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tv   News  RT  May 19, 2019 7:00am-7:30am EDT

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over $5000000000.00 to assist you in these an article that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. tensions between the u.s. continue to escalate. its no interest in going to war. president putin says he has been urging iran to stick to the hard. deal despite the u.s. withdrawing from it. also coming up on the program this hour human rights advocates raised the alarm over the u.k. defense secretary's album this proposal for a british saying immunity for criminal offenses dangerous precedents. on the world's biggest tech companies pledge to crack down on violent content on below new rules after criticism over their handling of the church. but how much
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power is too much power. with the top stories from the past 7 days on right up to the moment developments as well this is the weekly on our international in our top story iran's foreign minister says he is confident that there will be no war between iran and the united states but not comes amid growing tension between the countries the us is gathering its forces in the middle east and has warned about the possible mis identification of passenger jets flying over the persian gulf washington has been constantly highlighting the threat if things around poses to the middle east and the rest of the world. threaten their neighbors or spread instability everywhere we go in the middle east it's a rare. iran's major destabilizing in influence in the middle east spread death
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destruction and chaos the leaders of iran are record here's world's largest finance ear of international terrorism behind every problem is iran we've been trying to do is to get iran to be him like a normal nation. well the foreign minister also thinks or believes at least that mr trump does not want war but the people around him are pushing him to words at that perhaps referring to all up to ron's fiercest opponents u.s. national security advisor john bolton both and so keen on his job that according to an interview from 2010 he would lie in the name of national security kill him up and looks at his track record john bolton has a very important job keeping americans safe after all that is the job of the national security adviser and it's very important for americans to trust someone in that position john bolton wasn't always the national security adviser here's
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something he said before he got the job if i had to say something i knew was false to protect american national security i would do it so considering that john bolton has a pretty important position in terms of influencing the president on international matters you think it might be a concern if he says things consistently that turn out to be false we decided to ask new yorkers. iran continues to seek nuclear weapons and intimidate peaceful people is that true not. true i guess that's false. so the one year period that we've talked about from the point where north korea makes to strategic decision to denuclearize is something that north and south koreans have already agreed to is that true or false false this sounds like something that's not true doesn't seem. right. i'm not running around the world looking for ways to create hostilities well i mean just the other
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quotes pretty much speak for themselves that john bolton doesn't seem to have a golden record however that doesn't seem to put him in any danger of losing his job at least for now. you would lie in order to preserve the truth if i had to say something i knew was false to protect american national security i would do it bolton is the point man thank you very little. jackal to carry this effort to for it and to topple the elected government of iran from a political perspective we have to see this is a reflection of the system itself the united states they want the oil in iran and whenever a bully wants to take something out of your position then the rules alleged provocations to justify the violence that they are getting ready to perpetuate.
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well iran was part of the broader discussion between the top diplomats of russia and the us which took place this week in the russian resorts of tsotsi the russian president who was also there say as he has been urging tehran to stick to the 2015 nuclear to the spike the u.s. pulling out. american solution is to go if it was little americans have withdrawn from the iran nuclear deal so the deal is coming apart european countries can't do anything to save it and can't really cooperate with iran to compensate their economic losses but as soon as iran makes its 1st steps in responding and announces its withdrawal everyone will immediately forget that it was the us who initiated the collapse and everyone will end up blaming it all on iran i made clear that the united states will continue to apply pressure to the regime in tehran until its leadership is prepared to return to the ranks of responsible nations that do not threaten their neighbors or spread instability or terror. in the russian u.s.
