tv News RT April 30, 2019 5:00am-5:31am EDT
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oh. in headlines this choose to date american army veteran turned alleged eisel sympathized was arrested in california for plotting a mass attack on christians and jews officials say he was seeking revenge for those mosques shootings in new zealand last month. to this we speak exclusively to a russian students who tend to join islamic state she's been released on parole right now of spending over two years in prison. and one. new russian spy scandal surfacing literally in the media fishermen in norway meet a friendly whale bearing a camera and a harness with the name of a russian city. in
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the city they proliferate mosco my name is kevin owen coming to life with his news update starting with this a u.s. army veteran has been arrested and charged in california over an alleged bomb plot according to the justice department the twenty six year old was planning a massacre on christians and jews. as the story. federal officials have raised an indictment for an individual who has just arrested named mark stephen domingo now this is a u.s. army veteran who served in afghanistan is now charged with attempting to carry out a large scale terrorist attack as revenge for the incidents in new zealand the shootings in new zealand at the mosques that killed a number of individuals that apparently motivated mark stephen domingo to plan to carry out a terrorist attack in los angeles and take the lives of scores possibly hundreds of individuals. some of what the indictment says in online posts and in conversations
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with an f.b.i. source to express support for violent jihad a desire to seek retribution for attacks against muslims and their willingness become a mosque according to the affidavit following an attack on a mosque in new zealand on march thirteenth domingo posted there must be retribution now the f.b.i. says it used confidential human sources to acquire information about domingo essentially began when he was posting on internet forums calling for revenge and retribution for the new zealand attacks and from what i understand federal officials first began talking with him on the internet then they set up in person meetings in those meetings he expressed a desire to attack a rally that was set to take place in california he purchased hundreds of nails and these nails were apparently to be used in an improvised explosive device they were to be shrapnel that would then be detonated and kill everyone in attendance if
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possible now from what we understand he is now in the hands of federal officials and he will soon be appearing in federal court to face charges for planning this large scale terrorist attack now people are looking at these incidents the shooting in christ church in new zealand the recent incidents at synagogues across the united states the attacks have taken place in churches and noticing a disturbing trend where places of worship seem to be targeted by those intending to carry out terrorist attacks and acts of religiously motivated violence so we'll be waiting to see what happens next as the individual mark stephen domingo twenty six years old u.s. army veteran is set to face these charges after being apprehended. in reporting this so mark stephen domingo as we heard is alleged to have said he would swear allegiance to ice so if the group really united states this comes amid growing international fears about. so it's brought domingos plan that he was rich abused for the shooting. in christchurch new zealand last month there
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let's remind ourselves a government had previously expressed white supremacist views open fire on those what worshippers into mosques and more to that as well the recent tragic events in sri lanka are also linked back to the atrocity in new zealand as well again reminder of what eight bombs went off a south asian island on easter sunday killing over two hundred fifty people churches in luxury hotels of course with a target there no security measure these for lankan governments now banned islamic female face coverings in public over and that's saying get into the country sizeable muslim community here and r.t. would discuss whether or not it was a prudent move or another possibility to indeed inflame religious of the looting in the region. let's get real you know over two hundred fifty people have been massacred in sri lanka and the i fully support the sri lankan president for this temporary security measure imagine a scenario where the security forces people who are covered up and then could say
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that would you know who they where their identities are not clear to us so that kind of allows for the muslims to move freely across the society if those women had their faces shaded by a head covering then clearly a c.c.t.v. image would show nothing so there is a logic to this if you follow me you know it's just it's just be explicitly enabling security services ted dent of by end of the jewels in the act of or planning to carry out massacres in this instance of hundreds of christian people christian people so i think it's reasonable why not support it as the head of human rights watch has already argued it is a needless restriction what you do was is sort of creates a sense of helplessness among the muslims they might feel that one by one our rights have been taken away fundamental rights it's been supported by the
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largest muslim group in sure like it so where's the argument most of them supported sure langton supported i supported who wouldn't support it but the males are talking about the individual rights the rights of women to follow their specific religious obligations and where does it stop who is going to be. compromised by the very act of trying to make sure that security services can check the possibility of those people who could potentially be able to carry out a terrorist incident but the reason for doing this there could be the islamic hard line conservative argument but having said that the state has the response. of looking after the interests of the masses on the basis of that it can take these mages but this should not become a long term because if it does that creates a division between sri lanka's multireligious religious fabric so there is certain degree of islamophobia across the international system this was an attack by
