tv News RT May 1, 2019 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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may day riots in france where police using tear gas with two hundred people arrested in paris today. also ahead on the program this hour wiki leaks founder julian assange is sentenced in britain to fifty weeks in prison for skipping bail to. opposition leader one who calls for another day of anti-government protests following choose these clashes outside the capital president saying he's the government quashed the attempted.
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bombing live from our international news center and this is our two year warm welcome to the program my name's in and our top story today may day is being marked a run the world but in the french capital it means more violence on the streets these are live pictures from where we're seeing a lot of officers in full riot gear being deployed a lot of protesters throwing smoke grenades well it's been like this for the past hour or so more peaceful in the early hours of the day has progress we've seen more and more similar scenes with some of the rioters they came before without saying that today's protest would be on make getting speaking. from earlier to me
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charlotte dubin steve brought us up to date. thank you my god. my added significance this year because it's not just about the traditional may day protests which is about showing solidarity with the working people in france showing the coming together and a commitment to force but it's also because this year it's been joined by this initial movement the yellow vests which have been going on now for over five months since november seventeenth and of course we had that warning yesterday from in syria minister that between one and she thousand block blocks these are protesters
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who are known for acts of violence and protests would be heading to paris to take place in at this hour we do know that as a result of that there is a massive security presence a front's around seven and a hundred thousand security forces out in the city center today to try and keep the peace that c.r.s. that's police and gendarmes all here to try and keep a lead on any violence as a result of that the process this is the main protest which at the moment is being stools and not speak on as they tried to she would go down the road to power an hour and a half to two hours ago before the official procession was due to start and they were right she stopped about half a kilometer from the start i boy of the security forces the security forces trying to round up some of those black blokes who have come to participate and i expect.
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did to want to cause mayhem and chaos here on the streets of paris the police making several arrests and also using tear gas within minutes of that a rifle and blocking the protesters say basically what happens is that people would then try to flee away from the police officers moving back to the original point we were all cool to in a crush essentially like sardines in a can with people just not being able to get anywhere by itself who's some people have injuries i had pools the medics i'm not sure what these injuries were but given the heat today and those conditions of being crushed not a particularly nice place to be when we talking about injuries as well we already have been told reports of one journalist who was injured in the recent crowds apparently the police this is what we're reading from solution media and other networks that were hitting the protesters back to trying to spur some as well as easy not to cast and not journalist she was mocked clearly as being
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a member of the press was cool tip in the fray and was a hit with a baton they've now been taken to hospital at fool the injuries to check on those unthought is just the latest in a long series of not just problems of in the the protests here of people being injured the protesters themselves but also the journalists themselves i mean who it is without report reporters without borders actually said that around eighty five journalists have been injured since the start of the yellow vests protest and we know on top of that there have been found signs of injuries with the protesters themselves again it seems that this made a protest has caught up to a violent start with the police using tear gas and using force to push the protesters back and stopping them from proceeding along the ridge ahead of this week's time. the big story of the day wiki leaks founder julian assange. chazz been
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sentenced in britain to fifty weeks in prison for skipping bail back in twenty twelve speaking to be earlier with the very latest here's our kit partridge speaking from outside side work crown court in central and. julian assange was sentenced to fifty weeks in prison for breaching his bell conditions set in twenty twelve the charge that deborah taylor she said that the case was particularly serious and merited almost the full sentence which would have been a year she rejected the claims by his defense that she should ask or give him leave me and state due to the fact you don't read you spent seven years in the ecuadorian embassy while he was given the sentence julian assange he was impassive standing there in the dark but his supporters up in the public gallery chanted shame on you as the sentence was passed julian assange and his sentence for seeking and receiving asylum is twice as much as the sentencing guidelines the so-called speed boat killer convicted of manslaughter was only sentenced to six months for failing to appear in court during the song should be in the ecuadorian embassy here in
