tv News RT April 29, 2019 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT
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covering in. security measure in response to the easter sunday bombings which claimed more than two hundred fifty lines. under fire battled with over potatoes that go into the company's best selling chris brown. and a german contender for the european commission's top jobs says if elected. a project designed to. official.
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from our studio with me. welcome to the program in a move designed to boost public protection the sri lankan government has banned face coverings in public is in response to the easter sunday suicide attacks which killed more than two hundred fifty people but it's angered the country's sizable muslim community here and we discussed whether it's a prudent security measure or likely to inflame religious acrimony in sri lanka. it is very much a person in most of their lives who put many muslims yes it is right muslim center and much more liberal compared to their counterparts but i've since how they really have to stop and wonder this for that matter but then we also talking about the individual rights the rights of women to follow their specific religious obligations and what does it stop. is it not going to move into the direction. in this year afterwards when it cools down the problems marriage and what denmark
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i'm also this gives a kind of lip service to the extremists with this in the society who might target the muslims and arabs in the long run in the south climate is perfect we alright we'll have to see how long the government is going to continue to get elected it was an extremist buddhists that carried out the massacres in sri lanka it was extremists islamicists let's get a couple of things clear here so isn't it absolutely reasonable that sri lankan government takes what ever measures it deems appropriate to secure the lives of sri lankan seven cents who is going to be. compromised by the very act of trying to make sure that security services can check the visibility of those people who could potentially be about to carry out a terrorist incident that's the reason for doing this you know and i think it's very sensible and i think it's really peculiar that anybody would oppose the state
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house the responsibility of looking after the interests of the masses on the basis of that it can take these mages but this should not become a long term because if it does extend beyond a specific period of this emergency laws then you become becomes a part of the states or part it and that clear division between sri lanka's multireligious religious fabric and let's not forget the muslims have been have. the receiving end of the conflict in the civil war years was from that side of the buddhist majority side so they might feel that they are being pushed out in this new twist and they are being regarded as the new enemies in the society but it wasn't and they decided to give us normal for this was an attack by a radical i did not see this the christians it slaughtered them in their hundreds and you're talking about islamophobia c'mon listen if some muslim women in sri lanka feel you know at
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a disadvantage because of this particular temporary legislation then the people the blame or their coreligionists who carried out it's the atrocity not all muslims are terrorists i absolutely agree with this one but on this occasion all the terrorists were muslims you deal with it the sunday massacre of christian churchgoers has been described as retaliation for last month's mosque shootings in new zealand separately a suspect in saturday's synagogue shooting in california is thought to be inspired by that same mosque attack with terrorism and retaliation hitting religious communities our senior correspondent greg as jeff looks into what's developing into a worrying trend. it's not about your color it's your creed and it's as old as time faith was the alleged gunman made anti jewish comments the blast charges during the holiest day on the christian calendar a shooting incident at
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a synagogue mass shootings at two mosques police tonight are stepping up patrols around mosques nationwide we can almost pinpoint the moment it went big again. with the news reports that. al qaida opened the floodgates is the missed radicals at first but the idea spread. now anyone can grab a gun rant and rave in a manifesto optionally go live in facebook and kill and kill three major attacks in the last two months worst of all is that they're connected they're
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feeding each other. new zealand white supremacist slaughters dozens of muslims during friday prayers men women children that like their customs see religion. we new zealand. we were not a target because we are a safe harbor for those who hate. we were not true isn't for this act of violence because we can turn racism because we are an enclave for extremism we were chosen for the very fact that we are none of these things. sri lanka islam is zealots who it's a stretch to call the muslims slaughter hundreds of christians again men women
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and children prayer time as they celebrate easter revenge they claim for new zealand is going our this will be completely suppressed oakridge an environment of peace and freedom for the people of this country you know. san diego california a madman attacks jews in a synagogue on the last day of passover has a problem with judaism and its ways claims he was moved to beat it by the massacre in new zealand have no illusions if it can happen in new zealand no where it's really safe. a lot of fear mongering and a lot of like. media soundbites that have created an atmosphere of despise for the other like that particular group out of out there want to take
