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tv   News  RT  May 18, 2019 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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russia's envoy to the un accuses the global chemical weapons watchdog of becoming a highly politicized document appears to contradict the. brother also ahead a wave of outrageous spog to the u.s. state of. the most restrictive abortion laws in the country. you need to make a choice you make a choice. it's not going to work like some of the comments. of immigration. as we discussed the implications of the move.
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and i think a great stigmatization incremental. criminalise. they simply want the people to realize that complete with. welfare to the disposal of the. weekend good morning for me it's 8 am this saturday who. will use update for you starting with documents cast doubt on the global chemical weapons watchdog report on the deadly incident in syria last year it contradicts the o.p.c. w.'s official conclusion that toxic cylinders were dropped from the. senior correspondent. this was a comprehensive study and you way you look at it iis engineers experts accounted
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for almost everything apparently visited the locations saw well the images the videos simulated the physical properties of the canisters concrete steel supports rebars everything they could account for they did it seems is what they found one location in the creator and the chemical canister simply put didn't match instead the crater appears the being caused by an explosive shell before or after and the canister in the impact crater just don't match when a metal can falls through a concrete roof and steel supports you'd expect it to leave marks in dense but no consistent marks were found another location canisters say the authors simply couldn't have fit through the impact crater with the valve still intact the only
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explain nation for all of this the experts state is that they were placed there. observations of the scene of the 2 locations together with subsequent analysis suggest that there is a higher probability that both cylinders were money placed at those $2.00 locations rather than being delivered from aircraft now one would think their findings are incredibly important that they would change the entire narrative findings completely contradict what was later put in the official o.p.c. w. report on the chemical incident and duma narrative the acid's helicopters drop to these canisters that was established hours after the incident with no investigation or questions and narrative that enabled the narmada of cruise missiles to be launched at syria.
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u.b.c. w. has admitted that documents had been leaks and say they're investigating how it happened which into the veracity of these documents they didn't deny their legitimacy worryingly u.p.c. w. has issued no comment on what the specific report found there were many other reports which the u.p.c. w. compiled for their final version on how these leaked findings fly in the face of the u.p.c. w.'s official report the documents turn the entire story down and bear in mind these aren't just random nobodies we don't know whether this team was part of the
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u.p.c. w. staff members or outside consultants experts and the u.p.c. w. is saying nothing other than it looked at all versions and sub investigations and compiled 7 them asked for comment a week ago with a list of questions and there's been no response why did they meet this report why did they go for one version of events and not the other why are they taking so long to comment on this so far silence but with the story gaining traction let's hope for answers sooner or later. 1st piers robinson who accessed the report says the o.p.c. deb is response to the leak is significant it's very important you know easy w. not dinara eat that this engineer report comes move in the o.p.c. don't believe in i haven't denied that what they're trying to do is to create all
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break going between this engineering report and yet investigation and that as we make clear untruth now that there is no good reason to accept what they're saying at face value the bottom line in this is that the document has been passed to us we have confirmed confirmation from multiple sources which clearly shows that there has been an investigation carried out from within the o.p.c. w. an investigation which is not found its way or to not leak into the fire and do not report which came out about a month ago really question our question now is what has been going on within the o.p.c. w. over the course of the last 12 months and why is it the case that this document has not found its way into the final o.p.c. w. . the idea states has been a god since the state of alabama approved a new abortion law it is current in the most restrictive in the country that
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criminalizes the procedure even in cases of rape or incest and punishes doctors of up to 99 years in prison a similar bill was signed in neighboring georgia earlier this month 2 of his caliber weapons got the story. alabama and georgia have passed their widely decried heartbeat bills these laws ban the terminations of pregnancy after 6 weeks even if the woman has been raped even if the fetus is not viable they make no exception and not surprisingly these bills have been rather controversial this is the most extreme abortion ban that's ever been passed so there's a higher penalty for doctors who perform these operations then for most rapists this is a travesty and i pray for all these women and young girls who will suffer at the hands of the system these are the eat it's making decisions for women in america governor i.v. shame on you celebrities are now speaking out actress alyssa morano is pulling a page from the old greek comedy list the strada and calling on women not to have
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sex with men until the laws are overturned and certain voices are calling on big corporations like amazon delta airlines and coca-cola to boycott anti abortion states but it's not just the pro-choice side that is getting fired up anti-abortion activists are furious about new was in new york and virginia now these bills allow for a doctor to take into account physical emotional and even a woman's age when making the decision to terminate a pregnancy at any point and needless to say conservatives have gotten fired up by the implications of these laws i'm asking you is why is that a bill banning abortions after a woman has been pregnant for 6 weeks is not to return to the dark ages what's your answer my answer is something called science human life exists at conception it ought to be protected abortion has never been popular in the state of alabama it applies only in the state where a strong majority agrees with it were reflects that communities values well i was
