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tv   News  RT  May 12, 2019 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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you. it was. in the week's top stories investigations continue into a plane crash in one sure that killed 41 people here a flood airliner burst into flames was making an emergency landing in moscow. the top diplomats from russia and the u.s. with their heads together in an attempt to find a way forward over the crisis in venezuela i said to meet again on tuesday. and iran the partially suspends the 2050 nuclear agreement and gives his signatory
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60 days to shield the country from u.s. sanctions comes as washington reaffirms its direct does not penalties on any e.u. companies they continue to work for too long. to. a warm welcome to you you're watching the weekly here on r.t. international bringing you all the latest headlines and a round of the stories that shaped the week at 1st investigations are continuing into what caused last sunday's plane tragedy in moscow which left 41 people dead the aeroflot airliner burst into flames while making an emergency landing that share a mess of your airport in the capital just to warn you the following contains some disturbing images. to. keep.
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it down to. the if. it were to carry. the plane took off just after 6 pm local time and was heading for the city of merman skin northwest russia just under 20 minutes later the pilots alerted air traffic control they were returning to share a motive or where this is later said the aircraft had been struck by lightning at half past 6 it made an emergency landing but hit the runway hard bursting into flames as it bounced along the tarmac it was quickly consumed by the fire which claimed the lives of dozens of people trapped inside $78.00 people were on board at the time of the crash more than half of the victims were from the months. here are some of their stories.
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the 2 she was very much. a very nice atrocious those were true for you to reduce emissions. if you produce the really experts you. must. choose. this is the it
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could be one of. the routes to come thank you for the usually is. what you seem to teach it was. a flight attendant maxine most i have was one of those who perished he's been had
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a hayride after trying to open the rear exit door to let passengers escape before driving them towards the front take that on video agency route clear interviewed his mother who still cannot believe his son will never return. it's been solidly she'd already saved one person a man was drowned in crimea he was choking maxime was only 15 but he dragged him to shore and he didn't consider it a big deal it was just a thing you have to do that he always thought the people should help others do good deeds that he didn't offend anyone who we spoke to people to respect us if you were simply kind to people on. huey's did everything that you'd have enough money so the family would have enough so that none of us needed anything else. but the minister even now i just don't believe he's not here i just don't believe that. every 2nd i think he'll come home soon he'll be with us. the plane's flight data
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and cockpit voice recorders have been recovered and are being analyzed the wreckage of the plane has now been removed for forensic examination investigators are looking into 3 possible causes of the tragedy pilot error system malfunction and bad weather. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov and u.s. secretary of state mike pompei or have held talks on the crisis in venezuela it happened on the sidelines of an arctic council meeting in finland comes after the alleged coup attempt was thoughted in the latin american country pompei is expected to visit the russian city of seoul jiang may 14th to continue the discussion among the issues addressed during the finland talks was the possibility of u.s. military action in venezuela or trying to trying to report. the number 1 diplomats 3 of america and russia have finally met and we were hoping to understand if there
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is at least a slight chance that moscow and washington could be on the same page when it comes to venice well off well like the pale didn't speak to journalists at all after this here in finland but one surrogate talked to the media he thought it wasn't a good idea to shed light on any of the details pretty much but he did respond to my question about mike poem barrow's statement from this weekend that russia must get out of venezuela and also about the possibility of cool sam intervening militarily things that are loose. consent to do this and we tried not to concentrate on those statements which are publicly discussed because they are being affected by many factors the don't have anything to do with real politics we
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concentrated on real politics incentives from my contacts with the u.s. late an american and european colleagues i don't see any suppose it's moved to reaction immediately after this i asked the russian foreign minister if that included american diplomats and to that he simply answered yes but the real question right now is though whether that is really the case because many times we've heard from the most high ranking officials in america the phrase all options are on the table including the military one and when secretary of state pump aoe was heading to europe the journalists were reporting that on the plane he said that nicolas maduro can no longer be in charge of this country he believes he is simply not able to do that even though he is the. leader of the country and i can tell you that the government in venezuela understands that they could end up having
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to brace for the worst case scenario just listen to what their foreign minister said when he was in the russian capital on sunday muscle don't open it but. we are ready for all scenarios the 1st includes diplomacy dialogue and peace if the u.s. prefers the military we're ready to resist we have an army police our people and we are ready to destroy any army no matter how powerful it is so essentially the most influential powers on the opposite sides here the government at any cost with dural and the self-proclaimed president one why do so are finally in touch on this president donald trump how spoken to president vladimir putin the top diplomats have met but it is unclear whether that would still lead to a peaceful resolution of this longstanding venezuelan crisis.
