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tv   News  RT  April 29, 2019 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT

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a u.s. army veteran is charged over an alleged bomb plot targeting christians and jews in revenge for the new zealand mosque shooting. islamic face veils in public as part of a security crackdown following the easter sunday massacre. picks a fight with indian farmers over the crops that go into the company's best selling brand of potato chips. for the european commission's top jobs says if elected he will block nordstrom to a project designed to pump russian gas into europe. official backing. and a russian bride talks start t.
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about being tormented by her. rehabilitation hopes for the future after being freed on parole. i want to show myself not to say was probably. but as. my story was a. simple relationships with my family people. are broadcasting live from our studios in moscow this is our chief international and sean thomas glad to have you with us now u.s. army veteran has been charged in california over an alleged bomb plot according to officials he was planning to massacre christians and jews in revenge for the recent mosque shootings in new zealand. and has story. federal officials have raised an indictment for an individual who has just arrested named mark stephen domingo now
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this is a u.s. army veteran who served in afghanistan is now charged with attempting to carry out a large scale terrorist attack according to the federal indictment issued by the department of justice marc steven domingo was planning to carry out a large scale terrorist attack in afghanistan as revenge for the incidents in new zealand the shootings in new zealand at the mosques that killed a number of individuals that apparently motivated mark stephen domingo to plan to carry out a terrorist attack in los angeles and take the lives of a score as possibly hundreds of individuals here is some of what the indictment says in online posts and in conversations with an f.b.i. source to express support for violent jihad a desire to seek retribution for attacks against muslims and their willingness to become a mosque according to the affidavit following an attack on a mosque in new zealand on march thirteenth domingo posted the must be rich now the
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f.b.i. says it used confidential human sources to acquire information about domingo essentially began when he was posting on internet forums calling for revenge and retribution for the new zealand attacks and from what i understand federal officials first began talking with him on the internet then they set up in person meetings in those meetings he expressed a desire to attack a white nationalist rally that was set to take place in california he purchased hundreds of nails and these nails were apparently to be used in an improvised explosive device they were to be shrapnel that would then be detonated in an improvised explosive device at this white nationalist rally and kill everyone in attendance if possible now from what we understand he is now in the hands of federal officials and he will soon be appearing in federal court to face charges for planning this large scale terrorist attack now people are looking at these incidents the. this shooting in christ church in new zealand the recent incidents
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at synagogues across the united states the attacks have taken place in churches and noticing a disturbing trend where places of worship seem to be targeted by those intending to carry out terrorist attacks and acts of religiously motivated violence so people are being targeted for their religion with with terrorists attacking places of worship so we'll be waiting to see what happens next as the individual mark steven domingo twenty six years old u.s. army veteran set to face these charges after being apprehended. the case follows a recent surge in hate crimes with a religious motive parties but i've got to have comments now on the alarming trend . it's not about your color it's your creed and it's as old as time faith was the alleged gunman made anti jewish comments the blasts charges during the holiest day on the christian calendar a shooting incident at a synagogue mass shootings at two mosques police tonight are stepping up patrols around mosques nationwide we could almost pinpoint the moment he went big again.
