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tv   News  RT  May 4, 2019 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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in the america. i'm. going to opposition leader one boy told his supporters while the president would do a visit some military force to remain loyal to the government. for more than a hundred targets in gaza killing at least four people in response to cross border rocket fire. and the u.s. school is considering whether to. founding father george bush and some one was deemed a risk traumatizing black and native american students. is far more
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a tribute to this part of the legacy of this part is. going to fall by the. side. this is we. live from moscow what's your team's a national. xmas joining us this hour of the venezuelan president nicolas maduro on the opposition leader who have coolness supporters respect city to take to the streets what those urging the country's armed forces to rise up against the government he's expected to make a speech outside a military base at the same time the venezuelan president has cooled the armed forces to be ready for a u.s. military intervention this comes after a failed coup attempt against him this week meanwhile donald trump. vladimir putin
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have spoken on the phone on a number of global issues including venezuela the us president said he's had a productive discussion about the crisis with his russian counterpart. he is. not looking at all to get involved in venezuela other than he'd like to see something positive happen for venezuela and i feel the same way so we want to help with a humanitarian basis and i thought it was a very positive conversation i had with president putin on venezuela. next week the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov from the u.s. secretary of state will meet in finland where they're going to discuss issues such as venezuela as the crisis continues in the south american country some in washington have been looking closer to home where the blame lies rug as they are of this report. the schism over venezuela isn't just international it's domestic too in the u.s. from the regime change activists who are guarding the venezuelan embassy to
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congress persons democrat. committed an unforgivable sin she spoke speakable a lot of the policies that we have put in place has helped lead the devastation in venezuela particular bullying and the use of sanctions to eventually into the and. make change really does not help the people of countries like venezuela there are some things you just don't do like blame america for anything and for her troubles with the vice president and the secretary of state called basically an idiot for a member of congress who frankly one who sits on an important national security committee to make a statement blaming america first this way it's not only ignorant it's disgusting congresswoman doesn't know she's talking about in simpler terms obama is ignorant
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for saying that u.s. meddling threats sanctions that have deprived venezuelans of desperately needed billions but all of that has exacerbated the crisis in venezuela that apparently is ignorant but recognizing go i do as president despite the fact that no one voted for him or listens to him of the military nor ministries nor any state in. agencies recognizing him as president isn't ignorant also black is white the earth is flat pigs can fly and it's not a coup for one why don't you try and take command of the venezuelan military if you throw out all sense and relinquish all ties with reality then yes this wasn't a coup well why do did was call and soldiers to mutiny take up arms and violently seize power from people who actually have power on why do those behalf totally not
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a coup in the only coup in venezuela would before i was arrested we're now living under a dictatorship and then terry nation rejects it. and while why do prepares his next not a coup trump be standing by to assist with these known coups the brutal repression of the venezuelan people must stand and it must and soon people are starving they have no food they have no water and this was once one of the wealthiest countries in the world so we wish them well we'll be there to help and we are there to help why do not a coup didn't go to plan aside from a few dozen soldiers that appeared with him at the start no other military members he did his call to rebel his attempts to storm a military base fell flat neither did it go peacefully with his supporters firing
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wildly at police and the military then firing back as well. they say they won't give up calling of course for more protests try to topple the venezuelan non government and we'll continue to grace the front covers of more men's fashion magazines who knows perhaps that's just what they need a little more photoshop. aside from venezuela trump and putin also discussed the possibility of a nuclear arms treaty between russia the u.s. and china. rick sanchez discussed that prospect with journalist chris hedges. reports from the white house today that president trump has reached out to president putin on the subject of nuclear arms agreement between the united states russia and china of course we really don't know what they discussed but that is
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what the president's staff is putting out if it's true and we take them at their word which we should it would be kind of strange considering that the u.s. and russia already had a nuclear treaty in place negotiated by ronald reagan and gorbachev that we our country chose to just no longer order just a few months ago that decision was made so it's curious right speaking of mr gorbachev he has just penned that editorial in the wall street journal where he's urging both sides to stop the madness of nuclear deterrence he writes that the idea that more weapons make us more safe is just. matt. joining us now prize winning author chris hedges to talk about this article by mikhail gorbachev it's called the madness of nuclear deterrence do you get his point on this gorbachev is exactly right this is this inability on the part of the world's two largest nuclear powers
