tv News RT May 6, 2019 1:00am-1:31am EDT
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israel and palestinian militant group hamas reportedly called a truce offer a weekend of deadly exchanges with soul of the twenty palestinians and four israelis killed in massive asteroids and this on the tides. russia's foreign minister and his u.s. counterpart will discuss the venezuela crisis nitrile monday after what appears to have been a failed coup attempt by the washington backed opposition in the us an american country. and north korea's missile tests over the weekend go largely under scolded by washington with refraining from lashing out at kim jong. un you want you all to international live from our studio with me nativity to welcome to the program. we start with the tragic. plane crash in russia forty one
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people have been confirmed died off from emergency landing at the moscow's sheremetyevo airport the. hundred burst into flames when it bounced off the ground during touchdown his crew sent to distress signal here's how they tragedy unfolded and just a warning you may find some scenes upsetting. the kids. when the flames and there are sure a white flash they most of the morning. we certainly are the windows i just turned my head and all of a sudden i saw the burning plane with huge plumes of black smoke.
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and. i figured out. and learned about the tragedy in the media and immediately went to the airport hoping to get any information about a friend who was on the plane it's very hard for people waiting to hear the fate of their loved ones but everyone is trying to hope for the best. live now to our correspondent. port more on what's the latest you can tell us about this crash. all those more and more. that coming out the. we're starting to
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slowly piece together what happened obviously this is all still speculation backed by witness accounts and they all agree on how it started and that is the aircraft took off the. airport and belly minutes into its flight was struck by lightning and witnesses of passengers who describe a bright flash and a loud bang the aircraft at this point that wasn't on. the pilots reported problems they tried to get in contact with the stewardesses to to warn. the passengers but they couldn't because apparently communications on board. were down and the crew couldn't talk to the tower ground control either so they took the decision to turn around and attempt a landing now he is one of the biggest problems the biggest issues factors that led
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to this horrible tragedy and that is that the fuel tanks full aircraft generally not designed to land with full fuel tanks what they do is they circle over a city over an airport they burn off that fuel and they go in for a lab the way they light the. move again because if you are so heavy with fuel and passages it it's hard to land precisely especially with problems with electronics but on landing and this is according to a stewardess and we've seen video footage camera footage the aircraft. tailend a histogram a number of times that apparently the fuel tanks ruptured and fuel spilled over the back end of the aircraft that quickly ignited given the tremendous speeds and heat of the aircraft and that's when. panic began people were screaming rushing towards
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the exits the illuminatus they say began melting very quickly the aircraft came to a stop and that's when we saw people pouring out of pouring out of that jet. seventy eight passengers and crew forty one can now that. this is sustained it was most of us more of a suffer from burns gas inhalation or other injuries on medical services who responded quickly. and there is a lot of speculation in the early movements as well there's a lot of criticism where with the engine it all happened so quickly that they hadn't had time to get to the jet to the runway where it landed the question of course was why some of the passengers appeared to be carrying hand luggage and those a lot of anger in social media the internet about this because people felt that
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while they were getting their luggage others at the back end of the aircraft with most of the casualties occurred but those people blocked others from getting out of the aircraft but psychologists warn that this is not the time to judge to jump to conclusions that it will do more harm than good but we need to find out exactly what happened but. said that the evacuation took fifty five seconds in situations like this supposed to happen in up to ninety seconds so the evacuation itself was relatively quick with people of course are left behind in that jet the other thing is psychologists are afraid that the people the survivors those that got out will now have survivor's guilt it was such a tragedy such a stress of the nervous system that now they'll feel guilty that they survived and others that didn't this will be. lifelong psychological trauma but as i say
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accounts are still coming in we need to have an official version of events a investigation and that's when that's when we can be sure of what exactly happened . ok. reporting from charlotte over at porth. we heard from several aviation experts who gave the side of the. point. it's a landing is heavy enough that it would have to really be very very hard landing the landing gear itself to go through the structure of the fuel is just above it so see were adequately he did have a fire on that the landing gear it collapse and it was literally riding on the back part of the airplane down the room with a fire on an airliner is this really one of the worst possible of this for the crew to say no way to fight it the materials in the airplane are largely plastic and
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fabric and they burn readily even if they're protected in some small way from propagation thing i notice looking at the radar was the airplane made a circle first not to approach to the airport but to suck all the way from the airport to lose it out of the sewer up it landed that tells me there was at least in the crew's mind a very serious emergency required him to get on the ground quickly. there's a myriad of situations you can get both engines operating did they have smoke or fire in onboard the aircraft was there. smoke in the cockpit and what was the emergency did they have that that's why it's really so critical to be able to listen to the noises the sounds the voice recordings and all the instrumentation.
