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tv   Redacted Tonight  RT  May 4, 2019 12:30pm-1:01pm EDT

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they also said this was years in the making yeah the economic crisis in venezuela has been years in the making our make anger. we've been crushing this for years you can always get it in the case of us where we were able to get it to the people who needed it but there are still denying food to the starving in medicine to sick children i saw some of those children yesterday who had crossed the border into colombia it's truly tragic man job at the heart of the. for the. for the venezuelans who genuinely need food medicine or water it's because the u.s. has cut off their ability to get it a new report by. the new report by the center for economic and policy research says u.s. sanctions have killed forty thousand people in venezuela since just twenty seventeen don't see many mainstream media reports on that it's about time we had programs with infomercials designed to protect people from the u.s.
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aid. you in the line of fire of american aid missions we can't help you we've all been hurt by american help at one point or another sign up for protection from american help today. these sanctions are not sanctions they are economic war they were meant to kill but on let's let's let's back up a little let's assume you don't know anything about it as well all or even iran or syria none of it does anyone in the world believe the trumpet ministration is really worried about sick children this. is in fact a question at the heart of all the as they drive over on hundred bombs a day many of them on children do you honestly believe chris farley over there. is standing at
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a. growing oh hold those venezuelan nino's get my magazine. that's like asking marlon brando if he cared about the quality of the cinematic art form when he was playing superman father. no he cared about the four million dollars. reporters were like marlon what's your favorite part of the movie four million dollars. but there was one other moment when pompei a was honest he says the point of sanctions is first and foremost to help the united states these sanctions are never something we do with glee and we do them only as a means to try to achieve an outcome that's good for the united states and good for the world. as an idea if what's good for the united states and good for the world
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is for us to leave other countries with a lower how bad that was you know why didn't they thank you even we gave it a try they don't think a really good thing i wonder if anyone's ever tried it. play some more. you know there are those who think that assad has prevailed i. don't know that there's a need to declare winners and losers but the facts on the ground are that today assad rules over a very broken country with six million displaced persons he controls depending on how you count it a third to forty percent of the real estate of of syria. much of the oil wealth the thing that is driven syria's economy for an awfully long time is not in the control of the assad regime this is. literally just said sure assad is still in power but we stole their oil and killed their people and destroyed their country. so we win.
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that's the thing these people are hoping for chaos and destruction they are full on sociopath's no number of dead phases them and finally it gets to iran i'm. going to go out on a limb here and say nothing but lovely kind hearted things to say about iran and. the other great threat which is the islamic republic of iran which remains the largest sponsor of terror is suitable for the pentagon trump got quieter about their murder numbers these total number of bombings officially reported for the nine months prior was thirty nine thousand four hundred ten for an average of one hundred forty four per day. i think we found the largest funds are of terror does anyone have a mirror they can show. the truth is this country is run by very under volved humans they are operating in
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a chimpanzee level of breaking things and jumping up and down that they broke it the rest of us must continue to evolve we must seek a higher plane of human behavior one where we respect the rights of others to decide their own fate pompei o dalton abrams trump and all the democrats who agree with them they are antiquated outdated pieces. and they. are. mean. i don't know if a piece can be outdated like that that would imply there's like a new better model if a piece. like tim cook comes out of bales apple piece of. wood which would be weird but whatever the ninety nine point nine percent of us who don't rule this planet must keep a low valving because if and when we're all operating on a higher level of understanding then it will be painfully clear that we are being led by primates come to watch t.v.
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see the day to day. i. really can't reality check the news from behind first stop we continue with venezuela as i covered before the venezuelan embassy protection collective have been residing in the washington d.c. embassy for the past few weeks at the invitation of the venezuelan government but now violent opposition protesters as well as the u.s. secret service have blockaded the building in an attempt to stop food and medicine from entering that's right yesterday our brave secret service oh right people for trying to deliver food to the embassy i mean it was it was truly an impressive feat
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and we we actually have an exclusive video of the authorities analyzing the crime scene afterwards which why is this. i mean it's too hard to talk about are is a lot to talk about but. the it was a trader joe's bag all right. you know what. i got i'm not kidding this is this is the video from afterwards and i have to warn you this video was very graphic. a oh hey hey. hey hey hey hey hey hey hey. those are true patriots right there right. there people don't even take them for their duty as they put themselves in the line of fire every day not knowing they said they could get hit by a pasta dish. but could only comes out of left field all right.