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radical muslims or christians it slaughtered them in their hundreds and you're talking about islamophobia c'mon this is nothing to do with islamophobia this was christian a phobia not all muslims are terrorists i absolutely agree with this one but on this occasion all the terrorists were muslims you deal with it. next the russian student who tend to join islamic state in syria has spoken directly to us shedding light on her motivation and the consequences of her actions she's been released on parole after more than two years in prison and is now giving some cautionary advice to anyone who wants to follow in her path. yes i do because a guy i want to show myself not as i was probably originally showed but as i really am that my story was a peculiar lesson not given all about isis but about just simple relationships with my family with people this is my deeply personal story the story of my family i
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want to tell and show people myself and not be afraid of me i just think that what happened to me was also related to my low self esteem and certainty in myself and it turns out that women hold on to their husbands and go there they hold onto them so much that they may not even understand their ideology they do not understand why to go there their husbands say so no discussion and is very important to believe in yourself your and mean something if he says you have to go so what who cares what she says and i thought a lot at that moment about what was happening why it was happening actually very difficult thoughts they go round and round and round sometimes it takes you to the point of depression because you can't get out of this change you don't want to think about it you want to turn away and run but it is still there and i understand that i can't leave this story behind me it will always be part of me. the face of american diplomacy second state my pompei was claim that russians have
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been interfering in american politics since the one nine hundred seventy s. and then they will continue to pose a threat for decades to come. the russians interfered it happened in the run up to the election in two thousand and sixteen we have the we have the mission now to make sure this doesn't happen in two thousand and twenty there were threats or elections ninety seven four right and they interfered our elections in the eighty's and we should expect in two thousand and fifteen twenty fifty the russians will be added still i must say i was stunned at his reference to nine hundred seventy four and the one nine hundred eighty s. what is he talking about i mean we're talking about the era of the gus hall of the communist party when he ran for president was zero support and this was the time of the of the old soviet union what relevance does that have today the idea of putting more sanctions round by round is simply this that russia is our eternal enemy they were our enemy under the soviet time they're our enemy and now they will be our
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enemy in the future this is kind of a manichean binary mindset that is simply has no place in a rational political discourse makes some deferred story of a similar vein next norway is also preparing for some russian meddling to seventy five the barley did this some of the full moon friendly beluga whale that approached one of the country's northern coast sporting a camera and a harness bearing this is a clever bit the name of a big russian city and he would reels in the story for us. here's a situation a cute white sea mammal starts playing with a couple of fishing boats. little. creature clearly wants to grab people's attention and even tries to pull straps and ropes. the crew treats the little whale with some yummy snacks but realizes it's probably peeved by
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a tight harness around its body. it takes a while and some real effort to take the straps off the unfortunate friend the white chap swims away enjoy the harness clip is branded equipment st petersburg which turns out to be a real russian firm making extreme sports equipment now how about this story. a group of norwegian fishing vessels have survived an attack. alas the boat the tide harness round its body with the name of the lot of putin's hometown on it made locals think the whale was a russian navy weapon norway is now on high alert amid fears russia could have trained entire teams of sea creatures for spying and combat missions some of you might roll your eyes and think what
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a weird paranoid freakout well i'll tell you what pretty much all the media out there reported the encounter of norway's northern coast and in some cases my impression of the catchy coverage wasn't too much of an exaggeration whale found off noways coast believed to be spying for russia. there's a new alleged russian spy it's a below go whale colonel beluga off of course if it says st petersburg on that thing the cute creature must be a russian spy or not to underestimate what britain is probably a better word the luger whale found wearing a harness to carry camera could be russian weapon whales trained by russia's military maybe harassing fishermen from nature are in no way ok i'll tell you a secret the likes of russian or u.s. navy's started training sea mammals for things like the mining rescue operations
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spotting underwater threats decades ago just google it but it never really put their neighbors in panic mode this time though beluga whale with russian harness raises alarm in norway i just hope those who wrote those do stay away from some of the following displays of russian humor. is an international thanks for watching today among the stories we're going to head this coming up saudi arabia an investment summit with global finance to similarly undeterred by last year's murder of a journalist who has shoji is just one of the stories ahead.