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ramblers and see those parameters through the flight recorder and the flight voice recorder to see what happened it could be a lot of different things but it's also interesting that apparently they landed on the second approach if there was a fire aboard the aircraft you want to get that airplane on the ground as soon as possible you can't play around. israeli and palestinian militant groups hamas have reportedly called to treat south to two days of intense cross border exchanges including bombing raids by the the violence has claimed twenty four lives in gaza among them civilians four people were killed in this trial.
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from outside. read it was for this result with huge numbers of. palestinian militants began then bombardment from the gaza strip on saturday morning several residential areas were hit the mostly in the south of israel the israeli air force targeted multiple sites in gaza in the town the tree strikes for the latest on the situation on the ground to tell of the all t's pull the pull. how is the truce holding up. well it seems as if it is holding up we have heard an announcement from the israeli army that it is lifting
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all restrictions for residents of the south of israel who live within a forty kilometer radius of gaza now this does confirm that the truce that was brokered at around four thirty monday morning is held is holding up it was brokered by egypt in the united nations with the you urging both sides for some time to end their hostilities this is been the bloodiest weekend of violence on the israeli side as you mentioned for his release were killed which is the highest fatality israel. has suffered since the last israel gaza war back in two thousand and fourteen but on the palestinian side twenty four palestinians were killed including a pregnant woman and a child now the flare up started on saturday morning with rockets bombarding southern israel in total more than six hundred rockets rained down on his role and within one minute for example there were some fifty rockets that were fired at southern israeli communities in response to israeli bombardments air force and
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autonomy hits a number of sites in the gaza strip israel says it was targeting islamic jihad and hamas and these included hamas as military intelligence office as well as the general security officers of the organizations that a turkish news agency was also hit in the ensuing fire until the cease fire came into effect there was growing concern that the violence could continue for quite a few days. there was a lot of. work have to do a lot to street scene most indescribably people were afraid and terrified to run in and everyone was looking for their children nobody was able to see others and after the first truck it hit everyone started screaming and children and adults in the building collapsed nobody was able to see one another. and learn to live it's a good. situation to do what we know much you know that we can do is to cross our
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fingers. we're not call many more we do trust the army we do hope benjamin netanyahu will take care of it but we are really worried from the rockets. now overnight bomb shelters were opened here in tel aviv which is some eighty kilometers from the gaza border after hamas threatened that it would target the city and that's also published in hebrew the coordinates of those sites in israel if planned to attack in these include have been going on international airport which. the main airport in and out of the country and also d'amato where it's all is believed to house its nuclear arsenal although this of course has never been confirmed by the israeli side both gaza and southern israel have been in a state of high alert with schools and businesses closed now. late last night the israeli security cabinet wrapped up with the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying that the israeli army would keep up its attacks.
