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tv   News  RT  May 7, 2019 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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i mean moscow in the headlines this morning just bluffing brushes foreign minister says he doesn't believe that there's any real appetite in the u.s. for the military intervention in venezuela. ping commission president downplays concerns the euro skeptic parties are set to make unprecedented gains in the blocks upcoming elections. and russia continues to mourn the victims of sunday's plane crash here in moscow which killed forty one including a twelve year old girl. good
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morning it's choose day the seventh of may live from moscow is kevin owen here at international with your world news update starting with this russia's foreign minister is said that he doesn't believe is any real support for u.s. military intervention in crisis stricken venezuela even among top officials in washington he says made those comments following talks with his american counterpart mike pump a zero on the sidelines of the arctic forum in finland has got the story. but surrogate talked to the media he thought it wasn't a good idea to shed light on any of the details pretty much but he did respond to my question about mike barrows statement from this weekend that russia must get out of venezuela and also about the possibility of cole said intervening militarily when he started his. consent to do this and we tried not to
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concentrate on those statements which are publicly discussed because they are being affected by many factors the don't have anything to do was real politics we concentrated on the real politics incentives from my contacts with the u.s. american and european colleagues i don't see any suppose us military action immediately after this i asked the russian foreign minister if that included american diplomats and to that he simply answered yes but the real question right now is though whether that is really the case because many times we've heard from the most high ranking officials in america the phrase all options are on the table including the military one and when secretary of state pump air was heading to europe the journalists were reporting that on the plane he said that nicolas maduro
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can no longer be in charge of this country the government in venezuela understands that they could end up having to brace for the worst case scenario just listen to what their foreign minister said when he was in the russian capital on sunday but oh but it won't get us you know we are ready for all scenarios the first includes diplomacy dialogue and peace and i think if the u.s. prefers the military response we're ready to resist to have an army police were on our people and we're ready to destroy any army no matter how powerful it is so we said. levy most influential powers on the opposite sides here the government at any cost the door and the self-proclaimed president one quite though are finally in touch on this president donald trump house poke into president fly out of our potent the top diplomats have met but it is unclear whether that would still lead to a peaceful resolution of this longstanding venezuelan crisis former british
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diplomat william allison told us he doesn't believe the united states will actually launch an intervention to topple president nicolas maduro. these are empty threats and there are threats of vanity that threats of of looks like the wounded bear wounded live as long as. one as well in particular with russia and china as support international law i don't see the possibility of an overt u.s. intervention at all because that would be extremely dangerous for the world's ability and cause major problems for the american economy in fact if you look at the economic multiplier effect and other financial factors going on at the moment whereby gold is being bought and the dollar is being turned away from except the exception so i think it's empty rhetoric rhetoric frankly. if you're
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a parliamentary elections now less than three weeks away polls are showing that euro skeptic parties are poised to make i'm president of gains and other funds are causing concern in some quarters the eaves chief though seems much more relaxed at the prospect charlotte toobin has got the story. the alarm bells are sounding in brussels across the european union poll after poll showing voters are looking for change and that change isn't music to the east is euro skeptic parties are intent on shaking up the house here in france a recent poll shows marine le pen's national rally could top the ballots edging slightly ahead of president batons now public march in italy the two euro skeptic governing coalition parties also set to repeal wards in may is vote and to the north the alternative for germany party believes it's about to build on pass excess it's also taking a stance and germany's feature membership of the book demanding reform so saying it will campaign to leave the union really the pen since the revolution is underway.
