tv News RT May 3, 2019 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT
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the phone call lasting baldwin an hour in talks to his american counterparts about pressing global issues among them the unrest in venezuela the situation around north korea and the possibility of a nuclear. runs into this is accused of lying after claiming made a protest the staff of the paris hospital. as a u.s. congress woman slams u.s. sanctions for causing the crisis in venezuela the congresswoman herself islam by the secretary of state. comments disgusting. facebook is against the guise of censorship after banning prominent anti establishment figures from
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this platform branded with a dangerous. welcome this is r.t. internet. russian president vladimir putin has talked to his u.s. counterpart on trump following a phone call initiated by the white house his aunty's you can start with. we do know that the conversation lasted around ninety minutes so a long talk from the first but when you think of it and realize that it is the two leaders of two of the world's superpowers discussing the most pressing issues on the agenda well it doesn't sound like a long anymore so what did they talk about we do know that the talk was highly heavily dominated by the situation in venezuela and certainly a lot for the two leaders to discuss specially it's not just to leaders but to geo political right. evils in this sense because russia of course is supporting nicolas
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maduro the incumbent president saying that he is the legitimate ruler who was elected and washington supporting one y. deal and trying to oust nicolas maduro so obviously vladimir putin and donald trump try to look for common ground and we do know that they have agreed at least on one thing and that is if any transition of power was to take place in venezuela it should be very very peaceful soul no arms no interventions nothing of the sort it seems that. donald trump do see eye to eye on that also they discussed the situation in north korea and that is particularly interesting of putting put in context because vladimir putin did me to north korea's supreme leader on just last week and we also know that. did somewhat to vent his frustration with the way washington chooses to do diplomacy with his country and vladimir putin apparently
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made something of a promise to pass those concerns to the american side of course no way of telling whether or not that was done during that phone conversation also the situation in ukraine got into the spotlight during the talk and worldwide i'm appalled and did make an emphasis of the minsk agreement should be implemented that there should be more focus on how these agreements are being implemented and it is of course something known as the minsk peace process and which is an internationally recognized and agreed on road map to restoring peace in ukraine to ending this bloody civil war that is basically tearing the country apart all saw the situation around the release of the report could not be over looks of the two leaders briefly discuss this but the key word as briefly as apparently they chose not to focus on that to have really now both were. intern and mosque or how absurd that they are
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finding this phone conversation to be a very productive one and indeed it is a very interesting introduction to the upcoming meeting of the country's two top diplomats circular and america's might compare your said to talk to each other as soon as next week in finland and saw maybe something else will come out of today's phone conversation after those talks. france's interior minister is being branded a liar after claiming anticapitalist third attacked star for the paris hospital during a may day rally that turned ugly the videos and eyewitness accounts of the incident suggest they were actually taking cover from riot police who were firing tear gas to show the dubiously reports from the french capital. violence on may the first has been well documented in one of the most shocking stories that emerged from that violence was these allegations particularly by frances interior minister that actually some of the rioters and those protesters were trying to attack
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a hospital trying to attack the stores and trying to enter into that hospital and this particular hospital was actually a surgical intensive care unit and there was descriptions of the patients inside saying that they were quite scary situation many of them were intimidated some ventilated and that the staff had him rickly try to fight off that attack of those protesters entering into the site this is what france's interior minister had to say about that event. the pity petrea hospital was attacked its medical staff were attacked and the police officers sent to protect them was hurt unshakable faith in our security services they are the pride of the republic well that's his version of events but in a twist going on here social media has been flooded with videos showing exactly what happened on the ground in that hospital and actually what we've seen from those videos and social media some of which were actually taken by members of staff
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inside the hospital don't show what the interior minister said happened in fact what they show is that the c.r.s. the security forces with charging at protesters those protesters were fleeing from the security services and as such they were seeking refuge inside the hospital not just for that charge but also because of the tear gas that had been deployed in the area so a very different version of events as such opposition politicians here in france have described christopher cast in it as being a liar and some of them have even called for his resignation if it was a deliberate lie in turn and soley to do in turn issue a social movement then the interior minister should be fired with are doing. kristoff. shamelessly and manipulated the press to spread these lies enough is enough given the facts he has no choice but to resign well in other developments
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coming out of that may day protests in france it's also that there's video showing the police offices actually picking up paving stones from the road and throwing that towards protesters now we know that this is a weapon of mass that the protesters have used so many months during the yellow vest protests and indeed on the may day but this is the first time in paris we've seen evidence of the police using what essentially is an sanctioned weapon against the protesters it begs the question whether the police are the ones who inciting the violence and instead of trying to control the situation they're actually poor ring oil on the fire. meanwhile hospital staff are spoken to the media describing the moment when made a protesters rushed into the facility still a moment a number of them startled us at first but very quickly they started to listen some
