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tv   To The Moon  RT  May 12, 2019 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT

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it would draw from a machine on the street the people in cyprus didn't realize they need until the savings were belden the people in india didn't know they needed. until they had to stand outside with bags of cash in a queue trying to put all that money into a digital format because the government was making their savings and legal. the people in mexico didn't need to know that they needed because until the donald trump became president and i had an effect on the value of the mexican peso the people in england that they needed because until breaks it happens and he's 25 percent of value of the currency and they realize that there's this a political currency and while most people didn't make that discovery more and more people at each event do make that discovery it's funny like when i was a kid in brazil. the government can do the haircut on everybody savings due to determine stakes instead of you know debasing doing some to know they came and they
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took what it was not there. it's beyond even toxic i mean you can't just come and steal people's monies and what's fascinating because you know is the most been of money as they come and take it you can't. aside from force you really can't take the money from people what we've seen it become through the years is this digital gold this ability to store value without any ability for any government or any bank to be able to take that value away whether that means transit where that means inflation it get away or steal it from you out rights of taxes and things like that this is the opportunity for people to be able to say value for their children and their children's children without having to worry about it being confiscated so the world's 1st unconscious capable asset is what they claim is to me march 25th 2013 is when the cyprus bell and happened march.
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as when bitcoin passed the $1000000000.00 market cap april 23rd teen just a few weeks later it hit $100.00 for the 1st time many people in cyprus we on kaiser report were covering it they realized. they use case for big coin why on confiscate a bill money was so important why permission less money was so important because it was the masters of the fia financial system who determined who had permission to keep their savings from cyprus and those who had the permission to be handed the savings so we did see a few people for example get arrested at the airport trying to leave with bars of gold trying to leave cyprus with their wealth but if you bought because you could just get on a flight with nothing in your pocket but your passport and then show up in london or new york or venezuela anywhere you wanted to go with your big going in your wealth or you can just take an airplane with a bar of gold and you know and it's just one bar of gold because gold price is not
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really doing that supposed to do anymore because of paper gold but with you kim put a 1000000000 dollars 2000000000 dollars 10000000000 dollars in 12 words you just have to remember those 2 who are ads you can be searched you can be you know whatever but eventually going to have to let you go because is you know hands down way better than every other store of value that's ever existed it's it doesn't require physical transport it's at the speed of e-mail it is much easier to transport from one place to another it's secure busy a bowl in multiple ways you can back it up there's a lot of ways in which it superior to traditional stores of value and it isn't inflated by a central bank it's not centrally controlled busy so in many ways it's way better right it's a transportable for short something that was noted as
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a natural made of gold it's transportable easy to transport relatively speaking divisible fungible all desirable and basically not all of those things but in greater quantities certainly the transportability of because some verses gold was vastly superior so sly. proved that big queen was an asset worth holding it was a store of value worth keeping in day and age when we were already on quantitative easing 3 q e 3 they kept on having to increase and change their algorithm of rescuing the financial system we had more and more credit poured into the system we've had balan's everywhere you look around you in the field world it is collapsing there are all these signs of collapse and with cyprus it was the 1st point where there said we're actually just going to take your savings next that's the plan the next time we're not going to bail out the banks we're going to jail in the banks i we're going to take your cash and rescue our friends in the banking
