tv News RT May 5, 2019 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT
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some. breaking news here on our feet international thirteen people have been confirmed dead including two children in a plane file a lawsuit sheremetyevo airport. police . are going to be yes. just investigative committee launches a criminal probe into the incident both the russian president i'm prime minister have expressed their condolences to the families of the victims.
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welcome you watching our teeth and national with me neil harvey alongside my colleague. breaking news story this hour is that thirteen people have now been confirmed as dead including two children after a passenger plane made an emergency landing while one of moscow's main international ports the plane skidded along the runway before flames and go for the at craft.
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like to know yeah. ok my colleague or mine is alongside me and. with this is what i think we're talking just over three hours ago this incident occurred and it's very difficult to establish exactly what happened because of the fire we know the plane had to return but a lot of it sort of conflicting information we've had a chance to establish a few more facts now it was pretty clear though the pictures don't lie this was a horrific tragedy and it was clear that you know that the statistics of those injured and those who perished was going to increase first of all let's just sort of you is the facts about the incident itself and how it unfolded well so far we
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can confirm that thirteen people have lost their lives as the result of this incident several have been taken to hospital well the incident occurred earlier in the day in fact so the plane took off from moscow at say ten minutes to six pm with seventy eight people on board the plane was a bound for mirman sc in the north of russia one of the cities in the russia's arctic circle up. preliminary information it was the ignition off electrical wiring on board of the aircraft. that's occurred when the plane was taken off for the moscow moments flights the plane itself sukhoi superjet one hundred is a fairly new plane this particular plane was manufactured in seventeen and the last time it was serviced according to the manufacturer was in april of
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this year so the investigation is still ongoing we don't know what exactly happened what had caused the accident and what caused the deaths of all those people so after the plane was already in the air was in the air for about twenty eight minutes when there was a fire on board at that point in the airplane the crew had also lost all radio contact with the ground apparently and that the plane had to land in complete silence with absolutely no directions from the ground control and of course as the plane or landed on the runway of the moscow sheremetyevo airport it caught on fire apparently. the plane. hit the ground three times before to actually stop and that's when the fire caught it so the sail and of the
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plane and later on obviously it burnt out completely and of course as the plane was landing this could all be seen from the airport from that sermon all people that were waiting for their planes people waiting to embark on their own flights they witness the airplane sick or super jets. burning completely to the ground let's have a listen to what some of the witnesses said at the airport. it was quite unexpected we had a flight to you catherine went to the gate a little earlier so's not to be laying so near the window i just turned my head and all of a sudden i saw the burning plane with huge plumes of black smoke as the run of the scene within two minutes they started for it seemed they didn't show signs of panic as the plane was too close to those that we waited on the runways we didn't know it was landing it looked like it was just fifty meters from the new state craft so
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just one of many witnesses there church airport i'm sure as they progress as we'll see many more video reports. other witnesses whole called forwards because this was really. in front of everyone to see this incident so they can see once again right now on your screens this is the airplane hit the ground and the call more fire you can see people running away the crew worked very quickly to make sure. they can save as many people as possible and i'm also getting some reports right now that one of those thirteen victims that died is the result of the ax and he was actually one of the crew one of the flight attendants who was helping people to get out of the plane to help as many people as possible to save their lives and this is not confirmed yet but this is what i'm getting from my colleagues who are on the
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ground there that one of the victims was indeed a flight attendant so i will confirm that when we can but this is what i'm getting from the from the our colleagues at the ground right now yeah i mean it's hard to kind of find any positives in a situation like this but what is remarkable i would imagine largely thanks to the health of the cabin crew how many people did get off that plane without too much. injury and it's difficult to establish facts space after an accident like this is a. good but we know the airline are investigating the police are investigating some facts start to come together now what we heard from the investigative committee at this point well the only thing we have heard from the knesset of comedia this point that they have indeed launched an inquiry into what happened nothing but actually a criminal investigation and the committee that's been charged with this effort to find out what happened it includes representatives of the airline increase includes of representatives of the manufacturer or the people from