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now doing those manufacturing jobs. because that's where the innovation happens on the factory floor so the fact that floors been moved to china as you point out the b.t.o. like china we moved all our jobs manufacturing over china now all the innovations in china so we don't start it's not created in california built in china going to be created in china built in china.
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or moscow next time for a year the financial world and saudi arabia's been assured back into the fold some of the world's biggest firms gave read their seal of approval last week at an investment forum the last year they boycotted a similar gathering over the merger of the genesis. of coal a seat a corresponding word gaston for imports. the smell of money can be intoxicated or even a year since the gruesome murder of washington post journalist jamal has shoji and the worldwide condemnation over saudi officials suspected role in it but it seems enough money can sway anything throughout last week who's who of the financial
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elite hunkered down together at a saudi financial summit i find it's a very important interesting place for us to build a relationship the transformation of the region has been quite amazing the list of speakers and those in attendance was impressive top dogs from banks including h.s.b.c. morgan stanley j.p. morgan chase sausage and now former e.u. prime ministers the vi p. real deal now juxtapose that with the conference the saudis held in october dubbed davos in the desert at was talk sick c.e.o.'s investors made their excuses left and right and center but not for long because the you resistible smell of money soon returned the factors issues in the press does not tell me i must run away from a place ironic given that he said that at the ritz hotel in riyadh where eighteen
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months ago dozens of saudi dissidents and world rivals would detained apparently tortured and forced to give up billions of dollars to the king so who cares if an outspoken journalist was butchered and dissolved in acid who cares if saudi arabia just executed thirty seven men reportedly for political reasons crucifying one of them whose saudi billions could be just the thing to make america great again. saudi arabia very rich country we defend them. they have nothing but cash. you know here people wanting to cut off saudi arabia they've bought four hundred and fifty billion dollars i don't want to lose them i call the cain i like the king. i said king.
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we're losing our founding you can and you have a lot of money. the it's bad for business is bad for everyone so perhaps goes without saying that with some things it's best to forget like murder torture mass executions and oppression i mean put yourself in their very very expensive shoes the c.e.o. of investment firm blackrock manages more than six trillion dollars in assets trillion for reference the us government budget for next year is just under five trillion and we're talking about trillions of dollars human rights and well just people generally become a little less important that's not to say the c.e.o. of blackrock is
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a bad guy now mr fink was recognized last november by the crisis response group the international rescue committee for his spirit and passion for humanitarian causes real people guy charity and all that said the smell of money trillions does crazy things to you so no you can go on boycotting and criticizing saudi arabia but the guys with the money hold the strings they're interested it's business as usual. cyber security officials of the united states are warning britain against alone the chinese high tech giant while way to build a five g. network washington says the company is not interested vendor and cooperation may endanger intelligence sharing therefore with the u.k. . what we really have here is a loaded gun is something that western democracies who value human rights should think very carefully about if they want to give that to an authoritarian regime
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with very different values about the use of data. well i very publicly is already conducting five g. trials in a number of european countries including france including germany the us has accused the chinese firm that of money laundering for old and fast of intellectual property something is strongly denies we heard from the european asian affairs specialist who says there's no evidence to prove the company was spying i think there's a statement of my someone saying well going to the intent of the capability might happen more easily with in china our authoritarian regime and so that's much easier to hide underneath the the security aspect and the six and ten shells security threats even though nothing has been found in a while with equipment we've got separate testing facilities set up in the u.k. and in europe and there's been no instances of whatsoever i think the main reason is. is technology incompatible i mean basically the u.s.