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system. but go to the kaiser report skies or you know councils here in the u.k. are calling for tougher laws to police aggressive beggars finally no longer will the banker beggars be shaking us down for yet more handouts and bailouts every time we pass the city no longer listening to them glued for more money printing and free credit facilities we're sick tired of all the banker beggars harassing us every time we pass $1.00 of their toll booth cones like this famous one hey i'm jimmy done it oh look at your banking system going to phone trash on the ground before me do be a true dollars it'll give a perk give me a trillion oh another julie more trillions give it to me give me. he's taken the kiddies piggy bank our paychecks are granny's pension give it to jamie give it to jamie your real system your healthcare education system give it to jamie give it to
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jamie he was little gimmee gimmee gimmee you poses the drovers isn't just to give it to jamie take everything in frickin loser you know this was a wake up call to a technology crowd that was really never exposed to the banking industry. and they had invented something called big coin and now they were comparing it to the use case of the modern banking system it allowed for quantitative easing it allowed for balan's it allowed for moral hazard which was a cute little name they gave themselves for when they broke the law like whoa it's moral houser we're allowed that right and the technologists are like we deal in zeros and ones it's very binary you're either in or out it's false or true and you don't have moral hazard and software industry imagine if you try to land a man on the moon and the software only had to be somewhat accurate no that doesn't work so now the technologists are thinking you know our money is actually better than their money it's on confiscated well it's immutable all it's distributed they
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can't get at it we're getting wealthier prices going up i think this is a revolution. of the bitcoin barbarians are they gate nipping at the feet of the command of control dollar reservists taunting them bread and circuses pushing political clown tyrants mocking the corrupt regulators and party officials who hate any payment system which they can chop up like a line a crook like a credit card despise any currency through which they can snort the line of coke. yes the big going barbarians are here and the bar tourists relic loving hordes are letting them through the gates because all agree that caesar or whatever is obama isn't for just like every time a disaster like this starts to unfold attention is given to bitcoin and now we're start to really see the price go up the distribution go up more people understand
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and know about the queen certainly in cyprus the butcher the baker the candlestick maker the housewife the policeman the fire officer the firemen the the doctors the lawyers everybody in cyprus now knows about bitcoin may 2nd 2013 is the 1st time we see a big queen a.t.m. so you can go to one of these cashpoints deposit some. currency and get some bitcoin sent to your bitcoin address or write and the critics of a call and would see that as a point of derision like oh they think they have a.t.m.'s now not knowing that this is a brilliant use of big coin or they say why does the symbol always look like as an ounce of gold don't they know that bought gold right and of course it is gold you see it the revolutions right in your face it's happening and before your eyes it's just your own inability to see the protocol for what it is makes you blind so it's
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epic it's a greek tragedy the people are going to get wiped off the face of the earth the bank stores are blind to what is right in front of their face then wall street really starts to take notice new york. bankers sort of people are really starting to notice and edge july 2013 the winkle vos bitcoin trust they file for that they don't actually they're not granted the regulator permission for that but the winklevoss they receive their their hundreds of millions of dollars a payout from facebook and they pour a lot of it into big coin they are still one of the largest holders of bitcoin and they got involved in decline and july 23rd rather went up last ones i believe the press at least of them the 1st but coined billionaires and they took that money from facebook and they went all in on bitcoin and they were rewarded handsomely whenever you yell billionaire in
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a city full of bankers like new york city you know the shock waves are felt instantaneously and suddenly everyone is looking there and wondering how do we become a big coin billionaire so it attracts a whole new group of opportunist carpet bagging derivatives wielding bank stirrers who have to come to terms with the protocol and deal with it on its terms not their terms. of a situation that is very new and that's what. it's like. before there were 2 people who were born. there was no way you had to go over to the 2 so that was the boy it was the right of the will and the security of the
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food as the medical and the to be widespread simplicities would. be the then the disease because it is would you go to the. it's up to the ceiling as if that's any new name for you you get help on your own food goes a little bit. up. a bit more which of. those are real if they give you to you know you got the guts to know people you see opposed to it's been made before it's your drug script. that's the ticket. if. that's the finish that you give.
