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tv   Keiser Report  RT  May 16, 2019 3:30pm-4:01pm EDT

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your consent is an instant of public wealth. when the roman classes protect themselves. when the final merry go round lifts only the one percent. going or middle of the room signal is. the real mean is. the end. you know i'm max kaiser yeah we're at the magical crypto conference in new york city incredibly exciting here as the bull market has returned krypto winter apparently over new all time highs for big going now. my interim target of 28000
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looks still in play and are a long term target from 2011 of 100000 still good now stacy when we flew here it was dramatic and it was unbelievable experience because it was covered by the international press the new york post the daily mail outlets all over new york and even around the world we were witness to an unbelievably chilling. event and that the woman young woman sitting right behind us on the flight got up and went to the forward part of the cabin attempted to open the door and commit suicide screaming i want to die i want to die and this was really bone rattling and shocking yeah it did make international news including new york post right here in new york city and we should have mentioned it the last episode but it was a little bit too shocking to come over it but yeah we made the international news
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and the thing is that was quite remarkable is this young woman she was going through suicidal distress and it was just testing to see this not just on a flight where that scared because i knew that you can open a door mid-flight so she did get the lock open but you can't push it open against the door we're coming in for a landing all of the air traffic control audio does suggest that the stewardess had apparently. the pilots who of course are behind locked doors and could hear the screaming it was very blood curdling scream that the door had been opened so apparently they were preparing for a crash landing so crash vehicles were on the runway and then once it was. basically they got more information once the girl's mother not mother but father had grabbed her and pulled her back to our near our see right behind us they they
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said it wasn't a crash situation but it was pretty scary it was pretty loud we did have a steep descent and a fast descent into the landing and raced across the runways and you know it was a little bit scary and i do hope that they're also ok and that she's not charged because it was she was going through an emotional situation for me it was an amazing display of how we live in this compressed media world where by the time we landed the press has already been covering it the cops are waiting for the plane to land here about 30 or 40 cops around the plane and the professionalism of the airline and the flight attendants was on display the passengers were actually quite calm about the whole thing and this woman was somebody who experienced what appeared to be a psychotic break this young woman right in mid-flight and it's one of those moments where you know you realize life is fragile and life is living and are meant
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sold balance is something that we all work to keep in on a level playing field and it's a struggle for many many folks and anyone who you suspect might be suffering from a mental illness problem or is acting strangely reach out and talk to talk to those people you know talking is the 1st step toward bringing somebody back from a situation like that the follow up news was that she had been horrible victim of a crime so. she was going through a trauma herself. yes so that was shocking we were there and we survived and we landed. that's where trump keeps his private plane and i want to talk to about trunk because you always call it trunk derangement syndrome and this notion of a crime and. the media has yet to come to terms with winning
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the election apparently some of his tax returns have been released or given to the new york times and you and i here and kaiser report when we were in washington d.c. on episode $953.00 and august 26th seen we predicted exactly what would happen exactly to a t. about the release of his tax returns and max you were a banker here in the eighty's in new york city you know exactly what a lot of your products you were selling were massive tax losses that was the eighty's that was the period of leona helmsley and only the little people pay taxes and how the rich avoided taxes remember new york city is a high tax state you have to also pay city tax here in los in york city if you're the wealthy pay a tax rate of something like 3.8 percent for cities tax here you know so this high tax state so how many how are there so many billionaires care how do they become
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billionaires well through tax losses well it's interesting that some criticize for these 2 tax losses for the reasons you just described in the property business is run really by stock losses that a lot of the industry operates in our wealth is dated but just take a look at some of these companies going public in new york right now like goober it's got tens of billions of dollars of losses and people are giving it a multi tens of billions of dollars while you ation because it's losing so much money amazon was losing billions and billions for years all the companies go. public now on the stock exchange are showing remarkably huge losses the biggest losses ever by any company ever gone public in the history of the world and that's viewed as great because when you lose money quickly it says that you're growing rapidly getting back to the 1980 s. in these tax losses as a stock broker on wall street this was something we sold on a day to day basis i mean we sold chinchilla forum for example where you would get 8 or $9.00 to $1.00 right off you know you put up $10000.00 you had $90000.00 off
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of your taxes and when i would like to stress that when people say tax rates should go up for the wealthy it doesn't mean that the wealthy are going to pay those taxes it just means that the wealthy will engage in tax shelters again there are just too great of taxes for the wealthy no matter what you do will never be higher than 1516 percent that's what happens when you get wealthy you don't pay taxes higher than $15.00 or 16 percent if you're a huge company like general electric and others they pay $0.00 tax they pay no taxes all i mean i'm all for a flat tax and everyone pay 15 percent the wealthy are already paying 15 percent that's the highest ever going to pay and for the less than wealthy 15 percent is an ok rate of return and then cut oh you know trillions of dollars of admin trying to create multiple tax rates that's not regressive and stupid and that's the fact so i mean i want to point out that the propaganda how they basically manipulate the
