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tv   News  RT  May 9, 2019 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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victory day celebrations are underway here in russia marking the seventy fourth anniversary of the end of the great patriotic war traditional and iconic parade has just finished on red square this. the military displays of the be followed by a march of the immortal regiment big thing to come with millions of people paying tribute to their relatives who lived through the conflict. and you know the news polls show former u.s. vice president joe biden leading against bernie sanders in the race for the twenty twenty democratic presidential nomination evoking memories that of the twenty sixth
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. get off today live from moscow broadcasting around the world you're watching international with me. company. day here now this ninth of may very special day in russia to mark the seventy fourth anniversary of the capitulation of nazi germany and the end of world war two as the great. the conflict here on the eastern front which lasted for just under four years a battle of attrition with unprecedented ferocity claimed the lives of twenty five million soviets. and today is about remembering all of the suffering and sacrifice which ultimately affected every family for over twenty years no military parades have been
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a key component of the victory day celebrations the here's some of the same. we witnessed on red square just last. please please. please please. please please it's very difficult to describe the atmosphere it's it's electric isn't tense but there's so much excitement up excitement just released
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during the parade itself liz. please. look at the history here the first victory parade was held on the twenty fourth of june nine hundred forty five over a month after nazi germany's capitulation during the soviet era the next
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celebrations then were held on the twentieth and fortieth anniversary of the victory since ninety ninety five in modern history military parades have been held annually. so as you can see victory day holds a very special place in the popular consciousness here in russia it's not just a time for bold military displays it's also time for quietly remembering the unimaginable suffering insured by soviet families during that war.
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it. one of the bloodiest
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battles of the conflict in a fight in history took place at stalingrad then it lasted for two hundred days between nine hundred forty two nine hundred forty three and cost the red army over one million one hundred thirty thousand soldiers germany's losses were even higher on losing the battle the nazi leadership declared a day of national mourning when historians see the battle is. styling grad as a watershed moment and one that dramatically altered the course of that. even now how rowing remind us of the trauma inflicted by the war of being uncovered next for you we've got a letter that was uncovered with the remains of to solve its soldiers it never made it out. i was silly collab each dig in and the last one left i've been injured and will not last long.
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but i will stay here i will die when i refused to give in to the enemy tell my wife that i was defending the motherland. we will win no matter what. eventually comrades. with the military parade in red square now over earlier on today millions of people whose relatives lived through the war expected to march through the capital to taking part in what's known as the immortal regiment his cross live again today
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hawkins in the heart of the russian capital a super parade earlier on you brought us a flavor of a lot of the rest of the team now private family moments and memories to be shared sometimes but certainly marked. yeah absolutely a private family moment yet such a strong national feeling strong national day because of course as you quite rightly mentioned it was some other on a couple other colleagues earlier today every family has a story to tell whether that's relatives fighting on the front working behind enemy lines as members of the resistance working in the factories it really was a time of collective memory and collective effort that great picture to put it into perspective always struggle to really convey in words how important this holiday used to russians and of course we have remembrance sunday in the u.k. the moment of silence etc very poignant and i've just been reading an article the state poll that says almost half of russians forty eight percent are going to be
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attending some form of victory celebrations across the country another twenty percent are going to be visiting veterans of which there are fewer and fewer every year sadly another twenty percent want to go on t.v. so overwhelming majority of people commemorating and remembering this national festival that so important it is and of course people do come here to watch the tanks the soldiers march by but it's what comes after that millions attend and that is the immortal regiment march people all over russia an estimated ten million marching with photos of their portraits of their descendants of their ancestors loved ones who fought and many sacrificed their lives in that war and now all these marches have already happened in a lot of parts of russia a lot of time zones to get through it's happening a lot of all stock in the far east in tomsk. coming to moscow very soon also internationally this is really going global since twenty twelve when the first one took place in over one hundred countries and five hundred cities in the usa israel
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all over europe the u.k. asia you name it there is some sort of remember it's a vent with people marking the memory of their ancestors and their loved ones and you mentioned personal stories we've been doing some digging as well in my family history i always knew that my grandmother had a father who fought and died in stalin right in one thousand nine hundred sixty two my great grandfather what she didn't know was that she also had a half brother who could do a start soldier had just before he left for the front a lifting cars out in central russia and while i decided to do some family research get in touch with him through social media through his family and what better place for a family reunion than the night of may on red square to commemorate the memory of their father who died under stalin right all those years ago we got them to meet for the first time both of them in their eighty's of course better late than never
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i suppose here on red square and this is what happened. to. her for the city to be stricken. over for a very very. greedy you know every year it's like you would go on a three year court order. the system i think it will need to look at the origins of plants and it's similar. to it's when you do sell them more of
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a pristine system you know why didn't they. push on that here and work on partial get over the fault of feet if we were in order. for huge city you're going to be on the. scene but you knew you had this. you have a lot of us with of the evil of the. sperm in there at the will of this concept to get to the. solution the cuckoo analysis is that it's a little weak to you which england scuzz almost or i'm having in the idea that. the. food by nelson. group in the now would it's a. true theme to do because even if you come violet soon the ballasts me unless you
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have a new mine is sufficient to move. around the other kind of thing your critical. the word destroy you have the most the would i jump on the way to. put elites idiots to me most goods was for me then you know about say that i knew this when they knew. the most the move over them about the b.c. of the it's. just one story all thousands and indeed millions across the whole country and just touched people something he was speaking about earlier kevin which is of course. watching this military parade which has just finished the tanks the armored vehicles it's all very impressive the sheer noise the wind to the ground rumbling
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when you feel for you to solve very very impressive but people don't come here for that the million or so that are going to be in attendance with the malta regiment they come here with true emotions with tears in their eyes and indeed the veterans come here empty handed they leave with bunches of flowers which people give to them they hug them they want to take photos this is the day and if only this could be every day that these veterans are true legends heroes and celebrities here in russia quite rightly as they should be and indeed as i mentioned this evident this commemoration of the immortal regiment has gone truly international now something that wasn't really happening before now is being celebrated in hundreds and hundreds of cities throughout the world we're going to show you some of what's going on so far.