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with. al qaida opened the floodgates is the missed radicals at first but the idea spread. now anyone can grab a gun drawn to the grave in a manifesto optionally go live in facebook and kill and kill three major attacks in the last two months. worst of all is that they're connected they're
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feeding each other. new zealand white supremacist slaughters dozens of muslims during friday prayers men women children that like their customs see religion we new zealand we were not a target because we are a safe harbor for those who hate. we were not true isn't for this act of violence because we can turn racism because we are an enclave for extremism we were chosen for the very fact that we are none of these things. sri lanka islam is zealots who it's a stretch to call the muslims slaughter hundreds of christians again men women and children prayer time as they celebrate easter revenge they claim for new
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zealand is sealed in our this will be completely suppressed create an environment of peace and freedom for the people of this country you know. san diego california a madman attacks jews in a synagogue on the last day of passover as a problem with judaism and its ways claims he was moved to beat it by the massacre in new zealand i have no illusions if it can happen in new zealand no where it's really safe. a lot of damage a lot of like. media soundbites that created an atmosphere of despise for the other like not particular group out of out there want to take our lives they want to kill us and as a result we have to stand up and defend ourselves there is an environment that
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literally was already greetings kind of mindset however now thinking full freighted the study modern times they reached out so i say i've been inspired by the very same people that they hate the violent acts those people so that's the way that i would trust them explain the situation it's having a knock on effect and they've been there inspiring each other which is absolutely crazy but this is why we are where we are right hatred breeds hatred it's self-sustaining the thing with killing and excusing it is being in the name of god is that it never ends it only gets worse. following the atrocity in sri lanka that left more than two hundred fifty people dead the government has banned the face coverings in public under emergency laws but it has angered the country's muslim community our guests gave us their views on the van story. it is very much
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a person in most of their lives who put many muslims yes it is right muslim center and kind of much more liberal compared to their counterparts but i've since. august and wonder this for that matter but then we're also talking about the individual rights the rights of women to follow their specific religious obligations and where does it stop. is it not going to move into the decks and what are. the words when it cools down the volatile harms marriage and what denmark i'm also this gives a kind of lip service to the extremists with this in the society who might target the muslims and arabs in the long run in the south trying to despotic be all right you know just and see how all of the government is going to continue to get elected it was an extremist buddhists that carried out the massacres in sri lanka it was extremists islamicists let's get
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a couple of things clear here so isn't it absolutely reasonable that sri lankan government takes what ever measures dame's appropriate to secure the lives of sri lankan citizens who is going to be. compromised by the very act of trying to make sure that security services can check the visibility of those people who could potentially be about to carry out a terrorist incident that's the reason for doing this you know and i think it's very sensible and i think it's really peculiar that anybody would oppose the state house the responsibility of looking after the interests of the masses on the basis of that it can take these mages but this should not become a long term because if it does. extend beyond a specific period of this emergency laws and you become becomes a part of the states a part of it and that creates a division between. multireligious religious fabric and let's not forget
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the muslims have been have the receiving end of the conflict in the scene why is most from that site as well as the buddhist majority side so they might feel that they are being pushed out in this new twist and they are being regarded as the new enemies in the society but it wasn't and they decided to get of islamophobia this was an attack by a rather willing to learn the lessons they wanted christians it slaughtered them in their hundreds and you're talking about islamophobia c'mon let's and if so most of them women in sri lanka fail you know at a disadvantage because of this particular temporary legislation then the people the blame or their coreligionists who carried out the atrocity not all muslims are terrorists i absolutely agree with this one but on this occasion all the terrorists were muslims you deal with it. as one of our guests mentioned muslims in sri lanka have faced a growing hostility since the easter sunday atrocity and many of them now fear for
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the future. look at the. emotional psychological leave you have been effective to be honest as a human going to be never. any issues for us both see. you . have considered this. but. ideologies this has nothing to do with. me have to face many consequences. because. extremists at least. on. muslims. are an american food and drinks pepsi co is facing a backlash after suing for
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a small time potato suppliers in india the case marks a lloyd low point in the relationship of the dates back to the late one nine hundred eighty s. when the first pepsi co potato plant in india was opened a partnership the company has been keen to advertise. pepsi co feels proud to partner with farmers all across india through various agree cultural initiatives as they shared their experience of working alongside pepsi co. all right pepsi co claims that the four farmers a gruet potato variety for which the company has exclusive rights and it wants damages of around six hundred thousand dollars company says it is willing to drop the claim if certain conditions are met pepsi co as suggested the farmers have become part of a collaborative potato farming program this would mean that they buy seeds and then sell the potatoes back at a pre-agreed price but the farmers say pepsi co is violating their freedoms and
