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tv   News  RT  April 29, 2019 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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our top stories this. shooting in california was reportedly inspired by the shootings in new zealand last month the question is deadly fundamentalism spreading across a religious. beverage giant pepsi co comes under fire for picking a bottle with indian farmers over potatoes that go into the company's best selling crisps. and a german contender for the european commission number one job. he will block north stream a project designed to pump russian gas into europe but his burdens official buy.
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from moscow to the world this is r t international referee your training in from today a warm welcome to the program first coming up more on saturday's deadly shooting in a synagogue near the californian city of san diego it now appears the sole person who died in the attack a woman jumped in front of the rabbi to shield him from gunfire police detained a nineteen year old man in connection with the incident which took place during a service to mark the jewish holiday a possible for the suspect reportedly posted an anti semitic message online before the attack president trump said that the shooting looks like a hate crime the city's authorities say the community should stay united. someone filled with hate. when am. attacked the. goods at
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the bottom our way an attack against our jewish brothers and sisters. fortunately that person was apprehended and now this community comes together a horrible loss of life yet this suspect who is in detention in california is said to have been motivated by last month's shooting in new zealand. and he's not the only killer inspired by the mosque attack the easter sunday massacre of christian churchgoers ensure a like being called a retaliate for the new zealand atrocity to with terrorism retaliation having communities our senior correspondent in iraq as the of now looks into the escalating trend of religious violence. it's not about your color it's your creed and it's as old as time faith was the alleged gunman made anti jewish comments the blasts charges during the holiest day on the christian calendar
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a shooting incident at a synagogue mass shootings at two mosques police tonight are stepping up patrols around mosques nationwide we can almost pinpoint the moment it went big again. with the news reports that. al qaida opened the floodgates is the missed radicals at first but the idea spread. now anyone can grab a gun rant and rave in a manifesto optionally go live in facebook and kill and kill three major
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attacks in the last two months worst of all is that they're connected they're feeding each other. a new zealand white supremacist slaughters dozens of muslims during friday prayers men women children and like their customs see religion. we new zealand. we were not a target because we are a safe harbor for those who hate. we were not true isn't for this act of violence because we can turn racism because we are an enclave for extremism we were chosen for the very fact that we are none of these things. sri lanka islam is zealots who it's a stretch to call the muslims slaughter hundreds of christians again men women
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and children prayer time as they celebrate easter revenge they claim for new zealand is going our this will be completely suppressed oakridge an environment of peace and freedom for the people of this country you know. san diego california a madman attacks jews in a synagogue on the last day of passover as a problem with judaism and its ways claims he was moved to beat it by the massacre in new zealand have no illusions if it can happen in new zealand no where it's really safe. a lot of fear mongering and a lot of like. media soundbites that have created an atmosphere of despise for the other like that particular group out of out there want to take
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our land they want to kill us and as a result we have to stand up and defend ourselves there is an environment that literally was already greetings kind of mindset however now they've incorporated the certainly bottom times that they reached out to i say and been inspired by the very same people that they hate the violent acts those so that's the way that i would personally explain the situation it's having a knock on effect and there inspiring each other which is absolutely crazy but this is why we are where we are on hatred breeds hatred it's self-sustaining the thing with killing and excusing it is being in the name of god is that it never ends it only gets worse. moving on american food and beverage giant pepsi co is facing a backlash after suing for
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a small time potatoes suppliers in india and with the local government know vying to support the farmers it seems the multinational might face a battle the case marks a low point in a relationship but they sparked to the late eighty's when the first pepsico potato plant in india was opened a partnership the company has been keen to advertise. babsy go feels proud to partner with farmers all across india through various agree cultural initiatives as they shared their experience of working alongside pepsi co. pepsico itself claims the four farmers grew a variety of potato which the company has exclusive rights over for their biggest selling chris brown said seize the potatoes were grown without the company's knowledge or permission. it was reportedly seeking damages are and out of mind six hundred thousand dollars the company however no ses it's willing to drop the claim