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central london for almost seventy years not sought asylum there to avoid being extradited to sweden where he was wanted for questioning in relation to sex offenses well his defense attorney today mark some us he presented a letter that julian assange had written trying to explain the extraordinary circumstances in which he faced and also mitigating circumstances he said that he apologized on reservedly for not handing himself into the old forty's but that he had feared being extradited to the u.s. way he lived in fear of potentially being on death row or even ending up in guantanamo bay it was my impression that the judge had written the. decision and written it out before she heard the mitigate it was that there was absolutely no consideration given to the very very convincing mitigating factors in this case and i would raise and you know and we are shocked. but there are other legal issues for signs to see so this was just the first of two with the next one isn't. that's on
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thursday that's in westminster magistrates courts and that's an extradition hearing as part of his arrest on april the eleventh was also on behalf of the united states who once have charged in what they see as conspiracy with chelsea manning to to download and distribute what they see as classified material this case even has always been about the recent extradition to the united states and we now have a provisional extradition request from united states the focus of our energies will now be on finding that extradition. and that fight starts tomorrow well the cool case on thursday express expected to be extremely short very brief judy messiah is expected to attend the viral video link but then the u.s. prosecutors are expected to provide more evidence more details and perhaps more charges later on in june. when we get reaction to today's developments from wiki leaks come painter clark stokely clark always welcome to the program why do you think the judge hunted down almost what was the mock sentence possible for any
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criminal for jumping bail it seems vindictive it seems that the judge. had the. before she came to court today and it seems that this is being done because of a lot of the media problems especially in the u.k. . is there a lot of so-called journalists who say that julian is not a journalist and. and i would say that those people are not journalists themselves i think this comes from a lot of pressure from the u.s. i think. we've seen for eight years of joy in attempts to work with swedish authorities to. welcome to interrogate interview him and they have refused to. coming to london to call him. but the
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judge today flat out refused to even look at any of the mitigating circumstances refused to even. acknowledge that the un special rapporteur had. said that you know this the claim it was was i'm just what you say clark what do you say though to those people who said that julian assange just did avoid facing justice for seven years and that some punishment for skipping bail must be given to him. well i would say that joran has numerous times tried to work with the swedish authorities and your julian went to the authorities when he was in sweden the case was dropped. the result allowed to leave the country it was this very aggressive prosecutor omarion who. you know i think indictive lee also tried to. take him down
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under pressure from the u.s. and i think all along about her the underlying. story here and that is the story isn't it because because the focus of course clark is in a sentence the big week just gets even bigger thursday's u.s. extradition hearing how big a task do his lawyers have over this. oh i think it's david and goliath. it's certainly. the u.s. has wanted him for a long time. and there's there's not a lot that you can do i think that. especially when all of these judges when when all of these prosecutors when the state department and you have the u.s. government applying so much pressure they have such a biased vision of him and the fact is is they don't really care about the truth
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they don't care about people knowing what they should know about war crimes and crops and so forth and so it has nothing to do with. you know whether joy in isn't the writer of the wrong has everything to do with the pressure from the u.s. government because it seems to me that that sweden ecuador and the u.k. are all bowing to you know to the u.s. government just on sweden sweden is considering reopening its sex assault case against the suns which they threw out earlier will stockholm do you believe also look to make a move and does that in turn double the chance of extradition to the u.s. for joining us on. some of the you know extradition to sweden my actually be has his best case i don't necessarily believe it i i think that.