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mind of the ordinary american and basically keep the ordinary american struggling and the wealthy very wealthy because they what they did and what we predicted in episode 953 in august 26th seen is that trump would have massive losses because one gets into the real estate business in order to have massive losses even though property prices go up and up and up you get to depreciate it. allegedly it depreciates every year so what do they call him we predict even 2016 there are loser they keep on calling him a loser so that ordinary person especially anybody who's watching m s n b c and fair is like everything's fair in love and more and politics they're like loser you're a loser but that is why he is rich jeff bezos is worth 140000000000 or 110000000000
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post his divorce but he is worth $110000000000.00 because he does not have to pay taxes because losses because he's a loser and that's why amazon i think they had $20000000000.00 in profits last year but paid no taxes because of all the losers that amazon donald trump himself tweeted and this is the period that max was living here in new york city in the eighty's he said quote real estate developers in the 1980 s. and ninety's more than 30 years ago were entitled to massive write offs and depreciation which would if one was actively building show losses and tax losses in almost all cases much was non-monetary sometimes considered quote tax shelter you would get it by building or even buying you always wanted to show losses for tax purposes almost all real estate developers did and often renegotiate with banks it was sport additionally the very old information put out was highly inaccurate fake
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news but let's go back to trump's rise of the 1980 s. he came in after the 1970 s. and the new york city was bankrupt this you recall the government told new york city drop dead was a famous they're opposed to the line trump was called in by the city and by government officials and said please will you develop our properties here in new york city in manhattan giving tax i'll give you these huge write offs to do it that's how they suck tromping to do these work that's how we became a billionaire because they begged him to develop because the politicians. their role in. politics you know in leading politicians they handed the entire basket of goodies over to the likes of trump in wall street that was the beginning the point initialisation the global economy particularly in the states that's where the stock markets at all time highs best we've got these billionaires who make their money the wall street because politicians abdicated their role they walked away from the stage and said we can't go to any more competent guy like
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troll and so now you can say oh we're sorry that you saved us in the eighty's and now we're going to criticize you for that no you don't get to do that by the way or backgrounds moving just so you know that's what's happening in the background yeah you know again i want to talk about the propaganda about. how the ordinary person is only going to watch one of their teams cable news is either going to be m s n b c or it's going to be fox and you're going to call each other losers and that's how sports works that's how cocaine's go hurricanes you know that you support a team and that's like you that's you get caught in that propaganda but if you look at the financial news if you look at the financial times if you look at bloomberg if you look at wall street journal and this is what the rich guys are are reading i'm going to read you a headline from august from april 24th just a few weeks before this trump is
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a loser and has all these losses i'm going to show you a headline from bloomberg news one to make millions and pay no taxes try real estate and they look at harry mack lo a new york city property developer just like trump and he's $81.00 and he has not paid income tax since the $1980.00 s. according to a court opinion and his divorce proceedings issued in december the ruling which divided their luxury homes and an art collection worth more than $650000000.00. between backflow and his wife linda doesn't suggest that a couple did anything wrong to avoid paying income taxes rather it highlights the special perks available to property investors in the us advantages that have expanded under the tax law signed in 27 teams by donald trump america's real estate developer president so this is how bloomberg news financial press tells its
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exclusive readers it's open to anybody you can go there and read it yourself and learn how rich people get rich and stay rich but that this is how they get rich and they politicians abdicated their role they handed it over to business people and whatever the politicians do business we're going to work around it so it's stupid to support a politician who say they're going to impose a tax or impose a regulation because the rich can just move right around it is easy as pie if you're listening and you want to be wealthy you want to be rich i understand that if you know how to read a balance sheet and you know how to read the recent legal guidelines you can be rich it's almost like falling off a log if you can figure that out it's because you either cannot read or you are incapable of mass simple math that's it that's the bottom line people then you have got to take a break when we come back much more of the way don't go away. because
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the c.e.o. and his attorney. pose a real good he. is with me will you take. us to go you can see posting it's me. that's the time to get. if you ask if that's their finish that you give. good whole existence to something to. put themselves on the line. to get accept the
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reject. so when you want to be president. or something i want to. have to go right to be precise this is what the 43 in the morning can't be good that i'm interested always in the waters of our. pursuit. thank you. welcome back to the kaiser report i'm max kaiser you know a lot of able to talk about bitcoin is being censorship resistant of course but they usually mean is that nobody can get in there and muck around with a transaction trying to send money to journalists of faraway places a story important but it also asks do it speak to the priest creates and we've got some here to talk a little bit about that in drew tour bus from ghana dot com welcome