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but they do it for ice. and look i understand the coup supporting opposition i get them they want the us to aggressively overthrow the government of venezuela so that venezuela can have all the perks and good times that have been afforded to the other countries the us is overthrown i mean why should libya be the only ones that can't play markets right. why only then why should syria be the only ones who get jihad is public executions. as one why go would tell you the venezuelan people deserve those things to. the however the only place you can actually find out what's going on in venezuela the what's actually going on or or even a lot of countries around the world is to look to alternative media not only by corporate america so google you tube and facebook are trying their best to make sure you can't do that. last week they removed the iranian funded television channel press t.v.
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from you tube and all other google platforms now this is this is doll a bold gesture a ball gesture which stands up for the long held american tenet of freedom of speech and life we get a great idea. it's in the constitution so you tube removes iranian news channels but keeps up plenty of white supremacist channels which you know that is useful because you never know when you might want to learn the hip new racial epithet for mexicans you know you know like you don't want to be caught using your grandparents' vulgar. common over here and people like what you know. that while that's what i use an almost i won't. many are asking how you tube decided to remove press t.v. when they've shown no urgency to remove other channels like the baby slapping
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channel. one of my favorites one of my favorites in which a guy dressed up like a mine runs around slapping babies on the street while yelling god. i'm so ok so i made that up but rob you. probably does exist i mean it's. not on you do you could by now mostly nude cooking channel where celebrities eat spicy chicken wings while singing karaoke all right. but press t.v. was revealing things about our beloved american empire that our dear leaders did not want revealed so it had to be taken down much like wiki leaks founder julian the signs this week he was sentenced to nearly a year in british jail on top of the seven he's already done in the ecuadorian embassy now our government wants to extradite him here because we don't feel he's being affective li tortured over there i mean we're really good at it here and. you
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just can't stand in an amateur to do approach work for me i mean you know a country is good at torturing when we even have a lot of people being tortured by our health care system. where the guy spreading. this week there were protests in the nation's capital for medicare for all as well as a hearing in the house of representatives where many activists and they did it they had the nerve to say health care should be a human right but we already have health care in this country you moron it's called go fund me. it works great for raising the money to pay for expensive medical care as long as you're a social media celebrity a hot lady of some sorts or a cute toddler ok. oh man if you're an adorable four year old with a brain tumor your health care is on lock you or you don't even worry about it
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you'll have so much money you're paying for procedures you'll even need is i get. to a cat scan ok as i got the funds make it to scan my brain right you know. if you're an average looking fifty year old with a humdrum haircut to have more touch and go there was a. republican representative tom cole called medicare for all of a socialist proposal that threatens freedom yeah goddamn right it as friends the freedom of poor people to die of preventable disease as. it does and yet it is also dirty dirty socialism all right that's why i'm also opposed to the largest socialist organization in our country the us military. goddamned socialist looking of course to wear the same thing. our pentagon is a trillion dollars a year socialist death and destruction machine we're bombing all over the place
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usually so we can bring unfettered capitalism to other countries so clearly socialism is a murderous killing machine designed to force capitalism on people. i think i have a right. or maybe representative tom cole is a better yet defending the killing of poor people because our country will afford them a basic human right maybe that's it we have to go to a quick break but. you are. right no right maybe they have. a lot of things they still haven't heard back and forth over iraq i was kind of going to make a comment that had died i was right about her. my
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seven years doing drugs my nephews was still in drugs my sister just with doing drugs it was like an epidemic of drug abuse america's public enemy number one in the united states is drug abuse is sort of going after the users in the prison population who are we started treating sick people people who are addicted to these drugs like criminals while i was on the hill i increasingly became convinced that the war on drugs was a mistake there are countless numbers of people who are in prison for. long sentences for. minor offenders in the drug trade it's a lot watching your children grow up and miss you in waves and say bye daddy as you're walking out of a business it's just it doesn't get easier. what