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to speak and negotiate or rationally is very very dangerous but there's this there's this thinking out there that's been going on for a long time he talks about margaret thatcher being a disciple of this most of us grew up with the cuban missile crisis we've always been told as long as we have big nukes and the bigger our nukes the bigger their nukes that's fine because then no one will use them so it's the fact that our weapons are large that keeps us from ever having to engage in a war that's kind of the thinking guys like you and i grew up with and that's what some of those leaders you just mentioned also kind of believed in is that true. well no of course i mean it was it was reducing the nuclear stockpiles and and monitoring those stockpiles that made the world a safer place getting reengaged which we've now done in
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a nuclear weapons race and remember the russians have now put up antiballistic systems that they say cannot be detected because of course we've moved under nato missiles up to russia's border this is extremely dangerous say you have various flashpoints syria being one where this conflict could go wrong really quickly and so you want communication you want discussion you know you have you don't have detente where we know it already has to you know love lot of our putin or love russia or anything else but what's kept the world from committing acts of massive self-annihilation has been forms of community. nation which figures like my pump ale and john bolton have no interest in doing as we're seeing in venezuela i think they're probably incapable of speaking to anyone but themselves. these are your military claims to have destroyed a key space in gaza in response to cross or the rocket fire that is their strikes
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reportedly killed four palestinians including a pregnant woman some of the blasts were caught on camera. israeli warplanes hit one hundred twenty targets and destroyed on the ground tunnel the turkish news agency says its office came under fire in gaza this comes after more than two hundred rockets were fired into israel killing one person with more details here is a local journalist. there is a buried of rockets that was launched from the gaza strip towards the central and south israel towns on saturday much full of houses where directly hit and struck by the rockets on the palestinian side that we have the different kinds of injuries moderate to critical the ease rayleigh of forces have launched a lot of air strikes in the in the sky of the gaza strip there is a lot of tension in the situation between israel and gaza now the palestinian
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factions and israel have been threat to be with each other all this escalation happens after the four palestinians that have been killed in the friday protests to look them were directly targeted by israeli snipers and two others were killed as they were struck by a rocket by the israeli forces while other fifty other palestinians where wounded in the protests this also happened after two officers two israeli officers on the border where shot by a palestinian sniper fire so until now we don't know if this situation is going to keep on escalating but addiction. this time has failed to restrain and to bring back calmness between israel and gaza. a high school in san francisco named after u.s. president george washington may remove
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a mural commemorating the life of the founding father saw for local activist group dream that it traumatizes students and commune. the members of the thirteen panel mural entitled the life of george washington dates back to nine hundred thirty six and the activist group which includes students and high school representative says the mural portrays native americans and black americans as well as victims and slaves are removing and monuments now deemed inappropriate by certain groups has become increasingly common on u.s. campuses and just two months ago students at the university of mississippi very devoted to remove a statue of a confederate soldier last year protests broke out at the university of north carolina that resulted in the knocking down of another confederate statue r.t. spoke to attorney and author reese everson and media analyst lionel about this new trend. that only must we remove any reference we must provide tranquilizers and narcotics to our children lest they perhaps see think or come across anything that
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is discomforting historical has become hysterical it's not about hysterics that's not the issue at all the issue is that our history in this country has been one that's so so damaging some little gruesome so painful and here's the issue the issue is that even two hundred four hundred years later people are still hurt oh i can't go to scole oh my god they have cured one would help more and more psych meds teenager this is ridiculous what we should be doing is teaching these kids do us a favor sit down and shut up what we're doing in this country is unacceptable and i choose not to think down and shut up i choose to think and up and speak out and i want the children in america. george washington high school to continue the
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children in george washington high school to continue to stand up and speak out and let their voices be heard in these room chew signaling social justice warriors these people who are sold said incident in philly that this page that's been there at george washington high school get ready george washington now must be removed because the east children are come on let's turn this ugly history on its head and he used this as a launching pad so that people who have been hurt by this country gruesome history can finally began to have an equal footing what happens when you then say now let's open up the history book we took the sign down now all right children you happy good ok now let's talk about this plate a minute i don't want to read this book we don't like the story of cologne. yes tear that out we don't like this about the way they taught treated native americans which is true we don't like world war two war war one the holocaust vietnam war we
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don't like any of this when this this triggers us we would like to rip the pages from the textbook that's actually not what was said at all they simply said this artwork this artwork which is a tribute to this person to the legacy of this person is offensive and because we find this artwork to be offensive we would like it to not be visible please never let these students go to a museum please never let them go to the louve never let them go to washington never let them go to battle grounds never let them see anything the point is we are having little snowflakes decide what they want to see and what they don't want to see and that's fine but life doesn't reflect those sensibilities coming up our correspondent goes for a spin with new looks of a muslim patrol what's coming up after this short break.