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good to be here max thank you all right so we're on the floor of the air of a magical conference in new york city and we're literally walking by and i just grabbed get this interview because gab is got a lot of attention and it touches on that censorship resisted element that were really so important these days with the major platforms like you tube and facebook and others really clamping down taking people off censoring people in a way that seems completely unacceptable so 1 i guess the 1st thing to do is what is gav dot com what's going on just give us a little background so gab is a free speech software company our 1st product was god dot com which was the social network as an alternative to twitter and we welcome everybody it's not politically biased in any way it's politically neutral technology is politically neutral we've got a 1000000 users from around the world we just launched our own browser and we have a browser extension called the center which adds
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a comment section to every you are on the internet even websites that don't have comments sections you tube videos that turn off comments individual tweets anything anything at all straight so the browser. i'm watching the youtube video what is the comments have been disabled correct but add decenter which is a product of gab dot com there is a comment section yes if you're into. all the browser we have our extension built in or if you want you can install the extension on your existing browsers and you click the extension on the u.r.l. and it will pull up a unified comment section on every u.r.l. so even you tube videos that the sable comments websites that disable comments are don't have comments sections there will be a unified public square on every your on the internet you saying about a 1000000 users and how growing on a monthly basis over the past couple of months especially with the increased censorship we've been adding anywhere from 30 to 50000 users just completely
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organically we're not doing any marketing of any sort it's just word of mouth are existing users telling other users that we exist and to come over because we support freedom of speech and we support american privacy rights. we want everybody to be able to speak freely without having these 4 or 5 companies in silicon valley tell them what they can talk about and what they can't so like going of course is immutable censorship resistant it's encrypted. decenter offer that for speech yes so we're moving towards open source the center itself is open source the browser itself is open source and we're in the process of open sourcing gav itself so anybody can see the code anybody can contribute to the code and the code can exists beyond my own life or beyond the life of even our company so that's the goal is to empower anybody to spin up their own gab server if they want to check our code to make sure that it's transparent so that we're not censoring people and to contribute to it as well ok so this would sound like to be open with you know
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welcome with open arms anyone who is a lover of free speech correctly in america and in other countries free space has come under a tremendous amount of challenge or why do you think in this era 2019 why is suddenly speech being shut down everywhere while i think we see those in power losing control of the narrative. and their ability to influence the masses with that particular agenda or that particular narrative we see individual journalists who just have an i phone and are in the street and have a following on the internet reporting the truth and that ruins the narrative that ruins the power structure that ruins the control that those in power have currently so they feel threatened by that and i think that's why we're starting to see this increase in censorship because they they can no longer control the narrative anymore what i say is that that power structure they describe whenever something appears that they don't like day somehow put that into the category of hate speech
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or hate speech on 10 years ago 15 years ago i think i was able to identify it pretty readily. you know it would be if i were to engage in a speech that. is a very ugly viral in form but over the last few years this has changed so that if i would come out and say i really don't like strawberries somebody somewhere will consider that hateful and they call and i should be shut down for that and if i also happen to have a political view that's not in sync in sync with somebody else's then they can use that as aware and the population seems dumbed down that they actually accept this couple of questions here 1st of all. is there such a thing as a speech in any forum anywhere does it exist and does it matter well i think there are certainly hateful people i think that they express their views and hateful ways
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but the united states supreme court has ruled unanimously multiple times that hate speech whatever it may be is protected by the 1st amendment and as an american company we have those protections and we can extend those protections to our users around the world i think the problem that you address pretty pretty accurately is that he speaks to something that's very ambiguous it's very subjective so they can use it to enforce it against like you said people who pay. strawberries there don't like strawberries and that could be deemed this hateful and the other thing that is really important to express here is that 6 it's not enforced equally so if you're being hateful about christians or you're being hateful about white people or you're being hateful about men you're allowed to do this on twitter on facebook etc but if you criticize other groups if you criticize political ideologies well now you're hateful and you're banned from these sites if they want to have these hate speech policies that's fine but i think that they shouldn't force them equally and that's why we chose to not have these policies we chose instead to give the power to the individual to let them decide what they want to see and what they don't want to see
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if you think something is hateful you don't have to follow that person you can mute the words you can walk the person you know is it pretty easy to do. yes soon so that you are don't you see a false face you can meet that outer rock. exactly like who are we as a corporation to decide what is hateful and what isn't and what is news and what isn't and we're allowed to follow and who you are and i think that's absurd it's not the way the internet has worked since its inception and it's not the way that people. want to exist on the internet it's not the internet that i want my children to grow up with so going forward now where do you see your bottleneck in terms of growth like what do you are looking for the next few years because you're a company you know you're a for profit companies are your you were early start on your i assume raising funds yes you guys shareholders you got a multiple stakeholders and this right when the as a businessman now you're the c.e.o. you're the co-founder you're looking out over the next few years what do you think