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fabricating laws. here i don't know why pepsi co claims that it's in the right according to indian law nowhere in india or in the world for that matter do you find a law that prohibits farmers from growing potatoes where did pepsico get this law from saeco has violated our basic freedoms with this lawsuit they see that we have broken their patent rights how can they dictate what we can or cannot grow and let every year we buy seeds from within the farming community we never buy them from any specific company and have no agreement with any company came and told us they wanted to do business with us they promised us a higher price and then filmed off. they came as traders and were inquiring about the varieties we grow i told them we weren't sure of the variety but it's just white collar potatoes it's only when we receive the court notice that we realize who those people really were. one of the contenders for that used top job is
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causing a stir at home in germany manfred has said that if elected as european commission president he will block the nord stream to gas pipeline project linking the e.u. to russia that is despite germany's official support for the pipeline. i'm against this project it's not in the interests of the european union because it will increase dependence on russian energy resources as the head of the european commission i will use all available laws to block north stream to. manfred river has been at the helm of the center right european peoples party since two thousand and fourteen under his tenure he has called for action against member states who defy official you positions he is also a known critic of the e.u. is perceived dependency on russian energy weber's latest remarks against nord stream to have come under fire at home in germany. does not fit this issue i find it rather strange that my fridge played there in that testaments now that he's again as this project through polish newspaper and we are talking about our
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country's interests namely and reliable energy supply i think we should in play with the future of our country. manfred veber does have some support over nord stream to germany's green party has called the project dubious from a geo political viewpoint nordstrom too is the second leg of a pipeline network running from russia to germany the pipelines supporters say preventing the project completion would lead to gas shortages and higher prices if german political analyst told us the claims of e.u. dependency on russian energy are unfounded. he's an electoral campaign to attract voters and as you know there are a lot of countries in eastern europe us in sauce europe who are not in favor of north stream and to gain the votes of those waters he is you know competing against we are not depending on russian gas this is completely this information in my
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opinion because. russia has only a small share of slightly so the saudi five per cent of the. supply so we have so many other suppliers i mean we have a lot of allergy trouble notes in europe which are you know only used by thirty percent we have as a key supplier from the dos we have still the netherlands we have thoughts africa from the south so we are not as much dependent as russia is dependent on the european market. the russian student who attempted to join islamic state and is now on parole has shed light on the details of her time trying to join the terror group and then her imprisonment in russia our correspondent dina koch never met with varvara. for her first one on one interview since her release. it's been only three days since about out of control of our former moscow student was released on parole from
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a russian penal colony she was convicted for attempting to join icily terrorists in syria she was sentenced to four and a half years but she spent two years in a colony and i spoke to her i asked her about her trying in a penal colony about her thoughts and for future and about what she thinks now for all the decisions that she made that glad to life behind bars told me that it is difficult for her to talk to the process but she wants to be open about what happened yes. because. i want to show myself not as i was probably originally showed but as i really am that my story was a peculiar lesson not given all about isis but about just simple relationships with my family with people this is my deeply personal story the story of my family i want to tell and show people myself and not be afraid of me. she also gave some
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advice to those who are struggling and even those who are thinking about joining the ranks of terrorists or special for celebrities i just think that what happened to me was also related to my low self-esteem and certainty in myself and it turns out that women hold on to their husbands and go there they hold on to them so much that they may not even understand their ideology they do not understand why to go there there has been say so no discussion and is very important to believe in yourself your and mean something if he says you have to go so what who cares what she says. but also told me about how she coped worst time that she spent in a penal colony. i felt a lot at that moment about what was happening and why it was happening actually very difficult thoughts they go round and round and round sometimes it takes you to
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the point of depression because you can't get out of this change and you don't want to think about it you want to turn away and run but it is still there and i understand that i can't leave this story behind me it will always be part of me. but i was released on parole and she can't leave the city without just there is asian she seemed rather confused as she has no wood detail to plans for her future now she said that her freedom hasn't yet sunk in and that still it's a lot to grasp for her she only said that she wants to get back to normal life. euro skeptic and right wing parties are on course for significant gains in next month's european parliament election if the polls prove right but research suggests that only a third of europeans are even aware there's a ballot at all a little alone how they plan to vote.