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is it call and decline is magic internet the new type of digital currency the centralized digital scarcity chancellor. of second for bankers call. the genesis plot for a reason to call me a civil disobedience a source of optimism because i can control my own financial destiny it's just a new way of coming to consensus it's a game changer in the human history and this is columbus discovering the new world this paradigm shifting technology that transforms economics and finance in a heartbeat the apollo eleven landing on to the max and stacey. politicians to. be put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president and. somehow want to be. the two going to be
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cross it's like that before three in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters about how. nice it. is if you folks go through a period of sort of the i suppose if bush bloody. well does it matter what you did it was no i go to the. moon is its appeal is a couple of the good of the team you know that all you want to go to the banana but if that is the team that mean that you'll know paul. enough well it was pretty good way to lose a. cut of what used to do which because you know i would only be done well but i come any. nearer to you through your money you know did you storm the lead here sort of my look from moods for bears or during
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the clue which are coconspirators some are going to be. camp again a new report shows that the largest gang rape in new york city history as one major problem most people who were arrested and indicted were god factor gang members. see this this makes me suspicious of every other largest in history claim like what is that really the largest pumpkin in the world that i saw or did they just painted cow orange i don't know. your comment is the most intelligent woman in history. ok it was a raid of elephant time gargantuan proportions prodigious some might say enough
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with the hyperbole ok one morning in april twenty sixth teen seven hundred officers from the d.e.a.'s the n.y.p.d. the a.t.f. and homeland security surrounded a bronx neighborhood and arrested one hundred twenty men who may or may not have been dangerous however they needed all those agencies because if you're gonna take down a big gang you've got to show up with your own big gang. one o one so where they just threw the screw the people or no these raids are part of a new strategy the old stop and frisk policy was facing too many legal challenges so the police threw that out in favor of the much more fair wake up and ambush with . helicopters and swat teams as if it were baghdad circa two thousand and three you know something a little less invasive. that's also credibly of no see this is
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precipitation policing to get the worst of the worst according to n.y.p.d. commissioner william bratton then a prosecutor later admitting that fifty to sixty of the defendants in the largest gang takedown ever were gang members. the but they were black and latino so it wasn't totally random. they graduate. so they went the innocent people go yeah of course once they pled guilty first they were all held without bail as part of this mass indictment then the police had to find something to charge them with and even with the gang members that's a little difficult because contrary to popular belief many people who are gangs do nothing more than smoke weed and hang out. well i guess i have to turn myself in for gang activity. what
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a great do you remember when i was the most intelligent those days are growing longer. what are they plead guilty to exactly well the police reopened cases that they were already charged for on the state level and so how few of those arrested had sold drugs and thirty five of them actually sold marijuana which we know is normally a misdemeanor on the state level however since this was federal court every one felonies. who knew marijuana was a gateway drug to being charged like you were selling anthrax. well felony can ruin your life i mean they lose their housing their children their job i guess with all that time on your hands you could join again. all right but back up you said half of these people were in these true but they were friends with the gang members and the police use social media to prove a connection so you better be careful when you post instagram pictures with they
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just arrested a massive amount of people to get the media coverage and to pad the n.y.p.d. as budget and justify force in the future and now they criminalize friendship well that's good news for unlikable people everywhere. thank you very. very well for me then why do you think you are going to do a big oil p.r. stunt but you may not have even know it was p.r. when you read it for more on this we go to reactor correspondent natalie mcgill. with print journalism dying out i don't blame newspapers for trying everything under the sun to generate revenue the washington post has even allowed corporate sponsors the lease out their news boxes so passers by have a chance to win
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a mystery prize. but that's a much more wholesome way to generate ad revenue than a practice that accounted for twenty percent. all ad income for news media organizations in twenty seventeen it's called native advertising while made to look like editorial content it's actually paid content and these papers biggest customers are oil companies and oil lobby yes like shall be p. and the american petroleum institute who recently partnered with the post on the peace ten natural gas be the key to lowering emissions well sure can.