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our lives they want to kill us and as a result we have to stand up and defend ourselves there is an environment that literally was already breedings kind of mindset however now they've incorporated the certainly bottom times that they reached out to i say and been inspired by the very same people that they hate the violent acts those so that's the way that i would personally explain the situation it's having a knock on effect and there inspiring each other which is absolutely crazy but this is why we are where we are hatred breeds hatred it's self sustaining the thing with killing excusing it is being in the name of god is that it never ends it only gets worse. american food and beverage giant pepsi co is facing a backlash after suing small time potatoes supplies in india and with the local
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government now vowing to support the farmers it seems the multinational might face a battle the case marks a low point in a relationship that dates back to the late one thousand nine hundred twenty first pepsi co potato plant in india has opened a partnership the company has been keen to advertise. feels proud to partner with farmers all across india through various agricultural initiatives as they shared their experience of working alongside. pepsi co claims the farmers grew a variety of potato which the company has exclusive rights over for their biggest selling chris brand lays it says the potatoes were grown without the company's knowledge or permission and was reportedly seeking damages of around six hundred thousand dollars the company however now says it's willing to drop the claim but there are conditions to the offer the u.s. corporation has suggested the farmers become part of a collaborative potato farming program this would mean they buy seeds and then sell
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the potatoes back to pre agreed price if they don't agree the farmers would have to grow other potato varieties but the farmers say pepsi co is violating their freedoms and fabricating laws. i don't know why pepsi co claims that it's in the right according to indian law nowhere in india or in the world for that matter do you find a law that prohibits farmers from growing potatoes ready pepsico get this law from go has violated our basic freedoms with this lawsuit they see that we have broken their patent rights how can they dictate what we can or cannot grow. and let's say every year we buy seeds from within the farming community we never buy them from any specific company and have no agreement with any company came and told us we wanted to do business rather they promised as a higher price and then filmed our farm they came as traders and were inquiring about the varieties we grow i told them we weren't sure of the variety but it's
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just white collar potatoes it's only when we receive the court notice that we realize who those people really work. you're a skeptic and right wing parties are on course for significant gains in next month's european parliament election if the polls prove right but research suggests that only a third of europeans are even aware there's a ballot at all let alone how they plan to vote. i.e. correspondent peter all of a now reports on the election from the perspective of the blocs biggest power germany. there's less than a month to go for the citizens will elect the next european parliament and while there's expectations of a slight increase in turnout the e.u. pollsters have published that less than five percent of citizens so they knew when
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they're supposed to vote if you win during it's between may twenty third to the twenty sixth if you break down the euro per day syrian to how those surveyed in member states of the question do you know when your country will vote in e.u. parliamentary elections well top of the class is multi where seventy three percent of those surveyed got it exactly right staying behind for extra lessons though while it's the netherlands where a paltry twelve percent of those polled knew which dates they should be voting on almost forty percent of germans nailed the e.u. pollsters question however a separate poll taken domestically by hugo found that almost half of people didn't know who any of the nine leading candidates for seats in the european parliament were which isn't great when you think about the important job they do in
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the impact they could potentially have on everybody in the use life i'm a one out of four people could pick a month for adventure out of the lineup the c.s.u. man is only standing to be the european commission president one of the most powerful and important jobs in the whole of the european union in similar territory of twenty six percent we have nicolas of the free democrats doing a little better though we have alternative for germany's your miten on thirty five percent of those who were polled being able to pick him out of a lineup and then on thirty nine percent we have the social democratic party's catarina we can only presume that ms bali the current justice minister. recognition due to the fact that she showed willingness to appear on different media outlets to put across their argument i asked europe as external and internal enemies these include all who seek to weaken at the cross the new a good of those polled said
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that they would definitely going to vote i asked people here on the streets of what they made of the surveys and whether they intended to cast a ballot. will you take part in the european election. yes yes i have no clue when it comes to politics just do you know when the parliamentary elections will be held but i don't know when exactly it's on the twenty sixth of may i think sometime in the spring or summer zeevi you know who this is no. and the next one. is that they're not really in the spotlight for the most part these are counted it's no one's ever heard of three weeks ago until the european citizens will elect the next e.u. parliament or at least they will they remember which date they're supposed to turn up to vote on peace for all of us. one of the contenders for the top job who peter