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in the thesis lucic anomic social demographic and identity of the disaster our project constitutes a revolution a peaceful democratic revolution. of commonsense established god isn't likely to go without a fight but it senses a change in the. standing united makes a strong forward to now country. to change to push forward the european project without giving any ground to those who want to see it fall back in this year twenty nineteen we must defend against nationalists and the self-centered this is our europe. anyone taking from the e.u. parliament has only limited powers it doesn't even propose them so it's actually the unelected european commission that comes up with those laws which are then
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fleshed out by a different structure the european council along with the european parliament so despite the polls showing that euro skeptic incumbents are about to shake up the e.u. parliament it seems it won't be. many sleepless nights nobody knows this but last time i rejected the canada cease of six commissioners presented to me by national governments do remember that governments merely propose commissioners it is the president of the commission who accepts them and our cage their responsibilities what the parliament does have the ability for though is amongst other things resolutions and there are hundreds if not thousands of them for example expected recently to place in the new why didn't paul go on sales to saudi arabia because of the concern that they are being used in the war in yemen but this vote doesn't actually compel member states to heed the parent and in fact most haven't some point to a lack of teeth from parliament as being the reason that they don't even bother to
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vote in its elections and in twenty fourteen voter turnout hit a record low of forty three percent perhaps of the real question is does it matter who you vote for because in reality even a seismic shakeup at any pete level won't have any impact on the commission nor the council where it seems the power base weenie. real engine. was in the commission this is either the end of the. e.u. integration. e.u. policy on for another three years and. certainly. it's one of the most undemocratic situations these people. basically come to go to with citizens that's why the strong interest from the e.u.
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or the like the citizens this is totally disconnected lives rest that they don't feel part of the debate. russia continues to maul the deaths of forty one people in sunday's air disaster. in moscow the aeroflot flight from the capital to the northwestern city of motor mounts was forced to make an emergency landing in sheremetyevo airport it caught fire as it hit the runway after bouncing several times and was quickly engulfed by flames more than half of the victims were from the month screeching. if you. really truly. if you're in the future ships those which you can print media even if you wish to. use it. if you produce live removes but it's. the rules to come by given these shoot it. for you to see if you teach your kids. most. should you.
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this it. would be. good. for the survivors of the crash of return to moments to be with their families in the wake of the tragedy goes down off next as the stories of some of those who weren't so far. this is i'll be now a businesswoman and single mother she was returning from a business trip back two more months back to her ten year old son she was raising on her own he plays hockey and she was his biggest fan the flight was meant to be fun to i'll be you know was traveling with a friend now somewhere in the same boarding queue will be in a huge gainey and twelve year old sophia the surgeon had been giving his daughter an escape from their gloomy northern home town to enjoy a few days in the warmth of the moscow sun now that tiana welcomed l.b.
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no you've given the sophie and all other passengers on board the flight attendant was getting ready for yet another take off now three minutes past six in the evening the aircraft lifted into the skies from sheremetyevo airport a few minutes later than the first seventeen minutes of the flight went smoothly passengers in this seats belts fastened the sukhoi superjet. ascended approaching a storm and then everything went from ok to bad and then straight to hell literally in a flash to call from the ball to widening the plane and apparently liking strike hits the jet now more than aircraft have safety systems to protect themselves from situations exactly like these but this time the lightning sends all communications systems on board of line the pilots send a distress signal make a u.
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turn and head back to moscow apparently they go in almost blind with limited communications they can barely get any aid from the ground they aim for an emergency landing on one of the runways but the aircraft is too heavy minutes ago we've had been filled to the brim and the pilots decided not to dump access fuel there's no definitive answer why but the most likely theory so far is the didn't want to risk circling around a bustling aerial hub with only sporadic contact with the ground so weighty jets wheels slam into the runway and bounce right off it another attempt and the plane crash lands its tail hits the tarmac with such force it ruptures the tanks and all that fuel instantly catches fire and there's the blazing jet slides along the
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runway passengers helpless trapped they sit and just watch the inferno engulf them. the jet finally comes to a stop and the evacuation kicks off by that moment the fire had already devoured the back and the middle emergency out. it's so there's only one way forward from the nose of the jet but tiana the flight attendant helps people through and down the chutes those who can walk those who can't and are passed out she literally shoves out of the door herself i'm alive only thinks to the stewardesses the girls stood there in the smoke it was dark extremely hot but they pulled people out and helped them get down the chutes now by ti-anna i helped