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if you're ok with the fact that drilling extraction and transporting natural gas releases methane and methane traps at least eighty six times of war heat in the earth's atmosphere than carbon dioxide of course some people will say that any responsible reader especially in a place as well read and intelligent as washington d.c. can spot the signs of paid content and i would have agreed with you and till i saw the analysts on slot of d.c. residents writing scooters at warp speed nearly taking out kids and baby strollers in their wake with the brain damage in the city at an all time high. we're a little not to take advantage of tricking your readers and major papers like the post in the new york times did by creating their own brand studios marketing departments that working hand in hand with corporations and specifically tell their newsrooms reputation as an asset such as the new york times t.v.
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brand studio whose website says use of the new york times proven recipe for storytelling we work with global brands to develop industry leading strategy creative and distribution it's why this i popping new york times native ad about exxon mobil's efforts to use plant waste an algae as bio fuel sounds promising despite the fact that exxon mobil along with the other four largest publicly traded oil companies in the world will only spend a combined three point six billion dollars on low carbon investments such as biofuels and renewables but we already knew fossil fuel companies were as interested in people over profit as the championship winning baylor university women's basketball team was and having to meet the president this week and a hundred dollars says he accidentally called at least two of them omarosa what's disappointing is the shadow this cast on any future reporting these publication.
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it's due on climate change an issue that already gets very little mass media coverage as it is according to media matters in twenty years team the major nightly news and sunday morning political shows on the national broadcast networks spent a combined total of just one hundred forty two minutes on climate change slapping on a paid or partner constantly only goes so far and we're all going to find out the hard way. god knows i did. but how was this. way. the warm side of. the party watches that are going to go back to today and i don't feel like we are being censored online if you say delete or you tube or
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our facebook page if possible the only way to hear about us will be from our email list so text the word redacted to four four four nine nine nine in the u.s. that will get you signed up also you can sign up at our tour website redacted torah dot com until next time. you. it has nothing to do with the propaganda that the daily mail is pushing but when you have a population that might be susceptible to propaganda they can easily be manipulated into thinking that fracking is something other than what it is it's not economically viable it costs more to frack then then then you make an profit it's cashflow negative it's also environmentally negative you destroy the environment
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incredible that. they can come and blow our brains out at any given time if we can't really do anything actually america is the only country in the world where you can kill people outside war and legally get away with. the whole of the fire crawls stillbirth you all the trouble here is three failed the point it's hollow flying to k.k.k. exists because america wants it to exist they are the biggest terrorist group to ever operate in this country and they're dead to media worse all than the people who destroyed the world trade centers of the scroll like.
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you know world of big partisan lot and conspirators it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. this is a sticker from a water bottle phone in the stomach of a fish the brand is part of the coca-cola company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that let's tell consumers there are the bad ones there the litterbugs are trying this way industry should be blamed for all of this waste to company has long promised to reuse the plastic.
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and may let. their plastic. stay on your own that special projects funding you tell the difference. on the new vest that is the end of it for the city but for now the mountains of moist only grow higher. you know. there was. no.
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trump and blood in the putin discuss the crisis in venezuela just hours after a u.s. congresswoman was slapped down by the secretary of state for suggesting washington's actions have only been making his words bullying and the use of sanctions to eventually into the blaming america first in this way. it's not only ignorant it's disgusting. and us schools considering whether it's going to over a mural dedicated to the founding father george washington after the. risk of traumatizing native american enough for the american. hard work which is a tribute to this are still to the legacy of this part of the.


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