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tv   News  RT  May 1, 2019 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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i. may day riots in france where police have been using tear gas arresting of three hundred thirty people in paris alone. the u.s. attorney general testifies in front of the senate over his handling of the moon a report findings as democrats demond with immediate resignation saying he misled the public. and wiki leaks founder julian assange is sentenced to fifty weeks in prison for skipping bail and twenty before spending the next seven years in london's ecuadorian embassy.
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watching r.t. international live from our studio with me welcome to the program may day is being a mom to around the world but in the french capital means move violence on the streets with one group of rioters calling their protest armageddon. reports from paris. thank you. thank you. i. well may day started with violence the school the protests the official protests even began those protests is. i'm about to move us up to wood's blast it's only
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one and a half hours before the official protest time as a result of that the police will walk them over about half a kilometer away stone to firing tear gas and pushing people back and use that opportunity to make arrests of the black blocks these the black blocks the interior minister christopher cast in a woman's about coming yesterday saying that they were going to be traveling to this protest to cool scenes of chaos to turn paris into a city of riots that's what we've seen for large parts of the protests all around plastic eataly which is the end of the official procession we have seen tear gas used to cannons use trying to put out vehicles that have been set on fire by some of the protesters and you can see a huge huge security force all around the perimeter all over this area just in the last few minutes before we came on i we saw some of the protesters looking like they were trying to make
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a barricade here something that we've seen them do elsewhere in the route as a result of that some of the mobile police forces came in with their batons hitting them and taking them away and detaining people but they're also being injuries today including of one russian journalist who was caught up in the fray at the very beginning over the protest clearly labeled on her that she was a t.v. journalist yet despite that due to the fact that she was in the middle of that foray a police officer apparently hit quite badly with a baton and she is now receiving treatment for her injuries one of many journalists injured in front in the last few months as the chelation protests have been taking place this of course is not to protest but the jle issue and have come out in force and we've seen several of the unofficial leaders taking part in the protests today so there's the filings we know about the. injuries what i would like to tell you is
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about that security service seven thousand four hundred security personnel all today in paris to try and keep a lid on this violence and i can hear behind me it sounds like we're getting from reuters come up as more of the protesters who are here for this may day protests are making their way to the end of this procession once again violence here in paris water cannons being used to gas the police out with their batons trying to push protesters away making those arrests and again we've seen injuries but let's not forget the protesters have also been damaging property in fact we saw a medical faculty with the university of sawbones that had its do was smashed in the last half an hour and we've also seen other evidence of destruction by some of the protesters today so once again another protest in paris that's descended into violence and chaos elsewhere may day rallies saw people turn over local causes
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italian police had to intervene when scuffles broke out between supporters and opponents of a planned high speed rail link with france and in turkey protesters were detained after they attempted to march despite a government ban over security concerns police had erected barriers around a square in central istanbul and blocked access roads. u.s. attorney general william bar is defending his actions over the release of the miller report findings in front of the senate that says the special counsel behind the russian investigators recently confronted bar over his assessment of the probe now democrats are calling for bars immediate resignation claiming he misled the american public over the results of the russia probe. attorney general barr misled the public and the american people and says it's time for d.o.j. to release the full report and all on the line docs and finally allow merlot. to
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fight americans deserve the facts bomb must stop standing in the way for anyone out there who still down today it is let's it shows that attorney general has always been the chief propagandist the president trump he's full page let's a totally misled congress and the public he should resign immediately many democrats were expecting that the special counsel report from robert muller would contain some kind of bombshell revelation that would bring down the trumpet ministration however the report came out and that was not the case so it seems that the democrats are blaming william barr the attorney general for that now william barr has been basically differently himself against allegations that he misinterpreted the probe's findings and that he undermined public confidence it's been a legend miller's letter that somehow he created confusion about critical aspects of the investigation but barr was pretty pretty stanton saying he didn't do anything wrong and this is william barr before the u.s.
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senate i asked him if he was suggesting that the march twenty fourth letter was inaccurate and he said no but that the press reporting had been inaccurate and that the press was reading too much into it and i asked him you know specifically what his concern was and he said that his concern focused on his explanation of why he did not reach a conclusion on obstruction. and he wanted more put out on that issue and now william bar has been adamant that donald trump did not obstruct justice he has stood by that that his assessment of the report from bob muller the special counsel report indicates that donald trump did not obstruct justice or violate the law and he's responded to quite a tough challenge when it comes to that point let's take a listen did you find that to be a persuasive act of obstructing justice. no.
