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tv   News  RT  May 11, 2019 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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every thursday on the alex i'm i'm sure and i'll be speaking to get us to the world of politics. i'm sure i'll see you then. the war on whistleblowers continues with the u.s. charges a former intelligence analyst under the espionage act he turned over classified information about washington's targeted assassination program to the media. pakistani officials say a security guards being killed off the gunmen stormed a luxury hotel in the south in an attack targeting foreigners. and 25 years
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a one ruling party but this time the african national congress in south africa suffers its biggest losses since the end of apartheid in the general election. here last and you want you all to international live from austin q with me. welcome to the program. a former u.s. intelligence analyst is facing up to 50 years in prison for allegedly leaking sensitive information about washington's covert train more fair program to the media daniel hale who was arrested on thursday served as a language analyst for the air force between 292013 in 2011 he was also assigned to work for the national security agency and given top secret security clearance it's alleged that during that time he established communication with
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a reporter and provided him with documents stolen from n.s.a. computers hale was indicted under the espionage act on 5 charges related to theft retention and transmission of classified information each carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison the press freedom organization reporters without borders has sharply criticized the arrest arguing it represents a direct threat to investigative journalists with more now on the story his caliber open. many observers are noting that the information provided in the indictment seems to indicate that it's possible he could be the person that leaked information to the intercept and reporter jeremy scahill there was later published in his book the drone paper's however the intercept has refused to confirm or deny that this was indeed their source this is what was said by the intercept the intercept does not comment on matters relating to the identity of enormous sources these documents detail the secrets on accountable process for targeting and killing people around
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the world including u.s. citizens through drone strikes they are revived to limp or since the alleged whistleblower faces up to 50 years in prison no one has ever been held accountable for killing civilians or enjoying strikes that the information that was published by the intercept seems to indicate that there is a high civilian death toll in the u.s. drone warfare operations that have been waged for the past 14 years. in afghanistan somalia and yemen they say that the high death toll is due to the fact that there is a preference for killing targets rather than capturing them furthermore it is difficult for u.s. intelligence agencies to extract the information they need from terror suspects and those that they have in custody the military is easily capable of adaption to change but they don't like to stop anything they feel is making their lives easier henri's to their benefit but they have become so addicted to this machine to this way of doing business that it seems like it's going to become harder and harder to
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prove them away from it the longer they're allowed to continue operating in this way now there has been quite an ugly history of the u.s. drone strike program many civilians have been killed let's review some of what has gone on as the u.s. carries out targeted assassination with drones. many are observing the situation saying there is a big crackdown on whistleblowers being carried out by the u.s. government recently chelsea manning was released from federal custody but it's expected that she could return if she does not testify against wiki leaks furthermore wiki leaks founder julian a son just now facing the possibility of being extradited to the united states to face charges of computer intrusion whatever tolerance there was for those who
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leaked classified information about government malfeasance seems to be gone there is supposed to be a lot actually that prevents classification of information evidencing a crime and so a lot of that classification over classification is actually to prevent people from learning about crimes which is completely illegal it's very difficult to explain to people because they don't understand that you're not supposed to be able to commit . crime and then be able to cover it up and we've gone so far in processing freedom of speech and freedom of the press that people really are pretty ignorant about all of the stuff going on except for the so cation oh you know documentary or book written or newspaper article with the help of whistleblowers and the government is definitely trying to stop all whistle blowing in all investigative journalism that relies on any insider information. a military source in pakistan says
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a security guard has been killed off to several gunmen stormed a 5 star hotel in the south luxury building as part of a chinese funded multi-billion dollar project and popular among tourists officials say the attackers were cornett near the top floor earlier we got an update from an expert on international terrorism and as lama bot. the battle just on the russian army be as a has taken this response ability distribute brief background according to the pakistani chinese relationship that is the chinese pakistani economic corridor or it's the $600.00 kilometer long corridor and god there is the center point or the entry point of that order so that was very obvious target of the terrorist activity that was there but according to the recent of war started coming in and now the police and the armed forces have cordon of the area and the action istream going on around 95 percent of the area has been cleared still some hotel workers are officials who are still inside well they have been insurgency going on in this
