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tv   News  RT  May 1, 2019 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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that's a little of the lithium i use this is. the . this is out international a small event as well as opposition leader. calls for another day of anti-government protests heavy clashes were reported on the outskirts of the country's capital caracas tuesday while president nicolas maduro says the government has cost the. elsewhere in some are calling a new cold war the u.k. government looks to make the house of lords business ties with russia and china saying it's just making politics more transparent. and the russians or the u.s. working as an unregistered foreign agent has been fielding reporters' questions for the first time since her arrest explained how she was briefly quizzed by the
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investigation and how she coped with. alone on am here in moscow this wednesday made the first one named kevin zero in half an hour of those stories coming in more detail and so much more. calling for a final phase venezuela's self declared interim president one is calling for another day of anti-government protesters wednesday. seeing a so-called military uprising in the country's capital yesterday the opposition leader has the full support of america once again with the u.s. secretary of state mike pompei or even suggesting venezuelan president nicolas maduro was ready to flee the country but that was stopped by russia. literally. getting prepared to go mr plane and head out of the country before you start stop really at the direction of the russians he was ready to leave this morning as we
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understand it the russians indicated he should stay he said dora has a plane ready to go to cuba to flee and the russians took him off the plane and forbade him to leave the country after mr pompei oh be serious. but as well as foreign ministry also hit back branding pompei a statement is fake news and russia responded to saying washington has launched to disinform ation campaign president duros already launched a probe into what he calls an illegal coup attempt that turned into massive clashes breaking out on the guarded bridge near the venezuelan capital caracas on tuesday local correspondent norris other got it was following the events but first just a word of warning some of the following images coming up our upsetting. it was no. i. was i was.
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like. when i played. this. article below the legal people who. are. both today brave soldiers brave patriots brave people who are following our constitution and answering the call today the armed forces are standing behind the people and the constitution. for your people. and others. around the best. part of my world. because when you're a said several people are already being questioned indeed he singled out a ring leader for the uprising we had mentioned before probably opposition figure
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leopoldo lopez he's now claimed asylum in the spanish embassy in caracas lopez is the founder the volunteer popular party that leads the scene as one of the key figures behind why it has moved to claim the presidency lopez was sentenced to thirteen years in prison back in twenty fifteen for inciting public unrest then but i'll choose day he was reportedly freed from house arrest by his guards meantime other developments about this big story the united states has banned its airline companies from flying over venezuela because of political instability or this part of a string of sanctions imposed on the latin american country recently our senior correspondent toure is gadgety of looks at what washington really means when it says it stands with the venezuelan people. what a day why do so brazen attempted coup the violence on both sides the people even why do hanging and especially strange was what the united states had to say about it we need venezuela ruled by the people of venezuela not by extra
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forces do you think he may have missed the irony this the bolton who's done his damnedest to ensure regime change in venezuela whose country has championed regime change sanctioned venezuela frozen billions in state funds threatened it with invasion now he's saying no one should meddle that it's up to the days whelan's to decide course not what he meant is no one but america all options remain on the table and would be a big mistake for me dora and those supporting him to use force against innocent civilians mr bolton's deficient of innocent i think defers from the classic meaning look at these demonstrators with guns shooting at troops and police i suppose the bullets of full of love to if you bear hold these innocents accountable says mr
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bolton we might invade between the lines as thomas call a status where with you america will stand with you until freedom and democracy are restored by and can do yes. the venezuelan armed forces must protect the constitution and the venezuelan people stand by the national assembly and the legitimate institutions against the use of haitian of democracy the united states stands with the people of venezuela what do you know they stand with the people never mind the sanctions and the misery for millions that they've caused i question is which people exactly did you say you stand with the few hundred machete gun wielding fellows that tried to stage a violent coup or the thousands upon thousands who concurrently marched in support of the venezuelan president maduro against this coup this is
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clearly not a coup we recognize one goh i don't know as the legitimate interim president of venezuela and just as it's not a coup one the president of the united states gives an order to the department of defense it's not a coup for wind why don't you try and take command of the venezuelan military your own father mr bolton one guy who was never elected doesn't control the military or ministries or anything he is the president but nicolas maduro the actual president supported by millions the military the ministries he's not the president see what i mean by strange it's almost like the bitter and banal things didn't go according to plan were guest of reporting that we discussed the role of the united states in the venezuelan conflict in more detail to with our guests. i think other one american militias are probably quite nervous about the