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your figures for you are very destructive a former aide to tell the truth journal and recuse himself shut down the investigation and declare the president did nothing wrong. i don't think well obviously since i didn't find it it was obstruction i structure. well i don't know if that clears the president did nothing wrong although the president in terms of collusion did nothing wrong isn't that correct so it seems like even after the report of special counsel robert mueller saying there was no collusion the trumped russia story continues to persist now with democrats determined that they want further answers and that they are unsatisfied with the results of that investigation. wiki leaks founder julian assange has been sentenced in britain to fifty weeks in prison escaping ballantine to twelve with today's developments his capon change speaking outside something crown court in central london. julian
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assange was sentenced to fifty weeks in prison for breaching his bell conditions set in twenty twelve the judge there deborah taylor she said that the case was particularly serious and merited almost the full sentence which would have been a year she rejected the claims by his defense that she should also give him leave me and say due to the fact he do already spent seven years in the ecuadorian embassy while he was given the sentence julian assange or she was impassive standing there in the dock but his supporters up in the public gallery chanted shame on you as a sentence was passed julian assange his sentence for seeking and receiving asylum is twice as much as the sentencing guidelines the so-called speed boat killer convicted of manslaughter was only sentenced to six months for failing to appear in court june in a song should be in the ecuadorian embassy here in central london for almost seventy years and it's sort of silent there to avoid being extradited to sweden where he was wanted for questioning in relation to sex offenses well his defense
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attorney today mark some as he presented a letter that julian assange had written trying to explain the extraordinary circumstances in which he faced an oscar mitigating circumstances he said that he apologized unreservedly for not handing yourself into the all forty's but that he had feared being extradited to the u.s. way he lived in fear of potentially being on death row or even ending up in guantanamo bay it was my impression that the judge had written the. decision and written it out before you heard the mitigate it was that there was absolutely no consideration given to the very very convincing mitigating factors in this case so it's an outrage and we are shocked but there are other legal issues persons to see so this was just the first of two with the next one is tomorrow that's on thursday that's in westminster magistrate's court and that's an extradition hearing as part of his arrest on april the eleventh was also on behalf of the united states who want to have charged him what they see as conspiracy with chelsea manning. to
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download and distribute what they see as classified material this case even has always been about the risk of extradition to the united states and we now have a provisional extradition request from the united states the focus of our energies will now be on fighting medics tradition requests and that fight starts tomorrow while the cool case on says they expose expected to be extremely short very brief judy in the sarge expected to attend the viral video link but then the u.s. prosecutors are expected to provide more evidence more details about more charges later on in june. activists we heard from earlier told us the ecuadorian authorities could have had an ulterior motive for expelling aside from its embassy . leaks from within. government official leaks have indicated that there was a deal that the trump administration offered a favorable trade deal of economic benefits including debt relief to ecuador if
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the assignment was handed over and that is what appears to have happened but we haven't got that absolutely confirmed and obviously we're unlikely to because neither the top administration nor the ecuadorian government want to admit it unless we have a whistleblower who leaked the memo we won't know for certain but i suspect that it's all about a deal with the u.s. that lead to being evicted from their kid or an embassy in london in the u.s. will get what they wore they're the biggest and they're going to be the ones. to bring to the states there are so many powerful entities they're trying to take him . to silence because they're afraid of the great journalism hundred percent accurate journalism. for the past. and that is a real threat to the powers that be. in the story in over the last
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hour the u.k. prime minister has fired defense secretary kevin williamson after an investigation into a massive leak of sensitive information regarding the chinese telecom giant weiwei for the latest we can go live now to london with artie's isa allie's been following this story do we know exactly was triggered this response from theresa may. all we know thus far is that the prime minister has fired mr williamson and she's written a letter to the former defense secretary and in the course of that letter she says to him i put it to you that the latest investigate the latest information from our investigation provides compelling evidence suggesting your responsibility for the unauthorized disclosure and it goes on to say that the prime minister no longer has confidence in mr williamson to serve as the defense secretary now all of this is to