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this week iran announced it would no longer on the all of its commitments under the historic 2015 nuclear agreement it came precisely one year after the u.s. unilaterally pulled out of the deal something that has hit to iran's economy hard and heightened international tension as iran is now threatening to keep access in which the rayney of stocks in the country rather than sell them approach to iran has also given the pact signatories 2 months to ensure they're holding their side of the deal or it will resume production of more highly enriched uranium the move met with a mixed reaction from europe panda new round of sanctions from washington. the united states wanted to pull out of the g c p a way in order to make iran withdraw from the deal the day after so the us would be able to refer the case to the un security council that sought to ease the burden on the shoulders of the us to redouble and ratchet up the pressure on iran iran did not fall into this trap. we have continued to say actually
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every that leads us to believe that there is escalation that may be taking place and so we're taking all the appropriate actions both from a security perspective and well as. our ability to make sure that the president has a wide range of options and then at this up there should actually take place what we've been trying to do is to get around to be him like a normal nation. unfortunately this is typical of our american colleagues during my meeting with u.s. secretary of state might some people in finland on monday i called on him to employ diplomacy rather than you should dress when it comes to challenging situations. we urged the iranians to think very long and hard before they break that deal. nothing could be worse than iran leaving the agreement there are no sanctions today from europe because iran has so far all research suspected the commitments. on
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these rick sanchez discuss iran's threat to restart its nuclear program with 5 mohammad marandi of the university of toronto who helped negotiate the overall nuclear deal. even insiders here in washington with think tanks representing organizations like carnegie endowment are now saying the troubled ministration is being quote deliberately provocative but we ask the question tonight is iran acting in a manner deserving of u.s. and israeli condemnation or are both countries simply trying to provoke busy the iranians into a war much like our invasion of iraq some are criticizing the 1st question why is president rouhani threatening to restart the iranian your rating and richmond program. well i think it's pretty obvious the iranians negotiated the nuclear deal after many years of negotiations and the iranians
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made. significant concessions they were flexible in order to show the international community that its nuclear program never was anything but peaceful and that iran contrary to what we constantly heard in the western media was not looking to create tension i'm going to back you up on this actually 14 reports by the international nuclear energy agency 14 are confirming that iran has not violated the agreement at is not building a nuclear program why didn't the obama administration the trumpet ministration or the netanyahu administration buy that why did they believe it why do they say differently. that's why i think the intelligence agencies knew exactly what was happening and i think that they knew quite well that the nuclear program was peaceful the united states government and the political establishment really never
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forgave iran after the revolution and the fact that iran chose an independent foreign policy but right now what trump is after in the union of many. people iran is not to limit the nuclear program but according from what we see from coming from bolton and impale it is basically to not just overthrow the political establishment but there is even talk about trying to make iran as a nation collapse all together. russia marks the 74th anniversary of nazi germany surrender on thursday and the end of the war on the eastern front here's a look back at the commemorations. it's
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very difficult to describe the atmosphere here it's it's charged electric isn't tense but that this super cheap excitement up excitement just released during the break itself. you hold. your run of beer for sure rio are. now reduced to screw certainly. nothing unites this country more then the wall it's all right human march every time i see this i just don't understand when the flow of the crowd is going to stop it's and this.