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this morning i instructed the i.d.f. to continue its intensity against terror targets in the gaza strip and to experiment its presence surrounding the gaza strip with armored forces artillery and troops we are operating and we will continue to do so to restore peace and security to residents in the south of the country. now the next two weeks are very busy on the israeli calendar they include the israeli memorial day the independence day the one year anniversary of america moving its embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem nakba day which is commemorated by the palestinians and all of this culminating in the largest song festival year of vision on the fourteenth of may many israelis i speak to say that they believe the israeli prime minister did not go ahead with a full scale invasion of gaza because he doesn't want to detract from the twenty thousand visitors who are expected to descend on israel for the this major show which is a big highlight on the international calendar and of course organizers of the show
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as well as the israeli foreign ministry have been at pains to say that the show will go on has been ongoing and international bands continue to arrive in the country. this their reporting from tel aviv also the update paula. journalist rami maigari and political analyst mitchell barak gave us their conflicting views on the latest escalation between israel and gaza. these are either response is always this. in it. the palestinian rocket. attacks on the palestinians are very destructive and that moving for the population high rises are being reduced to rubble people and the streets are being hit what while they are on with or cycles. because even on the ground in the fields including mothers and their toddlers both the hamas and islamic jihad are are excellent in using human shields you know launching their operations from schools
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and from apartment buildings and from civilian centers and hoping that the israelis will not retaliate or that the israelis will be concerned with possible civilian casualties every civilian casualty is that sort of tragedy but the state of israel takes its citizens and has to protect its borders and for that some very very serious measures are being taken against the military infrastructure in gaza. back in a few minutes after this break. you
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know world of big. lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to get the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks.
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welcome back to the program with the crisis in venice while a simmering russia's foreign minister is set to discuss the situation with his american counterpart later on monday on the sidelines of the arctic forum in finland on the agenda will be the attempt by the us backed venezuelan opposition leader at a media conference on sunday and venezuela's foreign minister both stressed that dialogue is key. we and our venezuelan partners agree that any use of force circumventing the un charter and the un security council may have catastrophic consequences for the entire structure of modern global security as any nation venezuelans themselves could only decide their own fate through peaceful dialogue within the scope because the two shouldn't this was another attempt at violence by the venezuelan opposition president nicolas maduro insists that a dialogue remains the only option to voice the u.s. position which says all options are on the table we believe the only way is to
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respect the u.n. charter preserve peace in venezuela and not violent or forceful overthrow of the regime because you're going to starve them earlier blood the man who attend discuss the venezuelan crisis with all trump by phone with the u.s. president salva charter with his russian counterpart positive. efforts to break a venezuela's that luck. what if all the key stakeholders don't only talk on the phone but get to meet maybe even more than once and actually end up agreeing on something might come pale and. don't get in touch that often nowadays but just last week they were on the phone and there you have it they're meeting face to face just a few days after vladimir putin and donald trump didn't talk for about five months after the g. twenty in argentina last week it was time to get back to business the two
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presidents were on the phone for more than an hour he is. not looking at all to get involved in venezuela other than he'd like to see something positive happen for venezuela. and i feel the same way so we want to help with a humanitarian basis and i thought it was a very positive conversation i had with president putin on venezuela sounds quite optimistic probably even too much was president putin able to convince him speculation over russia's involvement and venezuela is way too overblown wait only the day before we heard this from america's number one diplomat we need to make sure there's not an invasion intent as well and yet there's been one. it took place that you wouldn't invaded some time ago the russians have now followed suit and in the meantime mr lab rob was saying this to go to. discussing the situation in venezuela but i don't see how we can find a common approach where no policies based on the principles of international law
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and the u.s. line is to appoint someone as an interim president in another country threaten to use military force along with choking sanctions to overthrow the congress seems. washington is trying to convince the world the way they've been pulling the strings in venezuela has nothing to do with the word coup yet as usual they're leaving all options on the table including the use of force. military action is possible if that's what's required that's what the united states will do typically those who are not venezuelan should know is all options are on the table secretary of state is in close contact with the pentagon he was among the officials who were briefed by the u.s. southern command quote unquote on a wide range of military options as the command continues to monitor activities on the ground and as well self-imposed venezuelan leader one of like bill has been hinting he would be happy if washington stepped in militarily and you don't rule