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do with a leak that came out of the national security council meeting here in the u.k. around whether the company the chinese tech giant why why would be providing five g. network services to the u.k. and when the information was leaked that why why would be involved in the five g. network an investigation was launched to find out who the leak was now of course there are many leaks which take place during a cabinet meetings ministers leaking and briefing journalists against other ministers or even against the prime minister but because this was a national security council meeting it was deemed to be a far more serious occurrence and so as a result there were security investigations taking place and it would appear that the blame is being laid at the feet of mr williams but he has since come out with an official response he's written a letter back to the prime minister denying any responsibility that he was responsible for the leak so it would appear now that there's
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a possibility according to some reports of a criminal investigation to see who was responsible for that and if mr williamson is fount of been guilty of leaving of leaking that information that he could be facing serious police action. nick thanks for the update on the reporting from london. calling for a final phase venezuela's self declared interim president one is demanding another day of anti-government protests this wednesday after initiating a so-called military uprising in the capital the opposition leader has the full support of the u.s. once again with secretary of state mike pompei is saying that washington isn't ruling out sending in troops. military action is possible if that's what's required that's what the united states will do. earlier pompei are suggesting that the venezuelan president had been ready to flee the country but nicolas maduro was told
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to stay put by russia literally. getting prepared to go on this airplane and out of the country before the start start really at the direction of russia he was ready to leave this morning as we understand the russians indicated he should stay he said. as a plane ready to go to cuba. and the russians took him off the plane and forbade him to leave the country. please be serious. russia responded as well is in washington of launching a this information campaign to demoralize venezuelans spoken to his russian counterpart about the crisis in caracas saturday lavrov said the united states interference goes against international law and could have serious consequences. in the meantime the united states has banned american airlines from flying over but as well as saying it's due to political instability but with washington having slapped a series of silence on the country more been looking at what the u.s.
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means that when it says it stands with the finest violent people. what are they why do so brazen attempted coup the violence both sides the people even go i do hanging in the specially strange was what the united states had to say about it we need venezuela ruled by the people of venezuela not by extra forces do you think he may have missed the irony this the bolton who's done his damnedest to ensure regime change in venezuela whose country has championed regime change sanctioned venezuela frozen billions in state funds threatened did. with invasion now he's saying no one should meddle that it's up to the day's whelan's to decide course not what he meant is no one but america all options remain on the table we
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said it would be a big mistake for me dora and those supporting him to use force against innocent civilians mr bolton's deficient of innocent i think defers from the classic meaning look at these demonstrators with guns shooting at troops and police i suppose the bullets of full of love to if you dare hold these innocents accountable says mr bolton we might invade between the lines as thomas call a status where with you america will stand with you until freedom and democracy are restored by and can do yes. today interim president who i'm going to announce start of a person. the government foolish supports the venezuelan people who in the quest for freedom and democracy democracy cannot be defeated what do you know they stand with the people never mind the sanctions and the misery for millions that they've caused
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a question is which people exactly the jew say you stand with a few hundred machete gun wielding fellows that try to stage a violent coup or the thousands upon thousands who concurrently marched in support of the venezuelan president. against this coup this is clearly not a coup we recognize one go i don't know as the legitimate interim president of venezuela and just as it's not a coup the president of the united states gives an order to the department of defense it's not a coup for one go why don't you try and take command of the venezuelan military your own father mr bolton one guy do who was never elected doesn't control the military or ministries or anything he's the president but nicolas maduro the actual president supported by millions the military the ministries he's
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not the president see what i mean by strange it's almost like the bitter and denial things didn't go according to plan thousands of people attended pro and anti-government rallies on wednesday with clashes erupting on the outskirts of the capital and quite damaged by calling for the largest protest in venezuela history to happen in the coming on tuesday violent scenes left around a hundred people injured jealous norris our god who is covering it for us in caracas and please be aware that some of the footage at the very start of.