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rigid so i think anyone who cares about the unborn would have been it is inhumane it is immoral in my opinion and this is what i'm fighting against the anti-abortion side is now calling for drastic. actually it's time the millions of commonsense pro-life americans economically boy called new york over genia new mexico rhode island and all the other insane states that will not protect late term babies no baby protection the no my money native new york pro lifers you need to stand in the streets and disrupt the broadway productions gather outside life in new stations with bright life science march for their lives down the streets sure there were earlier numbers by quite new york. but i can't new york seriously don't go there if everyone who is pro-life refuses to visit there if every pro-life organization refused to have meetings there we could cripple their tourism industry
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let's all boycott new york we decided to find out how new yorkers feel about these new laws there are terrible for people men and women terrible. you need to make a choice you have to believe make a choice if you don't have the ability it's not going to work plus people just to get back alley abortions like the old this i think women should decide what happens with their bodies and i don't think the white man should decide what's going on with that i have mixed feelings i could see both sides i don't like some of the comments that were made about women in rehab but i also have respect for life and do you think there is a point where we need to be more mindful of what we're doing certain things this is an old fight in american politics between 2 groups that just won't see eye to eye and it seems that the powers that be have picked this longstanding divide among the american people and said ready set fight could go all the way up to the supreme court again kaleb up and r.t.
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new york. province northern austria is set to issue some rules for conduct for refugees with the title 10 commandments on living in austria and this list among other things requires migrants to learn german and respect austrian values it was drawn up by the far right freedom party supposedly with the aim of helping people to integrate but it does not include penalties for non compliance there's to be said the moves being branded a publicity stunt by critics that say asylum seekers in austria already have to sign a declaration which covers integration language and values. with bear in mind here at the height of the european refugee crisis back in 2015 almost 90000 people applied for asylum in austria that's equivalent to about one percent of the country's population the influx widespread public opposition and fast forward 28 saying the government pulled out of the un global migration pact we had some opposing views on the way austria is dealing with refugees than for media commentator and political analyst catherine shutdown. they tried to do like the
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americans do you know all migrants to america are welcome but they must integrate they do so readily of course in most cases the love of the flag above the national anthem these ideas want to be developed by the austrians but also in many other countries in europe i think the issue here is that it's targeting specifically the muslim community and i think there is a great sense of stigmatisation incrimination of obviously all together in austria i can understand why it was true i would want to you know to to set up in a place or 2 laws to regulate immigration it's actually it's prohibitive i could understand as well that the recent history with this on the credit card is a myth that that issue needs to be addressed i'm not sure that those 10 commandments would actually address anything other than further alienating a community that is actually trying to you know to integrate the best they can it's islam that creates problems because part of the islamic community of the muslim
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community. things that the west is responsible for many things that it's the enemy these people who come in yes it we have an issue with radical islam but again we're not addressing the issue by trying to criminalize the entirety of the muslim community and i think that's a problem because we're talking to religious freedoms and that's an issue that you know i think worries me greatly because by if we're doing in one community is right to be overriding all of our rights and i think that new because we need to wake up to this reality that is also a problem basically with the status of women and i'm afraid that it is clearly so with islam that the status of the women who come. you know it's not what it should be in western societies they stay home they cannot go out they don't want the language in most cases we have seen that in most european countries for decades now the we mean don't learn anything because they can't even read or write they stay
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home and they're. want to sort of isopropyl with polygamy all these issues are transparency in these 10 commandments you know when they say the children must go to western school learn western values are european values and not the values of the koran we don't one quarter and exclusively we need to understand you know people have different traditions and religious belief and that we need to the commode it down to a certain extent of course i'm not saying that everyone has to bend over backwards but that being said i don't think that setting a law that criminalizes people's differences is the way to go you don't want our societies to get in in the name of multiculturalism and the islamic community developing which is and time west and that is the problem and i know a little bit worried that the slower that was he had just set in place we only lead to further radicalization and actually end power those people who do believe in racism who do want racism to be pushed forward into the agenda because it's