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a total of thirty seven people survive the mayhem. you've gainey and sophia were not among them for all being his ten year old son in the stands at the whole curing will be deafening lee quiet for a long time is mother will never achieve here for him from them again the tragedy off and him senior once a happy wife and mother in an instant is widowed and left childless for her tragedy has come calling again she had already lost her niece alina in a school shooting last year and now it's her husband and daughter and tatiana the unconditional hero she may have survived herself but she's still to make it through the day after day after day of survivor's guilt or into it by the forty one she couldn't help it goes down off reporting the whole another story that submerged
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in the wake of the trial to the is that a flight attendant makes it more say of he's been hailed a hero as he died trying to open the rear exit door to order to evacuate persons is the very back of that plane. to get into the. ideal a dream which began in our school would last and up until that date. was a very responsible and goal oriented person and he was always ready to take it that's exactly what you showed on that day. he was expected to be at the front of the plane but he switched places with the
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students perhaps he expected something bad would happen he took the heat inside. his stayed inside the aircraft and pushed the surviving people along the ground was inhaling smoke and then lost consciousness. look at his face he always smiled always he wanted conflict he was the kindest person he is looking out from the photo but he can't say a word and i can't stop looking at him. so the investigation continues the plane's black boxes have been recovered and that jet is now been removed from the runway as we heard its entire rear section was destroyed in a fire we asked a variation expert david gill a face thoughts on what might have gone so badly. i believe the flight control system was working ok but not in the usual mode of operation so it's quite right
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that the investigation will take some time to look at hell the pilots were trained to land the airplane in putting. software mode there have been some recent accidents some of them seem to be the malton level all electronics equipment and pilot training associated with that i would say that also the media are able to pick up and report the accidents much more easily so the accident rate is has gone up slightly recently but not significantly so we haven't gone back ten or twenty years anything like that let's get a little more evidence from the flight recorders in the cockpit voice recorder interviews of the crew and then let the interstate aviation committee discuss with the russian certification committee what should happen to the airplane which got international with me kevin i mean this morning the company head out for the break donald trump is fired off another twitter salvo in china setting the stage for a further trade war escalation we'll tell you about it we come back.
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hotep international memorial awards twenty nine c. the now open for entries the media professionals are eligible whether you are a freelance journalist work for all terms of media or part of a global news to participate in sunday published works and video. go to award dot com and then to now. you are lying on data that is not very well to find like g.d.p. number the gross domestic product number is notorious for being very opaque and it doesn't really give a picture that you can draw any better implosions from a that's true of almost every number that's produced by the government because it
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behooves them to control the data because the data controls the algorithms and the indexes. good morning the u.s. president has threatened to ratchet up tariffs on hundreds of billions of dollars worth of imports from china the latest escalation then in the trade war between the world's leading economic powers comes ahead of a week of high level talks between washington and beijing aimed at ending the conflict with more of the story and donald trump's high risk negotiating tactics. were over two years into the presidency of the great deal maker mr era fired himself donald trump and it seems he is operating with the my way or the highway
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strategy these are his latest comments on china. the trade deal with china continues but too slowly as they attempt to renegotiate no trump is threatening a new tariff on over three hundred twenty five billion dollars worth of chinese goods now this all or nothing strategy seems to be a staple of the trumpet ministration at this point we've got mike pompei o saying that no country will be allowed to import iranian oil any nation or entity interacting with iran should use its diligence and err on the side of caution the risks are simply not going to be worth the benefits if you don't abide by this they'll be sanctions trump has demanded that russia stop supporting the elected government of venezuela with the russians but no right to get out. i want you next question the u.s. state department has demanded that turkey not by any russian ass four hundred
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missiles we've also made it clear to turkey that we have very serious concerns with stated plans to proceed with the acquisition of the russian s four hundred missile defense system trumpets threaten the palestinian authority that money is on the table that money's not going to them unless they sit down and negotiate peace this will make a difference on how americans look at the un and on how we look at countries who disrespect us in the us and this will be remembered this all seems to fit a strategy that trump laid out in his bestseller the art of the deal the worst thing you can possibly do in a deal is seem desperate to make it that makes the other guy smell blood and then you're dead no one can say the united states reeks of desperation however all of this doesn't seem to be resulting in better deals but rather no deals all the bombastic walk away is an rip up severs altered in no progress trump says my way or