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diplomat said they were ready to move relations forward although admitted they still don't see eye to eye on a number of crucial global issues well with more details on the meeting here's our senior correspondent maracas the. they've managed to talk about all their differences and they vanished honestly say to each other we disagree on this this is how we see it we disagree on this this is how we see it and booth have said that well that's good but we can talk 1st topic of course venezuela and venezuela we have disagreement i urge my russian colleagues to support the venezuelan people as they return democracy to their country. the united states and more than 50 other nations agree that the time has come for nicolas maduro to go he's brought nothing but misery to the venezuelan people. and we hope that russians support. form a girl that will and democracy are silly and use them on democracy can be imposed
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by force the threats coming both from u.s. officials and the opposition leader. who is always reminding us of the possibility of military intervention have nothing to do with democracy. what both countries seem to agree on is that. that should decide what happens to their country also on iran much the same situation although not as radically opposed russia saying that it believes the iranian nuclear deal of 2015 is the best option going forward it's a system a platform a framework that's already established that will guarantee to the international community that iran isn't the shooing nuclear weapons the united states agreeing to disagree with most of the moment we have many disagreements on iran now but the fact that we've started talking on this issue gives us hope that we will be able to achieve agreements if both sides show willingness to do that but nevertheless both
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sides have said that you know they will continue to work together on coming up with some sort of solution along with the other signatories of the iran iranian nuclear deal the north korean front 41 that both sides have made progress that real. progress has been made on making sure that the north korean the korean peninsula is denuclearized also we heard about meddling of course busy the russians saying that . one of the sticking by what they said was very very long. years that they still haven't been true any proof of what it is that russia has done there's been nothing in writing nothing concrete that the americans have given russians and said this is what you did and said that. there will be no conversation serious conversation is grownups and until that happens might bump on the other hand saying that the united states is willing to improve relations with russia that the orders
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come from donald trump perhaps the more radical factions those that have trumpeted about collusion and meddling perhaps they'll be marginalized and sidelined sidelined so relations can finally improve. moving the program on 5 major tech giants have committed to come buying violent content online after world leaders urge them to do so at a summit in paris on wednesday that meeting was convened in response to the recent terror attack in christchurch new zealand which was live streamed and then widely shared over facebook. terrorism and violent extremism a complex society of problems that required all of society response for our part the commitments we are making today will further strengthen the partnership the government society and the technology industry must have to address these threats. well the tech firms including google and microsoft have signed up to bombing anyone who shares violent or extremist content they've also pledged to follow up on
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material flagged us terrorist propaganda more promptly while the new rules for live streams will be implemented in new zealand 10 people helping charge for sharing the video of the christ church mosque or just a reminder on that day in march a gunman killed $51.00 people in 2 malls the video was uploaded some 1500000 times on facebook in the day followed the live stream where we discussed who should shoulder responsibility for removing content platforms where users with privacy activists build new media rights attorney jennifer breed you have an army not just with facebook but with twitter there's an army of contractors employees and other people who are there to immediately get it off right away as has been stated this happens with people that espouse certain political opinions and other ideologies and so now we're talking about you know we're talking about getting off far more
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egregious things monitoring no moderating in real time what these videos are and what becomes and is funding some research to try and improve their ability to detect this in real time with sort of automated means which is absolutely necessary given the volume of content but the technology simply isn't up to it yet the idea of somebody actually showing in broadcasting real time slaughter of human beings all make it even simpler what if this was an actual real time live stream of child pornography nobody would be even debating this i would say you've got to think this technology and now this is nothing to do with freedom of expression nothing to do with the dissemination of ideas in no way does it violate and by the way very quickly safe book has the most incredible celerity what it comes to show. being down and immediately knocking somebody off who are spouses a poll a little opinion just by merely supporting somebody you need to recognize the fact
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that a 1000000 copies were taken down effectively and we need to actually take the top to facebook the fact that it did take down so many different gopi there would have been any number of different videos big shots of me tell you sleep and actually dealing with all those in real time would be almost impossible but those were the perpetrators do you punish them is that report told do you allow that what about people who are filming atrocities in 1000000 more they're doing genuine reports do you allow that if it appears to be atrocious attacks of the 4 we actually have to be slightly more realistic than saying the technology could do it come on get you move get a move over there as a formal complicated challenges they have i do believe and i know that they have this technology not only do they have that they have hundreds upon thousands of employees of contractors of people whose jobs it is to sit there and to see what's coming up and the moment something that is violent that is agree just that is horrific the horrific thing about this is that we are now given social media giants