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victory day holds a special place here in russia due to the incredibly high price paid by the people of the soviet union of the $26000000.00 died in the conflict more than half of them were civilians that meant that practically every family lost somebody. one of the bloodiest battles in the history of mankind took place installing grout in southern russia now known as a pogo gratz i lost it for $200.00 days between 94243 and cost the red army more than 1100000 soldiers germany's losses were even higher on losing the battle the nazi leadership even declared a day of national mourning many historians see the battle of stalingrad as a watershed moment as it dramatically altered the course of the war even now hiring reminders of the trauma inflicted by the war are emerging. a silly
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collaborates deep in the last one left i've been injured and will not last long. but i will stay here i will die when i refused to give in to the enemy tell my word that i was defending other. form. when the matter was. adventure commons. i am.
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joe biden vice president barack obama is leading the pack in the contest for the 2020 democratic presidential nomination that's according to the latest polls and it seems much of the media and democratic leadership are throwing that weight behind the former senator as they once did with hillary clinton caleb maupin have more. a new poll shows that joe biden has surged ahead in the race for the democratic nomination in 2020 the poll shows that 46 percent of democrats are backing joe biden as the potential nominee with only 14 percent backing bernie sanders and despite a lot of other polls telling a very different story the media has jumped on this one voices are now telling us why he's the best choice for the democrats and this is a guy who doesn't have a republican but you see some of the folks on the website you meant for joe biden is that he's the most electable candidate for democrats to beat donald trump i
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think joe biden is a best chance of success does this sudden coronation remind you of anything. hillary clinton is the best candidate democrats can put forward a take on donald trump voters in wisconsin think hillary clinton is the best candidate hillary clinton is the best candidate the media tells us that joe biden is the most experienced candidate furthermore it stresses the point that biden is a centrist he's actually kind of a centrist which is one of the reasons why i think republicans fear him more than the other hillary clinton is not threatened in terms of the nomination because she is a pretty moderate centrist democrat and in fact biden's 1st campaign fundraiser happened at the home of the exact same guy his name is david cohen he's the chief lobbyist for the media conglomerate known as comcast now both biden and clinton voted for the iraq war both biden and clinton have lots of wall street donors and both biden and clinton screamed to lock him up in the 1990 s.
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driving america's incarceration rate sky high trumps victory in the 26th election was interpreted largely as a rebuke of a failing political establishment now hillary clinton's husband got some interesting advice years ago my wife gave me a psychology book several months ago in which the author defined insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over again and expecting a different result perhaps it's time to revisit that book polls are often a reflection of media coverage and the corporate media in the united states loves him and gives him lots of coverage and that can give him support in polls and they often poll likely democratic voters which is not the same thing as who actually ends up voting in a generalization even in jest who answers polls is not the same thing as who votes clinton she was the most experienced and the most right wing of the democrats and the media loves turbot he didn't mean she could get elected in fact the polls were
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overwhelmingly clear time and time again b.d. of appreciate them if there are massive purchases of advertise. 2020 years already gauged of what the media why some want to know we know everyone there the leading candidate as they did overwhelmingly with your equipment does not mean what obvious mean disappeared it was going but we don't all work. facebook has provoked another storm of control of the sea this time by banning australian breast cancer advertising campaign for violating its rules on nudity. is there. and the ads feature a topless survivors of breast cancer there covering themselves with small cakes the campaign was launched by the breast cancer network australia together with the
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bakers delight's chain last year it raised more than half a $1000000.00 the chief executive of breast cancer network australia says that facebook previously approved the advertisements. we were so disappointed to hear that facebook had sounds that our very brave women and men who all had breast cancer were told that they were probably too real into confronting to be able to have on facebook particularly in that 40 plus age group use facebook to tell their friends and family of things that are important to them so facebook has been important we have playing trying to get in contact with facebook and still we have only heard through the made here in fact here in australia that they sent to us we needed to add educational messages this was very new news to us the only thing that we knew is that all the ads were allowed to happen but then again the day that we