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i. use. well i can let you know there's so much more to come later the flavor of this day huge day big public holiday as well. the main part of the day the march or one part of it the parades going to the marches still to come all around russia of what's called the immortal regiment with family members of all those private family
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members gather all mass in tributes to this so many of gave so much here in russia in world war two there in moscow that starts about two and three quarter hours time at three pm local time across probably there as millions literally wind their way through the capital it is a massive massive turnout it's a day that russia shows its solidarity its respect and love echoed here for you on r.t. international. well this year to mark the ninth of may r.t. decided to launch a special project called letters of victory as part of our colleagues have been telling their relatives stories to just like them through the notes of their families received from the front line. if i tell what. kids can do to secure my own which i watch is just the more you just good just produce a little you are more proud of it more put together by all brides and down. on the
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pile more some problem mark was a bit under water more rational logic. is good actually but if you get them for your momma was sure to get the macmini he gets put on but i'd leave my have a go my assist grandmother was so in each of all that our guy she misspoke wish i was that i'm their mom to most of sydney just so i guess last mission that is. because it's an option to watch in the blue block the girl was a geisha. laid out in the crew of the circle is a new approach to polish two point zero and in the us to finish a new slot might be a picture board to work with and push away to what to just never be to guess why is there any. surprise that more people some of these couple systems would say they didn't know enough but we also know which why should we don't do much else. if there's if us times two it is done but one of us that i am still by ted in the eyes of i know that i said you believe it's your cable a division issue. if it's worth swore it up looks
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a lot. but solicit myanmar moyo dollars or if the polish of the bishop of told me this about this issue then your question would be. one for abolishing to do sort of total border. little suffer on the sort of god the apostle from prostate used to my knees know just a couple of so. a
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recent report from the u.k.'s foreign office highlights in detail the persecution of christians around the world in the middle east the cradle appreciate to be christians face extinction why is that deve politically incorrect in the west foundational religion. join me every first day on the alex i'm unsure and i'll be speaking to us of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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i get a check of some world news now former u.s. vice president joe biden has a clear lead over socialist bernie sanders in the contest for the twenty twenty democratic presidential nomination according to latest polls it seems many in the media and the party's leadership are already throwing their weight behind the centrist front runner as they once did with hillary clinton. takes a closer look. a new poll shows that joe biden has surged ahead in the race for the democratic nomination in two thousand and twenty the poll shows that forty six percent of democrats are backing joe biden as the potential nominee with only fourteen percent backing bernie sanders and despite a lot of other polls telling a very different story the media has jumped on this one voices are now telling us why he's the best choice for the democrats and this is a guy who doesn't hate republicans like you see some of the folks on the website you mean for joe biden is that he's the most electable candidate for democrats to
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beat donald trump i think joe biden best chance of success is this sudden coronation remind you of anything hillary clinton is the best candidate democrats can put forward a take on donald trump voters in wisconsin think hillary clinton is the best candidate hillary clinton is the best candidate the media tells us that joe biden is the most experienced candidate biden is certainly the most experienced candidate i think hillary clinton is the single most experienced and prepared person who has ever run for president of the united states furthermore it stresses the point that biden is a centrist he's actually kind of a centrist which is one of the reasons why i think republicans fear him more than the others hillary clinton is not threatened in terms of the nomination because she is a pretty moderate centrist democrat and in fact biden's first campaign fundraiser happened at the home of the exact same guy his name is david cohen he's the chief lobbyist
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for the media conglomerate known as comcast now both biden and clinton voted for the iraq war both biden and clinton have lots of wall street donors and both biden and clinton screamed to lock him up in the one nine hundred ninety s. driving america's incarceration rate sky high for those who may have forgotten hillary clinton lost trump's victory in the twenty sixteen election was interpreted largely as a rebuke of a failing political establishment now hillary clinton's husband got some interesting advice here. as a go my wife gave me a psychology book several months ago in which the author defined insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over again and expecting a different result perhaps it's time to revisit that book polls are often a reflection of media coverage and the corporate media in the united states low suman gives him lots of coverage and that can give him support in polls and they often poll likely democratic voters which is not the same thing as who actually
