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tv   News  RT  May 3, 2019 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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to kill time to sit. in. that empty chair greeted the house judiciary committee instead of the u.s. attorney general on the second hearing into his handling of the report into alleged russian collusion session was labeled a circus with one democratic member from. chicken bar should have shown up today and answered questions yesterday prove you're. still in the circus continued over here on world press freedom day the u.k.'s foreign secretary cues this travel of being a weapon of this information and weighs in on who exactly he thinks should be trusted. and animal rights activists in the bahamas raise the alarm as while swimming pigs become the latest tourist sensation on the archipelago local
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business is quick to profit. from the international just gone eleven i am here i'm daniel hawkins thanks for joining us. scenes in the u.s. congress after the man who controversially redacted the report into alleged collusion between trump and russia failed to show up for a grilling attorney general william boss not the hearing saying he'd already told senators say about his version of the report and democrat lawmakers who want to see the document in full theatrically a place to bars name caught in front of an empty chair congressman steve cohen then put a ceramic chicken on the desk as a symbol of the attorney general's cowardice and talking to some k.f.c. . do democrats want bars had to roll they're now mining charges of contempt of congress on. he's a little put in has the details. well
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a very short hearing on capitol hill as william barr the u.s. attorney general did not attend he did not show up for the hearing before the house judiciary committee that he was subpoenaed to testify before now representative gnabry who is the chair of the committee is now at this point considering bringing charges of contempt of congress against him for failing to testify when subpoenaed however republican legislators had a different opinion and argued that his testimony yesterday in the grilling he received from democrats was basically a circus and a charade and that he should not be obligated to continue going through that yes failed the men and women of the department of justice by placing the needs of the president over the ferry administration of justice and yes we will have no choice but to move quickly to hold you through the general in contempt if you store fails to negotiate in good faith mr barnes moment of accountability will come soon enough
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and i think that probably it can make one of the democrats scared of they don't know bill maher here today they've had the report they read it they don't like what's in it the still in the circus continues over here the department of justice has made a less redacted version of bob miller's report available to top democrats but these top congressional democrats now adler palosi and others have refused to read it and said that instead they want the entire report revealed to a wider audience share mainly to go look it what the attorney general offered him it's pretty amazing to me he wants to go in executive session ask questions about it but he won't go read it now things escalated from there members of congress basically tried to be somewhat the at trickle a bucket of fried chicken was displayed in order to illustrate the argument that that he was that william barr was chicken or cowardly for not attending furthermore they made a point of looking under the desk to make sure that william barr was not hiding under the desk in fear chicken bar he. showing up today and answer questions the
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black sox look clean compared to this team it's a sad day in a bear democrats are considering contempt of congress charges against barr but republicans are saying he did the right thing and that this is simply a politically motivated investigation intended to undermine the u.s. president the trump russia story persists with more hearings more testimony and possible contempt charges for the u.s. attorney general the congress in its capacity here is not really investigating malfeasance by the attorney general which is their job is oversight they're actually having some perry mason like. miller to investigation which will gain them nothing and the bar i think just basically said look six hours of this is enough i'm done they didn't want him to show up they made it impossible for him to come so that they could have the theater they had today it's about politics it's not about finding any wrongdoing that part is over now we have the political discussion the tiny tiny tiny portion that's not grand jury testimony that was actually redacted
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that's been made available to the committee and they don't want to look at it because as i said they want the theater that they don't want cooperation they're not looking for something bad they've decided there's something bad they make the bald assertion and that's good enough for them. now the report to the control was without a scene hillary clinton the defeated twenty sixteen democratic presidential candidate speak in an interview with m s n b c the former secretary of state of unimpressed by its findings that the truck company didn't clude russia and harking back to that campaign clinton can be cool little foreign power to hack the president. since russia is clearly backing republicans why don't we asked china to back us i hereby tonight ask china that's right and not only that china if you're listening why don't you get trump's tax returns i'm sure our media would richly rewards you now
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according to the mother report that is not conspiracy because it's done right out in the open this woman just can't accept that she lost her campaign all by yourself and just she's grasping and she just she's trying to be humorous she just doesn't understand humor but what she did wittingly or unwittingly is acknowledge that trump was joking for used to joke to mimic the joke that he made nobody believe trump was serious and that somehow calling for russia to do it i mean what what next we're going to we're going to call out from the from the podium hey russia why don't you go up this country that's annoying to us and like that's going to actually happen i mean this is they contrived these bogeyman and and that russian collusion hasn't borne out they won't let it go. weapon dissin from the broad cost of loy's. the u.k.
