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tv   News  RT  May 1, 2019 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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celebrations are drowned out across europe instead mobbed by mass rallies and violence and arrests. the u.s. attorney general testifies in front of the senate over his handling of the miller report findings says democrats did long to william balls immediate resignation saying he misled the public. and wiki leaks founder julian assange is sentenced to fifty weeks in prison for skipping bail and twenty before spending the next seven years in london ecuadorian embassy.
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it's one o'clock here in moscow and you're watching r t international live from last year with nina to you today welcome to the program may day is being up to around the world but in the french capital it means more violence on the streets with one group of writers calling their protest on the get and do reports from paris. thank. you. very. well may day started with violence before the protest the official protests even began those protesters tried to move from the
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mall print us up towards plastic it's really one and a half hours before the official protest time as a result of that the police blocked them off about half a kilometer away started firing tear gas and pushing people back and used that opportunity to make arrests of the black blocks these are the black blocks that the interior minister christopher cast in there warned about coming in yesterday saying that they were going to be traveling to this protest to cause scenes of chaos to turn paris into a city of riots that's what we've seen for large parts of the protests all around plus to italy which is the end of the official procession we have seen tear gas used water cannons use trying to put out vehicles that have been set on fire by some of the protesters and you can see a huge huge security force all around the perimeter all over this area just in the last few minutes before we came on i we saw some of the protesters looking like they were trying to make a barricade here something that we've seen them do elsewhere in the route as
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a result of that some of the mobile police forces came in with their batons hitting them and taking them away and detaining people but there have also been injuries today including over one russian journalist who was caught up in the fray at the very beginning over the protest clearly labeled on her that she was a t.v. journalist yet despite that due to the fire. she was in the middle of that for a police officer apparently hit quite badly with a baton and she is now receiving treatment for her injuries so there's the filings we know about the injuries what i would like to tell you is about the security service seven thousand four hundred security personnel only today in paris to try and keep a lid on this violence and i can hear behind me it sounds like we're getting some rightists come up as more of the protesters who are here for this may day protests
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are making their way to the end of this procession once again violence here in paris water cannons being used tear gas the police are out with their batons trying to push protesters away making those arrests and again we've seen injuries but let's not forget the protesters have also been damaging property in fact we saw a medical faculty with the university of so bone that had its dual smashed in the last half an hour and we've also seen other evidence of destruction by some of the protesters today so once again another protest in paris that's descended into violence and chaos elsewhere may day rallies so people turn over local courses italian police had to intervene in cheering and scuffles broke capital supporters and opponents of a planned high speed rail link with france and tensions were evident in st petersburg during a demonstration here in russia the people arrested around fifty people doesn't want
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to taint nationwide germany also bore the brunt of tens of thousands of protesters official say riot police sustained injuries as almost fifty people were taken into custody in burden. was there for us. this is the rally yearly something of a yearly event where tens of thousands of left leaning activists come to central bilin and march through the streets now this was supposed to be the final. ation of that march but obviously people well they didn't want to go and so we've seen perhaps under the influence and perhaps since they've chanted so many anti police slogans here they're finally putting some actions beside their words we've seen lots of lots of glass bottles being thrown around here at the police and this is the final point of this march and there will be but they just don't want to go away and we see the police detaining the instigators in basically trying to clear out
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this square and this story you can clearly see here is one of the instigators if you just point the camera over there this is one of the instigators being taken away they had a helicopter flying overhead that helped the police pinpoint who are the wrongdoers who are the instigators who are the people responsible for the violence now of course here we have very committed crews and the demonstrators unhappy with the actions of the police thousands of people tens of thousands of people have shown today on t.v. for activists and they've been chanting lots of anti capitalist slogans burning a flag. of course the police is telling people here to disperse basically what they're trying to do is they're trying to clear the square because the march is over officially but people they intend to stay so this is how it's been so far and hopefully no more violence. u.s.
