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tv   News  RT  May 16, 2019 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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as the u.s. ramps up pressure on iran senator bernie sanders accuses donald trump's national security adviser of trying to lead america into a war with terror just as happened with iraq. a russian game designer faces up to 10 years in the u.s. prison for allegedly smuggling f. 16 fighter jet manuals out of the country he claims he wanted to make his flight simulator game more realistic the prosecutors accuse him of conspiring against the u.s. government. chinese telecom giant blow away warns the u.s. its latest move against the company won't make america safer but will hinder the development of our g. networks in the country that's after washington put the firm on
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a trade blacklist banning the use of the department. and the philippines recalled its ambassador from canada after all one fail to meet the deadline to take back the funds of falsely labeled trash shipped to the southeast asian country years ago. you're watching r t international bring you your long news update from our studio here in moscow welcome to the program. we start with breaking news here on our team to national as antiwar activists have confirmed to r.t. that they are now being evicted from the venezuelan embassy in washington d.c. it comes after warnings from police and an eviction notice the protesters have been staging a sit in after the u.s. withdrew its recognition of nicolas maduro as venezuela's president and stead they now recognize the opposition leader 1.0 as head of state will now go live to ariel
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gold national co-director of code pink who is outside the embassy right now. what can you tell us about what's happening around you. well about 40 minutes ago we got a phone call from captain d.'s a popular resistance one at the embassy protect. the building for believe it's $37.00 days now that they were in fact the building and arresting them adrian hines was also inside the building put out a tweet saying they are breaking down the door nobody was on this even at the time no other activists. and by the time reaper bribe them here now you can see and i'll show you a little background here that the building and the entire fairly. so that we don't have any idea. if they're still in fact carrying out the arrest is
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why they're being hauled out the back that we do have people around the back haven't seen anything yet either or if our friends are in fact already now in police custody at a police station we plan on staying here at the building to see what's happening and while we wait to hear word from our friends all of their phones are now not working that we have still some capacity at least. that they are fully under cover police custody and that we plan on being here as well to make sure that none of the pro quo i don't know opposition protesters now try to be legally based the building. building is protected by the 961 b.n. the convention and entry that the police made this morning was in violation of international law that. this thing belongs
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to the. government to venezuela which is in fact mckerrow government. or people who are not invited. welcome to gas up amateur administration as. the poor people who were arrested word were welcomed were invited guests that would be illegal or poor representatives of white ows it ministration for example they can bassett or carlos becchio to enter the building would be illegal so we will be here throughout the day today holding vigil to make sure that. no steak ambassador enters the building and no opposition protesters who are not guests of mature and ministration enter the building and will be in munich ating with the lawyer or lawyer as soon as we get a chance to find out what the situation is and i just want to get the names of the
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people who had been waiting who have been arrested this morning illegally in violation of international law there said dr margaret flowers and kept in the east of popular resistance anthropologists age 3 and high and dave. holland i believe that yes david holland is the port wine and all of them have been here for 5 weeks holding this days as protectors of this building and we are outraged that the police have been illegally broken in and invaded the building and this puts all embassies around the world including us embassies and interact with danger. earlier earlier when you were showing us the building we could see a number of people what looks like police vehicles standing outside have you noticed any other sort of police presence in the area. there's police presence out
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back around. the back entrance to the garage entrance which at one time the opposition was trying to break into with a sledgehammer there's a police presence there is well to me don't see any movements and just her few hours let me show you some of the signs on film. you know while people have been here and they've been a bit putting up signs and you can see right there you. got to. know or for a boy and not really you do nothing as we see no bail. explanation offered at the end that's what. our agreement is that's what we are remaining in the building. remaining until that. ariel it's a bit hard to hear you when you turn away from us like that could you tell us in
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your opinion are all the signs still up that have been here over the past month the signs are still. ok and so you're just going to be following along to see it when you can get in contact with the activists who you do believe were arrested just now is that correct yes and people can follow code twitter that's at code. for updates all right area link you so much for joining us on the program and bringing us the latest on what you have there of course we'll be staying across this and bring all of these sort of updates to our viewers thanks so much for having. us 2020 presidential hopeful bernie sanders has accused national security adviser john bolton of trying to push the country into war with iran and away from innocent of another american campaign. we ought to hope the efforts right now to get us into a wall in iraq is the guy who was the architect getting goes into the war in iraq