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the russian investigative committee as well like i said earlier this airplane was manufactured only one to seventeen it's not even two years old and the last time it was serviced was in april of this year. as well so it's really hard to gauge right now the them mounds of problem is that the investigation committee will be a working with right now but i'm sure. people will be here from davis to get a committee very soon but so far we have already heard from araf lots they have been to the operator of this flight and this is what they said about the incident air flight. everett confirms the report about the engines catching fire in flight su one four nine two from moscow to scoff the landing the aircraft was
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forced to make an emergency landing due to a technical issue the fine is been put out the injured are receiving medical aid the passengers had to use emergency exit slides a committee to investigate the reasons for the crash has been created here floats crosses stuff and been assembled. and of course the scenes recorded some of those pictures we've seen of come from fellow passengers who be waiting in the terminal for their own flights to alternative destinations and this is the kind of footage that has produced which was spread fear terror cross the airport no doubt it's only human nature to react so terrifying pictures and again as well as quite remarkable that so many people we've seen on the videos recorded emerging seemingly unscathed from the front half portion of sex one hundred sukhoi superjet is a short to medium hold passenger plane the model as the man was saying only
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recently manufactured it can carry up to ninety eight passengers so that was just it was close to capacity his range up to four thousand six hundred kilometers enough for that nine hundred believed mile journey to modern minsk and one hundred ninety six such simple jets are currently in service with various different lines we talked about people who witness this accident and among them our correspondent from sister channel r.t. spanish she was on board a plane waiting to takeoff at sheremetyevo airport and he saw the burning aircraft this is what he had to tell us. because of our most in you were on board our plane port we were flying to helsinki although our flight has now been cancelled we're sitting really close to the plane which is completely on fire the flames are huge it's very difficult for the emergency services to tackle the blaze they told us that the airports closed no planes are leaving all arriving we're waiting for more
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information and maybe will be evacuated. and our correspondents igor's daryn out of he is as sheremetyevo airport right now and he's about to bring us all the latest so eager welcome back. please bring us up to speed on developments. well roman well you know what is happening here this is one of the terminals of the sheremetyevo airport one of the largest aerial hubs over mosco and it is a very very quiet i mean this is the terminal with the most hustle and bustle and you can clearly see it is almost completely empty the crowd behind me is made up of security workers and some journalists and workers over the airport those who work here at the airport we do know that the whole sheremetyevo airport has been almost completely shutdown of coding to the latest information only one runway one
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emergency runway i should say is operate so all of the flights inbound to here have been redirected to we have been hearing announcements over the speakerphones saying as to where these planes have landed and i mean many many of them have not made it even to moscow i mean some of them of course how blended in some other posts over the russian capital but many had to land elsewhere in other russian cds and other russian cities and even in such cities as minsk for example the capital of belarus and helsinki of finland these are just some of the examples that i can give you also speaking of the response heavy heavy emergency response to this tragedy of course for the whole duration of for as long as we've been here and that's almost a couple of hours i should say we've seen almost like we've seen lots of emergency vehicles from ambulances to the police to the russian investigative committee so
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this is like the did look like a motorcade i should say coming in i didn't found just outside the terminal where we are right now there are still ambulances including emergency emergency vehicles who are still there they are still stationed there. awaiting anyone who might be in need of any medical assistance now this is the latest from the airport and will be bringing you up to speed next hour for sure. r.t. correspondents. airport for us the eager start of thank you very much for that. you just joined us just to remind you the details of our breaking news story this evening the scene people have now been officially confirmed killed including two children after a passenger plane made an emergency landing while on fire as you can see in our pictures here one of oscar's main international airport sheremeta the plane there