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largest in terms of its geographic in a province of pakistan and even in baluchistan just last month security forces officials were attacked and it was claimed that some of the insurgents were crossing over from the iranian sorry all the attack so the overall situation it appears that the relative calm that has appeared to come back in pakistan has been disturbed i must have some to our guard this is a security failure as well because in the heart of little just on in god that there is no big building infrastructure of the this is such a big hotel the only international border out there national or international state and national international dignitaries come there journalists can come there there's no on that obvious building in that area so if that has been touted out it is a serious question mark about the overall security of rape was. an alternation of albania has been rocked by
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a mass protest in the capital to honor the saturday opposition parties that are staging an antechamber rally against what they call widespread corruption. of the way was the end who was. activists there are also demonstrating against organized crime allegations the government though denies there's a heavy security presence at the scene with have seen a sporadic fires break out as opposition figures could be heard chanting anti-government slogans from a makeshift podium in the crowd. the
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african national congress has returned to power in south africa but with a reduced majority in what is its worst result since taking office 25 years ago it's confirmed the and see took 58 percent of the vote from wednesday's general election the party has ruled in south africa since the country's 1st free election back in 1904 and victory means president several i'm opposed will have another 5 years to appease those who've accused him of failing to address issues in the country like corruption. the main opposition party the democratic alliance picked up 21 percent of the vote while the leftist economic freedom fighters took 11 percent double what they received 5 years ago in the last election here's a look at some of the reasons voters may have turned on the a.n.c. failing to combat the high unemployment which currently stands at 27 percent also theft and murder rates are on the rise land reform has triggered debate with white
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farmers holding the vast majority of private farmland we were joined by political analyst howard filed with who brought down the election results for us. now of the many people vying to be the next u.s. president there's one which donald trump seems to be watching pretty closely former democratic vice president joe biden from spotted a few similarities between early successes in his 2016 campaign and that of his rival today and it's not all the 2 may be opposites on the political spectrum but
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it seems they've also got more than strategic success in common and video from 2006 as resurface showing then vice president biden saying he voted for a strong border fence partly due to migrants from latin america bringing drugs all rather different from his tone later on. for. white on white most democratic society all white part of the $700.00. letters of paul. right across the border. 5. wires running. the result of it was next week. the problems are not bound by border drug climate.
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biden is not the only democrat to argue for stronger border defenses while running for office barack obama and hillary clinton were keen on a lot to the bill before us will certainly do smell good. there will authorize some badly needed funding for better fences and better security along our borders maybe they'll need a moat. they didn't want alligators in the by now secure our borders with technology personnel physical barriers if necessary and some places we will not build a wall instead we will build an economy where everyone who wants a good job can get one jonathan alter daniel as our tell me that there's hypocrisy in the democrat camp when it comes to border security it's really difficult to criticize trump to call him quote destroying the borders was the same time as our recognizing that the more liberal border region that's promoted by nafta has
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assaulted of the the transport of a lot of drugs and other substances is across the border so the democrats enjoy playing both sides of the sets they they have tried their best to keep immigrants out they have contributed to. a dismal conditions and central america which are generating waves and waves of refugees who want you to the same time they want to blame trump for not having the right or left rather a humane attitude of a both major parties are really implicated in this in this border disaster which is reaching truly. unprecedented proportions there's an example hypocrisy on this issue. with a parliament election fast approaching and debated by cantor in the union over the process that determines who takes the top job at the planks executive branch has
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all europe correspondent peter. reform versus the status quo when it comes to who will be taking the european commission's top job next under the current system called spits in candidate or leave candidates that job goes to the preferred choice of the parliamentary group the takes the most seats in the upcoming european parliamentary elections if we have a look at the most recent polling what this means is this well the a p p's munford verba is the heir apparent to john claude young in all but name. not so fast says the money will. do the things we think any doubt that has been going on artistically pitted no i have been clear from the beginning on this subject so i don't think this is the right approach in fact this was something of a theme for mr mccraw throughout this week's e.u. summit in rumania he wants to see a change to the current system. if we should in any case avoid agreeing on the
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least good candidate which can happen in certain situations we must opt for the best possible candidate in order to ensure a strong european project. the problem is while the french president has the backing of dutch prime minister mark greta and others there are those leaders in the e.u. that think the current system works just fine thank you very much because i believe the process of electing lead candidates should be accepted by the people german chancellor angela merkel has also given her blessing to month for e.u. commission president however it's not known exactly how cold cream that is should a better option come on the table list of better though well he's already talking like he's got the job so the future european commission on the my leadership we'll insist the principle of sort of rule of law a solution is going to have to be i undoubtedly a european summit which will take place in june after the parliamentary elections