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try to calm them down it's a hospital calmed down they understood that we couldn't lead the man and now when it comes to finding someone to blame we don't know there's nothing to say i think when you take part in a protest things always get a little bit out of hand and that's the weight is new person on the piece there were so room for us we didn't see any black blocks we saw some yellow vests who were in a panic going in all directions there were about ten of them they went up the stairs and at the door they asked for something for their eyes which they said were stinging we saw no signs of forced entry doors or anything some colleagues did go to treat the right. war of words has broken out in washington after a democratic congresswoman ill her no ma blamed the u.s. for the ongoing political crisis in venezuela prompted a slap down from secretary of state. a lot of the policies that we have put in
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place has helped lead the devastation in venezuela particular bullying in the use of sanctions to eventually into lean and. make change really does not help the people of countries like venezuela for a member of congress who frankly one who sits in important national security committee to make a statement blaming america first this way it's not only ignored it's discussed with january the u.s. impose strict sanctions on venezuela's. venezuela's biggest oil producers according to u.s. national security advisor john bolton the sanctions will free seven billion dollars worth of company assets and lead to a loss in oil exports of more than eleven billion over the next year the jump of ministration has been piling on the pressure. the brutal repression of the venezuelan people must stand most soon people are starving they have no food they
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have no water and this was once one of the wealthiest countries in the world so we wish them well we'll be there to help and we are there to help. venezuela's president nicolas maduro claims of the opposition attempted to walk a straight a coup recently to oust him from power military forces remain loyal to the president or hundreds of thousands of people marched in a show of support for people died in clashes between antigovernment protesters and the police. early spring a guest joined on by guadeloupe who's an associate professor in policy in government george mason university great to have young graduate without long to the story the. congresswoman speaking out against u.s. foreign policy u.s. sanctions and the way the what she described as being attempted regime change itself in venezuela the secular state called the words disgusting what are you most
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surprised about in this story. and i am. a bit surprised of the fragmentation that the bishan within the u.s. society. are mars elana mar the congresswoman from minnesota has there he has that definitely you know putting the finger in a very important point and it's true that with sanctions who who are suffering right a country that that's that interested in intervening in another country for the sake of men taining their geopolitical interests or the natural resources or controlling the natural resources and exercising pressure through sanctions put people under extreme stress however i. the same time of morris not mentioning the harm that my little himself and his group of corrupt military officials has done to
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venice while i here we have two groups being supported by two big powers that are really explaining the whole thing but not i mean no side can can can be at the center either you criticize american intervention or you criticize or you support the other the other side. by the region so a lot of maher is you know is showing that there is said to be should also within the united states regarding the approach of the united states itself so the united states with its approach is also dividing of the country however omar is not also recognizing the other side of things what a mother or a king has also how it has also affect that its people that i mean i cannot attribute all the all the problems in venezuela to the sanctions imposed by the
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united states there i appreciate your point it sounds like you saying none of people looking at both sides of this situation may be talking trump is because his position i thought was quite clear but was just recently he said that the us will help venezuela which was somewhat surprising what exactly do you think he's implying. could you repeat the question again well i don't know sorry i don't hear but i was just recently said that he will help venezuela just what do you think he meant by that. helping us well or which group of venice well what how is he trying to help and us well by by interbreeding through the military or just helping the opposition that has never been able to put together a plan or to really represent the whole bit as well and people i am not i'm not
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sure what is he talking about when he's talking about help maybe he's talking about intervention or the iraq that direct influence in the country it's not very clear nobody needs to be helping venezuela any country i would think that he would be that the best thing to do would be for really to help to get out of it of of he of here and also by the will to get out of the country i mean both the united states and mother supports mother will was just made to leave the country alone other people could choose another person because my thought of creates deviation and the united states helping instead of helping is really promoting. i mean what what seems to be coming a lot of balance and you know. kind of a war that wouldn't be that wouldn't be a help to the country neither to the hemisphere i am very worried i am very worried and nobody is caring about the venezuelan people the people that are fleeing the
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country the ones that are remaining in the country. is not either helping his people by stay we have to come to terms we have to i mean to forget about the two sides and we have to come to the center mother and it's to leave but also the united states does not need to intervene so i'm very interested to know what you think is the opposition leader one goto the right amounts to the country forward and how does he get into power if he doesn't have the backing of us interference. no no why dog and my daughter need to leave why. though is the representation of the interest of the united states in venezuela he has been negotiated with them this is this is one of them are poppets in my view i've told my daughter i know why the contracts that are interested in a natural resources of the country nobody is interested in the people on the real stability of this country one way or it's not the person to lead the country and