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trying to clear clear up a couple of things here because when you get an accident like this is a lot of conflicting information comes in from various sources in time we will discover what the cause of this accident was but the airline themselves are of a lot of said that this was a technical failure also been reports so that aligning strike might have caused the fire on the plane so i wanted to ask you about that first just exactly how it well equipped modern airplanes to deal with a lightning strike and how does the science work. well first i want to say that my thoughts go out with all those on board the flight and. fortunately they were able to land at the airport and receive attention from the first responders of the airport. to answer your question fire is always the most critical thing that can happen on board an airplane in flight it requires any firefighting to believe the airplane has on board and in very quick return to land
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at the airport. in regards to lightning strikes there's very little that we have on board airplanes to fight fires as a result of a lightning strike we have fire firefighting capability if there's a fire in the engine or in the cargo compartment and there are a hand-held fire extinguishers in the cabin in case of fire breaks out in the passenger compartment if a fire breaks out you go to a lightning strike in an inaccessible part of the aircraft we really don't have any firefighting to belittle it to deal with that specifically so that requires an immediate return to land at the airport or alternate airport as soon as possible. so basically it's just a case of getting back down to the ground as soon as possible right so often here. yes and in this incident as seems of the pilots that are remarkable jaws yet the
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airplane back to the airport landing on the runway and with apparently no direction for america control so imagine the situation in the cockpit there dealing with an onboard fire failure of their communications billet easier to control and then try to return and land safely at the airport or at least on the airport premises. it could have been a much worse situation if they did not make it back to the airport and crashed in the surrounding neighborhood. it would have been completely teles onboard that aircraft the good news with landing on book on the airport is that they had the full rescue capability of the airport at their disposal to. deal with the on board fire after landing and that they were able to safely evacuated as many hazards as possible through the escape slides in the forward part of the aircraft though is a tremendous benefits everyone on board and we're also getting reports that. all
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radio contact with the plane was lost so what does that suggest to you. well this is just the fire had impacted the electronics of the airplane so that they were not able to either transmit or receive instructions for america for control apparently i would surmise that there navigation to believe he was still intact and they're able to find the correct runway to land at the airport and making up facts of land that's certainly good news and we're still trying to establish exactly at what point this this fire broke out whether it was in london or that was prata that while they were in the air if there is a foreign body you pretty much said it it's the pilot's biggest enemy if you go far on board do you have to then start compromising your options in terms of where you're going to land and how safely you can land do you just have to land as quickly as possible and wherever you can. well yes. certainly
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the airport of departure if you're you know not very far away is the best option with any other airport even one that's not suitable for that particular aircraft as an option if you don't think you can make it back to your point of departure it seems that this happened very quickly after takeoff if not. some point during the takeoff during the climb out en route to their destination at some point i can't really tell yet where this actually occurred during the flight but they did apparently make a very quick decision to return to the airport of the karcher and land as quickly as they could and in a safe manner landing on the runway i saw some video that show that they did it to us while on fire certainly nothing any of us would ever want to experience and i
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just want to you know kind of highlight i think the skills of the staff of the pilots in particular because when you're up in the air that there is no quick turn there is no immediate landing if you look at the flight to even this plane it seems like it had to form quite a loop for it could return to the airport so you must as a pilot be thinking well i'm going to need at least ten fifteen twenty minutes even in the best case scenario and so much can happen in the time. exactly and every second that the airplane is on fire is the second was that you have to get the airplane back to the ground. when you've got that situation you have a checklist to run you have to be fair the pastors and the flight attendants in the cabin you have to get the airplane in the correct position of the correct speed to be able to land and doing that without guidance murcia control is an extra hurdle that you have to jump over also since you mentioned it i want to mention. the great
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sea ability and preparedness of the cabin crew to. deploy the emergency slides and gives many people off that aircraft in a short time as they did they did a wonderful job by everything i've seen on any of the videos that have been presented. and so we are getting information this minutes is that the airplane actually diverted back to moscow and the reason for that is because they lost all communication with that's our now with that set in mind and from what you have seen or read so far what other conclusions sick-o. make about this incident. well it is certainly clear that there was a fire and it was certainly clear that the pilots reacted to it correctly and in the quickest manner that they could so imagine that you're fighting the fire preparing the cabin was applied tenants for the emergency landing and