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like facebook and twitter a very very severe amount of power that was supposed to only be a spouse of the us government federal government and state governments under the 1st amendment and now it's as if social media giants and platforms like facebook or twitter have taken over the you know what you guys have your 1st amendment governments you can't do anything we're the ones who dictate your speech now that's dangerous and that's something that needs to be consistently watched i don't want to hear anybody tell me that the technology is not there or there's no way to monitor this because let me tell you something if this war is something that was contrary to the zuckerberg world view it would be awful for anybody even thought it so they're dragging their feet it's nonsense and they know exactly what has to be done and they're simply not doing. it right the 1st woman. to serve as the u.k.'s defense secretary penny more it has got her term off to a controversial start she's drawn the ire of the international by proposing to
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limit the authorities ability to investigate and prosecute british veterans accused of war crimes while stoned active duty it would be awfully disingenuous to have a presumption of non-prosecution for abuse yet at the same time claim justice is being solved british soldiers who break the law must face just like everyone else these proposals potentially set a dangerous precedent. isn't the only organization concerned about the proposal either particularly as miss mordaunt wants to extend protections to troops who serve the northern ireland as well with more on the controversy here is polly boyko . the new boss in here has proposed a new law one that would presume soldiers innocent of any offenses committed throughout the course of june abroad more than 10 years ago although that rule could have exceptions for example if new evidence of alleged crimes were to come to
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light it is high time that we change the system and provide devide legal protections to make sure the decisions how service personnel take in the battlefield will not lead to repeated or unfair investigations down the line for the new defense secretary the new legislation is about making the system fairer and preventing what she called law fare repeated and unfair investigations against former soldiers this is no surprise at preventing someone who's committed a crime from facing justice this is about stopping an industry that surrounds these processes which is not about the pursuit of justice i had at the iraq historic allegations team spent 7 years trawling through allegations of murder torture wrongdoing at a cost of 60000000 pounds to the taxpayer none of the claims resulted in a prosecution and in 2016 the unit was shot down just because i
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completed 7 tours nor all with the infantry or associated units i lost many men. and i was involved in fatality shootings i was investigated along with others. the investigations were. aggressive and bloody awful to go through so well former soldiers and members of the military say that the amnesty doesn't go far enough that it needs to include northern ireland 2 human rights groups are concerned that the government's desire to better protect its former and current servicemen and women will effectively place them above the law it's reported that there are around $150.00 investigations looking into alleged abuses by british soldiers in iraq and afghanistan the question is how the victims of those alleged abuses will ever get justice if these new proposals become law because so
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many detained so many killed the troops are the reason for the total destruction that the fate of those detained by them remains unknown to them. of course some against an amnesty because of the systematic killing some of the blood they said since no one cares we have to demand our rides through international courts because we're just simple people who just can't go by as selves to get our voices heard on the one article there is great concern here that the crimes will be forgotten many people haven't received any compensation for the damage those who lost their homes or became disabled what they're trying to do is create an exemption from europe here. for soldiers on the battlefield that's obviously really dangerous because obviously the back of the is one place that is not so great you're going to get people civilians on armed others who might not be after that whose human rights need to get those soldiers should have understood what they need to say just sr if
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you committed you or if we should you get punished if you haven't you don't so there shouldn't be a blanket amnesty or exemption for anyone anywhere couldn't find an easy way to say that we will now bring all of these veterans back into the war and this will be our intention from this coming up a russian games designer faces a decade in jail accused of smuggling fighter jet manuals we have that story and plenty more besides after this.
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join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics or business i'm showbusiness i'll see if. those who don't are supporting cast but they have they don't care about the mayor they don't kill them or this is the bit you know from libya. on agendas. and so we might be above that here for a long time to be really a civil war that continues for for a long time. just approaching 20 minutes past 2 pm here in moscow with this sunday welcome back to
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the program the russian embassy in washington alleges u.s. intelligence may have staged a provocation that's after russian games designer was the taint on suspicion of trying to export u.s. fighter jet manuals to chicago faces up to 10 years in jail for smuggling arms documents and plotting against the u.s. government picking up the story danielle hawkins. conspiracy to smuggle classified documents an undercover sting operation and a trail leading to russia all the ingredients for a classic james bond movie but for a leg to shouldn't go it's playing out in real life not on the silver screen with no hint of glamour the russian citizen is set to go on trial in august in the united states the charges are serious conspiring against the us smuggling and violating of us export control laws and you know despite decades of stereotypes
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about russians is the titian co isn't a secret agent or a spy many would label him a computer nerd a guy whose passion and job was developing airplane flight simulators like this one . according to the manuals he wanted to obtain were to improve his knowledge of the jets and build them into a flight simulation game the problem is that despite the clear availability of such materials online only those with government licenses can export such manuals and because of u.s. sanctions on moscow sending them to russia is a big no no arsenal is a very strange situation i don't know why the united states would allow these minerals to be sold in the 1st place it. could be used against the united states so titian co was charged in absentia here back in 2016 although he was none