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that's why it's very difficult i mean this is for me it would be a deal option just to take out of the picture wave all above the law bit and the opposition that has also harmed very much of the country backed by the united states but also my daughter are in the military people who have also also take their resources for themselves and just convert that this country into a clip talk recy we are leaving you know you know a very complicated situation neither side is right both sides have not held been a swell up but one way the definitely if not the person to lead this change because of the because of their history and because of their connections that it has hard with the united states and we know that the united states both the united states and russia have been very interested in becoming involved in this country for many reasons i would i would suggest that everybody you know takes hands off of
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venezuela and allow people to choose a different leader there is literally that the people in latin america and our countries with life we don't need any anybody who help us or to intervene or help one we need to be kept to a long and often as well it sounds like it could be a good slogan that many thanks for your time guadalupe guadalupe. is my guest associate professor in policy and government george mason university and. on to other news now facebook is prominent conservative figures from its platform citing paul. dangerous individuals and organizations the ban also applies to facebook and instagram and most of the people on that list have prominent media profiles including the likes of alex jones with his website info was exploited bart user is a my lawyer not political activist laura lumet more of anyone who promotes their content on social media will be facing
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a similar fate facebook underlines that it's always banned individuals or organizations promoting or engaging in violence and hate regardless of ideology but you tube reporters have watson who's also been banned by the social media giant claims that the move is purely politics i was given no reason whatsoever for being banned by facebook or instagram this is punishment this is a political purge this has nothing to do with hate all violating terms of service yesterday ever wrote an article about how i was leavin in a digital gulag on holocaust remembrance day and today even though i am a zionist and have dedicated my life to competent jew hatred these nazis in silicon valley banned me. facebook's action a spontaneous censorship debate with some saying the company should ban more people as though a warning of repercussions for free speech every conservative should be concerned about alex jones prison planet and others getting an orbiter rebound from facebook
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platforms you on ics to censorship is entering a new more hysterical face soon there will be no right wing activists or commentators laughed how bar jack benny donald trump from twitter for violating the company's rules against hate and violence so much damage already done so many demented and delusional followers have been radicalized in many plaited by cards facebook and horace quiney of british think tank the bow group thinks the facebook suppressing one side of the political debate and therefore the company should face regulation. they're reacting to the election results like the brits if they like the election of donald trump and it would appear that they feel there's a company that they want to put themselves on the side of the debate they need to be regulated as such as it is a political actor in the debate rather than
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a platform for three debate which i think it's now very clear they are not facebook very clearly putting themselves on one side of the political debate it is absolutely to tell ministry speak because they're saying these individuals are dangerous well many people like myself see them as perfectly reasonable act in a political debates they have huge following across a variety of platforms facebook is clearly pushing itself as a political act why is expecting the regulation that other media companies face. to the u.k. now where opposition m.p.'s are calling for an official inquiry into the alleged leak of secret plans by sacked defense minister govern williamson prime minster treason may insist the matter is now closed and this firing she says is only due to her loss of confidence in him police boyko explains this was a man of course who had huge political ambitions it was said that he wanted to work his way to the very top to succeed to reason may but his fall from grace appears to
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have been even faster than a sort of fast track to success to resume a satire as offense secretary earlier this week she accused him of leaking highly sensitive information i pity you delayed us information from the investigation which provides compelling evidence suggesting your responsibility for do an authorized disclosure i can no longer have full confidence in you as secretary of state for the fence and a minister in my cabinet and ask you to leave her majesty's government kevin williamson is calling for a criminal investigation into the leak in order to establish his innocence he's sworn on his. kids' lives that he wasn't behind the leak there are now rumors in westminster that williamson could be out for revenge that he's got enough on the prime minister to bring her down to he's been working at the top level of cabinet the highest echelons of power for
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a few years now he was eventually brought into cabinet as defense secretary way he was rather outspoken and. frankly russia should go away the true church. and straight to hear things. that we thank you. for that he wrote this in the thirty's. indeed we take a carrot and stick to the right. person the i don't look like the stick. but it is amazing what's come be achieved with a sharp and to heart you can see that gavin williamson wasn't without his quotes he was famous in parliament for keeping