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foreign secretary during an event meant to celebrate ironically freedom of the press jeremy hunt also gave his views on where people should be getting their news from reports. the u.k.'s foreign secretary jeremy hunt has recently been championing press freedoms and to mark unesco's world press freedom day he's delivered a speech in which he talks about the future event independent media and he mentioned r.t. spoiler alert he wasn't exactly complimentary about the channel's walk. to believe truth is relative to. the kremlin official narrative jeremy hunt went on to cite the poisoning of the script that took place in seoul's brain last year saying that the kremlin came up with forty different versions of what happened and then it's weapons of dissent from asia and presumably that's russian media then went on to broadcast those narratives to the world their weapons or this
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information for the first difference. independent. using he also announced that in july london will host the world bust summit on media freedom something tells me that r t isn't on the guest list. it's reporting standards responding to her remarks pointed out the irony of championing press freedom while attacking the media we spoke to journalist martin summers who told us that freedom of speech is an off abuse. one level they claim to be in favor of freedom of speech and another level they complain when people say things they don't want to hear it's the usual hypocrisy really isn't it i mean lots of people believe in freedom of speech as long as they hear the things they want to hear is freedom of speech just to mean that everybody's allowed to say what they want to say and people can watch what they want and make up their own minds about
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what they think is happening the idea that you can control what other people say in this day and age is simply wrong and you know ultimately they're not going to get very far with this in the british government will probably conclude that there's not a lot they can do about this if you if the material you produce is hard quality then people are going to want to watch it or worries about the possible influence of russian media are currently high across the european union which is poised to hold parliamentary elections later this month will have more on that from a shot at doing ski in just a few minutes. and other news an alleged long time collaborator of wiki leaks founder julian assange is facing trial in ecuador a court in a country has just dismissed an appeal by the cyber security expert who was arrested in quito last month on the very same day assad was taken into custody in the u.k. all out binney is a well known free software developer and privacy activist is reportedly worked with wiki leaks in the past and really was arrested by ecuadorian or thirty's on charges
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of trying to hack computer systems in the country however his lawyers have dismissed the claims i as a politically motivated. now and not ever investigations will find they have been demonstrating what system it is supposed to act when he did it. where i mean what information that they were going to show to the world that the decision made here was a political one there were aspects of the hearing that i did not like for example the difference in time allocated we were granted just fifty minutes to talk with the prosecutors spoke for almost one hour and fifteen minutes more critically some of our arguments were dismissed by the judges. and julian assange himself is in a british prison after being sentenced to fifty weeks for violating the terms of his bail at making light of the kingdom he's also waiting is extradition to the united states where he's wanted for allegedly conspiring to hearken to classified government files and songs told
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a lot of court on thursday he would not surrender voluntarily to the americans. laurie love who was also accused of hacking into u.s. government computers told us a song as well being would not be governed he'd if he's extra nice and. i think he's going to have an uphill struggle everyone has an uphill struggle under us actually they should request because it's a very unbalanced treaty so the u.s. doesn't have to provide any evidence they just have to have their paperwork in with the presumption is able to it's exhibition we managed to win there's a lot of campaigning and a lot of support political support from the m.p.'s and support from journalist going to have a harder time because he's already out of this politically he's upset the establishment in the u.k. the establishment i would say is complicit in his persecution and we need to do everything we can as members of the public and supporters of this journalist or people involved in journalism to ensure that we do you know allow the injustice and isolation to happen in. the bahamas is
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a favorite offshore banking location among fat cats a part of opec also love the archipelago not for the tax breaks but for the clear blue waters wild hogs with a penchant for swimming have become its latest tourist attraction. did they have skated on a ship wrecked or were they brought here hundreds of years ago. explorers they are truly one of nature's most amusing accident. but cute as all excitable rights activists have been raising the alarm they claim locals are mistreating the pigs and exploiting them for profit for example by throwing them into the water for the amusement of tourists kim around her from the bahamas humane society says it all comes down to ignorance. i think the stupidity. is your only ignorance that we see the same for. all over the world we have seen in many many video clips of tourists trying to feed
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them. but we've seen pictures of people trying to ride on their backs throwing sand teasing them or what tour operators offering the chance to swim with pigs have defended their business saying that all these are harmed local officials though plan to introduce new legislation to regulate the industry killer unca again thinks legislation hasn't gone far enough. people need to know how to behave around them and they need to be careful and then needs to be someone who is what should and who can stop people from behaving in appropriately and unless there is adequate surveillance now. there are no regulations here in the bahamas to protect the pigs from the stupidity of humans. and with the semifinals of the u.a.e. for champions league at the halfway stage shaw stop on it football coach gives his
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thoughts on the first and second legs he can also tell us about children nowadays dreaming of becoming football managers not just players you can watch the full episode of on the touchline here on r.t. throughout the day and also any time of course at our website r.t. dot com. before it was very rare for a kid to dream of being a football manager and. every kid that was in love with football wanted to be a foolproof. the process was changing it was changing. i think i have a little bit of responsibility young on that you can study to be the c.e.o.