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but there's conditions to the offer of the us corporation has suggested that farmers become part of a collaborative potato farming program now that means they buy the seeds then sell the potatoes back at a premium price if they don't agree the farmers would have to grow other potato fridays but the farmers say pepsi co is violating their freedoms on fabricating laws here i don't know why pepsi co claims that it's in the right according to indian law nowhere in india or in the world for that matter do you find a law that prohibits farmers from growing potatoes where did pepsico get this law from c go has violated our basic freedoms with this lawsuit the sea that we have broken their patent rights how can they dictate what we can or cannot grow. unless every year we buy seeds from within the farming community we never buy them from any specific company and have no agreement with any company came and told us we wanted to do business rather they promised us
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a higher price and then filmed our farm they came as traders and were inquiring about the varieties we grow i told them we weren't sure of the variety but it's just white collar potatoes it's only when we receive the court notice that we realize who those people really were. a few has got support there is an increasing call right across the globe for people to boycott pepsico products and activists from the alliance for sustainable and holistic agriculture told us that farmers are becoming aware of their rights and companies won't be able to indiscriminately bring cases like this forward in the future. the farmers now clearly know that the indian legislation is our promise that it allowed to do so exchange. to save seed from a crop that is being good ordered from appropriate tree seed but just from a company and they are even allowed to send cents let's see if the seed in this
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case provided they don't back it live billet and sell it doesn't but i did see it and these families are certainly not doing it this should have the freedom to choose what they want to goo as the only side. euro skeptic right wing parties are on course for a significant gains in next month's european parliamentary elections if the polls prove right but research suggests that only a third of europeans are even aware there's a ball at all let alone how they plan to vote. our europe correspondent peter all of our now reports on the elections main issues
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from the perspective of the box biggest power germany. has less than a month to go the citizens will elect the next european parliament and while there's expectations of a slight increase in turnout the use of pollsters have published that less than five percent of citizens so they knew when they're supposed to vote if you win during it's between may twenty fifth for the twenty sixth if you break down the euro per day theory into how those surveyed in member states of the question do you know when your country will vote in e.u. parliament tree elections well top of the class is multi where seventy three percent of those surveyed got it exactly right staying behind for extra lessons though while it's the netherlands where a paltry twelve percent of those polled knew which dates they should be voting on almost forty percent of germans nailed the e.u.
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pollsters question however a separate poll taken domestically by hugo found that almost half of people didn't know who any of the nine leading candidates for seats in the european parliament were which isn't great when you think about the important job they do in the impact they can potentially have on everybody in the use life i'm a one out of four people could pick munford veg out of the lineup the c.s.u. man is only standing to be the european commission president one of the most powerful and important jobs in the whole of the european union in. melissa territory of twenty six percent we have nicholas of the free democrats doing a little better though we have alternative for germany's you're in on thirty five percent of those who were polled being able to pick him out of a lineup and then on thirty nine percent we have the social democratic parties catarina we can only presume that ms the current justice minister gained some extra
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recognition due to the fact that she showed willingness to appear on different media outlets to put across their argument europe has external and internal enemies these include all who seek to weaken at across the u. s. of those polled said that they would definitely going to vote i asked people here on the streets of berlin what they made of the surveys and whether they intended to cast a ballot. will you take part in the european election. yes yes i have no clue when it comes to politics just do you know when the parliamentary elections will be held but i don't know when exactly on the twenty sixth of may i think sometime in the spring a somewhere zeevi you know who this is no. and the next one.