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ends up voting in a general election even in jest who answers polls is not the same thing as who votes clinton she was the most experienced and the most right wing of the democrats and the media loved her but it didn't mean she could get elected in fact the polls were overwhelmingly clear time and time again. that if there are massive purchases of advertised as joe biden two thousand and twenty has already engaged in of what their media like someone and telling everyone they are the leading candidate as they did overwhelmingly with hillary clinton does not you know anyway obvious mean that that is a candidate who is going to win an election. that he is the anti migrant alternative a job any party of being turned away from a top bird restaurant parly restaurant said he would not serve politicians who show hostility towards ethnic and religious minorities our europe correspondent peter all of the in germany has got more on the controversy. what's not to love about
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a spot of fine dining at the end of the day we're getting a table can always be a bit of a pain of course but it seems for some opposition politicians here in berlin that it's got a bit more difficult members of the anti immigration alternative for germany party including their national figurehead. alison vital had hoped to be sitting down for dinner at the swanky go italian restaurant just behind me however the owners said no way reached out to the restaurant and asked them why i think that was this message since two thousand and one he was working guests from all over the world there are different dissents and race and speak different languages belong to different religions and have different political opinions in our opinion if he does not share this cosmopolitanism tolerance and acceptance that we live by it without guests every day this is why we've exercised our right to refuse service you know welcome guests whose attitude is not shared by our establishment
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a response was sent out on social media by a party spokesman who called the move undemocratic and stupid perhaps as an act of revenge and if the campaign poster currently stands front and center outside the restaurant. the response from the supporters was to flood the restaurant treated by the page with the touring comments some criticize the pricing some the portions others said should we bring along the membership cards to the parties we support every time we go for dinner the website trip advisor is actually suspended comments on that page because there were so many messages it's currently trying to work out which ones are genuine one of the reasons given by the restaurant is that they have staff and guests from all over the world and it pushes hard on an antique multiculturalism agenda but should have business be able to deny service based on political persuasion i ask people. on the streets of berlin what they thought
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despair on business they should have the right to. turn away anybody should respect the private opinions of a phase and restaurants should stay neutral there shouldn't be any political restrictions it is not a. part of something who works in a catchy two for. a political statement also should be independent from the body system these places should be for everyone at the end of the day everybody comes out of this essentially as a winner barcode tobacco gets a free advertising and they have to get to appeal to their base as a party outside of the mainstream ahead of coming parliamentary elections peter all of r.t. berlin wrap it up so the world news stories are bringing you today but one of the big ones of course what's happening here in russia and around the world millions of people expected the poor on to the streets of moscow later today on the seventy
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fourth anniversary of victory day huge day here they're marching to mark the end of the second world war and to remember their relatives who lived through the conflict and to suffer so much the war on the eastern front touched the lives of every family nigh on in russia beyond it is a day of sorrow but also joy too and some really special memories they're going to try and share with you some with very personal overeager flavor it all here on r.t. international. montes holiday international memorial awards twenty nineteen are now open for entries the media professionals are eligible whether you are a freelance journalist work for alternative media or part of a global news conference to participate send us your published works and video all written for much go to award dot altie dot com and enter now.
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is this is a sticker from the water bottle found in the stomach of a fish the brand is part of the coca-cola company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that let's tell consumers they're in the bad ones they're the litter bugs are trying this way industry should be blamed for all this waste the company has long promised to reuse the plastic. as the seeds to cook out soon as he's. found in maine that seems cool sets their classes to seek a court date on land on your birthday on your own at a special projects funded we tell the difference and also agree on the new best that is the end of a footy team but for now the mountains of waste only grow higher. you know world of big part of the lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up
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to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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max kaiser this is the kaiser report the show that takes it down all the way to truth. says ok well you know what i have central banks in the headline we might have some say a clown joe biden called him a clown in the white house and he's wreaking havoc via tweets with tariffs and trade wars some market crashes and mark on crashes and things like that but central banks have always got the bankers back central banks have almost eliminated recession's venture capitalists probably happy says this is from c. and b. c. central banks have created an environment where both major downturns as well as expansions are almost impossible said venture capitalist china palla happy. last week he said i don't see a world in which we have any form of meaningful contraction nor any form of meaningful expansion we have completely taken away the tool kit of how normal
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