tv Going Underground RT April 27, 2019 4:30am-4:43am EDT
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well discussions on this subject. which. people just like to use this is a boogie men talk the talk about. their whole lives is going to burn in the russian budget i think it's just the political forces that you don't want to russia to support people living in the donbass do that that's number one number two. we're not only talking about the people living in the lugansk or it's done it's republics. this expedited procedure and we'll learn more we're actually thinking about offering this. procedure to people of ukraine in general people. ukraine now. regarding our social commitments to our people in russia that there is no
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doubt it all the social commitments all our obligations then since benefits. pension indexation we will deliver on the whole that there is no doubt about this this will not be a serious burden for the russian budget. so. there will be no problem with the russian social security system but this decision was not made off the cuff. before i signed this decree we considered everything many people may want our passports how many dancin errors but this is about one third of the total number of the people we believe will ask for russian passports because there's quite a lot and quite a large number of elderly people living in those territories so next year in a few years after that. this may go up to one hundred billion
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rubles but this will not be in one year this will be. stritch spread it over several years so this is not a critical amount to us this he doesn't mean that we won't be able to honor the social commitments to all russian pensioners. going to nothing like that now. yes i agree with you that some people may receive pensions simultaneously from russian from ukraine but do you know. how large ukrainian pensions are there three times as low as in russia at least according to open sources so if someone. even gets to pension some l teeniest. there's nothing wrong with that this is going to be six thousand rubles. using it you do if you convert it to russian rubles and these people they live their houses are being
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bombarded d.n.a. and i think many of our pensioners who remember world war two they realize which what conditions those people live in and they won't think that this is unjust so we have to support those people next question. it's possible to eat sleep it's to. misapply president to come up with a nicer car son of russia today he's put to it no it doesn't look good it's yesterday syrians were once again unable to agree on the list for the constitutional commission the next round is around the corner and that it should do you think this was again because of external factors in syria. to put it to its opposition. to russia which dictates its conditions
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to other players why do you think this situation doesn't change it's been six months which is what this iteration only gets worse maybe a russia should take. this new situation under control. or is that what's the risk of that well based on what you just said. i singled out several points number one. you just said that the syrian opposition thinks. just because the acid government has won and now we dictates. to others well i can tell you the opposition has agreed that the acid government has won in this conflict and that's true that's exactly what happened second. i don't think president dictates to others because we've been working on those lists for
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a very long time and we started working intensively after the east and meeting in istanbul we agreed that russia will but which. be responsible for getting me getting a list for the constitutional commission from the official authorities in damascus and turkey will be in charge of preparing places the opposition. rights and we worked with the president also for a long time we worked with his aides and eventually we were able to put together in this list we coordinated the opposition list with turkey and once it was already it turned out that the former u.n. security general envoy did not agree with this list because he thought that some of the people in the opposition list six people he said he said some of those people
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did not. reflect the interests of the opposition in general well this was this sounded strange to us because we have agreed that we had agreed that turkey would be in charge of the opposition list and turkey approved the list so if there's something you don't like. our colleagues in france and germany you know the u.s. should have told us in advance that there are people on this list that they don't like but they didn't say anything and they just torpedoed this whole list oh ok we . i did not make a big deal out of it we kept working we kept working with damascus we kept working with the opposition and in general that. to. the six people they didn't like eventually we agreed that they will be replaced
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i'm one of the pushers sitting in look at you. and they were statements by any different groups of course there is external influence this is an obvious fact but there was a little bit sooner or later this list has to be coordinated in approve it will keep working on that but this time indefinitely nobody can say that president assad doesn't want to form this comedian and he and the iranian partners we did our best to come to a compromise so if someone does it to torpedo the forming of this commission it's the opposition if and when this is a regrettable but we'll keep working with all the opposition group patiently to set up this committee which because this is the only foundation the only
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legitimate basis for launching and brode. political purposes now. i've said this many times before and i would like to repeat it once again we need to keep fighting the terrorists and most of the terrorists have gone to the zone. and if they launch attacks from which does happen from time to time we will retaliate. and i think they are aware of that. what you do we need. a launch scale operation right now well before we launch such an operation we always coordinate this with the president asad because it's not actually us it's him he conducts those operations with our air support but there are civilians there this is also a factor and unfortunately civilians suffer because of terrorists.
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who are hiding there in large numbers so we will have to consider. how much. damage this will do. but exclude it is when you get to dusk in this in this area how much damage this will do to civilians who are suffering from terrorists. and then we need to consider collateral damage. which i don't throughout that we may launch such an operation but at this point we syrian friends we don't think there is a need for us to do that because of this humanitarian factor i just mentioned the next question. i have a question about the talks you had. within the last few days when you met with chairman she did you talk about your summit with the north korean leader kim jong
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il thursday. maybe a russian china ready to prepare a plan. korean peninsula settlement did you talk about maybe go in the back to the formant off the six party talks on north korea and well i already mentioned this when i was in bloody last off course i told our chinese partners and friends about the outcome of my talks with kim jong on in the bloody boss stuck. which i did that. it's perfectly normal we always share information about such talks and this is what we did this time i told the chairman cian. and. our talks we exchanged our views on the situation on the korean peninsula. actually we have a joint initiative of russia china initiative we call it
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a road map russia china road map on the korean settlement and we believe that the first part of the road map has been implemented and it's no secret you can look it up we need to move on to phase two phase two is to normalize relations to between the conflicting parties. since the korean war the conflicting party there is still a war so we need to cover those fundamentals and then we need to prove cede to. the next step the next step would be to create conditions sufficient conditions to secure to provide secure security guarantees to north korea but we did not discuss any new plans because there is no need for new plans we just need to implement the plans we already have that's what we are working on tasks. maybe we could change the subject a little it's just have you been told about what happened with the pipeline maybe
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you got a chance to talk to mr lucas shank about the situation yes very briefly we talked about this situation. and of course i'm aware of what happened with the pipeline and i not familiar with the details because first we need to conduct an investigation to see if transnet itself should investigate this incident and we need to find out what was this substance and how we got into that. this is what is being done right now here for a corporate investigation is not enough we may have to launch it more thorough investigation involving a russian intelligence services and law enforcement to services as he goes down of russia today so let's stay on oil donald trump said he was able to convince saudi arabia to increase oil production could you please comment on this report and.
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what about maria eighteen months in prison do you have any comment on that on the eighteen months and sentence to maria i already commented on that and the comment by the foreign ministry says it's lawlessness so what did she do what is she being charged with there's no crime i think they're just trying to save their face . because they. grabbed her seized her put her behind bars but there is nothing they can do.
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