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is that they're not really in the spotlight for the most part these are counted it's no one's ever heard of three weeks ago until the european citizens will elect the next e.u. parliament or at least they will fall if they remember which date they're supposed to turn up to vote on peace for all of us. or one of the contenders for that use top job who peter just talked to there is causing quite a stir in political circles at home in germany. said that if elected. european commission as president he'd use his power to block the major noise from two gas project designed to deliver russian fuel directly to europe that puts him at odds with germany's official stance on the pipeline. i'm against this project it's not in the interests of the european union because it will increase dependence on russian energy resources as the head of the european commission i will use all available laws to block a new dream to mr reber has been at the helm of the center right of european peoples party since twenty forty it's a collective of author parties which seats in the european parliament under his
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tenure he's call for mechanisms to control quote wayward e.u. states who go against official european union positions he's also a known critic of the e.u.'s perceived dependency on russian energy. latest remarks against torture him to come under fire at home in germany. i find it rather strange that manfred weber let us germans know that he's against this project through a polish newspaper and we're talking about our country's interests named daryl liable and i think we shouldn't play with the future while country. well known fred bever does have some support over nord stream to germany's green party has called the project dubious from a geo political point of view north stream two is currently on tour a construction designed to deliver gas from north western russia to north eastern germany the pipeline supporters say blocking the project would lead to gas shortages of higher prices i spoke to a political analyst at the berlin center for cusp in region studies who believes
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it's a bit of a stretch to claim europe's hoped on russian. he's now an electoral campaign to attract voters and as you know there are a lot of countries in eastern europe as ansel's europe who are not in favor of not stream and to gain the votes of those voters he is you know campaigning against not streaming we are not depending on russian gas this is completely this information in my opinion because russia has only a small share of slightly so it is thirty five percent of the your job in gas supply so you have so many other suppliers i mean we have a lot of other g b notes in europe which are you know only used by thirty percent we have navi as a key supplier from the north we have still the netherlands we have plants africa from the south so we are not as much dependent as russia is dependent on the european market live from moscow this is our to international we're back after the
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. you know world the big partisan group a lot and conspiracy it's time. to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. the people that are now doing those manufacturing jobs also start to innovate because that's where the innovation happens on the factory floor so in the factories large been moved to china as you point out the b.t.o.
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let china in we've moved all of our jobs manufacturing over china now all the innovations in china so we don't it's not it's not created in california built in china is going to be created in china built in china. hello again america's face of diplomacy secretary of state mike pump a zero train laid to russian interfere in suspect of the twenty sixth us presidential election and will continue to be a threat for decades. the russians interfered it happened in the run up to the election in two thousand and sixteen we have the we have the mission now to make sure this doesn't happen in two thousand and twenty there were threats or elections ninety seven before. they interfered or elections in the eighty's and we should
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expect in two thousand and fifteen twenty fifty the russians will be at it still russia was not the only target for mr pompei once he spoke with journalists iran was on the list to to run has been facing us strong arm tactics on extended sanctions since washington withdrew from the twenty fifteen nuclear deal last week the trumpet ministration also ended all the temporary waivers for really an oil importers that includes china and it includes turkey on pump a zero promised on bearable conditions for anyone looking to continue trading with the middle eastern nation. ministration recently announced sanctions and no more waivers ok and turkey and china have said there are going to be undeterred so what now sovereign nations make their own choices individual businesses inside of that will make their own choices what we can do is prepare a sanctions regime that makes it incredibly costly. well fleshing out statement
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really does open up a whole box of worms live with me now is journalist and writer done the dunny welcome how likely is it do you think that washington would put sanctions as we heard there on turkey a nato ally lest we forget if it continues buying oil from iran. it's very possible they will pay all seems to term and trump is backing him so it's a good chance they will go through. do things possible sanctions go against the rights of other countries essentially to do business as they see fit and how you will in your opinion u.s. allies react to that type of diplomacy. while of course they they are flagrantly illegal the us is opposing. talk on the rest of the world. it's outrageous case of bullying run amok and as to how