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in 2 weeks time because it's. not just the e.u. commission job that needs to find a successor soon they also have to find replacements for european council president donald tusk and chief of the european central bank mario draghi by the end of this year earlier this year the money will said he wanted to see a new rene solves take place in europe well if he can reform the way directly elected positions are filled in the e.u. institutions will vast maybe more akin to a revolution peter all of our r.t. early. political analyst and raina roth told us he doesn't believe the so-called lead candidate system has lived up to expectations. in my understanding there's some kind of dodge or leave leave kind of the system is a kind of democracy simulation because of the citizens cannot directly choose which
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candidate is the best option who represents best the people's interests so it's a party issue the parties before hand select their most appropriate what they think is most appropriate to have it but this is quite dysfunctional because even in germany we can see that monthly the german. lead candidate for the e.p. p. is fighting against german interests just to get votes from that for example east european parties when he says that not stream to pipeline should be stopped as it has been finished now and it's in strong german interest to continue with this work so this is alarming the system has failed. on the screen now and just before break these are live pictures from the capital of albania tirana we've been keeping an eye on the opposition parties they're staging. an anti-government rally to protest and widespread corruption activists are also demonstrating against
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organized crime something the government is denying they have been protesting for a while now and the internet may be seen. as being thrown and then the security guard thinking under control but as you can see it seems all to pick it up again now and it will be keeping a close eye on i'll bring in the capital tehran. coming up next came a university in the u.k. says it's facing some hiring issues and getting students through the door we'll tell you why among our other stories this. what politicians do. they put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected.
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so when you want to be president. for something i want to. get it right to be close that's what i'm up for. the people. i'm interested always in the water. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race. spearing dramatic developing the only person i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk.
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welcome back to the program there are many things which might deter students from applying to top universities the expense strong competition or a fear of failure but britain's cambridge university has uncovered another lack of decent local. we've been doing some quite detailed research particularly with black students particularly in london looking at old stickles to applying to cambridge and thinking about cambridge a number 3 on the list was headdress as it's unexpected but we need to look at applying to cambridge from their eyes for those students this is their concern. the international renowned institution has also been canvassing current students as part of efforts to encourage more applicants from diverse backgrounds in 2017 only 2 percent of cambridge intakes or of black or ethnic origin other deterrents were a fear of student debt and not fitting in although the underground she was featured in the university's promo video say they found college life more diverse than they
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expected i think i realized what my original perception of cambridge was but this is a stereotype when i came here i found there are spaces from our walk on your from about what a very small talk's coming to cambridge i've met so many different people people who look like me but people who. you heard from lee jasper a former equalities advisor to the mayor of london who says the talk of head dresses is just a diversion from the real issues facing the university. there are too many white men running the show cambridge university and they are from a particular class a particular culture the elite of british society and they maintain within them an academic culture that is profoundly classical. and whose culture in terms of the sex press values. inimical really to black students who want to critically engage with academia to study issues of philosophy history and others you got to
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a black professor as you go to our curriculum that reflects a multicultural britain and moreover you've really got leadership from the very top of the university that demonstrates its commitment to race equality and unless cambridge really takes the issue seriously then they will forever focus on. dresses and steel pan and samosa nights to cure their problem. several lawmakers have been injured and one hospitalized after hong kong's legislative assembly descended into chaos the brawl was triggered by a meeting on plan changes to the island's extradition policy. the proposed new law was announced early this year by the region's pro beijing leader i was after a case involving a man from hong kong who allegedly killed his pregnant wife on vacation in taiwan
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and the current policy known as one country 2 systems hong kong can't help taiwan to extradite suspects critics believe the new legislation could erode freedom and privacy but the authorities say the switch is crucial. clashes have broken out in the french city of leone between yellow vest protesters and police in what is the 26th. a week of demonstrations across the country chaos also broadcast in the city of norms despite bans on demonstrations in several areas the rallies in paris this saturday have so far gone without incident but come just 2 weeks before the european parliament elections within 20000 people turned out across the country which makes this weekend the weakest says they can no according to the french government. now suffering from a lack of pupils a small school in a rural france has taken
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a somewhat bizarre measure to state fully open. postures to make up the numbers. because a symbolic protests organized by the parents of the students with a certain amount of humor the action showed that since the school district is only interested in numbers we symbolically enrolled sheep since our children are being treated like rabbits.
