tv Going Underground RT May 13, 2019 2:30am-3:00am EDT
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the british government led by labor prime minister harold wilson the books by catcher was banned by the british government a fact no doubt not lost on the current labor leader jeremy corbyn there is an ongoing inquiry into secret intelligence activities against him with no real news on when it will report it was corbin's number 2 john mcdonnell who appeared to get called in to trouble ahead of the last u.k. general election when interviewed about any possible shake up of britain's allegedly unaccountable secret services what about money for the security services how could we take that seriously when your shadow chancellor was photographed holding a letter which called for the abolition of m i 5 the abolition of a special branch and the disarming of the police given the terrorism has presided over $20000.00 police officers jobs being cut it was relatively easy for corbett about the way that question about security but only my 5 long suspected of dirty tricks against the left in britain he said this except since leaving the ball the m i 5 also excepts the need for the accountability to parliament of our security
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services which is important but he also accepts as i do the need to have security services that do protect as well the role of the u.k. security services together with powerful forces in the city of london and elite classes in overthrowing elected socialist government has perhaps never been portrayed more brilliantly than in a very british coup by m.p. chris mullin and now there's a sequel the friends of harry perkins christianity now christiane welcome to going underground let's just start with a reminder of your classic political conspiracy thriller a very british coup well it was written a long time ago it's been in print for the last 37 years it's fact it's enjoying a bit of a comeback with the rise of jeremy corbyn basically it was set in the 1980 s. when there was speculation about the possibility of a government led by someone like tony benn. and the establishment. conspired to
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bring it down the establishment in this case being a sort of mixture of the security and intelligence services the the media barons with a little help from the americans here well the new one their friends are very perkins the left try again with this character fred thompson who was in the previous book he's centrist not bad i ate well good friends very perkin starts with harry's funeral it set many years. away from the previous one breck's it's been going for 7 or 8 years and it's not working out very well and it starts as i say with the funeral of harry perkins who was prime minister in a very british coup and the opening line which i'll give you for free is that harry perkins was buried on the day that america declared war and china and china emerges through the plot because it is geopolitical but also very very westminster there's
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3. threads to it $33.00 contemporary issues it's a drama actually woven around 3 issues breck's it the rise of english nationalism. and the growing confrontation between china and the united states now we don't to give too much away but i think one recurring element in and i think we can say that fred thompson wins. at least his place in parliament a lot of the plot relies on whistleblowers was julie the sancerre waiting extradition proceedings at the moment when you get the idea for the particular whistle blowing stories that drives fred thompson's political career he exposes 2 separate tory m.p.'s in rockets one is is smuggling migrants and the other one is a tory m.p. who's involved in buying up x. council house. says renting them out
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a deck store that vents you chose housing because it's such a critical issue because i think some of what's outlined in the book is actually happening i'm not saying it's a tory m.p. or anything involved but 40 percent of ex council houses are now in the hands of buy to let landlords and in a town that milton keynes just north of london it's 70 percent now that was never part of the plan as far as the mrs that started selling public housing if it was part of the plan we were never told about it so that realistically is what actually happened all i've done is take it on a step further although probably being so key in any given progressive policy this this man fred thompson sells out the lateralus will he has a nuclear weapons a very perkins i won't say he sells it out but fred thompson although his heritage
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the mantle of harry perkins turned out to be a good deal more pragmatic and what's made him more as you well please quickly well the views of tony blair but there's there's a bit of me in there yes there is a bit of me there. i came to the view by died in 97 having suffered for successive election defeats we couldn't afford to take even a little punt on the outcome of the 5th election i think fred thompson which is a similar conclusion after a long period in the wilderness such was your desperation to alleviate the gross inequality in poverty yes i mean the i've represented some blood south which is. one of the poorer areas of the country an old industrial town where a lot of the traditional industries have collapsed and i would say that the situation there was fairly desperate after 18 years of tory rules that me a decade of misses that. and there will of the. aspiration is for there to be
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a labor government and actually the labor government which was in office for 13 years i can say with my hand on my heart made a serious difference to the lives of my least well off constituents but the britain you describe your of course has as food banks things have deteriorated but the britain where since the area where we're sitting in has has food banks the britain described in the novel is primarily it's britain 7 or 8 years down the line based on the assumption that we do actually the which is and i would say 100 percent are very very much a question of what rupert murdoch is dead and i would say that a t.v. program in this book he has whereas in the. very british coup the power of media all agog is playing there kind of together now the media and the intelligence services in the friends of high-pockets now i would say early due diligence service think they can get the media around to whatever they want them to do yes i mean in