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and that is. busy so you know i worry about provocations on the part of the united states washington taken numerous measures in recent days to counter what it calls a credible threat from iran the u.s. has ordered all non-emergency staff out of its embassy in iraq it's also sent b. $52.00 bombers and air carriers to the region media reports suggest there are intelligence images of missiles on iranian boats in the persian gulf sparking fears they might be used against american troops now the images have not been published this might be a lack of clear evidence for a heightened threat from tehran washington continues to make loud noises about one . print their neighbors are spread instability or terror everywhere we go in the middle east it's a rare ran around major destabilizing in influence in the middle east spread death destruction and chaos the leaders of iran are record here's world's largest financial year of international terrorism behind every problem is
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a ring and what we've been trying to do is to get iran to be him like a normal nation. as for john bolton and his approach to foreign policy when earth a 2010 interview where he admits he would lie in the name of u.s. national security have often asked americans what they think about that. john bolton has a very important job keeping americans safe after all that is the job of the national security adviser and it's very important for americans to trust someone in that position john bolton wasn't always the national security adviser here's something he said before he got the job if i had to say something i knew was false to protect american national security i would do it so considering that john bolton has a pretty important position in terms of influencing the president on international matters you think it might be a concern if he says things consistently the turn out to be false we decided to ask new yorkers. iran's continues to seek nuclear weapons and intimidate peaceful
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people is that true or not oh true i would guess that's false. so the one year period that we've talked about from the point where north korea makes the strategic decision to denuclearize is something that north and south koreans have already agreed to is that true or false false that sounds like something that's not true little thing over the right. i'm not running around the world looking for ways to create hostilities well i mean just the other quotes pretty much speak for themselves that john bolton doesn't seem to have a golden record however that doesn't seem to put him in any danger of losing his job at least for now. you would lie in order to preserve the truth if i had to say something i knew was false to protect american national security i would do it bolton is the point man the lead men and the
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jackal to carry this effort to for it and to topple the elected government of iran and while we can see the history in record of john bolton as being in favor of the wars from iraq to going as well it to iran and he's always in stray room imperial wars abroad so from a political perspective we have to see this as a reflection of the system itself the united states they want the oil in iran and whenever a bully wants to take something out of your position then they will allege provocations to justify that violence that they're getting ready to perpetuate. the russian embassy in washington d.c. says u.s. intelligence may have staged a provocation that after
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a russian game designer was detained on suspicion of trying to export u.s. fighter jet manuals. faces up to 10 years in jail for allegedly smuggling arms documents and parting against the u.s. government and you can fix up the story. conspiracy to smuggle classified documents an undercover sting operation at a trail leading to russia. for a classic james bond movie but for a leg to shouldn't go it's playing out in real life not on the silver screen with no hint of glamour the russian citizen is set to go on trial in august in the united states the charges are serious conspiring against the u.s. smuggling and violating almost export control laws and you know despite decades of stereotypes about russians mr titian co isn't a secret agent or a spy many would label him a computer nerd a guy whose passion and job was developing airplane flight simulators like this one
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. according to the manuals he wanted to obtain were to improve his knowledge of the jets and build them into a flight simulation game the problem is that despite the clear availability of such materials online only those with government licenses can export such manuals and because of u.s. sanctions on moscow sending them to russia is a big no no honestly it's a very strange situation i don't know why the united states would allow these minerals to be sold in the 1st place if they were if they could be used against the united states so there's a contradiction there if you can purchase them in the united states foreigners come to the united states purchase them and read them and we so it really does seem that the statute has a huge loophole which would suggest that. someone at some level of
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prosecution has done so titian co was charged in absentia here back in 2016 although he was none the wiser and after traveling to ourselves. festival in neighboring georgia earlier this year he was swiftly detained and extradited at the u.s. government's request eagle dynamics the software company where a leg worked for many years have distanced themselves from the whole story eagle dynamics confirms that it was not involved in any way in the actions of its employee who acted in a purely private context and his own personal interests the company develops all of its d.c.s. aircraft gain modules exclusively on the basis of publicly available information and has never used nor tried to taint any classified information at least the computer whiz isn't entirely alone the russian embassy in the u.s. has been following the case accusing u.s. intelligence services of carrying out a provocation the russian embassy in the u.s.