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something that suits them and they want to see immigration being some kind of a grand criminal act because again they would like their country to steve the same way we live in a very global society nothing ever stays the same they simply want the people to realise that they are welcome in a country that would put their social welfare to the disposal of these markets that will welcome them so they shoot show gratitude each should be ingrained in them i'm just going to ask whether we should feel grateful for having been forced to flee their country in the 1st place because we have to remember that it is because western power brought to their country their homeland that they had to secret as well so should they feel grateful for that if you're doing some of the morning hi good morning review what you around the world would be days ok so far mornings cove you know in this is our 2 international after the break one of the stars of the massive t.v. series game of thrones rio de france of course is bolton comes to russia 1st visit we grab a chat with him it's. most
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people who manage public pension funds don't know anything about that they're just the clerks that they just signs in this job they give them a bunch of money and wall street guys come around and they take them out to lunch that marty is in and they sell me a bag of worms some a lot of garbage most toxic risk on the australians sold into these problems
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pension fund where it goes to die that's why the returns are so. is a realistic possibility in the coming decades a poll ahead of the you put election suggests that is the view of many people on the block these days is despite statistics also showing the highest positive feelings towards the union and more than a quarter century with charlotte. with less than a week to go before the e.u. heads to the polls it seems that you are files have found something new to panic about and i'm not talking about an upsurge in support for you or skeptic parties according to one thing tank this is the european council on foreign relations there are just 7 days to save the union now that may sound drastic but when you look at
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the results of a survey that they've just released beginning to understand why the e.u. has been described as the world's best known peace project but it seems a surprisingly large number of voters across the block off fearful a war may break out between member states here in france there was the greatest pessimism with 34 percent saying that it was a realistic prospect so we've been putting this to people here in paris to find out if this scares the bejesus out of them i have to say that we are to be scared but i hope that this will not like more consequences like wrecks either so i think you're dreaming. is like oh nightmare they will never happen it is something the suppose in the future to think it wouldn't i don't think so we have for the 1st thing. in the 1st part always we we need to always try to
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move move one. thing could be another economic crisis and you wrote all the countries are burdened with debts we're not really afraid of. the economy very open economy. we're dependent on foreign investment. in 20 years lots of things could happen and there could be a war we could see a repeat of the 1st of the 2nd world war i'm not actually worried about that but we never know if he would think all of that's happened over the course of history but europe would not want to do that again. i think it's a problem for the future and that's why it's important to vote in elections perhaps just as worrying is that some 58 percent of respondents to france thought that the e.u. was likely to fall apart in the next 10 to 20 years reflecting a general trend in other member states including many italy and poland it may be
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a bit late in the day but think tank e.c.s. is now looking for inspiration as how it can encourage more pro e.u. voters to cast their ballots next week to safeguard the future suggest taking a leaf out of the book of protest movements like france or even extinction rebellion basically the penny has finally dropped many voters are turned off by traditional politicians and there is huge apathy towards the e.u. parliament and its institutions so is it too late to save you up to save it from itself. r.t. paris. social justice to start a petition against a well known french actor after was given a lifetime achievement award at the cannes film festival the activists were against along for his views on immigration as opposition to the social couples adopting children they said no amount of good acting could neutralize such a close minded vision of the world the head of the come from 1st of all gave his
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reaction to it. we are going to award alan delhomme with a nobel peace prize just give him the golden palm. island alone has endangered 7 and has indeed talked about different things and he does have the right to wear his views which i personally don't share today as one can hardly estimate the contradictions in the life of a person who went to war scenario age and belong sort of the generation. x. primitives opinion german. told us the activists should fight for freedom of speech not for censorship. pulley this control seems to me a characteristic sign of the atmosphere in which the thought police reign and even think it seems to me that they are influencing or at least trying to do so in all areas unitarian r.t. or any other means that any statements that go beyond political correctness should be condemned and sent what does he do does it kill someone to rape someone does he do any horrible things what kind of nonsense that i really think that we live in an
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era of police orders in the real meaning of are implemented by people who should better fight for freedom of expression or for sense of. popular t.v. show game of thrones have some serious consequences for productivity this monday all round the globe fans are going to be glued to this for the final episode right before the working week begins ouch the show is also the subject of many news articles of course trying to draw parallels to the plot in the real political situation in the world polly poincare case you missed it try to do it. in case you missed it u.s. forces are on the move when kerry could be coming for iraq and hold on a 2nd is this a game of thrones or a say it. is just that this stuff in the middle east is really important. but honestly it would be stupid enough to compare something as serious as this to at a t.v. show about boobies. is that real.