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attorney general william paul is defending his actions over the release of the report findings in front of the senate that has this special council they have a russian station recently confronted by over his assessment of the probe now democrats are calling for boss immediate resignation claiming he misled the public american public over the results of the russian prez. attorney general baum misled the public and owes the american people on says it's time for d.o.j. to release the fool report and on the line docs and find in the end no myrna to testify americans deserve the facts bar must stop standing in the way for anyone out there who still down today it is let's a shows that attorney general has always been the chief propagandist the president trump he's full page let's it so easily misled congress and the public he should resign immediately and many democrats were expecting that the special counsel report from robert muller would contain some
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kind of bombshell revelation that would bring down the trump administration however the report came out and that was not the case so it seems that the democrats are blaming william barr the attorney general for that now william barr has been basically defending himself against allegations that he misinterpreted the probe's findings and that he undermined public confidence it's been a legend miller's letter is that somehow he created confusion about critical aspects of the investigation but barr was pretty pretty stanton saying he didn't do anything wrong and this is william barr before the u.s. senate i asked him if he was suggesting that the march twenty fourth letter was inaccurate and he said no but that the press reporting had been inaccurate and that the press was reading too much into it and i asked him you know specifically what his concern was and he said that his concern focused on his explanation of why he did not reach
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a conclusion on obstruction. and he wanted more put out on that issue and now william bar has been adamant that donald trump did not obstruct justice he has stood by that that his assessment of the report from bob muller the special counsel report indicates that donald trump did not obstruct justice or violate the law and he's responded to quite a tough challenge. when it comes to that point let's take a listen did you find that to be a persuasive act of obstructing justice. you know. your figures for you are very destructive a former aide to tell the truth journal and recuse himself shut down the investigation and declare the president did nothing wrong. i don't think well obviously since i didn't find it it was obstruction i struck off for you well i don't know if that declares the president did nothing wrong although the president
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in terms of collusion did nothing wrong isn't that correct so it seems like even after the report of special counsel robert mueller saying there was no collusion the trump russia story continues to persist now with democrats determined that they want further answers and that they are unsatisfied with the results of that investigation. we can least manage an insanity has been sentenced in britain to fifty weeks in prison for skipping bail in twenty twelve within today's developments his capon speaking outside said the crown court in central and. julian assange was sentenced to fifty weeks in prison for breaching his bell conditions set in twenty twelve the judge there deborah taylor she said that the case was particularly serious and merited almost the full sentence which would have been a year she rejected the claims by his defense that she should also give him leave me and say due to the fact he'd already spent seven years in the ecuadorian embassy
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or while he was given the sentence judy in a song she was impassive standing there in the dock but his supporters up in the public gallery chanted show you when you as a sentence was passed his sentence for seeking and receiving asylum is twice as much as the sentencing guidelines the so-called speed boat killer convicted of manslaughter was only sentenced to six months for failing to appear in court during the song should be in the ecuadorian embassy here in central london for almost seventy years not sought asylum there to avoid being extradited to sweden where he was wanted for questioning in relation to sexual offenses well his defense attorney today mark some as he presented a letter that julian assange had written trying to explain the extraordinary circumstances in which he faced and also mitigating circumstances he said that he apologised on reservedly for not handing him self into the all forty's but that he had feared being extradited to the us way he lived in fear of potentially being on death row or even ending up in guantanamo bay it was my impression that the judge
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had written the. decision and written it out before she heard the mitigate it was that there was absolutely no consideration given to the very very convincing mitigating factors in this case so it's an outrage and we are shocked. but there are other legal issues for signs to see so this was just the first of two with the next one on thursday that's in westminster magistrates court and that's an extradition hearing as part of his arrest on april the eleventh was also on behalf of the united states who want to have charge in what they see as conspiracy with chelsea manning to do data. load and distribute what they see is classified material this case even has always been about the risk of extradition to the united states and we now have a provisional extradition request from united states the focus of our energies will now be on fighting medics tradition. and that fight starts tomorrow the cool case on thursday express expected to be extremely short very brief judean the start
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expected to attend the viral video link but then the u.s. prosecutors are expected to provide more evidence more details about more charges later on in june activists we heard from earlier told us the ecuadorian authorities could have had an ulterior motive for expelling a solace from its embassy. leaks from within. government official leaks have indicated that there was a deal that the trump administration offered a favorable trade deal of economic benefits including debt relief to ecuador if. it was handed over and that is what he is to happen but we have an. absolutely confirmed and obviously we're unlikely to because neither the top administration nor the ecuadorian government want to admit it unless we have a whistleblower who leaked the memo we won't know for certain but i suspect that
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it's all about a deal with the u.s. that led to. being evicted from their kid or an embassy in london in the u.s. will get what they wore the biggest and they're going to be the one. to bring them to the states there are so many powerful and they're trying to take him. to silence because they're afraid of the great journalism hundred percent accurate journalism. for the past and that is a real threat to the powers that be. my son master is continuing in venezuela after president. an illegal coup attempt had been put down eighty people were injured in clashes on wednesday after opposition leader. supports to stage the largest protests in the country's history. i got one of.