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is keeping a close eye on the situation surrounding the arrest of russian national teaching crew who was extradited from georgia 5 charges have been brought against him including smuggling violating the arms export control act and conspiracy against the interests of the united states there are indications that this is a provocation staged by u.s. intelligence agencies the claim isn't entirely without foundation after homeland security took an interest in titian co an undercover agent posing as a buyer of air play money was contacted titian co to catch him out and gather evidence on his nefarious activities it seems that a software designer and play in the simulation enthusiastic warranted an undercover sting operation so while tisha go faces 10 years or more of prison both simulators and fighter jet miles are available online across the world just be careful where you post them and who you talk to online. if e-bay is allowing military
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documents to be sold they really should have a full notice of the statute that it violates so that there's no doubt that somebody who's buying him. fully understands the consequences the american was knowingly selling something to somebody who was a russian i mean that's really something that's you know not be. loyal to your country if frankly anybody should go to jail if they could be the american and not he should. chinese telecom giant huawei was warning u.s. authorities their latest move won't make america quote more secure or stronger adding that washington could end up having to pay more for lower quality 5 g. equipment china's foreign ministry for its part slammed washington's latest move as disgraceful and unjust that's all after the u.s. department of commerce placed wall way on a trade blacklist the decision comes hard on the heels of donald trump declaring
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a national emergency to protect america's computer networks from what he described as foreign adversaries for an adversary is are increasingly creating and exposing vulnerabilities in information and communications technology and services which store and communicate vast amounts of sensitive information over the past few months washington has been trying to persuade allies to shun the way equipment threatening to limit intelligence sharing with those failing to comply the briton one of america's key allies in europe as refusing to ban the chinese company out of hand saying it still hasn't made that decision a similar response came earlier in march from germany china economy expert professor benjamin chao says while i might actually benefit for america stands. ali actually has a blemish record of over 30 years in 170 countries punishing one corporation with those solid sprains waves of fear. creations the us my
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left behind with no using the equipment available in the well and americans are forced to buy expensive technologies and even in fewer and fewer technologies and in fact in the longer one. americans my choose to go to china to hatched out technologies in china to sell to china how we should do what ali has been doing in the past 30 years. deployed its speaks for itself and in fact is some og ability while way could be the biggest winner we've all this free of a tightening. now quick recap of our breaking news on r t anti-war activists have confirmed to our team that they are currently being evicted from the venezuelan embassy in washington and falls warnings from police who said they were trespassing these right now you're seeing on your screen are live pictures from the scene the protesters have been staging a sit in in the embassy after the u.s.
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withdrew its recognition of nicolas maduro as venezuela's president and said to washington now recognizes the opposition leader at 1.0 as head of state as you can see from these pictures there is a heavy police presence in the area and we've seen multiple numbers multiple kinds of law enforcement at the scene and multiple vehicles as well will speak to one of the activists right after this short break stay with us. you know world a big part of the lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the shouting past each
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other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race is also a spearing dramatic development the only really i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk.
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welcome back to our breaking news anti-war activists have confirmed to r.t. that they are currently being evicted from the venezuelan embassy and washington d.c. after being told by police they were trespassing we now go live to medea benjamin who is co-founder code pink for more on this now medea you of course been following this and been at the embassy quite a bit as of late what more can you tell us about the situation. well as you can see from the pictures that you've been showing it is full of police they have bomb sniffing dogs there and we got an urgent call from the people inside it one through 15 this morning that the police had broken down the door and that they were going to be arrested and so the arrests are under way right now we denounce this is a violation of the vienna convention it's because the group has been there with the permission then as well in government i was just at the u.n. yesterday with the ambassador to the u.n. who was calling on the u.s.
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to sign a pretty tempting power dream inch with venezuela so that both the embassy in washington d.c. and the u.s. embassy in caracas would be protected the venezuelan government has said it is not given permission for the opposition representatives to enter the building and that there is still time to negotiate a solution that would be of mutual agreement to both these governments but it will be a tremendous step towards greater conflict with the u.s. if indeed the representatives are allowed to go into that embassy now why did the activists ignore the police warnings and the addiction notice that they were trespassing on embassy property because that was an illegal notice it was not signed by anybody it had no address on it no stamp on it or anything and because the legitimate government is the one in power recognized by the u.n.