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a pet tarantula named crudeness on his desk and he has been posting rather a lot on social media in fact he's quite prolific keep posted since his sacking a photograph on instagram with his two pet dogs saying that it's been a really tough week but it's all ok when you get to come home to your pets says he's going to have a lot more time for them now he's now been replaced by the u.k.'s first ever female defense secretary penny mordant she's a royal navy reservist and fun fact she once worked as a magician's assistant now looking at the diet local. election results today i am with gregg's it still dragging on and with williamson refusing to shut up and go away perhaps to reason may is hoping that some of penny mordant from magic will rub off on her. alleged long time collaborator of wiki leaks
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co-founder julian assange will remain in pretrial detention in court or of course in the country is dismissed an appeal by the cyber security expert who was arrested in peter last month from the same day that the science was taken into custody in the united kingdom or binney is a well known software developer and privacy activist he's reportedly worked with wiki leaks in the past when he was arrested by ecuador and forty's on charges of trying to hack computer systems in the country however his lawyers claim that the case is politically motivated. now and not ever investigations will find they have been demonstrating what system it is supposed to work out when she did it. where i mean what information but they were going to show to the world that the decision made here was a political one in time allocated we were granted just fifty minutes to talk with the prosecutors spoke for almost one hour and fifteen minutes more critically some of our arguments were dismissed by the judges. julian assange himself is in
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a british prison after being sentenced to fifty weeks behind bars for breaking bail terms is also awaiting trial over a request for his extradition to the united states where he's wanted for allegedly conspiring to hack into classified government files sas told him on the court on thursday he wouldn't surrender voluntarily to the americans activist lori love that was also accused of hacking into u.s. government computers police of the songs will have a huge battle ahead of him. i think he's going to have an uphill struggle everyone has an uphill struggle under us actually this request because it's a very unbalanced treaty so the u.s. doesn't have to provide any evidence they just have to have their paperwork in order the presumption is a view only towards extradition if we manage to win like there's a lot of campaigning and a lot of support political support from the m.p.'s and support from journalist jill is going to have a harder time because he's already out how can i put this politically he's upset the establishment in the u.k.
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the establishment i would say is complicit in his persecution and we need to do everything we can as members of the public and supporters of this journalist or people involved in journalism to ensure that we do you know allow the injustice and exhibitions up in the. united states is expected to continue its support for the saudi military intervention in yemen the senate's failed to overturn president drums a veto of house resolution on ending washington's involvement in the war. so already a radio is a despotic gift kadish ship. that works over time to prevent any movement in that country toward democracy this is also about squaring us policy with national security interests and getting the blood off of our hands and we ought not give unflinching unwavering unquestioning. devotion to a regime that treats its own people that way the house passed
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a resolution opposing involvement last month with sixteen republicans among those voting in favor but it was blocked by donald trump who dubbed it a dangerous attempt to weaken his constitutional authority riyadh launched its bombing campaign in yemen back in two thousand and fifteen against the three rebels in riyadh visa's terrorists the incursions resulted in what the u.n. describes as the worst manmade humanitarian crisis on the planet. this is it is a business. and if he has to deal with the murderous regime he
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will continue to do so. here is no compunction. morally or with any regard to human rights to in their relations. he sees it strictly as a transactional relationship to give us careful isn't going to fuel us industry and the u.s. military bar he has no human rights concerns. one of the strongest cyclons in recent history has battered the eastern coast of india three people have been killed more than a million the been evacuated as many as ten million people are potentially in the cyclons path two hundred kilometers or kilometer an hour winds have been recorded along with heavy rainfall this brought down trees and power lines. more than four thousand emergency shelters have been set up in an attempt to cope with the huge
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numbers being evacuated bangladesh is now bracing for the cyclons impact as it moves its way north along the coast. the bahamas is renowned for its beautiful beaches sparkling water and increasingly it seems swimming swine pigs that love to paddle are becoming an attraction all of the right did they excrete off of a shipwreck or were they brought here hundreds of years ago by pirates explorers they are truly one of nature's most amusing accidents. but cute as they might look at animal rights activists are raising their a little alarm over this situation claiming that local businesses mistreat the pigs and exploit the for profit for example by throwing them into the water just for the amusement of tourists in iran or from the bahamas humane society says it all comes down to. i think the stupidity with the animals is purely
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ignorance that we see the same for. all over the world we have seen in many many video clips of tourists trying to feed them. what we've seen is of people trying to ride on their backs throwing sand using the. tour operators offering the chance to swim with the pigs have defended their business saying the animals aren't harmed popularity of the original feral colony has seen a host of other related distractions spring up the authorities now promising to regulate that side of the tourism industry came around again once greater oversight . people need to know how to behave around them and they need to be careful and then needs to be someone who is watching who can stop people from behaving inappropriately and unless there is adequate surveillance no i don't think it can stop they don't all have different shelter they don't have adequate fresh water and they are.
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