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out a military intervention because it's entirely clear what the madeira regime is about anyway it's clear for him that would probably be the best case scenario after several failed attempts to get the army on his side. one of why bill called himself the president of them is well three and a half months ago and time isn't on his side giving out orders as head of state hasn't yet helped him actually become one president nicolas maduro and his supporters have so far been able to withstand most of the pressure a few more failed attempts to start a coup or energize a genuinely nationwide protest may lead to second thoughts about mr within the opposition whether he'll ever choose to back down himself. that's a tough one speaking of nicolas maduro this man doesn't look like someone who ever
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be the first one to raise the white flag making concessions though when he's completely pushed to the wall that's more like it. north korea surprise that missile tests in the sea of japan over the weekend fail to trigger the fire and fury one might have expected from donald trump the u.s. president's administration has so far only reiterated hopes of striking a deal with pyongyang on the ecology done of looks at why the response has been so rooted. in north korea a country that says it doesn't want anyone paying attention to what's going on there yet at the same time secretly can't get enough of the spotlight look test we did a test deadly scary myth and everyone did look and also glance to donald trump the afficionado of name calling expecting one of his north korea one liners like these little rocket man mad men out there shooting rockets all over the place
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is a sick puppy rocket is on a suicide mission from so rock it should have been handled a long time ago. yet everyone expecting a measuring contest was in for a surprise to the missiles and even the size of kim's button don't seem to. bother the white house any more that we still believe that there's an opportunity to get a negotiated we hope that this act that he took over the weekend won't get in the way we want to get back at the table anything in this very interesting world is possible but i believe that kim jong un fully realizes the great economic potential of north korea and will do nothing to interfere or end it he also knows that i am with him and does not want to break his promise to me deal will happen ok let me go through this again is it about north korea chuck is it about something militaristic check is trump still the president of the united states chuck so what's wrong
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well it could be about the timing and the fact that the once hate to do is turning into a love triangle a couple of weeks ago russia's president vladimir putin had his first ever meeting with kim jong and among other things the north korean leader asked putin for this. german king also read directly to tell the us about his position and about the questions he has in connection with the situation on the korean peninsula there's no way of telling if lattimer putin has passed the message on but he certainly had the perfect chance one trumpet dialed him last week and they stayed on the line for a good ninety minutes north korea definitely being among the talking points so when your relationship is going downhill maybe it's a good idea to get a third opinion. sony's and i are a lot international i'll be back in around thirty minutes time with more world
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updates so do stay with us. one else seemed wrong. when all rolls just don't hold. any new world yet to shape out just a conflict article and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. seriously folks go through a period of sort of full scale of the first bush but if. you would begin
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the minute you did it wasn't i do a good. look. losing because it's a feeling. of the good of the team you know that all you want to go to the brink of the enemy at the last it's a little silly was god willing you'll know paul. enough well it was pretty good way to listen to the old crow but you're still too which could go on and on with young but i come. here to your room you're in the news you don't need to storm the lead here so my look down from moods should bears are doing the clue trick of crafters smirk. when lawmakers manufacture consent instinct of public wells. when the running close to protect themselves. in the financial
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merry go round listen to the one percent told. to ignore middle of the room signal. from the real news group. call them to sophie and gone says each member announce it today as how to manage the history in the making was so international diplomacy at its highest. level and exclusion meetings between the world's most powerful man. who is the
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legendary translator of former soviet leader mikhail gorbachev talks to me about his nose thrilling and exciting experiences when the fate of nations wrists on a leader's words and a misunderstanding could trigger disaster the art of translation becomes crucial in global affairs what does the translator witnessed behind closed doors during one on one negotiations how do translators who showed a world leaders cope with the risk of a mistake and do they also have their own impact on global decisions. it is so great to have you on our program welcome thank you so i want to talk about you in this interview with the most part when you go back a little bit when you first started working on the level of us so it's did it scare you that you're translating reagan i mean like you.
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