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in the end the u.s. will get what they want they're the biggest bully and they're going to be the ones that will fight to bring him to the states. but how that timeline works out is anyone's guess. but it seems that you know there are so many powerful entities that are trying to take him down and to silence him because they're afraid of the great journalism one hundred percent accurate journalism let he has done for the past decade and that is a real threat to the powers that be have you been in touch with julian of late it just in terms of how they use psychologically physically as well we know that a medical assessment showed that he had illness on both those fronts after he was taken out of the embassy with that in mind how might that impact on this extradition hearing do you think. so i met jordan for the first time in
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january. went to number c. of course and. he seems to be in pain. and he seems to have pain is pain in the shoulder. and you know the other thing was he was under twenty four hour surveillance which has to create a sense of paranoia a sense of depression and you know for nearly a year he was also isolated from friends family journalists visitors of all kinds. so i feel he has served whether ever sentence that these governments feel he deserves and. you know how i don't think that any government really cares about his well being and so i don't think that that will. be considered as
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a mitigating factor and the of these i want to talk we thank thanks for your time we got to leave it there but thank you so much for giving us a sense of. just signed on what his supporters are thinking wiki leaks activists charles stokely today live in the program. living on calling for a final phase and this will a self declared interim president one why do is the mounting another day of government protest this wednesday after initiating a so-called military are pricing in the capital the opposition leader has the full support of the u.s. once again with secretary of state mike pump a zero even suggesting venezuelan president nicolas maduro was ready to flee the country but was stopped by russia. it literally had nicolas maduro getting prepared to get on this airplane and head out of the country before stuff stopped really at the direction of the russians he was ready to leave this morning as we understand it and the russians indicated he should stay he said your daughter has
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a plane ready to go to cuba to flee and the russians took him off the plane i'm forbidden to leave the country misapply imperio please be serious because i knew very well echoing the sentiment the venezuelan foreign ministry branded mike pompei a statement fake news russia responded to accusing washington of launching a dissin from nation campaign journalists norris are gone it's reported from chooses clashes for us be aware though that some of the video at the very start of her report is this true. right.
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and i think like. the people right that are here. when plato opposition leader called this something terrible evil to wake up people on. our team. today brave soldiers brave patriots brave people who are following our constitution i'm sure in the cool today the armed forces are standing behind the people and the constitution. for. the people of nigeria you know there's nothing. like. the prestige of a particle of material well president who has now launched a probe into what he calls a legal attempt saying several people are being questioned he singled out a ring leader of the uprising who we saw just moments ago
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a prominent opposition figure leopoldo lopez the spanish government has confirmed that he is now off the country's embassy in caracas lopez is the following of volunteer popular the party that quite over leads he's seen as one of the key figures behind why does move to claim the presidency lopez was sentenced to thirteen years in prison in twenty fifteen for inciting public unrest but on choose to he was apparently freed from hoists arrest by his guards meantime the united states has banned american airlines from flying over venezuela saying it's true to political instability but with washington having stopped a series of sanctions continually really on the country right because he has been looking now what the u.s. means when it say's it stands with the venezuelan people. what a day why do so brazen attempted coup the violence on both sides
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the people even why do hanging and especially strange was what the united states had to say about it we need venezuela ruled by the people of venezuela not by extra forces do you think he may have missed the irony this the bolton who's done his damnedest to ensure regime change in venezuela whose country has championed regime change sanctioned venezuela frozen billions in state funds threatened it with invasion now he's saying no one should meddle that it's up to the days wayland's to decide course not what he meant is no one but america all options remain on the table we said it would be a big mistake for me dora and those supporting him to use force against innocent civilians mr bolton's deficient of innocent i think defers from the classic meaning
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look at these demonstrators with guns shooting at troops and police i suppose the bullets of full of love to if you dare hold these innocents accountable says mr bolton we might invade between the lines as thomas call a status where with you america will stand with you until freedom and democracy are restored by and can do yes. today interim president who i'm going to announce starts of a person that the u.s. government foolish supports the venezuelan people who in the quest for freedom and democracy democracy can be defeated what do you know they stand with the people never mind the sanctions and the misery for millions that they've caused i question is which people exactly do you say you stand with the few hundred machete gun wielding fellows that tried to stage a violent coup or the thousands upon thousands who concurrently marched in