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whole situation nervous as well with their own populations would see this as american even if it's under the you know. it's not the americans directly intervene don't see the americans being behind this and the legacy of what america has done across latin america what this shows each. time service or cold call good revolution by the united states and the west hasn't succeeded you know he's popular why zeeshan has come and it seems to have gone and he seems to have let the dynamics slip a little and here is very important if you want to go for an overthrow of the existing presidents you know the momentum and he's lost momentum american are working on a very much on the front foot here they've got. bolton trump a lot of very hawkish neo conservatives out playing front and center and talking the talk of a smooth transition of power now we hope that this does not result in the loss of
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lives but there were some footage earlier on social media showing some armored vehicles running running over the horrific pictures running over protesters in the streets now we don't know whether these are pretty mature and i don't foresee as we don't know which side those. those protesters are demonstrators around so we have to handle stuff very carefully but there is already bloodshed there's already violence in the streets and i think this is going to be a really really difficult time. elsewhere tied in with this american sentiment spread to washington to protest as the surrounding the venezuelan embassy in the capital blaming the u.s. for the ongoing crisis embassy staff indeed left the building last week complying with the u.s. imposed deadline got to say the blocking the consulate bowed to prevent new. stars from entering we spoke to some of the protest. so we are here twenty four seven living in here sleeping here working here from the day during the day in order to maintain our presence here in the building and as
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a interim protective president in till date billet government of venezuela can find another protector for this building or in till the trying to destruction stops trying to orchestrate this clue so i would this is about the us government this is about a known to us imperialism saying no to us intervention in the affairs of other countries saying that the us has no right to overthrow the government of another country we've seen it before and we are not going to tolerate it again. it seems the u.k. is becoming increasingly picky about what foreign business is good business the government's pushing for a change in the house of lords which would force p. is to declare whether or not they've got dealings with russia or china it says it's part of a bid to simply make the political system more transparent bullyboy to report. what's more dangerous than money read money from russia there are fears it could be
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flooding britain's upper house of parliament the house of lords the sunday times newspaper has done some digging it's published a list of what it calls men the lords benefiting from russian rubles. just like i'm the nordstrom's does it grab their business interests and if register but unlike the. colleagues in the lower house they don't have to say how much those business interests have them although the government is said to be thinking about changing that security minister ben wallace has warned that parliamentary rules need to be changed for the sake of greater transparency countries this seek to undermine the west target vulnerabilities in the politics and media the u.k. has a strong mainstream media that gives us better resilience the most but i'm certain
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that one of our we points is where we lack transparency in our political system now a group of british politicians is pushing for a new law tech counter foreign influence. britain needs a foreign agents registration act we need to know the individuals and companies that lobby or act politically on behalf of other countries and their proxies including those in international sanctions lists we need a publicly available list of p.r. agencies reputation management firms and others who do this work needs to include m.p.'s and members of the house of lords some of whom have links to russian businesses the house of lords is an ancient and you meekly british institution the peers in that are on the elected based been selected by their political parties sometimes they blog controversial or unpopular bills drafted and signed off on by the government and m.p.'s many have had
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a last serious careers and they termed to say what they think r.t. contacted the lords singled out by the sunday times for their response to allegations that the moscow's men. if you say someone is moscow you're really insinuating that they're almost a paid. paid. lobbyist for four for the russian government which is. a completely untrue and deeply offensive lord truscott was similarly unimpressed i do not intend on wasting my time doing interviews on stories i regard as total rubbish by the tarnished murdoch press which if it can't find a story makes it up the times in the sunday times never let facts get in the way of trying somewhat desperately to push their respective circulations with
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a dose of hysterical russian phobia but it looks like the government is determined to root out the bad or should it be read seeds from the british political field. this out is a national good morning next story for you rabbo to the russian national jailed in the u.s. for working as an unregistered foreign agents been answering reporters' questions per phone for the first time since her arrest. in years. or so i didn't expect the sentence to be so harsh not having registered as a foreign agent i got the same eighteen month sentence as a passenger. data to the chinese government i think that's absurd. democrat you are you i was confined to my cell is very hard from a psychological viewpoint i made every minute count so i had a sheet of paper to write down my schedule and tasks the only way not going crazy
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in prison is to keep yourself busy all the time. i know that i mean i accepted the plea bargain because it came with a maximum sentence of five years otherwise it could have been fifteen years i think any sensible person would have done the say oh. i'm not irish really ready robert mueller is team talk to me for about five minutes in total as everyone knows i wasn't mentioned in his report which has no relationship to my case. rushing in that i don't know what will i do after i return to russia time will tell you i think i might walk in teaching. much rebooting his father was listening to the q. and a session shades of his thoughts on his daughter's case with us. no loss for us for our family and i have no doubt for her colleagues and friends too it's hard to come to terms with this prison sentence which in our opinion is unjust considering