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the various countries will respond i think they'll probably respond with a good deal of defiance on the part of turkey and china. the e.u. is not another question the e.u. was as wary of tangling with trump the course could lead to economic consequences the like but certainly china has got every reason to to block the u.s. on this policy and i very much hope they do the way my pump a was was talking at there a done deal he said the kremlin meddled in us affairs in the one nine hundred seventy s. and will continue to try and do so in twenty fifty is that making the issue of interference almost son casual is it just taken as a given that interference happens everywhere in his take. i think i think russia is emerging as the all purpose what the boy for republicans
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and democrats alike they always have russia and they'll always have a target to strike out against so so the anti russia mania seems to be no ascending to new heights. but of course you know that that just puts the us makes the american politics all the more paranoid it gives both parties a a as an excuse in case they lose and twenty twenty eight is just an example of american politics to send them to new levels of idiocy and my company also claim that the us worked hard to protect the elections all around europe last year can europe not defend itself. of course they can and that and bear in mind the u.s. the u.s. interferes massive. in other countries elections in venezuela being built the latest in southall but there's there's hardly a time when the us has not been intervening in other country's elections and nine
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hundred ninety six for example the us pulled out all stops to ensure the reelection of boris yeltsin in russia they mounted a massive effort. and a massive effort and they completely apologetic effort the us was very proud of what it did its nothing wrong. in its actions the us really believes there is one there is one law for itself and another law for every other country on earth my computer also mention chinese iranian and even non-state actors trying to undermine the very sense of western democracy do you think that washington perceives the the us the european union as a single block despite what has clearly demonstrated leaping tensions between them of late. yes well the us trumps trumps isolationism means that he is to a great extent at war with the world he is hostile to to do real early to all
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countries on earth he wants to use them he wants the bully them he wants to put u.s. interests. first and foremost in the narrowest sense of the term so yes so he is he is. a real war pass choosing enemy is a right left of one moment it's iran next moment it's russia. next moment it's syria next moment it's venezuela so the u.s. is constantly looking out for nations to strike out against and live from new york this hour done the hard journalist and writer life on the program thank you thank you on a busy monday tuesday keep up to date literally by the minute by following r t on twitter we have got you covered season.
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when the whole make this manufacture come sentenced to public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. when the final merry go round be the one percent. we can all middle of the room six. million real new. the needs of politically false needs to come. from. but ideally the moment before. been. giving political guidance to the process and so basically what i'm waiting for he's an author politically. i feel he standing from the moment he feels.
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my seven years doing drugs my nephews was still in drugs my sister just with doing drugs it was like an epidemic of drug abuse america's public enemy number one in the united states is drug abuse he started going after the users in the prison population sewer we started treating sick people people who are addicted to these drugs like criminals while i was on the hill. then the war on drugs. there are countless numbers of people who are in prison for. sins for. minor offenders in the drug trade it's a lot watching your children grow up and miss you in waves and say by daddy as you're walking out of a business it's just it doesn't get easier. way
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. the most time away do you mean my family always specially don't have summer time or spring time when i do go fish and you basically here we try to catch
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a lot of bass you've got big mouth bass small mouth bass and also you've got blue deal in us. sometimes you can catch a catfish but the most time we're after a bath with fish you just saw in the past the time away and make space for reliance and so that's why we try to come out here and feed and get away from you know everything basically. my dad who told us to fish and we know we taught him the fish they live fish and we spend a lot of summer out here most of the summer. we rarely ever see black people featured so i get out here today as i got a smell near. her.
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aug twelfth was a tragic day here in charlotte so many things happen. you have a memorial for have a who passed away tragically because of hatred here in our community. many people got together to try to. show that we needed a change here in the city. ran into a human because they had hatred for another race that is not fair that is not just that is inhumane to take life because you feel different. the state is now named as the higher way. tragic tragic day and sell this little history.
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you haven't any luck. the wind's blowing in plus it just got done snowing two days ago i don't i won't catch most fish today when it's windy you just it ain't a good time to fish when it's real windy like a deer so i will probably just go on go out and get some pizza or something and in about two weeks will be back moved catch a ton of fish because it'll be a lot warmer and a way to calm down cause i profoundly be here. jesus christ and his death on the cross and resurrection again no distinction was made between white and black and died and rose for all people. martin luther king.


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