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. of a company that people can study to be you were a person can be to be anything a person can also be to become a football manager the one scene is. in front of a screen and allies in that again live and saying now i will pick this one and that will put that one can you on the touchline have the same state of mind to be calm to be analysed to to read the game everybody in the world knows more about football than us is the only job where. the people knows more then the specialists and thank god is like that because that's the reason my food will get these award these i'll can i see it to my son. and the kid in the world don't do it if you love needs and if you feel you can you can do it so. if you
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have. a dream like i have. that's go. it has nothing to do with the propaganda that the daily mail is pushing but when
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you have a population that might be susceptible to propaganda they can easily be manipulated into thinking that fracking is something other than what it is it's not economically viable it costs more to frack then then then you make an profit it's cash flow negative it's also environmentally negative you destroy the environment incredibly. welcome back to the program of the united states is set to continue its support for the saudi intervention in yemen soften the senate failed to overturn president trump's veto of a house resolution on ending u.s. engagement in the conflict saudi arabia is eight despotic dictatorship
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that works over time to prevent any movement in that country toward democracy this is also about squaring u.s. policy with national security interests and getting the blood off of our hands we ought not give unflinching unwavering unquestioning. devotion to a regime that treats its own people that way the house passed a resolution back in april with even sixteen republicans among those voting in favor however it was vetoed by donald trump who dubbed it a dangerous attempt to weaken his constitutional authority saudi arabia launched its bombing campaign in yemen back in twenty fifteen against two three rebels who riyadh views as terrorists incursions resulting of what the u.n. describes as the worst manmade humanitarian crisis on earth.
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he says it is a business. and if he has to deal with a murderous regime he will continue to do so. here is no compunction. morally or with any regard to human rights to in their relationship he sees it strictly as a transactional relationship to give us cannibalism going to fuel us industry and the u.s. military bar he has no human rights concerns for him and of course isn't the only country where civilian lives have been ravaged by war in syria many orphans have
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been forced to adapt to life on the streets are to visit a damascus and medical profile most children now being exploited by criminal gangs . and i still have a sack. only . in thirty but.
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in less than a month the european union is holding parliamentary elections campaigns have been enormous across the block to try and get people out to vote.
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some countries are also bracing for what they fear will be russian attempts to meddle in the election they also admitted the result would be affected by any such interference our correspondent looks at the pre-election efforts. as the eve. stead of focusing on what's happening within its own borders some countries are more concerned with what russia is or isn't doing for example the most recent one this campaign website which is part of an official e.u. initiative called the european external action service it claims those pesky russians try to push especially agenda to divert e.u. citizens from the righteous way of voting on the agenda there are things like the last e.u. states so when t. narrative as well as in the popular one people versus the elites in denmark one thing tank is so concerned it's created
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a website on how to recognize russian disinclination except if you read closely the site it may. not yet been seriously affected by descent from asian we need to be prepared for this kind of warfare offering perhaps the same mentality as that during the cold war but you just have to have had an underground bunker or come the nuclear apocalypse you would be toast and there are warnings but no one is more looking forward to the elections than russian president vladimir putin yes that's right the pressing urgency of ensuring even citizens know that the kremlin bad guy is out to influence their vote means all forms of warnings are being instigated even caught. up. by even on a. list. getting
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. to the top so even citizens really believe that a democratic process is under threat from russia. not a free. i'm not concerned about that personally but i'm pretty sure it will happen . no maybe a little. i'm not personally worried about it but i think it happens however it seems like the real issue here isn't misinformation it's actually a problem with good old real information within easy study showing that actually only five percent of europeans actually knew when the elections were taking place. r.t. paris from the team and myself had set for this hour join us again at midday moscow time to get the latest global news update.
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you know one. number one. total. not me we didn't. all. go to the post gets to move for yoko to. you know world of big part of the lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the
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middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely for watching the hawks. this is a period of sort of the old i suppose it's just pushed right it's. like yeah well the minute you did it wasn't i go to the. losing is its ability. to get into that all you want to go to the but you know none of that is that liberal still is bad. enough but well it was pretty good way to lose a. lot of what used to which because you know i would only be done when i come in. here do you really mean. you know did you storm the lead here so my look down from moods should that should you. in the cloture coconspirators america.
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they can come and blow our brains out at any given time if we can't really do anything actually america is the only country in the world where you can kill people outside of war and legally get away with. all the fire crawls still birria all the trouble here's briefly all the points it's hollow ploy to k.k.k. exists because america wants it to exist they are the biggest terrorist group to destroy the world trade centers are those growth why. why. why.
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i'm. here. and. maybe anything.
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hello and welcome to cross talk we're all things considered i'm peter lewis well what drives american foreign policy at its core is really about furthering national interest is there an ideological foundation that is the driver we're told it's all about democracy or is it really all about power and the purposeful denial of agency of others on the international stage.
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cross talking american foreign policy i'm joined by my guest max blumenthal in washington he's the editor of gray zone dot com as well as author of the new book the management of savagery how america's national security state fueled the rise of al qaeda isis and donald trump also in washington we have james chatteris he's a former u.s. diplomat and former advisor to the u.s. senate republican leadership all right gentlemen crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate where we're getting set up here i noticed you have your book can you just lift it up and show our audience here it's fresh off the press. and it must i must admit of savagery i must say it must be a good book because i've already heard that you've been deeply formed during talk about your book so it must be good ok so that's already.


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