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a way the roles of a few of those who feature prominently in the friends of harry perkins is different from how the same characters behaved in in the original novel a very british coup and breaks it is the cause of that for example the the m i 5 has come to the conclusion that and i imagine this is probably the case anyway. that leaving the e.u. isn't in the national interest for a jew love this book i don't know that it is the conspiracy theories feel there's a conspiracy by elites and only intelligent persons as personally i like a good conspiracy what i have learned over the years is that most most of the things that happened can be explained by the theory of the conspiracy theory of life sure but it is in this book the intelligent so here's a little touch on the tele yes any irony here that the in the 1st book the international money. the fund was so critical in the downfall of well in
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a way it was saying in the left wing government here the anti democratic pressure is not from the i.m.f. the anti democratic pressure is from the remained side of british society of the british establishment there's always forces working away just under the surface on both sides of british politics i guess that's true politics in a lot of countries because jumping even further than that is is donald trump a bit like harry perkins albeit. albeit not associated with the left obviously because trump was talking about mining communities in the midwest in wisconsin the deep states and the tax on. all occasions donald trump is an unprincipled right wing populist and harry perkins was a principled. left wing socialist but this idea of the deep state and the
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status quo elites that will frustrate any democratic desire to change society there's always been an establishment the whole point about a very british coup the reason it's called very british is because although it's a coup no one actually gets killed there are no tanks in the streets it's all done behind the scenes do you think something's happening like that even before germany called when then it was number 10 as many of corgan supporters believe it is a conspiracy against him using the media the intelligence services the city of london businesses well i think some things have changed the media will behave badly that because they always do and they do whatever their proprietors want them to do the intelligence services i don't but so far as m i 5 is concerned that's the internal security service i don't think they'll interfere i think they've been cleaned up since the scandals of the 1980 s. your book that they were you know your blog areas yes i did read inquiries. changed
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but they are investigating today attacks or surveillance of german calls him i had when i was in government and the parliament personal dealings with the last 3 heads of m i 5 and my impression was that it's an entirely different organization to what it was but i'm not so sure about is where the m i 6 that's the overseas intelligence service has been cleaned up in quite the same way we've there have been one of 2 little signs that that they might still interfere was some of them that the former head of m i 6 a man called serve it to dear love published an article on the front page of the daily telegraph saying that corbin was a threat to the nation the day before the law no on the day of the last general election the 217 general election that's too far fetched the rule for all of your this is a live one of the reasons a very british coup has endured for so long is because some of the things that are in the novel actually came to pass that's to say i had m i 5 agent
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on the council of c.n.d. the campaign for nuclear disarmament and in 19032 years after the novel was published that turned out to be someone called harry newton who been there all along and i had someone vetting senior employees at the b.b.c. and in 19065 years after the law was published that turned out to be brigadier von teese tone and then of course peter wright a former senior officer down my 5 votes his memoirs describing how he and a small group of his colleagues and all of them by any means. believe that howell wilson the former labor prime minister was a soffit daja and. that they'd made attempts to to to bring him down so all of that helped keep my novel in the public eye. and since the rise of jeremy corbyn some of that speculation has started again.
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welcome back while u.k. mainstream media continues reporting party politics like it's a game of polls and behind closed door labor tory bricks it negotiations austerity continues one reason may be that whoever won this month's local elections the shadow of the city of london is the true determinant we have documents that may point to the fact that the city not democracy controls access to libraries social care and aid for the most vulnerable in society joining me now is joel benjamin spokesperson for the resistance u.k. who's been investigating loons fall for decades joel thanks so much for coming back gone with book. because there had to be you elections but in a way your work affects everybody just remind us what little balloons are and then we'll go through this document is there a type of complex loans taken out by local authorities and housing associations from u.k. european and u.s. banks the major feature of a loan is that the banks actually have the option to increase interest rate on the local authority at
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a given point in peaches so they can check out the rates when you can least expect it ok and we're going to go into that more in a 2nd we have figure of 15000000000 or 16000000000 pounds but you have these new documents let's see one of them and you can maybe take us through it because i'm afraid of information because that doesn't tell me much sure some in over the past 2 to 3 years we've been working with local residents around the country to raise concerns about lobello needs to the extent of what is his films here like a p. and g. and you know there's a column there with s 33 in the call yeah ditter in and these are figures for to really see what is this 33 mean sure basically what this tells us is under the freedom of information act the organization that controls a sum from ation which is the national audit office has rejected the names of all a local authorities of lowbrow loans which they deem to be sensitive information that's a lot of us told us that they have no jurisdiction over local authority ordering