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that's the lender of government and the idea of government had given permission to us to stay in the embassy so it was an illegal order and we don't have big legal orders as i understand it it's not exactly clear where the activists the 4 who were saying in the embassy where they are right now but do you know what they plan on doing next or what code pink in general plans on doing next. yes our understanding is that they are in the embassy but under arrest and we will continue to be protesting essentially calling on that embassy to be left empty not be handed over to the opposition and for this projecting power remit to be signed we'll continue to do rallies outside the embassy and we don't consider this chapter over yet but as well as u.n. ambassador has not confirmed talks are underway between the opposition and government how will the protestors act if common ground is found between them well
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we think that that is what we've been there for the entire time these past 5 weeks to come to common ground we don't want to see u.s. intervention in venezuela we don't want to see a civil war in venezuela we want to see negotiations and if the 2 governments can negotiate a way to protect these embassies and as a u.s. citizen i'm very concerned about my embassy in caracas and they can start talking about other issues and dial down these this crisis lift the economic sanctions and find a way to help the people in venezuela and come to a negotiated solution india benjamin co-founder of code pink thank you for joining us on the program to discuss this breaking news thank you. a feud between the philippines and canada over waste disposal has escalated with manila recalling its ambassador and consul after candidate refused to take back tons of garbage shipped to the philippines back in 2013. that. shows that we
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are. very serious and asking them to get back they're going to be otherwise going to see very relationships with them. the dispute began in 2013 when a private canadian company shipped more than 100 containers of trash to the philippines it was later discovered they had been falsely labeled as containing recyclable plastic when in fact they contained household waste in 2016 a philippines court ordered the company to take the rubbish back but it continues to languish in a landfill last month the philippines president adopted a stronger stance by pushing a deadline for kind of that to take the trash back and threatening war. will declare war against canada we can take them down i'll return the trash just wait and see i will advise canada that your garbage is on the way prepare a ground reception eat it if you want to it is now theoretically possible to get it back but there's still a number of questions around who will pay for it where the financial responsibility
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is where the consequences are as the move comes months after chinese authorities refused to accept recyclable waste from the us forcing it along with other western countries to rethink what they do with their trash richard hadrian foreign affairs analyst in manila says justin tried to has failed to fulfill a promise he made 2 years ago to get the rubbish back. well for a very long time to be unfortunately a recipient of tall safe ways including nuclear waste from the united states software western allies so this case has been lingering for quite long time canadian whiles however as a summer point for for the philippines for if you're president you going to turkey because with no plans or just entered the us here in 2 years to go for the odyssey and saw me he promised that they're going to take the trash off the garbage top so you are left here lingering sister 1030 and it to your scheme that is not happy i
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mean you can even call them to say that this was a private deal between the can and i get called by the end of phillip being conquered by the 1st get he is also say that you know it's not only that he gets all these also whoever it was able to accept these back in 2013 the philippines clearly this is the greatest diplomatic crisis president to launch your holidays philippines or canada that's a global news wrap up for now but i'll be back at the top of the hour with the latest thanks for tuning in. to make this manufacture consent to stick to the public well. when the ruling classes protect themselves. at the prime of their
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regular lives or be the one percent of. time we can all middle of the room sick. or you leave. this footage is unique because there's a tribal lands on normally off limits to the public erik's allowed in because he's live is personal don't. people here know him simply as don't to eric he's rich famous some always on the move saving yachts and flying in a croft that. puts on. this home. he's considered one of the best neurosurgeons in brazil.
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that's happening amazon. allergies so sis going. to busy doing nothing is going to do the population nothing much is going to people on his own. what politicians to do something to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. or somehow want to. have to try to be for us it's like them up for free in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters of the house. first sip.
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you know i'm max kaiser yeah we're at the magical crypto conference in new york city incredibly exciting here as the bull market is. crypto winter apparently over new all time highs for big going now inside and my interim target of 28000 looks still in play and our long term target from 2011 of 100000 still good now stacy when we flew here it was dramatic and it was unbelievable experience because as it was covered by the international press the new york post the daily mail outlets all over new york and even around the world we were witness to an unbelievably chilling. event in that the woman young woman sitting right behind us on the flight got up and went to the forward.


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