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tv   News  RT  May 21, 2019 7:00pm-7:31pm EDT

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that was. the british prime minister office m.p.'s a vote on a 2nd break that referendum on bell's changes to her withdrawal deal to try a 4th attempt at getting it through parliament also ahead. but. wrapped in the caribbean nation of haiti where the government's being accused of links to a massacre in the capital last november. and switch to get which the us tries to tempt countries with cash if they buy its weapons is that of god where from rivals like china or russia.
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a very warm welcome to you you're watching r.t. international with me making an error and. the chance of a 2nd bridge that referendum is back on the table the bush prime minister said on tuesday that m.p.'s will have the chance to vote on another referendum if they finally pass withdrawal bill which is already being rejected 3 times with more into reason may's last ditch attempt to get a deal through parliament his party boy. well she promised a bold new offer and here is to reason may's false the incarnation of a brags that belle she needed something different enough to sell to m.p.'s and there are a number of concessions that she's made she's going to be making the case to the country over the next couple of weeks there are 10 main points too many to list but the 2 main headline grabbers are is that she will offer m.p.'s a vote on the option of
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a customs union that big big carrot that she's offered m.p.'s will get to vote on a 2nd way friend but only if they pass the deal in the 1st place the government will therefore include in the withdrawal agreement bill introduction a requirement to vote on whether to hold a 2nd referendum and this must take place before the withdrawal agreement can be russia's side and maybe there are rumblings in westminster from all sides of the political spectrum. because it's basically a rehash of what was discussed before that she's already. said. she ran. the job. exactly. the reason mays never wanted it herself she's always said that she would just like to stick to implementing the
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results of the 1st one but she's trying everything she can to try her already dented political legacy she is after all a one issue prime minister she came to power almost 3 years ago promising to deliver on gregg's it and she's still trying to salvage that take a listen to her worming if the deal is rejected again some suggest leaving without a deal but whatever you think about outcome paula has been clear it will do all it can to stop it. if not no deal then it would have to be a general election or a 2nd referendum that could lead to revocation and no bricks it. to reason may said that this is the last chance for m.p.'s to vote her deal through after all the default setting in october is for a no deal with drawl but it's also to reason may's last chance to save her
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political legacy and to deliver on the brags that she's promised throughout her leadership she's failed to pay her bills through parliament $3.00 times already she's failed just 6 weeks of cross party negotiations the u.k. was meant to leave the e.u. on the 29th of march that didn't happen and the u.k. wasn't supposed to be taking part in the e.u.'s parliamentary elections which is happening so naturally all the questions at the end of that big speech from journalists trying to make sense of it focused on one issue and that was when is she going to step down within minutes of to resume a speech opposition parties across the board swiftly lined up to reject the new offer even members of the prime minister's own conservative party you had been supporting her say she's betraying briggs's. i supported the p.m.'s rotten deal last time as i felt we could then during line and select a new pm to pick up the pieces but i cannot support this convoluted mess that it
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takes is towards a rig referendum between her deo and no brakes it is just great task the pm must go i supported the dreadful withdrawal agreement before they thought it was our only chance of leaving the e.u. in 20 ninth's march there was draw agreement bill proposal is worse than before this is not bracks said and i won't be supporting it he threw reason mase now supporting a 2nd referendum and makes it very hard for me to support the latest withdrawal agreement bill when it comes to house of commons this is a betrayal of 2016 referendum and a betrayal of everything she has been saying since she became prime minister historian allan scared told us to raise amazing revised withdrawal bill will be roundly rejected by m.p.'s. says anathema to the vast majority of conservative m.p.'s both approach to a new customs deal and a referendum will break promises she made in the last manifesto so i fear
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because labor said it won't support the new deal. even less support this time wrong as she got last time ron did his dad just a dreadful mess i mean it doesn't really appeal to either side i mean she has her hands are tied because you know she signed a deal with the european union and the european union is going to change the main structure of the deal so she can that fully propose anything radically new so that she's playing around the edges and it simply doesn't have enough troops for maneuver. in a caribbean country of haiti the government is being suspected of links to a massacre in the capital last november dozens of people including children were tortured and killed haiti's biggest ally the u.s. has $35.00 being silent on the accusations a lot of the anti-government protests have been raging in the capital for weeks.
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i think. the situation in haiti is escalating a population that is largely unemployed without electricity and without money once the president out with me. today the country has reached an end to the population can no longer accept the situation. when no one is out at night now there is reduced night life now all the streets are darn you just don't know what are you going to run into you just can't go anywhere now in addition to their other grievances the protesters have a link to the government one of the worst massacres in the recent history of the country.