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just talked about is causing a stir in political circles at home in germany man a friend of a has said that if elected as european commission president he would use his power to block the major north stream to gas project is on to deliver russian feel directly to europe it puts him at odds with journey to fishel stance on the pipeline. i'm against this project it's not in the interests of the european union because it will increase dependence on russian energy resources as the head of the european commission i will use all available laws to block a new dream to man friend aware of our has been at the helm of the center right european people's party since twenty fourteen is a collective of other parties which hold seats in the european parliament and his tenure he's called for mechanisms to control quote way would state to go against official european union positions he's also a known critic of the perceived as pendency on russian energy but his latest remarks against north stream two has come under fire alto in germany. i find it
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rather strange that man for letters germans know that he's against this project through a polish newspaper and we're talking about our country's interests named in reliable and i think we shouldn't play with the future of our country and fred it does have some support over north stream to germany's green party has called the project dubious from a geo political point of view north stream two is currently under construction and is designed to deliver gas from northwestern russia to northeastern germany the pipeline supporters say that blocking the project would lead to gas shortages and higher prices earlier we talked to a political analyst at the berlin center for caspian region studies who says it's a bit of a stretch to claim europe is hawked on russian gas. he's now an electoral campaign to attract voters and as you know there are a lot of countries in eastern europe essence of europe who are not in favor of not
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to gain the votes of those waters he is you know campaigning against we are not depending on russian gas this is completely this information in my opinion because . russia has only a small share of slightly so the sort of five percent of the europe gas supply so you have so many other suppliers i mean we have a lot of other g. tribunals in europe which are you know only used by thirty percent we have navi as a key supplier from the north we have still the netherlands we have thoughts africa from the south so we are not as much dependent as russia is dependent on the european market. the u.s. is ready to ramp up recent of warnings to the u.k. overlying chinese tech giant to help build its five g. network cyber security officials in washington are saying it could be forced to withhold intelligence from britain we know that a disruption to services or
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a disruption to the ability to store access information that that transmits between those routes across the atlantic war pact all of us so it indeed is not just about the sharing of intelligence or the cooperation and information sharing it's about all the services that we're providing across the atlantic what we really have here is a loaded gun is something that western democracies who value human rights should think very carefully about if they want to give that to an authoritarian regime with very different values about the uses of data. despite concern in washington while a has already conducted trials in a number of european countries including france and germany forty commercial contracts were confirmed last month but the chinese with a seventy thousand and five bases set up globally we heard from the rangers center is executive vice president who told us the security issues being flagged by the u.s. are part of the growing trade war with china i think the main reason is. it's technology
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and competitive and i mean basically the u.s. is behind on the technology while we leaving the area it's growing nothing has been found in a while we would quitman we've got testing facilities set up in the u.k. and in europe you could china's potentially buyer eavesdrop just like it's been shown that the u.s. spies on. just adversaries but allies its own citizens and as we've discovered recently even opposition political candidates i do not believe it security reason i think we're using these things to increase the trade negotiations potentially with china it's basically a component of hybrid work for. america's face of diplomacy secretary of state has claimed that alleged russian interference affected the twenty sixty and us presidential election and will continue to be a threat to decades to come the russians interfered it happened in the run up to the election in two thousand and sixteen that we have that we have the mission now
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to make sure this doesn't happen in two thousand and twenty there were threats or elections ninety seven before. they interfered or elections in the eighty's and we should expect in two thousand and fifteen twenty fifty the russians will be at it still. russia wasn't the only target for mike pompei as he spoke with journalist iran that was on the list to terror on has been facing us strong arm tactics and extended sanctions since washington withdrew from the twenty fifteen nuclear deal last week at the trumpet ministration also ended all the temporary waivers for iranian oil importers including china and turkey and pompei a promised unbearable conditions for anyone looking to continue trade with the middle east a nation. trump ministration recently announced sanctions and no more waivers ok and turkey and china have said they're all going to be undeterred so what now sovereign nations make their own choices individual businesses inside of that will make their own choices what we can do is prepare
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a sanctions regime that makes it incredibly costly it's a case of bullying runamuck the us is opposing the rest of the world trumps isolationism means that used to a great extent at war with the world he is hostile to only to all countries how on earth he wants to use them he wants to put u.s. interests. first and foremost in the narrowest sense of the term the u.s. into a few years massive. in other countries elections in venezuela being built the latest example but there's there's hardly a time when the u.s. has not been intervening in other country's elections. in new york times has been forced to apologize for printing an anti semitic cartoon it appeared in the papers international edition depicts the israeli prime minister i think guy down leading president trump who's wearing dark glasses and a skull cap the new york times says publishing it was an error of judgment and has