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is behind on five feet technology while he's leaving the area is growing could china potentially fiery for us yes just like it's been shown that the u.s. spies on. just adversary but allies its own citizens and as we've discovered recently even opposition political candidates i do not believe it's security reason i think we're using these things to increase the trade negotiations potentially with china it's basically a component of hybrid warfare and to basically put yourself years behind that. that's economic suicide well meantime towed away from all this maybe with a bit too much while away on his mind. ninety years. it will matter to lesions between canada and china. canada and the very end. you were able to make such time for the tremendous friendship that we celebrate every day between canada and china thank you should so happy to turn it over to you
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. which shows the canadian problem is having a pretty bad day at the office during the meeting with his chinese japanese or visit now let's get it right itself china was among the most discuss topics even if not intentionally background here because recently canada arrested a well ways chief financial officer outrage in china and damaging relations. and that's the roundup so far this choose day from moscow thank you for watching us international i'm kevin though in check it out c dot com follow stories as the what if you got a mobile device it'll go straight if you've got a little straight to mobile device you're going to party of about with headlines again in half an hour's time there may be. montes khalid al hotep international memorial awards twenty nineteen are now open for entries the media professionals are eligible for whether you are a freelance journalist work for alternative media or part of
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a global news conference to participate in sunday's show published works in video rich and much go to award dot altie dot com and enter now. this is the folks at the apprentice for a little while to swallow fifth flashflood if. you would yeah well some of your believe that it was my dog of. losing is its ability as up all of the good of that all you want the solicitor got it will get me a little bit of that is that. you make you fall. and up well it was pretty microwave was a. covert use there too which could go along with a million more but i come. near to your room your money you don't need to store on the leds you see them i look down from mood for their shirts in the cloture coconspirators smirk. one.
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one else seemed wrong but all in all just don't call. me. yet to shape our disdain to come out of. engagement because betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. this is a sticker from the water bottle found in the stomach of a fish the brand is sponsor of the coca-cola company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that let's tell consumers they're the bad ones they're the litter box they're throwing this away industry should be blamed
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for all this waste the company has long promised to reuse the plastic. ons it's not as if it's difficult absolutely. demand that seems cool sets for their plastic mistakes a cost me on my end i need to stay on your own fat especially projects funding me to. overeat on i'm your best bet is the end of a footy team up to now the mountains of waste only grow higher. they can come and blow our brains out at any given time and we can't really do anything actually america is the only country in the world where you can kill people out war and legally get away with. all the fire crawls stillbirth all the trouble here's briefly all the points it's hollow flying to
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k.k.k. exists because america wants it to exist they are the biggest terrorist group to ever operate in this country and they're dead to me they're worse off than the people who destroyed the world trade centers of the scroll why. my seven years doing drugs my nephews was still in drugs my sister just weren't doing drugs it was like an epidemic of drug abuse america's public enemy number one in the united states is drug abuse. sort of going after the users in the prison population who are we started treating sick people people who are addicted to these drugs like criminals while i was on the hill. the war on drugs. there are countless numbers of people who are in prison for.
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for minor minor offenders in the drug trade it's a lot watching your children grow up and miss you in waves and say bye daddy as you're walking out of a business it's just it doesn't get easier. what is it calling the coin is magic and the new type of digital currency decentralized digital scarcity chancellor i'm bringing a second for a bank that's called that got us a lot for a reason to coin a civil disobedience a source of optimism because i can control my own financial destiny it's just a new way of coming to consensus it's a game changer in the human history and this is columbus discovering the new world this paradigm shifting technology that transforms economics and finance in a heartbeat the apollo eleven landing. to the max and stacey.
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i am extras or this is the kaiser report what happens when you combine five g. satellites an artificial intelligence dystopian nightmare or a liberating technology let's find a space well one certainly finds competition for american corporations that apparently we can't compete against so it's my way or the huawei i only my way always that is in the title my way or the highway how us all to made him over china's five g. giant fell flat in south east asia apparently southeast asia is ignoring the u.s. threats to not use five g. the the five eyes partner nations have all basically stopped using weiwei but
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that's that includes the u.k. australia new zealand canada and one of the person i think but the region is shaping up as a key battleground in a war between the us and china to influence the roll out of super fast five g. internet services billed by experts as an era defining technological shift that could pave the way for breakthroughs in everything from artificial intelligence to the creation of smart cities so era defining and shifting technology and we've seen this throughout the past thousand years of human history is that as soon as there's a new era shifting technology or energy source like from coal to whale oil to you know oil from the ground you know whoever controls that changes you know becomes the new power of the superpower of the world so right now
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apparently china's five g. is like twelve to eighteen months ahead of anything else in the west and it's like half the price. so it's not going well for us while the economy is no longer a commodity driven it's utterly jevon by energy or oil share and most of my attention was called attention and driven by people being addicted to their own narcissistic egos b.z. their ego affirming social media platforms delivered to them through the phone so now of the way in five j. this is going down even deeper is going from a subconscious of the unconscious so the fight is to get the vast quantities of the population to be mesmerized into being incapable of separating themselves from the machine so this is the cyborg era so five g. era will be with artificial intelligence well essentially some.
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