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launched facebook said these ads were no longer permissible a spokesperson for facebook australia says that while she personally loved the idea the ads didn't follow platform guidelines the policy does allow for the posting of post must text me photos by ordinary people but advertisers rules are stricter here's how facebook users have been reacting violated the platforms needed to policy facebook seriously but this is ok this is not to root for facebook naked garden indeed takes precedence over a fundraiser for cancer survivors and sufferers this only illustrates the true agenda of the facebook mission statement so when a group use the facebook forum for a good cause they jump and it's been shifted down. we spoke to human rights attorney jennifer breed if she thinks the that the points too wide a concern but the social media giant. facebook right now say that it has
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a consistent policy if you just look at the language of its policy but it is not consistent and how it in forces its policy is targeting in campaigns like this with breast cancer research or awareness but it's also targeting different political groups and certain things so it needs to look at how it targets so that it chooses to enforce its ban under because there are many people who have far more explicit ads that are not banned we're seeing that america has a silence prominent conservative voices were seen that is they silence other things other ads and they target these people they target those that they want to silence that differ with them politically or socio economically and that is not ok we need to have consistency and we need to have platforms that allow the freedom of speech to come out rather than silencing the freedom of speech and using it under the guise of violating policies. thanks to choosing our international joins again in 30 minutes of old age to see that.
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right. after the previous stage of my career was over everyone wondered what i was going to do next the multiple different clubs in one hand it is logical to signal from fields where everything is familiar on the other i wanted a new challenge and the fresh perspective i'm used to surprising. or not if you
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think. i'm going to talk about football not the or else i just think i was going to the. by the way ways of the slide here. in a world of big part of the lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bats and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks.
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just. what is the coin to me a big koan is censorship resistant value transfer without any need for a middleman that has this unique quality of being on confiscate a ball and people have not yet a realized the power of this on confiscated all property because it's the 1st time we've ever owned anything of value as a human being that is on confiscated all so on our journey from the genesis block to the moon 2013 is quite a crucial year central banks governments around the world really begin to take
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notice of bitcoin because in 2013 it demonstrates that it is on confiscated ball and in march 25th 2013 we saw. the cyprus bêlit the cyprus banking system had collapsed and what did european central bankers and central bankers and i.m.f. source around the world decide to do that they would have a bail in i.e. if your cash your money was deposited in the bank they would take anything above $100000.00 and bail in the bank and bail in the creditors yes exactly cyprus well known in the annals of becoming history because it gave people that were in technology for a long time and just got into finance and banking through big coin a real front seat look at the skullduggery of the banking system they're like why
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they can just take your money around the banks they would so they're like well you know what actually recall and it's on confiscated ball you know that seems to be a major attribute of this thing like you know we could do battle with these banks because you can't get to our private k.'s so this light bulb went off in the big going community that they had it one up on the bankers. they've coined it seemed so important with the events of cyprus in 20 so it's seen that when the government of cyprus and the european union just confiscated money out of people's bank accounts and then again in greece in 2015 when the base was shut down and people were only allowed to withdraw 20 euros a day from a.t.m. machines so why bitcoin is sold you are in control of your own money and no government can take it from you or tell you how much you can withdraw from
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a machine on the street the people in cyprus didn't realize they need because until the savings were beldin the people in india didn't know they needed because when. they had to stand outside with bags of cash in the queue trying to put all that money into a digital format because the government was making their savings and legal. the people in mexico didn't need to know that they needed because until the donald trump became president and i had an effect on the value of the mexican peso the people in england didn't know that they needed because until breaks it happens at least 25 percent of value of the currency and they realize that there's this a political currency and while most people didn't make that discovery more and more people at each event do make that discovery it's funny like when i was a kid in brazil the government king and you know a haircut and everybody savings due to dear mistakes in.


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