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the highway and people around the world generally take the. hiway countries around the world are still buying iranian oil russia is still supporting venezuela at this point turkey says it still intends to buy s. four hundred missiles from russia and furthermore at the palestinians are sticking to the same firm position that they held before and while he's failing to make new deals trump seems to be breaking a lot of the old ones the united states will therefore suspend its obligations under the i.m.f. treaty the united states will withdraw. from the paris. climate of court i am announcing today that the united states will withdraw from the iran nuclear deal yeah the tough guy stuff might have worked pretty well when trump was selling real estate on madison avenue but is it going to work in geopolitics let's see what china does next. to me one. time
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when we. meet with them who have. so moved from. multiple. ability to made it work you know to. global this would be a market in maybe of trying to be. the age group would be trying to train well who. could. facebook's provoked another storm a controversy this time by banning a stray in breast comes a company that it claims was violating its nudity rules. it is a good. move. those ads featured topless survivors of breast cancer there covering themselves in small cakes the
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campaign was launched by the breast cancer network's trailer together with the bakers delight chain last year it raised more than half a million dollars. or the c.e.o. of breast cancer network australia said that facebook had previously approved the ads but then later said they violated its policy we were so disappointed to hear that facebook had found that out there in brave women and men who all had breast cancer we're told that they were probably too real into confronting to be able to have paid ads on facebook particularly in that forty plus age group use facebook to tell their friends and family of things that are important to them so facebook has been important we have a plane trying to get in contact with facebook and still we have only heard through the made here in fact here in australia that they sent to us we needed to add educational messages this was very new news to us the only thing that we knew is
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that all the ads were allowed to happen but then again the day that we launched facebook said these ads were no longer permissible a spokesperson for facebook australia said that while she personally love the idea just didn't follow the platform's guidelines the policy does allow for the posting of post mustek to be photos for ordinary users but it seems for advertisers the rules are stricter izzo twitter users have been reacting to what happened. finally deployed for you to paula see facebook seriously but this is ok. this is not to route to facebook naked garden indeed takes precedence over a fundraiser for cancer survivors and sufferers. strange the true agenda of the facebook mission statement so when a group use the facebook form for a good cause they jump and it's been shifted down to human rights attorney jennifer braden she thinks that facebook needs to avoid selectively enforcing its rules
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facebook right now say that it has a consistent policy if you just look at the language of its policy but it is not consistent and how it in forces its policy is targeting in campaigns like this with breast cancer research or awareness but it's also targeting different political groups and certain things so it needs to look at how it targets so that it chooses to enforce its ban under because there are many people who have far more explicit as that are not banned we're seeing that america has a silence prominent conservative voices were saying that as they silence other things other ads and they target these people they target those that they want to silence that differ with them politically or socioeconomically and that is not ok we need to have consistency and we need to have platforms that allow the freedom of speech to come out rather than silencing the freedom of speech and using it under the guise of violating policies. and that's the way things look in so far this choose that morning from moscow just after ten twenty six in the morning here in a preview what you are the world of a great day. desists
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is a sticker from the water bottle phone in the stomach of the fish the brand is part of the coca-cola company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that let's tell consumers there are the bad ones there the litter bugs are throwing this away industry should be blamed for all of this waste the company has long promised to reuse the plastic. and i'm sure. it's to cook out soon as we speak . in maine that seems small set for something their classes classics they cost me on my end are you staying on your own that special projects funded we tell the difference and also agree on the new best that is the end of a footy team but for now the mountains of waste only grow higher.
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join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then. in twenty forty you know bloody revolution here to correct the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it just no lawyer here i mean your list put video through me in the new bill is that i mean you're spoiling me to the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty fourteen. of those who took the kite invested over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals that women. a secure and prosperous and democratic.
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max kaiser this is the kaiser report death by algorithm that's right the truth may trigger an algorithm in your browser taking you to the show that has actual facts
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be where stacy. and i have been traveling quite a lot lately and when you tune into m s n b c or c.n.n. or fox it's one hundred percent nowadays one hundred percent just opinion shows they don't offer any economic or financial shows no which is remarkable because you know bill clinton is the one that said it's the economy stupid what really people are going to vote on is the economy and yet you have these presenters who are supposed to offer political opinion about the you know politics in the beltway in the the bubble they live in but they don't know what voters voters are going to vote on economic matters and yet rachel maddow has no idea for example what's going on in the u.s. economy because she doesn't talk about that like we do here what i said basically within three minutes and three basic.


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