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the challenges through are going to be the biggest challenges i think we've already actually faced those we've been banned from at stars who have been banned from payment processor if you've been banned from posting providers you name it there's about $30.00 plus businesses that have banned us from using their services and what this is actually done is made us more antifragile so we've had to innovate and build our own access technology our own hosted. our own payments using things like the coin and things like the lighting network which we don't have to answer to a bank we don't have to answer to a 3rd party payment processor like pay pal for example those have been our our biggest pile next for scale and for distribution but i think we face those challenges head on and we've been forced really to innovate around them and so far we've been successful and i think will continue to be successful going for so there's no joke involved no it's ok to get in this mix at all i don't get a token for being on the platform or anything you know utility to know anything i just get the the right to speak freely correct yes that that's what you offer and
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hopefully will be able to integrate free speech money which i see as because in my opinion this free speech money and we'll be able to introduce our users to that concept where they don't have to ask permission from a bank or ask permission from a government or ask permission from a corporation in order to exchange value and provide value to the creators that they enjoy watching why why would why i would think they would already be on top of that you know in a big way you would think yeah right so it's all coming about that now the words are not wise well i think that the biggest hurdle right now that the court has is a branding hurdle right the people in big point communities like to talk about the technology they like to talk about the economic side of it sound money etc but to normal people that stuff doesn't resonate so we have a branding problem and we have a user experience problem the on ramps are very difficult those are also now being censored we've been banned ourselves from coin base from pay from square so you
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know i think making that the branding proposition about free speech money and the boarding experience and the user experience of actually getting it's something that i remember you got to have like a marketing campaign a few months ago free speech money yeah that's because so you're trying to help because you gave us some urgency yes because right now it is kind of stuck in this techno. oh monetary ghetto yes and what you see is this kid into everything that you might hold dear with praise be right you need to apply to free speech money well here's the thing people are being banned from pay pal people are being banned by chase people are being banned even by crypto companies like coinbase for example if you want to support the creators that you enjoy if you want to support companies like dab you're going to need to learn what that point is and learn how to use it so as not my buddy alex jones we're seeing in all this because he's been the platform he's on gap i'll tell you that as
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a yes he is is he building an audience yes he is he's got i think 40000 followers on down so far right so he might have the last laugh yes i think you have biggest presence on dab now are. most of the people that have been banned to be honest you know people like alex people like paul joseph watson who was just banned from now on dab he's been on he's probably one of our biggest accounts actually and most of the people i know is that kills like twitter and these people afford to lose a call it just have watson who's got him over a 1000000 followers so here's the thing people don't understand that majority 80 percent of twitter's user base is international so they don't have to. say oh he's a big one i'm going to come over to gap that would be fantastic we'd love to have him wow that would be that would be a seminal moment for your company i would be a game changer all right that's cool man so i think everyone's got to check this out. and if you like free speech i guess my takeaway from all this is what we discover say is that big coin does have that urgency problem
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yes it sounds cool man why do i care right now you have an incentive right now if you want to support creators like alex jones or laura loom or all these people that have been banned from pay pal from stray even from crypto companies you're going to have to figure out how to use that point are going to have to figure out how to send and how to buy it except. so there is now a sense of urgency hopefully that will continue to increase how to get a hat like that. we're going to open up our hearts and i start pretty soon but do it. in the hat answer to our but thank you thanks for having me all right that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser is days ever want to thank our guests answer to our by the name of the companies gab d.a.b. dot com. very important check it out like at us on twitter as guys report it so next time by all.
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in 24 you know bloody revolution to the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it still loyal i mean your list put in the new bill is that i'm pulling you to the former ukrainian president recalls the events of 2014. those who took part in this today over 5000000000 dollars to assist ukraine in these another call that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. you
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know world a big part of the new law and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bad and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for. for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. i i. i i. like.
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police arrest for antiwar activists in the venezuelan embassy in washington d.c. following the sit in protest against u.s. support for the opposition leader. as the u.s. pressure on iran senator bernie sanders accuses the national security adviser of trying to lead america into a war with iran just for the right. also the philippines recalls its ambassador from canada to want to have failed to meet the deadline take tons of label trash shipped to the southeast asian country years ago.


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