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the whole existence to something to. put themselves on the line big it except the reject. so when you want to be president and she. wanted. to go right to be close to survival before 3 in the morning can't be good that i'm interested always in the waters of our. first city. aug 9th $2013.00 bloomberg terminal gets the big clean ticker bloomberg of course is the go to source for everything financial in any country or city of any importance the bloomberg terminals where most deals happen all price discovery
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all price tracking is done on a bloomberg terminal to make it into bloomberg and to have the representation on the terminal is a signal to bankers that they can now direct that multi-trillion dollar pool of assets that they manage around the world and points it toward destination bitcoin what does this mean is it an asset class i should be exposed to do i need to rotate out of some stocks some bonds some currency some property and i own this new asset class of course some do and this is the beginning really of a whole new chapter. all right so as an asset class and i remember when we were in new york recently we were talking about this in your office and we were discussing how hedge funds have got to look at bitcoin as an asset class because if they don't they might find themselves lagging their peers in 6 months or a year or so with the hedge funds coming into this i want to ask you since you've
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lost since you've launched the bitcoin investment trust has it now become an instrument for this hedge fund community barry not quite yet we're seeing 3 big groups of vessels right now we're seeing tech entrepreneurs who are excited about because it is a technology they can actually invest in the big investment trust via their iras now and so that's been exciting for that group of investors the next group or family offices so what's interesting is we're starting to see family offices who have a very diversified investment strategy long term time horizon taking a piece of their gold allocation putting it into bitcoin and then the 3rd. a group it's wall street professionals portfolio managers traders who are not yet investing for their clients or their lp money they're investing personally and i say i personally think that this is the precursor to the hedge fund money coming to the space all right o'berry if that's so and you've got these early adopters very smart money coming into bitcoin in a space which is now roughly let's say $6000000000.00 in size and the winklevoss
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twins who you also have a relationship with in terms of the local bitcoin and silicon alley community they're calling for this to possibly achieve market capitalization of 400000000000 which would make it on par with the largest of the stocks listed on the new york stock exchange like an exxon for example is that kind of the are you in the same camp do you think this is where we're going i think the outcome for because it is binary it's a highly risky investment right now it's either going to be a total loss of your principal or a fantastic return and actually on the website for the because investment trust it's because we trust our c.e.o. we actually outlined 4 different scenarios of upside for bitcoin if it was the size of western union if it was the size of pay pal it was the size of the monetary base of turkey and then the biggest one is 5 percent of gold and if you take 5 percent
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of gold gold's about a 7 trillion dollar asset class we're talking about you know returns of you know certainly you know well in excess of anything else out there it was around this time that jamie diamond the c.e.o. j.p. morgan was saying that if any of his employees at j.p. morgan were buying big question he would fire them while i know for a fact that in london there was an app developed for some of their traders to trade coin it had to be written in excel or something like that because their own monitors were being monitored so there algorithm that traded. i was told by the programmers they all hated kaiser report because every single time max mentioned big coin the price would go move significantly which put their jobs in jeopardy because they had to get away from their desk go to the algorithm and try to trade it and say oh no it's like it's buying too much is selling too much so it kept on triggering buy and sell orders on their algorithm
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which outside of kaiser report episodes was like trading normally or outside of your tweets it's trading normally i think i mean it position on a straight because being the only person on twitter that could actually move because yes there's been a lot of folks who have come along subsequently and they've been associated with other coins what smaller coins but it's the only one that actually have the power through my twitter stream to move to price a big point significantly it would be until mark cuban was the only person that moved very temporarily a few years later but back in 2013 we're moving it regularly and now speaking of moving bitcoin on november 19th 2013 we have a historical event big queen moves more money than western union november 19th 2013 this was interested pated by people who observed how pickling operated in the wild but the folks in that industry the money transmission business were in denial
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all i remember being on the b.b.c. on newsnight debating somebody in the business saying that because it was going to disrupt your business and there was a lot of go flying and laughing is how could that possibly may and yet very shortly thereafter it did you sir in total dollar volume what was being moved on western union which are a number 16 the s. shows why is doomed. number $21.00 because you still do 2013 was a year that. u.s. government really started to pay attention to because and every time they paid attention to be a coin the price soared in october of 2013 the f.b.i. seized roughly $25000.00 big queen from silk road during the arrest of the alleged owner ross obrecht then in november 19th
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2013 the big question price soared over a $1000.00 big question price surges to a record $1242.00 after senate hearing so it was the senate suddenly looking about what is this bit coin thing is this the money of terrorists if this money of drug dealers and mafia and all sorts of stuff so them paying attention to it meant that it had mass mainstream coverage from c.n.n. m s n b c c n.b.c. bloomberg everybody was covering and looking at what is big the price absolutely sort of hit 1242 colonel like in star wars one remember that a perfect vector down the corridor and hit the target perfectly and the star exploded that's like a set of hearings you know those like the was on a collision course with the senate in that hearing it all happened and you could just tell when that was testimony was delivered that this was now the beginning of the destruction of the death star all the banks or the regulators all the
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corruption all those ballons all that money this was now of the the end the beginning of the end. it was the end of the beginning in terms of the fact that bitcoin in the white paper happened at the same time as quantitative easing q e one bird at the same time the senate the treasury the fed all of these central bankers have been trying all sorts of master nations all sorts of changes to their albums hard fork saw fork of their own faith system to try to rescue the system and here in november 19 2013 they suddenly recognize what is this thing called big coin. ok. this beautiful star beginning at the end shatter to 1000000000 pieces. obituary number 24 prediction that one is doomed to fail.