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this is a sticker from the water bottle phone in the stomach of the fish the brand is part of the coca-cola company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that let's tell consumers they're the bad ones they're the litter bugs are throwing this away industry should be blamed for all of this waste the company has long promised to reuse the plastic. on the. phone now the mountains of waste only grow higher.
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join me every thursday on the alex i'm unsure and i'll be speaking to a guest of the world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see you then. welcome back to the program a left wing politician in germany has called for major corporations including b.m.w. to be brought on the collective ownership the remarks are made by kevin kernot the leader of the social democratic party's youth wing he's vowed to shift the party's policies further to the left since joining the s.p.d. as a youth chief coots also been a vocal critic of surging rents and big property developers however his latest comments have led many in bunnings halls of power to distance themselves from him as people of the reports. socialism the idea that a society is only as strong as its weakest member but does it belong in our past
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our present or our future well if you listen to the leader of the youth wing of angular merkel's coalition partners here in germany it's very much the latter particularly when it comes to the german automobile industry there is nothing wrong with the b.m.w. brand the only question is why b.m.w. should belong to a few people who have the sole rise to the profits the distribution of profits must be democratically controlled that excludes a capitalist owner without a form of collectivization is unthinkable so overcome capsule ism well those comments have landed the s.p. their money in hot water with some critics in his own party well going as far as to question his mental state or it's a nonsense what was you smoking whatever it was it cannot be legal the social democrats that kevin community represents is traditionally the party of the working class but they have had a horrid time of late and are currently polling third nationally behind the
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chancellor's union bloc and the greens me of course has plenty of history when it comes to the left of the political spectrum but ideas of a return to east germany or the g.d.r. certainly got between its critics fired up thirty years after the fall of the berlin wall the left wants to return to democratic socialism the airspeed leadership must clearly distance itself from such fantasies as you may well imagine people on social media of had plenty to say about mystic units ideas or collectivism. b.m.w. is a great company you know despite the liberal market economy but because of that the dreams of the socialist on the working theory who wants to own property only by force and repression. is a living example of someone who has never worked in his life and lives outside reality it's hard to believe taxpayers are funding such people. coots can have his socialist dreams but what is scary is that the press and parties are listening to
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him despite his lack of actual knowledge and experience connects ideas may not sit too well with everybody but if you look across the atlantic senator bernie sanders in the united states who is able to draw an army of young supporters to his cause saying pretty much similar things in keane it may well be looking to do the same thing peter all over r.t. berlin. yellow vest the rallies have taken place across france for a twenty fifth consecutive weekend with street fires and clashes seen in several cities activists keeping up the pressure on president micron that's despite his policy proposals last week the latest rallies in paris though saw the lowest turnout so far some activists say that was down to the harsh police response of recent demonstrations as follows brutal clashes on may day when twenty four thousand people took to the streets across the country. thailand has crowned its
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new king marking the beginning of a grand three day ceremony now the last time such an event occurred in the country was almost seventy years ago while the king's reign officially began back in twenty sixteen he still had to complete a number of buddhist and brahman rituals these allow him to symbolically transform into a living gods and permit him to proclaim himself as the wool patron of buddhism of a king ascended to the throne at a time of large political uncertainty in the country. and you community watch scheme in new york is promising to help keep local muslims safe in the city to find out more ati's caleb orpen was of white out on patrol. we know there has been an increased rate of hate crimes and we're just here to help provide any protection we can any safety we can.