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and all but for the present as to what they should off been doing is having secret meetings with the order and with the chartered institute of public finance and accountancy to work out a kind of backroom deal for resolving this labor line problem a council which is already saying one local authority northamptonshire go bankrupt to manage this financial problem before it becomes a political problem you don't know it's the redactions by the national audit office because the audit office that is and it's up to the local councils when they replied to your feet are information requests this is a request from the national audit office so this information is being. what this means is approximately 16000000000 pounds has been or will be lost from local authority budgets because the interest rates of these loans are so much higher than if the count's was a borrowed from the usual source of funds which is from the public board from the government or as they would say making good business sense for their clients and a little cash of out of this is go to an e-mail at least less redacted arguably and
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. this is the one of the crucial paragraphs you think yes i mean fiercely the subject the term going concern what does it tell us it tells us that the person who's seen this original which originated from a local authority we don't know which one we know that's one of the local authorities we've learned this from because they were the most toxic problematic loans from oh yes the bank that's own money could buy the british tax so basically what this loan what this. is sitting out is a couple of things a local authority finance director so the person who run is the money the central government the chartered institute of public finance and accountancy and so the local government association which is like the political body for councils and we spent so as to the people who are used to work. what was the dog of the u.k. one which is rejected. the names of the authorities or the names of people seen in these emails have been rejected and freedom of information requests are basically
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is a kind of begging letter is a letter and address of a need says i fear there may be an argument at some point which will run of counts as a different do commercial organizations to the extent that international and u.k. accounting standards puts public services at risk so this is a key paragraph so it's more or less what the accounting standards putting the council risk its effect that the councils took out inappropriate risky toxic loans from banks. and now what these new accounting standards have been brought in. in to try and clean up all those toxic on the bank on the local authority what these orders has and what the government's arguing as if we actually apply the new accounting stain is which show you just how toxic these learns are they councils go bankrupt so what the government in the words has been talking about behind closed doors is can we bring in a waiver a statutory override to these accounting standards so that the local authorities don't have to apply the new standard they can continue kicking the can down the
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road pertaining. so whine and not sharing the full liabilities and the council's ok will our shadow chancellor joe mcdonald says he wants a full public inquiry investigation if corby never gets into power but in fairness to r.b.s. which i own and the british taxpayer own 62 percent of and which we've bailed out they've they've started to listen to your concerns barclays is this new yanks are coming around to understand your concern has been some movement so i think partially because of the concern by order and by some parts of government like the national audit office it would appear there's been some pressure existed on obvious in particular so the reason your council budget is being cut is because of in many cases criminal activity by the same banks so if it was to. get these councils from now being screwed very very gain by banks just bailed out which is precisely a. global learns if there was to become public knowledge obviously people would not
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be happy about it the banks and the firms like capita and who are pushing these loans on the councils have never been held accountable so john mcdonnell was absolutely right to be calling for a public inquiry into this because he's been. an ongoing cover up in a face it begins to the core reason for this problem in the criminal behavior there because there is that context of the fact that london was the center of fraudulent interest rate setting as part of libel that zina status lost and these loans were on that there's a half a 1000000000 pound case leads new cause a lot of them. all these kinds of. barclays occurring in them and one politician of this bill is one of inquiry. what do you see is the real solution obviously the fact that these loans were paid to lie boards problematic particular. so maybe that you know the council was a millions of pounds out of pocket because he's filling the interest rates the
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bigger issue which is the more systemic one which. as yet to be tackled any of these legal cases is that the information provided to the council was the advice given to them by the likes of. butlers i care to enter into these loans in the 1st place. to be the basis of the case i mean so that they have means that they haven't been targeted at all to date so the people who instructed the local authorities under advisory contract to go and take out a loan and it transpires since we're taking your thousands of pounds in kickbacks for doing so from the banks there's been no legal action against the treasury management advises today so what we're calling it would work in kickbacks we call them commission and i would say that is green liberal democrat all the policy sees a co-op and it's the main no no one is clean on this issue and partly that's because in our view is not the fault of local in many cases the local authorities themselves national office you know communities and local government financial conduct authority none of these institutions take any responsibility they are
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fighting so many fires with this wave of austerity which is crippling the public sector wide across the board benjamin thank you well if the local council budget to be george's into the 28 city crash so arguably have been those of the n.h.s. english doctors now have 48 hours to sign the contract the critics say marks a demonic transformation to privatized us style health care in britain joining me now via skype from chicago in the us to tell us about his new book new liberalism is demons is dr adam call to go out and welcome to going underground to tell me about the book and how were these a trio as you term them catastrophes of new liberalism iraq 28 the crash trump how they are they are the big catastrophes and how clinton in sanders would get their definitions of neo liberalism wrong a lot of people understand. the iraq war and the bush era as almost.