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our europe correspondent peter oliver now reports on the election from the perspective of the blocs biggest power germany. has less than a month to go the citizens will elect the next european parliament and while there's expectations of a slight increase in turnout the e.u. pollsters have published that less than five percent of citizens so they knew when they're supposed to vote if you win during it's between may twenty third for the twenty sixth if you break down the euro per day syrian to how those surveyed in member states at the question do you know when your country will vote in e.u. parliament tree elections well top of the class is multi where seventy three
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percent of those surveyed got it exactly right staying behind for extra lessons though it's the netherlands where a paltry twelve percent of those polled knew which dates they should be voting on almost forty percent of germans nailed the e.u. pollsters question however a separate poll taken domestically by hugo found that almost half of people didn't know who any of the nine leading candidates for seats in the european parliament were which isn't great when you think about the important job they do in the impact they can potentially have on everybody in the use life i'm a one out of four people could pick a month for adventure out of the lineup the c.s.u. month is only standing to be the european commission president one of the most powerful and important jobs in the whole of the european union in similar territory
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on twenty six percent we have nicolas of the free democrats doing a little better though we have alternative to germany's your might and on thirty five percent of those who were polled being able to pick him out of a lineup and then on thirty nine percent. we have the social democratic policies catarina we can only presume that ms the current justice minister gained some extra recognition due to the fact that she showed willingness to appear on different media outlets to put across their argument europe as external and internal enemies these include all who seek to weaken at across the u. s. of those polled said that they would definitely going to vote i asked people here on the streets of berlin what they made of the surveys and whether they intended to cast a ballot. will you take part in the european election. yes yes i have no clue when it comes to politics do you know when the parliamentary
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elections will be held but i don't know when exactly on the twenty sixth of may i think sometime in the spring a somewhere zeevi you know who this is no. and the next one. huge. is that they're not really in the spotlight for the most part these are counted it's no one's ever heard of three weeks ago until that european citizens will elect the next e.u. parliament or at least they will remember which date they're supposed to turn up to vote on peace for all of. the new york times has been forced to apologize for printing an anti-semitic cartoon it appeared in the papers international edition and depicts the israeli prime minister as a guide dog leading president trump who is wearing dark glasses and a skull cap the new york times says publishing it was an error of judgment and has
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since deleted it here is what some people in tel aviv have been saying about the image. i don't think we have to be so sensitive and keep on bringing up anti-semitic things every single time we see them i think. it's for sure photo i don't think the semi. political. cartoonist anti-semitic because it goes back to the old days in the forty's when dish termer used to used to have germans and americans or germans and jews. portrayed as dogs or or a lapdog for american policy and it's unbelievable and unacceptable. in the united states the reaction we heard centered on finding the line between satire and sensitivity. i think the real problem here is the fact that they've kind of misrepresented the jewish identity around israel and
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around politics and i think it's much deeper than that although i think it's important as i understand it's a cartoon kind of in a time where things are kind of sensitive and we have to use caution in how we express ourselves and i don't think it's anti semitic i think it's interesting and i think that it shows that china has a lot of influence in israel. what particularly is embarrassing for the new york times is that it's been trying to lead the way in tackling anti-semitism it is accuse left wing politicians such as us representative maher and british opposition leader jeremy corbyn of anti-semitism over their criticism of israel and hit out at critics of billionaire philanthropist george soros we discussed in the papers approach with attorney jennifer braden and legal and media analyst lionel. this is the new york times on ames the old gray the lady the standard of
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journalistic excellence the newspaper that doesn't hesitate to point and accusing finger and say you know you whoever you are your anti semitic or you're homophobic or you're islamophobia you're you're massaging a stick there very quickly that they said in a review this is anti semitic why didn't they think this before the worst reason would be negligence that they don't review cartoons day you dolt. basically know their own work product so what is interesting is that in this particular case the new york times is finding itself perhaps hoist by their own put tard forced to apologize and you notice nobody even argues today if you look at it we have six major companies that own most of the mainstream media outlets in the united states that includes the new york times and so you're talking about a very small pool of a narrative that's fallen into here and most of that is political anti donald trump
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anti conservative politics anti-republican you have just a couple people framing a certain narrative that's a certain political leaning and you also have a blind hatred of tunnel trump so much so that you overlook how this might offend many many people and that does it for me i'll be back with headlines in thirty two minutes this is our two international. exists is a sticker for a water bottle phone in the stomach of a fish the brand is spawns of the coca-cola company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that let's tell consumers there are the bad ones there the litter bugs are throwing this away industry should be blamed for all this waste the company has long promised to reuse the plastic. as it sits tickle
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capsules excuse. them a look at suitable sets for their classic. stay in your own hands at a special projects funding you tell the difference. on the line your best bet is the end of a footy team fun know the mountains of waste only grow. what politicians do. put themselves on the line and they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president or injury. or somehow want to. have to go right to the press this is what before three in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters in the house. this shouldn't all.
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seem wrong why don't we all just don't call. me. yet to say proud disdain become educated and engage with equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground. greetings and sal you take. we are taking our signature back yes those were the six words spoken by u.s. president battled trump at the national to the national rifle association crowd and sent them into a wild applause frenzy at an annual summit in indianapolis on friday where trump unexpectedly been a p.c. .


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