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you know they're not cops and they're not a private army either they say that they're just a community watch keeping an eye on the neighborhood and helping law enforcement but here's the catch they're muslims the muslim patrol was started by an immigrant from yemen and it's got roughly thirty regular members in brooklyn they have met with the police to be sure about what they can and cannot do as they operate from patrol cars keeping an eye on the neighborhood. to. come in brooklyn think the muslim patrols are a good thing after all hate crimes and attacks on muslims have certainly escalated however other voices are saying this could be a gateway for sharia law and extremism here's what some local residents told us
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they think muslim patrol is i think it will be much safer are you concerned about muslims wearing uniforms and patrolling in cars like police almost gives you sure as long as there's no one in harm or anything then they should be free to do whatever they want. something that. we have muslim community are told in services we're here to help bridge the community together by the same time we're offering counseling therapy as well as feeding the homeless and many of us. services as well we are the years and the ice for the community so we make sure we take in reports of whatever might be happening from the community local issues that even from then why be to help go around back
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and forth through the blocks to see what we can help with you all don't carry guns do you know of course not right now and right that wouldn't really care you know what terms nothing and if you see like an incident happening how do you intervene so we use the lights we use the siren we speak to the radio try to prevent it from there but before all of that we call the nine one one we call the authorities we let them know when we get them on the way so you only function in coordination with the actual police well it looks like this is a thing now acetic jews and asian americans have already set up similar organizations but they haven't raised the same number of eyebrows by far so could something like this be coming to your residential neighborhood it's probably only a matter of time. r.t. new york more about stories and others on our website called. back to us in thirty minutes for latest global news updates.
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after the previous stage of my career was over everyone wondered what i was going to do next the hope the ball different clubs on one hand it is logical to sit in the home field where everything is familiar on the other i wanted a new challenge and a fresh perspective i'm used to surprising people and i saw one also you think. i'm going to talk about football not three or else you can think i was going to go . by the way what is that that's like here. my seven years doing drugs my nephews was still in drugs my sister just with doing drugs it was like an epidemic of drug abuse america's public enemy number one in the united states is drug abuse we started going after the
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users in the prison population sewer we started treating sick people people who are addicted to these drugs like criminals while i was on the hill i increasingly became convinced that the war on drugs was a mistake there are with numbers of people who are in prison for inconceivable. sins for minor minor offenders in the drug trade it's a lot watching your children grow up and miss you in waves and say by daddy as you're walking out of the business it's just it doesn't get easier. as if there was a period of sort of full scale fist flashflood if. you would you know well to the minute that it was and i go to the. losing is it's a feeling. all of a good enough that all you want to go to good but you have an enemy that is said to
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me that he that you all know paul. enough well who. pretty good way to let that kind of what is there to him which could go up on me again but i. knew i had to leave you alone you yelled the deal so i stormed the lead so my look to the mood subversion to get in the clue it's your call. center. during the great depression which i'm old enough to remember there was most of my family were unemployed working. there wasn't it was bed you know much worse objectively than today but there was an expectation of the things were going to get better. there was a real sense of hopefulness there isn't today today's america was shaped by the turn principles of concentration of wealth and power. reduced democracy
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attack solo doubt engineer elections manufacture consent and other principles according to no i'm tomes to one set of rules for the rich opposite set rules for. that's what happens when you put her into the hands of narrow sector of will switch will is dedicated to increasing power for chills just as you'd expect one of the most influential intellectuals of our time speaks about the modern civilization of america.
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just. a combination of eight nine and three there's also the worst possible hand in the japanese equivalent of black jack. in other words good for nothing another term often used for the a closer. look of fear of what are she will do anything done nothing in this. film are thought and i know given their short them one by any moustache and their other empires some of
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the assholes dare to what they tell you advocate the good of our film might criticize senator boy i guess the speaker going to. ask you at the wal-mart. who you are you might get off on their own skin more the more you can would you like it on their skin. and i disagree on their must get it up on the door to get the call and i thought i didn't hear. mr schiavo the sixteen i. spent twenty seven of those years with the tokyo police homicide division. dealing mainly with the accuser.


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