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since deleted it here's what some people in tel aviv have been saying about the image i don't think we have to be so sensitive and keep on bringing up anti-semitic things every single time we see them i think. it's for sure and photo i don't think it's an anti semitism. political character to the cartoonist anti-semitic because it goes back to the old days in the forty's when dish termer used to used to have germans and americans who were germans and jews. portrayed as dogs or or lap dogs for for american policy and it's unbelievable and unacceptable in the united states the reaction we had centered on finding the line between satire and sensitivity. i think the real problem here is the fact that they've kind of misrepresented the jewish identity around israel and around politics and i
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think it's much deeper than that although i think is important i understand it's a cartoon kind of thing in a time where things are kind of sensitive and we have to use caution in how we express ourselves and i don't think it's anti semitic i think it's interesting and i think that it is that china has a lot of influence in israel also particularly embarrassing for the new york times is that it's been trying to lead the way in tackling anti-semitism is accused of left wing politicians such as u.s. representative. on british opposition leader john we call all. of that criticism of israel and his critics of billionaire philanthropist george soros we discussed the paper's approach with attorney jennifer breed them and legal and media analyst lionel. this is the new york times the old gray lady the standard of journalistic excellence the newspaper that doesn't hesitate to point and excusing. you whoever you are your
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anti semitic or your of homophobic your islamophobia your your messiah didn't stick there very quickly that they said in a review this is anti semitic why didn't they think this before the worst reason would be negligence that they don't review card tuesday you dolt. basically know their own work product so what is interesting is that in this particular case the new york times is finding itself perhaps hoist by their own put tard forced to apologize and you notice nobody even argues today if you look at it we have six major companies that own most of the mainstream media outlets in the united states that includes the new york times and so you're talking about a very small pool of a narrative that's fallen into here and most of that is political anti donald trump anti conservative politics anti-republican you have just a couple people framing a certain narrative that's a certain political lean and you also have
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a blind hatred of tunnel trump so much so that you overlook how this might offend many many people. you tube has apparently been working overtime to promote contact content on his site that's how american t.v. news anchor rachel maddow sees it after picking up on a contentious washington post article it detailed how an r.t. show that covered alleged russian interference on the findings of the miller report was recommended by the largest number of cheap channels now with a news channel called as many recommend accounts the discrepancy was highlighted by monitoring group transparency following mottos tweet people are quick to point to her apparent double standard. yes. death no one's lives were threatened by a conversation between two award winning journalists about the massive dis information campaign you've waged in the minds of suggestible democrats but they
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are endangered by the cold war you've helped to stir up chris hedges want to pull it surprise aren't just one is he this you tube is so much better than the war mongering conspiracy lunacy that comes from you you should be ashamed to make good people and good content in such a base and mccarthyite way you tube disputes algo transparency finding company which was set up by a former employee of the video sharing giant it says its systems are carefully designed to only polo to quote more authoritative sources the host of the show in question chris hedges says american media outlets are striving to keep russia gate alive. it's decision to peddle a conspiracy theory about russia that turned out according to the mohler report to be untrue and so they are attempting really to spin themselves out of this by claiming you know that the miller report had legal ease and that really there was
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collusion with russia there was obstruction of justice by on the part of donald trump it exposes the bankruptcy of the corporate media and the american press which spent over two years peddling a fantasy instead of focusing in fact on the real issues and it sells i mean let's not forget this is about profit c.n.n. made more money last year and i think i've ever made in their history rachel maddow is the top rated show and probably the prime conspiracy theorist even at one point talking about how in the midst of a cold snap the russians were going to cut off our gas and people are going to freeze to death i mean it reached that level of absurdity but it brings in the dollars they peddle this narrative of fear one way or another and it makes them money from your back end or home from relaxed want to update to stay with us.
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hall. in a world of big partisan movies lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. beneath the politically false needs to come. from it. but ideally dillman before it got into pos the hoss fiend. giving guidance to the process so basically what i'm waiting for is an altar politically.
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ideally. from the moment. a low in welcome to crossfire all things considered i'm peter lavelle to force machine change in iran the trumping ministration risks up ending global oil markets also if you want to russian passport being a citizen of ukraine could help. some real news i'm joined by my guest here in moscow dmitri baba she's a political analyst and international and in london we crossed alexander make yours
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