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imagine if the latest us iran showdown was actually a game of thrones. the golden head donald trump variant is the only thousands of dragons the dragons are a metaphor for nuclear weapons try and stay with me here ok eat 1001 round this is how many just a few of the great houses are allowed the ability to tell an entire city's into smoldering ashes but only ones he's dead now trump guerin's force is gathering outside the iran this stronghold he sent in his eye and feet on popcorn others peace loving at a craft carrier is just off the coast he's even threatened to send out 120000 sunday troops there as well but he doesn't want you may be confused by that part of the whole list stuff here tonight john bolton says he was in the intelligence
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indicating that the iranians all planning attacks against trump garrion forces there is reports coming from the little virus netanyahu the middle east the mosque is all of this makes the iran a star is in for a dragon of their own more than ever and they're threatening to try it one again soon because the trunk guerin's pulled out of an ancient pact which stopped them during that 1st stocks of europe a warning that a conflict could stop accidentally but when it comes to the crunch they're likely to scatter in different directions when the fighting begins the problem for the around nesta's is that they have no idea if they're dealing with the seasons $1.00 to $7.00 trump area or the season 8. i have been. willing to work for the. road to
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a. visit to russia for the 1st time you can watch the full interview with. give a wonder what would have happened ramsey if you had the sort of grisly end in season 6 yeah i don't know i can't see how we would have felt but there is something you probably would have been on your side in a stupid she's got a dragon but i don't think the way the narrative of the show's played out it would have been as good with ramsey there think. i think he needs to sort of be gotten rid of in order to install the stocks back to create the drama and the and the entry between the nearest sin. and jon snow obviously because what else are you going to do just in so many awful things that you just you know who'd just been a you know we're going to do now as you've described as well sort of nothing's black and white there's no villains you know it's interesting playing those sorts
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of roles i've never been romeo you know i mean in. so i guess i'm. something else. i really enjoy playing the more complex roles because there's just more to it. and it's often yes more interesting i think i don't know what that says about me as a person. or maybe you know i think you need a specific kind of actor to play those roles i don't order to make them not be sort of just face value and to have depth and to be 3 dimensional and maybe you need a specific kind of actor and we had a person obviously getting away from a game with rose is that is the big thing right now is that the hype surrounding that i always say i haven't seen one could ask you what's this eerie so let me follow you yeah absolutely yeah what's your thoughts of the finale i think one of the great things about it is he just doesn't matter what people could sit around and discuss in and have all these ideas in for they just no matter what you think
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they always seem to find a way to twist that i thought coming into the series there was no way around it being the nearest but now i was thinking in june last. don't know if she's but i kind of saw up coming i'm very interested to see the scene between. you going to settle off the author it goes away something as epic as that which is you know really. defined you at least in the last couple of years as a as a as an actor yeah of course i miss it but it's also it's everything's got to come to a close and i think it's quite exciting that it sort of finishes as you know has just fizzled out going out with the buying in. yen and then on to the next thing and. if you do begin to talk to us as if you check that out you're going to slide r.t. dot com or you tube channel so much more of it is well well this is so far this morning it's coming up to 28 minutes past 8 o'clock moscow time so i hope we can is going good to have you up to the saturday kevin i mean something off for now and have a good weekend. those
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who are supporting half the day have. i don't care about the mayor they don't care about the stability of libya the only thing the cure is about their own agendas. and so we might be bugged here for a long time and can be really a civil war that continues for 4 months. and 2040 you know bloody revolution to crush the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it your style or hiccup what if i mean your list put video and they believe that i'm new school in the middle of the former ukrainian president recalls the events of 2014. those who took part in this today over 5000000000 dollars to assist ukraine in these and other calls that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic.
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the ceiling is a. california one flew over the gate. it was a mule you take game. is usual for those of us who hope you police you posting that's when it puts you out of lets get. good city looks like it be. like this game he said i love this game want to give it their.
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best to try to get. this finished that you give all. control of the. police approvals for me it is just those who do people doing that he said. he saw did. look leave enough to those who use month of approach conducive to the bullies and small. to be told the last round of snow.


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