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returning to the airport to land safely with no aid from air traffic control. that is about the most difficult situation i can imagine for those pilots facing that situation on that flight. and it's an open question for me to us but i feel it's something with with mentioning and. challenge i think to the cabin crew the place it's a crucial role in disaster situations like this and that's the behavior of the passengers in a mob salute not pointing any blame at anybody particularly on this flight but it is human nature that people sometimes go for their belongings in the overhead compartments in situations like this and we've been told by other guests that that can be that can compound the problem certainly coming into land if anyone's doing that because it can destabilize the plane sometimes a person just a danger to themselves in the way that they behave albeit perhaps just you know instinctively. yeah i have heard reports of that and i've seen
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video of other incidents were masters of taking belongings with and on their mercy slides. i think though that if there's an active fire onboard and if people's lives are in immediate danger i think that's probably less likely i think that. pastors would have their. they would have the wellbeing of their fellow passengers in mind and leave without their belongings even though they you know obviously would be concerned that their belongings could be lost in the subsequent fire but i think that people are generally. helpful to each other and would cooperate with the cabin crew and leave their belongings behind in a situation that he didn't like in the moment when the planes coming in to land though and you know people can be panicking in this situation and maybe just moving around to sit with a family member or something is this is this correct though this can be quantity
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stabilizing factor make things more challenging for the pilot and that's what you're really reliant on your cabin crew to keep everybody seated. yes well of course if a portion of the cabin is on fire in flight people are going to try to escape from that active fire even in flight and move toward the front of the airplane you know if there are seats available so yes that could be destabilizing to a smaller craft of this size if you had too much weight in the forward margin of the plane but apparently the pilots handle that correctly and so did the cabin crew from what i've read so far remarkable again i'm no expert but remarkable to see that plane land in the condition it was engulfed the back off by flames and incredible fantastic to see those people get out. from the emergency chutes many thanks joining us kate my guests commercial airline pilot keith thing i thank you.
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thirteen people have been killed including two children after a passenger plane made an emergency landing while it was on fire at one of moscow's main international airports it skidded along the runway before flames quickly engulfed the aircraft a warning to tell him i'd find the video disturbing. life if yes.
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let's. just remind you join us thirteen people have been confirmed dead in the deadly line accident an hour from plane landing in flames chairman we are going to conclude our broadcast now but we do hear sheremeta expertise of a press conference shortly sunny day does happen we will interrupt our regular programming and bring that to you. what is it going to coin is magic internet a new type of digital currency decentralized digital scarcity chancellor i'm bringing a second for a bank that's called the genesis blog for reason to calling it civil disobedience
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a so. because i can control my own financial destiny it's just a new way of coming to consensus it's a game changer in the human history. discovering a new world paradigm shifting technology that transforms economics and finance the apollo eleven landing. to the max and stacey. this is a stick. phone in the stomach of a fish the brand is sponsor of the coca-cola company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that let's tell consumers. litterbugs are trying this way industry should be blamed for all this waste to company has promised to reuse the plastic.
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the most family do you mean my family we always specially don't have summertime in springtime when i do go fish and you basically here we try to catch a lot of bass you've got big mouth bass small mouth bass and also you got blue deal on us. sometimes you can catch a catfish but yeah most time we're after bats with fish you just saw in the past the time away and make spits more reliance and so that's why we try to come out here and feed and get away from you know everything basically. that my dad you know told us to fish and we know we taught him the fish they live fish and we spend a lot of summer out here most of the stuff. we rarely ever see black people fish and so i get out here today as i got a smell near. her.
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august twelfth was a tragic day here in charlotte so many things happened. you have a memorial for have a who passed away tragically because of hatred here in our community. many people got together to try to. show that we needed a change here in the city. hall ran into a human because they had hatred for another race that is not fair that is not just that is inhumane to take life because you feel different. this story is now named as the higher way. tragic tragic day in shell's little
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