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the conditions she's been kept in for the past nine months but she's already in jail now if it wasn't for the agreement with her lawyers and their debt for their services maria could probably have gone home by now or she can just leave the us without paying and it shouldn't be that way in the meanwhile the amount of the debt is constantly growing as the lawyers continue their work but i can't say for sure what sum of money will have to pay in the end as her lawyer said such a harsh punishment for the offense she's been accused of could only have been given to russian national so our family in the russian state take the view that all this has to do with the anti russian sentiment that has arisen in the us recently she spend long periods in solitary confinement and i'm glad she is so resilient because judging by the conversations i've had with her plenty of inmates struggle to cope psychologically in solitary confinement some even bang their heads against the wall being kept in solitary confinement for months and she was kept for longer than that but it's very tough with short break coming up here at international where we come
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but we're talking weaponize gossip no less and checking out other people around the world are celebrating this may day may the first. what is it calling the coin is magic internet money the new type of digital currency decentralized digital scarcity chancellor. second for bankers call the genesis blog for reason to calling it civil disobedience a source of optimism because i can control my own financial destiny it's just a new way of coming to consensus it's a game changer in the human history and this is columbus discovering the new world this paradigm shifting technology that transforms economics and finance in a heartbeat the apollo eleven landing on to the max and stacey.
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join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then. again cambridge university in the u.k. has launched an inquiry into how the eight hundred year old institution benefited from slavery during the colonial era. it is only right that can bridge should look into its own exposure to the profits of chorus the way but during the colonial period we cannot change the past but nor should to seek to hide from it. cambridge
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university is not the only institution looking into its imperial past other prestigious universities across the u.s. and u.k. have been doing so for years facing up to their history and the potential gains they made back then cambridge is main rival oxford faced a long dispute over a controversial statue of a nineteenth century colonialist but claimed it would face severe financial collapse if it had removed the monument elsewhere the university of east london try to set up a one hundred million pound fun for reparations over slavery say the money should be put aside to support ethnic minority students in america harvard's remove the word master from its academic titles and georgetown students voted in favor of reparations for the descendants of nearly three hundred slaves sold by the university almost two centuries ago we had some opposing views on how actions in the distant past should be tackled today. these decisions are very much long overdue and one would have thought that a country such as britain coming to terms with his colonial past would have made
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this these sorts of efforts much earlier but nevertheless i do applaud. cambridge. go for taking this initiative and i think other institutions like the british museum the british library all of the colonial there are. in britain as a consequence of colonial plunder should now be in an act of reparation return today countries of origins look no one can argue that slavery was a good thing it was an horrendous thing. course we should learn and teach our kids and educate ourselves indeed about the horrors of slavery let's just remind ourselves though there we were the first to abolish it i don't think there's any nation in the world that has a nod to being enslaved or being involved in the slavery trade including the continent of course of africa itself but i think this idea of pay reparations is
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ludicrous please spare me the horse a shirt this wasn't me or my generation or did it did this we do need education people need to be aware of it but who would you give the money to africans living in this country africans in africa we're talking about four hundred years of slavery we're talking about are people robbed of their religion their language their culture and their familial resources taken up dropped in another either surrender treated what he was horrendous for hundred for four hundred years he saw what i said in prisons he saw president in history is impressive in modern times so if you start looking at this will involve a precedent in fires of nations like ghana of already sell the. reparations schemes gambia the same way sierra leone all of those of had reparation and apology schemes for last twenty five thirty years so britain is really just catching up i
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understand what slavery was and it was horrendous what i'm saying is we're now yes lot but yeah make sure we educate make sure nothing like that can ever happen again but to see you to come up with a scale of slavery or african slavery was bear that bray slavery it's kind of stupid it's silly cambridge university the asli looking into their history and if they want to necessarily having on a not being very polite or making yourself look absolutely silly cambridge university should be congratulated for looking back at what they do but there's no need for the horse says sure there's no need for us to be paying money to some black people which black people would be would it be please don't do me the dishonor of coming on here and speaking from some morally elevated position that doesn't exist. the washington post is warning american journalist to work responsibly with information leaks after the torricelli using that kind of source