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we the teachers regret the reduction of the number of classes going since we will need to have more students in each class next year so that the initiative does not come from the teaches but from the parents and this action made us smile and menacing. by september 1st we will definitely have one class closed it will be difficult to survive this means that the rest of the classes are going to be either stretched. for news and i'll be back around 30 minutes time with more updates so to stay with us here on r.t. international. after the previous stage of my career was over everyone wondered what i was going to do
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next the ball different clubs on one hand it is logical to sit in the home field where everything is familiar on the other i wanted a new challenge and the fresh perspective i'm used to surprising them by salt or not if you think. i'm going to talk about football narvi or else you can think i was going to go. by the way ways of that slide here. as easily fall through a period of sort of little while the smell of fish flesh bloody. good you might be a will boil to the minute you did it wasn't i go to the well now to look. losing is its appeal to all of the good of that all i own the solicitor got it would put me on the management of that it's a liberal still it was gut feeling almost all. went up well it was pretty good
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growing closer to grow but you still do which gives you hope but only done more but i think. near to your room you're learning you don't need to store the lead here slim i looked up a mood should show during the clue that you're confronted smirk are. we have a situation that is very new and that's why. it's like if the. sure there were 2 people who were. there was no go to school board in the so the border was through to the right of the world. as a medical and the widespread complicity is good through. the. disease and
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because of this would you call the. highs are the highs a report a a no. fake money i want to make. this is beyond crazy and it's beyond kaiser apparently were now the highs that report but you know there's a new company on the nasdaq trading is one of these want to be unicorns it's called beyond me and. it's packaged and sold in part of this new economy
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beyond any value beyond any protein beyond any content beyond any real and greedy insists all artificial ingredients sold as a something to save the world and 2018 beyond me lost $29900000.00 on revenue of $87900000.00 and yet it was trading at $69.00 a share $4000000000.00 market cap what it's losing a lot of money on its fake fake me and it's. crazy but investors you know it did pop what was that 176 percent on its own printing and allen's i.p.o. and this is beyond praise he bought unicorn me that's there they have a vast herds of unicorn that they raise on the wild plains of north dakota and then they harvest those unicorns and they packaged them into patties and they're sold as
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beyond meat you know and of course it's worth $4000000000.00 because in an era fake news and fake money why not have fake make so fake has become the new real and real has become too expensive no one can afford meat going forward i mean the idea of getting a poor house steak will cost $500000.00 and all the warren buffett will be there smith and wollensky every year having lunch with a billionaire eating a real meat that was taken from a cow that will be $500000.00 meanwhile it would also be eating bug incrusted bug dogs or bug meat and you know harvested from the locusts are invading our daily lives in a biblical nightmares and then frying that up as an upside of having uniform basic locust meat baddies out there be bernie sanders and nancy pelosi get everyone is going to get and andrew yang universal basic yak may not even the acme as the acme.


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