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the. i we are going out to meet a square where a second day of protests is developing these protests were called yesterday by one group of military officials. military joint operation freedom yesterday also opposition leader. although lopez was freed after five years in prison at the moment he is in the quality of guest at this banesh embassy in caracas today also sixteen states are joining these protests called by one way don't you know their sons of this city because maduro also called on his supporters to celebrate belabors day in caracas and also the rest of the country yesterday we saw some fierce clashes between opposition protesters and some forces a seal loyalty class maduro.
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was. was the protests yesterday left not only blocked roads also burned cars and a big number of the. u.k. prime minister has fined defense secretary gavin williamson following an investigation into a massive leak of sensitive information regarding the chinese telecom giant weiwei auntie's has been following the story. well we know the last four is the prime minister has fired mr williamson and she's written. to the former defense secretary in the course about letter she says to him i put it to you that the latest information from our investigation provides compelling evidence suggesting your responsibility for the authorized disclosure and it goes on to say that so the
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prime minister no longer house confidence in mr williamson to the defense secretary now all of this is to do with a leak that came out of the national security council meeting here in the u.k. around whether the company the chinese tech giant why why would be proved. hiding five g. network services to the u.k. and when the information was leaked that why would be involved in the case five g. network an investigation was launched to find out who the leak was now of course there are many leaks which take place during cabinet meetings ministers leaking and briefing journalists against other ministers or even against the prime minister but because this was a national security council meeting it was deemed to be a far more serious occurrence and so as a result there were security investigations taking place and it would appear that the blame is being laid at the feet of mr williams but he has since come out
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with an official response he's written a letter back to the prime minister denying that he was responsible for the leak so it would appear now that there's a possibility according to some reports of a criminal investigation to see who was responsible for that and if mr williamson is found sort of been guilty of leaking that information that he could be facing serious police action. back to the crisis in venezuela where eighty people have been injured in a second day of mass and last crackers is condemned to what it calls an illegal coup that most u.s. media outlets have avoided that and they have been several opinion pieces are being that quiet quiet as push to claim power in venezuela is not to kill u.s. secretary advisor john bolton explained why washington takes down few. clearly not a coup we recognize one go i do know as the legitimate interim president of
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venezuela and just as it's not a coup when the president of the united states gives an order to the department of defense it's not a coup for wind why don't you try and take command of the venezuelan military. so as you just heard the u.s. strongly objects to the coup when describing white house attempt to claim power in venezuela and if we turn to the dictionary the word is defined as a sudden violent and illegal seizure of power from the government well we can do and discuss this with gabrielle alfonzo venezuelan american filmmaker and dan kadlec human rights lawyer famous for coming on to the program and gentleman. we'll start with you dan u.s. . no problem u.s. national security advisor john bolton said it is not a coup attempt in venezuela as the u.s. supports quide but how much weight do you think those words carry and how legitimate is it. they carry no weight the u.s.
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also supported general pivot shit in chile this the u.s. supports coup d'etat is all the time this is another example that one has no power under the constitution of venezuela the fact the u.s. recognized them recognizes him is of no import the u.s. recognizes him because he has already agreed to privatizing venezuela's oil in the interest of u.s. companies that's why the u.s. recognizes him and that does not make him with them it this is an unfolding coup that the u.s. wants to push forward and we have to remember by the way the u.s. supported the coup in two thousand and two against hugo chavez and we're reluctant to call it a coup back there the fact that the u.s. wants to use semantics to cover up what it's doing it doesn't change the fact that this is a coup gabrielle is it a coup is it not a coup. you know this is very important for the for context
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purposes to understand their wheel of the even as well and people in three million people escaping the country for. not only a better life. but life or in basic privileges lake clean water in food. the opinion of the united states is not the only opinion for all of the fifty countries recognize go as a legitimate president ninety percent of venezuelans do support also while your there are legitimate precedent and the law of the constitution of the news will also support his. presidency but does that does it still it with the situation as it is at the moment though gabrielle maduro is still in power isn't he. yeah and those are finishers are key to call and define movement to take control of the all the power to call it
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illegal. when people say you know a seizure of power illegal seizure of power the basic definition of a coup as a key element there is not illegal because. it has a legitimate power recognized by the international community overwhelmingly international community and by the venezuelan people who goes out in masses in even defied the bullets of them or the regime to support their gives him. shows you how much support. from from the people and also actions when he calls out generals from the army who are still loyal to the innocent people and the constitution of venice were sold that makes it the opposite of an illegal of writing down does it does it make it the opposite says as gabrielle suggesting