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exotic. where the power was suddenly asserted where sovereign emergency powers were claimed and then it was kind of over and it was taken taken over by events related to the neoliberal order specifically the financial crisis and lo and behold we're now in another crisis for instance joe biden claims it's going to just wind up being a random episode. but trump administration and what i want to think about in the book is how we can think of all those things together as part of just kind of one overarching konami. that i think of in terms of neo liberalism and one reason that people tend to think of them as separate tend to think of the iraq war and bush for instance is very different the neo liberalism is that supposedly neo liberalism is getting rid of the state getting the state out of the way of the economy as though it's simply just you know iran style libertarianism and what i want to show in the
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book is that actually the state has a very central role in kind of creating and in forcing markets and kind of bringing about this vision of society as dominated constantly by. market competition in every area of our lives and one kind of hints is the fact that one of the 1st things the bush administration did when they took power in iraq was to attempt to impose neo liberal best practices on iraq so if they were supposed to be different from the liberalism they didn't get the memo i want to get to. the demons in the title of the book and in a 2nd but i mean if you want to turn on m s n b c o c.n.n. the demons on the demons usual go about it this book and i do want to get on to the the demons are russia and that's why trump is there and that's the explanation for what's gone wrong in anything other than taking responsibility for creating this phenomenon and creating the conditions that allowed trump to arise and i think this
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is the case for both media lead. who obviously you know stokes trumps career and his reputation at every stop and also the kind of mainstream centrist politicians who his failed policies lead to the kind of discontent that could make trump seem like a plausible solution tell me about the role of judeo christian ideas of the devil which is the reason you use the devens anyone in a chemist or pharmacy maybe choosing a shampoo you say that the creation of blame is is there in the old liberalism in my book the demons are not like outside forces like putin or like evil people like trump within our own system but rather it's us the system is making us into demons and when i read the stories told about how the devil came about it seemed to me that he was put in a situation where it was impossible where he was given this kind of meaningless arbitrary demand to just submit to god with no question and you know and when he
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asked questions or when he resisted a little bit he was consigned to an eternity and how and this is a very extreme case but i think that the same basic logic of entrapment works throughout the entire neoliberal system that we're confronted with these choices. and somehow. the bad outcomes that keep happening are all the result of our individual choices like we should have chosen the ad buy rimadyl a friendly tooth toothpaste that we did on climate change to destroy us all or something like this it's our fault the the opportunity of choice creates those demons and just finally do you think that if you're saying the demons are inside us as where in the supermarket doing our shopping do you think that the war is now on the cards perhaps far more of a book elliptic than iraq the main danger the optimism that there is in the book about freedom it doesn't seem as though on in the western countries at least
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a mass of wars on the scale of iraq are really something that the public has any appetite for i think that it's almost they don't think really they overreach so brutally that it's been discredited what i worry about more is potentially civil war that would actually most likely be fought by the right wing chorus of those who are just never satisfied you mean within the united states within the united states like a low grade kind of guerrilla warfare on the part of right wingers this is an outcome that a lot of people thought would follow from hillary clinton taking office these are people who just who simply will not take yes for an answer and who will not settle for anything but full control and i just i honestly do not know what to do about those people because obviously in this country you are complementary of colvin but in this country we have leaks from senior intelligence officials saying that secret intelligence cannot be shared with jeremy colvin because he is too subversive and
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when you look at how moderate his policies are compared to what's really needed i mean that just shows in a way how fragile the system is becoming and how even a moderate critique it is is a threat that we're reaching a point where the system is has become very rigid maybe reaching a breaking point and i think the question is whether some of these are. alternatives are going to have enough energy to take power or whether the worst people in the world are going to wind up taking over and seems to be happening in the us dr adam gault thank you and that's it for the show will be back on wednesday to ask for the argentinian ambassador to the u.k. a friend of julie this castro if the wiki leaks founder will survive in the austerity hit so-called guantanamo britain still think you talk about social media we'll see on wednesday.
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in 2040 you know bloody revolution to the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful protests to be increasingly violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it you know here i mean you know i live with video of me in the new bill is that i do believe it a little the former ukrainian president recalls the events of $24.00. those who took part in this to do over $5000000000.00 to assist ukraine in these and other calls that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. led .
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the u.s. secretary of state cancels a visit to moscow and heads to brussels instead to discuss iran's threats renee going to its nuclear deal commitments quite compos next stop there will be russia which will also feature high on the agenda also to come amid growing concern over civilian deaths from u.s. drone strikes the pentagon developed sports being dubbed the new missile a weapon and spinning blades and supposedly more accurate than existing technology .
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