraw america's support for a landmark treaty regulating global arms sales the us president made the announcement on friday at an annual meeting at national rifle association. prior to this race you will never ratified the u.n. arms trade treaty and i am officially announcing today that the united states will be revoking. the effect. of america's signature from this badly misguided treatment we're taking our signature back to the united nations arms trade treaty aims to promote global peace and stability and requires that signatories and sure of the weapons they are exporting do not end up in the wrong hands more than one hundred countries have ratified the deal the us signed up to it
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under barack obama but never a four ready joint the un has responded to the trumpet ministrations decision to drop its support for the deal. the arms trade treaty is the only global instrument aimed at improving transparency and accountability in the international arms trade it is a landmark achievement in the efforts to ensure responsibility in international arms transfers this is particularly important in present times when we witness growing international tensions and renewed interest in expanding and modernizing our. investigative reporter dave lindorff told us he believes trump took the decision to galvanize his support base. the biggest supplier of arms in the world is the us and it isn't just a signatory so the fact that trump is cancelling that signature is a grandstanding actually to his his what he considers his electoral base because the senate never ratified the treaty and so it's not in effect the united states
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doesn't to be the world court it doesn't accept the jurisdiction of the world court it doesn't feel obliged to follow the geneva convention relating to war and genocide so tearing up the is this presidential signature which obama put on it really doesn't have any significant change in the u.s. position. the first ever summit between vladimir put none came john own concluded and ladder boss stuck on thursday and was described as a productive meeting but the north korean leader decided to stay on in russia for an other day our correspondent when he finished the try to find out how his stunt it. after the historic first ever a get together between putin and key was over the strangest thing happened the north korean leader decided to stay a little bit longer here in this russian far east import of ledge of us talk why no
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one can say it's a beautiful friendly city maybe he might feel at home here especially given that he's home is not far from here just one hundred thirty kilometers away this is russia's shortest international border just seventeen kilometers there are several stops and teams off to puting program here and pledge of us stuff including visiting these historic submarine known as as fifty six world war two veteran famous for fighting successfully not safely back in nineteen thirty nine forty five with laying flowers to world war two memorial not far from this submarine to commemorate those who died in that what a conflict was number one stall but the last minute the north korean leader has sold it with no explanation. two hours later all of a sudden again with no explanation keane decided to go back to his initial plan now we're going to the city center and we got lucky to have
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a seat in he's cortege our car is number nine you can see the year there are many cars and actually he brought. big delegation with him. and one member of he's delegation is satan right now in our car. by you know we share the car with him but can we feel me can we talk. ok yes he doesn't want to be filmed. here we go we have back to the city center to the world war two memorial where we. have been waiting for team this morning let's go. there is a ceremony here. he's walking towards the memorial. yeah you can see him. he's trademarked cat.
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he took his hat off right now. we'll go and try to talk to you now. going off. on all of. eventually the program was shortened dramatically and after the flowers we jump back to our cars and we're driving somewhere and we don't know where it could be rest or end or hotel or railway station we're back to our car number nine and we found another member of games delegation here and we're going to try to talk to him again where are we going now to. where you think we go.
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while this man is full of surprises even the member of he's delegation doesn't know where we go in. wow. we arrived to an authentic russian restaurant outside. team is expected to have dinner here with the governor off region but. we were advised to stay in the car. i know a national economist a keen. historic visit to russia he's now getting to each and every one to talk to you just one of the words. how did you find russia one word please read the way to love one day he's going home and around seven hours when they reach the border with north korea and then they special train will continue its journey on the north korean territory so that's it you're watching our international the latest news and
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a half an hour. ah . i. think. the trumping ministration is on an offensive around the globe as a candidate trump called out neo cons for supporting american military adventures
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now many of them work for the president in this administration the very idea of diplomacy is absent it relies upon threats saying. they can come and blow our brains out at any given time and we can't really do anything actually america is the only country in the world where you can kill people. war and legally get away with. all of the fire crawls stillbirth all the troubled history failed to point its hollow flame to k.k.k. exists because america wants it to exist they have the biggest terrorist group to ever operate in this country and they're dead to me they're worse off than the people who destroyed the world trade center or the scroll wife.


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