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because he's saying that and that quite there has the support of fifty countries they see him as an illegitimate and the support of some of the people in this well . yes well he's wrong of course he says fifty countries recognize one when there's about two hundred countries in the world that leaves and leaves one hundred fifty the don't recognize them the united nations does not recognize him at the time all the time want to clear himself president eighty percent of the people polled in venezuela said they didn't even know who he was six million people voted for nicolas maduro last may in a free and fair election that i observed you know how many people voted for one. none because he didn't even run for president this is a joke but it's not a funny one this is an attempt by the u.s. to get rid of
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a popular government in latin america like it is done so many times before this is illegal this is immoral and i can only hope it does not succeed than say you know you know saying it is but if we look at how western media outlets some western mean to have reported it they've they've joined bolton's words haven't they by excluding the word coon from their articles why are they doing this. if it is a coup this is this yeah well this is a classic case of orwellian doublespeak. the press has been awful on these types of issues they are supporting the state department in all of its adventures around the world including this coup in venezuela you know we have to remember the press has lied us into every war we've ever fought we have to remember the fake nonexistent weapons of mass destruction which the press happily pushed on us in the
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run up to the war in iraq the press also jumped on the gulf of tonkin attack which never happened which led to the doubling down in the war and vietnam time and again we were lied to by the press they are lying to us again. frankly it is it is incredibly disappointing gabrielle if we look at the twenty sixteenth of pointing. continue please. what word i was going to say is that it what is definitely not a joke it is people are kids in a stolen kids by the way speakers of a small american have my own mother there telling me personal stories so he has to choose between meals sometimes is going to be one meal today and between her and the people she care for she has to choose a meal that is something that is an undeniable fact not written as well and loosing
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fifteen pounds of weight in not by necessarily a diet and people being imprisoned by nor political prisoners by you know other than just you know these are agreeing with the government that's what's in moral in the us what used to be taken as a joke or likely an bottom line is that the venezuelan people do want out of their power and yes there were elections last year very much nontransparent and illegitimate with. department from from control of the voting being loyal of charges regime and now regime down if we if we go back to. the press and there's been a recent survey suggesting that there's been zero opinion pieces in two major american news outlets that support president maduro. a it's damaging for
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journalism in general to be so subjective surely but how damaging is it for for jenna's to pick sides like they seemed they appear to be doing. yeah well that's what's really troubling if you look at all the coverage on venezuela again i'll repeat six million people voted for him in may people are on the streets supporting medora that's undeniable there are people there that support him i have friends there contacts that support him you never hear their side worst or use never what you never hear from them in the press and so you get one side of the story and that is tantamount to misrepresenting the story meanwhile i want to say one thing it is true that there is some deprivation in venezuela but what gabriele doesn't mention is that according to the u.n. special expert dr alford desirous it's mostly because of the u.s. sanctions advent is way low which have killed over forty thousand people since
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august of two thousand and eight reason is not just with them is that so according to economists jeffrey sachs a very well respected economist you have a reason sanctions do not justify this offer of an us well and for more than ten years. in the provision to speak about then that's been going on for at least ten years the most it's not true. the most damaging part of it and the reason signs are do not just defy the plan in common the basic common me and the three million plus in this one it's gaping been as well or for other countries did not start when this actually started they started way before that. you know never was it a people out there is a living you know been here. but i'm going to go out of there now they are movies that are always going to rob them gabriele. and don i'm quite he's insisting that
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his movement is peaceful so why do you think he's trying to get the minutes to one side then. yeah it's not peaceful he's spinning ok only to numerous acts of sabotage within venezuela and yes he is trying to foment a military coup the incredible thing is the military's not following him by and large and there aren't huge protest asking for me to step down what the press and gabriela are claiming simply is not true if the people wanted bigger o.l. they could be calling for their dot by and large and yes. it is willing to use anything including military force to come to power that is very clear and he's been open about that and the u.s. government has been open about that constantly threatening military invasion in venezuela which by the way just threatening that is even legal under article two four of the un charter and so you know this is
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a lawless attempt at regime change we've seen it many times and is. galliano the great you're of wine writer once said every time the u.s. moves to save a country and he puts save in quotes it turns a country into either in an insane asylum or a cemetery and that is an undeniable fact and that's exactly what the u.s. is trying to do right now to venezuela gabriele we've seen protests is throwing wrong yes i mean as we've seen protests is throwing rocks and flares burning cars eighty people injured in clashes on wednesday alone so how peaceful all these demonstrations really. well tell you of so you know a peaceful for learn opposition do not have guns the only going center in the hands of the. militias called the people's this is.


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