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the u.s. senate looking at because mine cause the price to soar then the price did tumble in december when the chinese central bank banned it coin this is $1.00 of the many headlines with that will then happen over the next few years of china allegedly banning bitcoin again december 17th 2013 china's central bank bans bit quaint transactions the price fell to about $500.00 so down 50 percent over 50 percent from the u.s. senate high right well this is a fascinating because now it because it's entered the sovereign level so the game theory which played out amongst a few technology folks when it was sub $10.00 and then the game theory that played out when you had a few bankers and corporate guys entering the space and going to conferences when
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it was trading at a few $100.00 and then when it gets up to a $1000.00 dive got the sovereigns battling it out now china suddenly as a factor in the bitcoin story and then you look at what the chinese political system is how their economy works other people's bank of china how that influences global economic policy or are they involved in all these bailouts and how is because going to impact that economy and these are questions that people are asking and questions that the people's bank of china needs ask themselves and so on one hand it's disappointing that that announcement crashed the price but on the other hand it's exhilarating because it shows now that we're going to see how the game series played out on a sovereign level the next to the next level of this massive videogame multiplayer video game where every time you move up a layer you get a huge prize called a higher price that just sucked. more players because they're they're winning at this game and they everyone's being pumped up to the higher level everyone in is winning effectively if you got in at 5 bucks i mean you're massively winning this
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massive video game and now you're battling the chinese you know people's republic and that's an awesome place to be in this video game and you've got momentum on your side so why not take on the people's bank of china why not take on china why not take on any sovereign why not take a moment we're going to win this thing even if china totally beefed up the great firewall and cut off all bitcoin traffic between china and the rest of the world what would that mean well it would mean that there were actually be 2 bitcoins would be big in inside of china and because everywhere else and the same thing applies you know if any other country were to wall themselves off i don't think that shutting down the internet is feasible because there would be so much economic loss as a result of this is not something that i think at least in the 1st world country would be feasible but even if there was some sort of partitioning at the internet
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level between countries it just means there is going to be multiple forks of bitcoin until someone bridges those gaps and it only takes one bridge connection and it doesn't have to be over the internet you could bridge over radio or satellite i mean it is so hard to stop information from flowing these days that it would only be a matter of time before someone managed to poke a hole through whatever internet fire wall was put up by a government so i think the type of attacks would be temporary at best we've beat all the early adopters they couldn't stop it all those early short sellers they couldn't stop it we all the miners who tried to you know create monopoly positions they failed nobody can stop it now it's taking on governments. remark that the.
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same wrong holds just don't hold. to shape out. and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground. when lawmakers manufacture consent instead of public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. in the final merry go round certainly the one percent.
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going all middle of the room signals. in 2040 you know bloody revolution here to correct the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it your style or here i mean your list book video at 3
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in the new bill is that i'm spoiling you to the former ukrainian president recalls the events of 2014. of those who took the lead in this state over 5000000000 dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. there's an petersburg international economic forum is a unique event in today's business world. over the last 21 years the forum has become a leading global platform for. discussing the key to economic issues facing russia emerging markets and the world thousands of business community members attend the forum to address today's abidal issues. one just visual forum coverage on r.t. . joining
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me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see of that. kind of financial survival john today was all about money laundering 1st visit this question this week different. oh good this is a good start well we have our 3 banks all set up here maybe something in your something in america something overseas in the cayman islands or do we do all these banks are complicit in the kleptocracy we decided to give him a call and say hey i'm ready to do some serious money laundering ok let's see how we did while we've got a little got a nice laundry watch for max and for stacy oh beautiful jewelry how about. luxury automobile again for max you know what money laundering is highly illegal. much keyser of course.
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yes of course the see on his attorney one name for you good morning one for the world to. get away with your day there is a real you day get your do you know you get out just with no people it's you posting it's with me because it's you know what's good. and that's the thought of you. if you are. printed if you are the. boy.
10:00 pm
in the week's top stories investigations continue into a plane crash in russia they killed 41 people the aeroflot line of burst into flames while making an emergency landing in moscow. the top diplomats from russia and the u.s. put their heads together and that's hems to find a way forward if the crisis in venezuela is set to meet again on tuesday. underground partially suspends the 2050 new.


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