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itself marti's caleb maupin next as well explains why so-called weaponize gossip and anonymous sources those pesky things are fully in use nowadays. with the twenty twenty presidential elections set to start dominating our headlines pretty soon the media is running crisis protocols in case wiki leaks gets back up to its old tricks so should sensitive or insider information be published what if it has an impact on the vote well the washington post has you covered insured don't publish weaponized gossip there if i remember this nie nailed down the number saw as the source of the hack in its mounted nation and be transparent with news consumers don't publish things before verifying them double check your sources that sounds like pretty standard journalism but apparently in the age of trump that is not common sense among the press corps anonymous sources seem to be a big trend when it comes to inside scoops about the white house anonymous sources reportedly from the mother team an anonymous source telling n.b.c. sports the new york times citing anonymous sources the again these are all
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anonymous sources it's important to note that n.b.c. news has not confirmed this as a washington post report cites anonymous sources and some of this information has been almost the definition of weaponized gossip let's review some of the reporting about u.s. president donald trump that president trump called attorney general jeff sessions mentally retarded ape was a trump using the n. word and a much lighter note this even though some white trump demands two scoops of ice cream while everyone else at the table only gets one now some of this information actually turned out to be blatantly false so why was it ok to publish it without verifying it well apparently the source was someone inside the u.s. government not wiki leaks so fact check your independent sources but not anonymous figures within the u.s. government. maybe there's another idea out there remember it's illegal to possess these stolen documents it's different for the media server that you learn about this you're learning from us it may be time to start thinking you know sort of the
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books about how we can prevent russia from meddling in our elections in that vein consider this radical idea. american journalists should take a pledge to not report on the contents of a hock and social media site should remove from the networks any news stories discussing hack material now the job of the journalist is to dig into facts ask bold questions and try to determine the truth them in a sea of falso it however for some in the american press the rule seems to be don't dig into facts that are inconvenient of course journalists should be careful and check their sources but that's not what the washington post is talking about or what many journalists confiding to the post are considering doing what they're doing is talking about the examining the motivations behind the source and then considering maybe not even publishing factual information if the source and their motivation are considered not just shady but contravening. american
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national security imperative in the washington post relies routinely on unnamed sources and specifically unnamed u.s. officials when it's all unnamed sources and their us officials we as the readers of the news consumers or as citizens are supposed to put our blind faith in us officialdom in the u.s. government in order to believe that those sources are correct and i think most of the public does not trust their government. twenty six minutes past nine here in moscow got some nice pictures to show you though it be may day this is for the pigs southeast asia they start to come in from around the world a very different ways people celebrating made a big holiday cause for a lot of people these colorful pictures from that part of asia come from the days the day goes on painting where you live it said they celebrate work or simply there to celebrate the coming of spring meeting goes back to roman times when it was the festival of flowers no less but again this is in the philippines or snapshot anyway rev you are today whatever you're doing this may the first twenty nineteen thanks
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for watching r t seven zero in saying have a great day. thanks guys are fine it will survive they say many of the delicate. clergy abuse it this is the central plank support via government come to call them right now so you stop . this is a sticker from the water bottle found in the stomach of the fish the brand is part of the coca-cola company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that let's tell consumers there are the bad ones there's a litter box for throwing this away industry should be blamed for all this waste
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the company has long promised to reuse the plastic. their plastic. on the. fun now the mountains of moist only grow. it's seemed wrong when all. the world is yet to shape our disdain you can stick to it and engage with it was betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground.
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greetings and salutations well hawk watchers it appears the regime change vultures are circling venezuela once again yes on tuesday morning the u.s. backed self-proclaimed venezuelan president one weibo took a break from all of its g q photo shoots to announce to the world that the final phase of operation liberty is now underway after he claimed members of the venezuelan military and now jumped ship to his side this announcement led to much rejoicing in the mainstream political circles here in washington d.c. most notably from chief cheerleader senator marco rubio took to twitter to explain that this half hearted coup kind of sort of was not really a coup and that the uprising was not ideological but the result of desperation
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after years of hunger disease and mass migration caused by the manure old regime corruption incompetence and abuses they they see no other options left to bring change. but my friends would put rubio and all of the other regime change or change talks don't tell you is that the major major cause of all this suffering is not actually due to a duros government or its policies but more than likely caused by the crippling u.s. imposed sanctions currently laid on the country yes a new report by the center for economic and policy research has found that since the economic sanctions were implemented by the trumpet administration back in two thousand and seventeen get this more than three hundred thousand people are estimated to be at risk from lack of access to medicines or treatment an estimated eighty thousand people with hiv have not had antiviral treatment since twenty seventeen and that these sanctions have led to an estimated one.


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