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i. like. each other you. wouldn't cut a deal. with. the real. people. of today brave soldiers brave patriots brave people who are following our constitution i'm sure in the cool today the armed forces are standing behind the people and the constitution live. president launched a probe into what he calls an illegal attempt saying several people are being questioned he singled out
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a ring leader of the uprising who we saw moments ago prominent opposition figure leopoldo lopez the spanish government has confirmed that he's now at the country's embassy in caracas lopez is the founder of a volunteer and a popular the party that took why don't lead he's seen as one of the key figures behind quite a his move to claim the presidency lopez was sentenced to thirteen years in prison and twenty fifteen for inciting public unrest but on cheers day he was apparently freed from house arrest by his guards. anger at the united states pressure all in venezuela is also in evidence in washington where protesters surrounded the venezuelan embassy staff left the building last week complying with the state department deadline now activists say they're blocking the embassy to stop new probe why dosed off from getting in. but we are here twenty four seven living in here sleeping here working here from the day during the day in order to maintain our presence here in the building as
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a interim protective president until they believe the government of venezuela can find another protector for this building or in till the trying to destruction stops trying to orchestrate this who so i what this is about the u.s. government this is about known to us in here ial isn't saying no to us intervention in the affairs of other countries saying that the us has no right to overthrow the government of another country we've seen it before and we are not going to tolerate it again. it seems britain is getting increasingly picky about which types of foreign business is good business the government is pushing for a change in the house of lords which would force peers to declare whether they have dealings with russia or china downing street says it's simply about making the political system more transparent his political. what's more dangerous than dirty
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money red money from russia there are fears it could be flooding britain's upper house of parliament the house of lords the sunday times newspaper has done some digging it's published a list of what it calls men the lords benefiting from russian rubles. just like employees the lords half there's a clear their business interests and official register but unlike their colleagues in the lower house they don't have to say how much those business interests have them although the government is said to be thinking about changing that security minister ben wallace has warned that parliamentary rules need to be changed for the sake of greater transparency in countries that seek to undermine the west target vulnerabilities in the politics and media the u.k. has a strong mainstream media that gives us better resilience the most but i'm certain
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that one of our wee points is where we lack transparency in our political system now a group of british politicians is pushing for a new law to counter foreign influence. britain needs a foreign agents registration act we need to know the individuals and companies that lobby or are politically on behalf of other countries and their proxies including those in international sanctions lists we need a publicly available list of p.r. agencies reputation management firms and others who do this work needs to include m.p.'s members of the house of lords some of whom have links to russian businesses the house of lords is an ancient and unique british institution appears in there are an elected they've been selected by their political parties sometimes they block controversial or unpopular bills drafted. and signed off on by the government and m.p.'s many have had
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a loss serious careers and they turned to say what they think r.t. contacted the lords singled out by the sunday times for their response to allegations that there moscow's men. if you say someone is moscow you're really insinuating that they're almost a paid. paid. lobbyist for four for the russian government which is. a completely untrue and deeply offensive lord truscott was similarly unimpressed i do not intend and wasting my time doing interviews on stories i regard as total rubbish by the tarnished murdoch press which if it can't find a story makes it up the times in the sunday times never let facts get in the way of trying somewhat desperately to boost their respective circulations with
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a dose of hysterical russian phobia but it looks like the government is determined to root out the bad or should it be read seeds from the british political field. this is telecoms giant vodafone has denied that its fixed line customers in italy were exposed to a major security flaw in a decade ago the claim central network equipment made by the chinese firm while way bloomberg reports suggested china may have been able to get an authorized access to routers in homes and businesses here that vodafone's response the issues in italy identified in the bloomberg story were all resolved in date back to twenty eleven and twenty twelve bloomberg is incorrect in saying that this could have given a while way on authorized access to the carrier's fixed line network in italy. claims the revelations could further damage the reputation of weiwei which has been facing and remove accusations from the u.s.
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over ties to the chinese government and spying allegations both by way and beijing deny however journalists from the u.s. media outlets say they saw vodafone's confidential security report with their own eyes and it tells a different story a social media lawyer we spoke to suspects bloomberg report is politically motivated. a bug. is always important to a bomb. only to be unable. to be able to so. it will be quite unusual or. not mostly of a bug there is probably a. trade war between. these all those who are. suddenly. on board. which is of
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course an american completely then there have been some really. nice now i'll be back at the top of the hour with more updates please stay with the stove on r.t. international for going underground and a documentary called incarcerating us on our team u.k. . join me every thursday on the all excitement show and i'll be speaking to us in the world of politics sports business i'm sure business i'll see you there.
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time after time said welcome to a brand new season of going on the ground back on international workers day coming up on the show from hundreds of thousands killed by british backed bombs in yemen to tens of thousands dying due to british backed sanctions on venezuela we review the news that doesn't make me good natured mainstream media t.v. headlines with former mayor of london ken livingstone thirty three years since the chernobyl disaster a new book alleges the true death toll was covered up by the un the world health organization we speak to its author mit professor kate brown all this and more coming up in today's going on the ground before us today is a big day for anyone in the world conscious of this global multinational here using celebrities to promote clean energy initiatives.


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