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the wiser and after traveling to ourselves a festival in neighboring georgia earlier this year he was swiftly detained and extradited at the u.s. government's request eagle dynamics the software company were a leg work for many years have distanced themselves from the whole story eagle dynamics confirms that it was not involved in any way in the actions of its employ . he who acted in a purely private context and his own personal interests the company develops all of its d.c.'s aircraft gain modules exclusively on the basis of publicly available information and has never used nor tried to taint any classified information at least the computer whiz isn't entirely alone the russian embassy in the u.s. has been following the case accusing u.s. intelligence services of carrying out a provocation the russian embassy in the u.s. is keeping a close eye on the situation surrounding the arrest of russian national teaching
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crew who was extradited from georgia 5 charges have been brought against him including smuggling violating the arms export control act and conspiracy against the interests of the united states there are indications that this is a provocation staged by u.s. intelligence agencies the claim isn't entirely without foundation after homeland security took an interest in titian co an undercover agent posing as a buyer of air play money also contacted titian co to catch him out and gather evidence on his nefarious activities it seems that a software designer and playing the simulation of the easiest warranted an undercover sting operation so while to chicago faces 10 years or more of prison both simulators and fighter jet miles are available online across the world just be careful where you post them and who you talk to online. something smelling bad in international relations a feud between the philippines uncolored over waste disposal has escalated with
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recalling its own passenger and staff on whedon's thing after calla that refused to take back 100 shipping containers of high school waste it sent to the philippines back in 2013. that the call shows that we are. very serious and asking them to get back their otherwise. severe relations with them it was later discovered the waste had been mislabeled us containing recyclable plastic in 2016 accord in the philippines ordered the canadian company to take the rubbish back but it continues to languish other landfill site last month the philippines president stepped in escalated the standoff. will declare war against canada we can take them down i'll return the trash just wait and see i will advise canada that your garbage is on the way
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prepare a grand reception even if you want to go back in 27 the canadian prime minister meanwhile said that he was ready to work on a solution. this is now theoretically possible to get it back but there's still a number of questions around who will pay for it where the financial responsibility is where the consequences are. of foreign affairs analysts we spoke to manila ses justin trudeau has failed to make good on those earlier promises. for a very long time to be unfortunately a recipient of top seek ways including nuclear waste all from the united states in software west reallocates so this case has been lingering for quite long time it canadian one of those however i was a summer of 0.4 for the philippines for if you're president you get the target because with no plans or justin trudeau was here in the uk 2 years ago for the odyssey and saw me he promised that they're going to take the trash all the garbage
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topsy was left here lingered since 1030 and you know to your scheme that is not happening i mean the canadian government say that this was a private deal between a canadian company and if in the beating bunker where the numbers get it is also good say that you know it's not only can they get spoiled is also whatever it was able to accept these back in 2013 if the pigs this is the group this diplomatic crisis could get the president the long term holidays philippines and canada. it's one of the deadliest conflicts in recent history but why did it happen in the 1st place our documentary ukraine on fire explores that's next. talk to you about the inside. of the economy where we are becoming like the quality of insects. and that's all enabled by the by be enabled surveillance pretty
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cool right. as a tense situation in venezuela is still all over the news the problem in venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but that socialism has been faithfully implement inside venezuela things look different we're going to announce sanctions against. venezuela associated i. have a son of the moment to. get out of some sort of battle to move at the present. moment the focus of the who story is a new mix of old henry kissinger to tell him that it would not be tolerated in latin america an alternative economic and social system could take hold and therefore the policy would be to make. the economy scream so
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once and. in the of venezuela's screed. what is described in the west as a russian invasion of crimea is a fact the presence of russian soldiers in crimea can you clarify that. gaga would have believed according to quote but the most of the most go float of could him. as long ago as 180 for sevastopol the naval base became the main military port of the russian empire on the black sea. during the 2nd world war the heroic defense of sevastopol lasted almost a year and took hundreds of thousands of lives.
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therefore the naval base in crimea has a legacy of historical pride for the russian black sea fleet as well as being of huge strategic importance. those of us alive back then remember when there were soviet missiles put into cuba how frightened americans were and how angry and how we almost went to a nuclear confrontation over having weapons of that kind of destruction placed that close to the united states. just so if the united states considers cuba to be in its backyard. then crimea lays at russia's doorstep. the consequences of a u.s. seizure of the face or a nato base which internationally. but almost some of those and insuring is natural
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. taught me to. put you in with that. was today and you know unless. you know it's not just a quick practical putting it into shape. opinion it's. so it's not just in the military use ocean to elicit but if there was. no willingness that ended up with the old me the only leader on the. it was a piece of the school board. just i'm a part of what i get there but you know we buy used to it but they're both saying no we're on the phone fixed amongst the windows me with the 30 but if you make one time you're in. the national system. on national media machine i. suppose to the pigs if we act we would sort of the response. to me because you know you seemed up and you know.


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