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support of the venezuelan president maduro against this coup this is clearly not a coup we recognize one goh i don't know as the legitimate interim president of venezuela and just as it's not a coup when the president of the united states gives an order to the department of defense it's not a coup for wind why don't you try and take command of the venezuelan military your own father mr bolton one by due who was never elected doesn't control the military or ministries or anything he is the president but nicolas maduro the actual president supported by millions the military the ministries he's not the president see what i mean by strange it's almost like the bitter and banal things didn't go according to plan right because the of will anger of the united
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states pressure in venezuela is also in evidence in washington where protesters have surrounded the venice wheelin embassy staff left the building last week complying with a state department deadline no activists say they're blocking the consulate to stop new program i dosed off from getting in. so we are here twenty four seven living in here sleeping here working here from the day during the day in order to maintain our presence here in the building as a interim protective president will be the government of venezuela to find another protector for this building or into all the travesty she stops trying to orchestrate this clue so what this is about the u.s. government this is about state known to us in here ial isn't saying no to us intervention in the affairs of other countries saying that the us has no right to
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overthrow the government of another country we've seen it before and we are not going to tolerate it again. it seems britain is getting increasingly picky about which types of foreign business is good business the government is pushing for a change in the house of lords which would force peers to the clear whether they have dealings with russia or china during street ses it's simply about making the political system more transparent your political. what's more dangerous than dirty money red money from russia there are fears it could be flooding britain's upper house of parliament the house of lords the sunday times newspaper has done some digging it's published a list of what it calls loss goes men the lords benefiting from russian rubles. just like employees the lords half there's a clear their business interests and official register but unlike their colleagues
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in the lower house they don't have to say how much those business interests have them although the government is said to be thinking about changing that security minister ben wallace has warned that parliamentary rules need to be changed for the sake of greater transparency countries this seek to undermine the west target vulnerabilities in the politics and media the u.k. has a strong mainstream media that gives us better resilience the most but i'm certain that one of our we points is where we like transparency in our political system now a group of british politicians is pushing for a new law to counter foreign influence. britain needs a foreign agents registration act we need to know the individuals and companies that lobby or are politically on behalf of other countries and their proxies including those in international sanctions lists we need a publicly available list of p.r.
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agencies reputation management firms and others who do this work needs to include m.p.'s members of the house of lords some of whom have links to russian businesses the house of lords is an ancient and british institution the peers in there are an elected they've been selected by their political parties sometimes they blog controversial or unpopular bills drafted. and signed off on by the government and m.p.'s many have had a last serious careers and they turned to say what they think r.t. contacted the lord truscott was similarly unimpressed i do not unturned and wasting my time doing interviews on stories i regard as total rubbish by the tarnished murdoch press which if it can't find a story makes it up the times in the sunday times never let facts get in the way of trying somewhat desperately to boost their respective circulations with
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a dose of hysterical russian phobia but it looks like the government is determined to root out the bad or should it be read seethes from the british political field. more than two hundred and seventy election staff in indonesia have been literally worked to death that's the startling admission from election officials many reportedly died of fatigue after ten days of counting ballots by hand after the vote in mid april the workload was significantly greater this year because for the first time both the president and national and regional parliamentarians were elected on the same day.
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i brought my brother home so much rest and gave him some water to drink he felt very sick a free am i took him to the nearest hospital in the morning to be tortured. our deepest condolences to those who died who got sick well before madrid you took this action all workers with signs of fertik should immediately take rest so there will be no more victims in the future. you. delving deeper into perhaps the most famous report in the world version next petering das on artie's debate show
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cost. we have no political agenda here we just said if it if it costs more to get out then what you get when you get it out that's a called all loss it's a minus sign that's it if you can figure that out but you think there's a political agenda that you're blinded by your by. you know world of big partisan logs and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the
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middle for the truth the time is now for washing clothes for watching the hawks. this is go through a period of sort of the old i suppose the first bush but if. you're doing what you know well the minute that it wasn't i go to the. moon is its ability. to get into that all you want to go to the brink of an enemy that is said to be liberal still is that mean that you'll know paul. enough well it was pretty good way to lose a room kind of what you stand to which because you would only be on one but i come . near to you. your money. still on the lead here so my look for
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