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they were shooting and i was running to save my life it was a terrible massacre. and they were dressed in police uniforms with masks on their faces they snatched people and killed them the united nations has launched an investigation now. in march 104 members of the u.s. congress signed a letter to the u.s. secretary of state calling for an independent investigation as of yet there has been no answer. to support thorough and independent investigations into both the corruption allegations that sparked the current crisis and the human rights violations including extra judicial killings that have reportedly taken place but
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the trump administration seems confident in the aligned regime we have always underscored in there are statements as well as our diplomatic conversations our belief in the g. 2 misi of heat is institutions and it elected officials so far there has been no comment from the u.s. state department on the massacre while washington routinely condemns governments around the world for allegedly violating human rights when it comes to haiti the white house is unusually silent the u.s. has relied on a policy of gang violence in guatemala and el salvador and honduras in haiti and numerous other countries so this keeps the people in fear it keeps them in desperation and they can rule from the washington d.c. by having these gangs in the paid off public is do the work that the us demands to trample ministry in the pool of those who will do nothing of the alert the
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public regime is. and will beginning by. being demonstrated in haiti now does not do us good printed in haiti so president of. buttons planning a wide ranging update to his espionage and treason laws which could lead to the introduction of a foreign agents register and tougher penalties for whistleblowers they proposed overhaul was announced by the u.k.'s home secretary. getting this right and having the right powers and resources in place for countering hostile states must be a post-breakfast priority so we're going to manage today that we're preparing the way for nash benard bill this will bring together new and modernized powers giving our security services the legal authority they need to tackle this threat. at this stage it's not clear exactly what else will be included in the new espionage bill
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it's intended however to address perceived shortfalls in the u.k. is treason laws as well as the official secrets act which was last updated in 1989 and for hibbett the leaking of any information that could be considered damaging former m i 5 agent told us what she believes the changes will entail what they're trying to do is made all of these different acts including the treason act trim the middle ages and say actually we need a new act the 21st century but what they're doing with this is they're making the provisions much more stringent and draconian than they used to be so for example under the $989.00 act if you are a whistleblower talking about the crimes committed by the military of spies you would face 2 months in prison you know under the new act what they're trying to suggest is that if you're a whistleblower revealing the crimes of the spies then you will face 14 years in prison they actually have also suggested they get rid of what's called the prior publication defense which came in in the 1980 s.
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now this means because something is in the public domain you can then report it without any penalize ation what they're now suggesting is they take away that so that means for example if i want to talk about some of the things that are in my former partner disclosed 20 years ago under this new law i would not be allowed to talk about them even though they were already in the public to me have already been exposed across the international media so this is a very draconian law they're proposing. the u.s. state department is planning to offer more money to countries who are willing to switch from russian to american 6 made arms is an expansion of an existing program of trying to take this 3. did the folks in charge of sales for the u.s. military industrial complex take an internship somewhere that sells these free samples work just as fine in the international big guns business look what america
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does as it turns out if it gets assurances from european countries that they'll ditch and stop buying weapons made in russia or china free samples won't take long to arrive there's an entire government program under which these countries will get or already have just under $200000000.00 worth of hardware the idea being we can put in some u.s. grant military assistance they would then put in some amount of partner military funding of course the free batch should be followed up by proper contracts plus there's going to be maintenance upgrades and so on nice $1.00 0 let's face it try before you buy is worked for everything from clothes to kiss medics and the program is being expanded to other continents.
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appreciating customer loyalty is key remember when the killing of a saudi journalist in turkey could have led to international boycotts against the biggest buyer of uncle sam's toys back then the american president was quick to set things straight is the best equipment in the world but if they don't buy it from us they go in to buy it from russia or they're going to buy it from china or they're going to buy it from other countries so the saudi contracts should stay the way they are safe and sound. nato member turkey one's got too carried away trading with russia or so says the american government and thought it was a good idea to buy russian missile defense systems you will regret that came the message from d.c. . we've. clearly warned turkey that its potential acquisition.
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of the 100 will result in a reassessment of turkey's participation in the f. 35 program and risk other. potential future arms transfers to turkey as well as lead to potential sanctions that someone say fair competition you know if you want to be rich thinking about fair is really something you can ditch. there's a united nations treaty that aims to make sure the global bad guys don't get their hands on conventional weapons and hardware even if they can't afford it it's called a.t.t. barack obama signed it a few years ago donald trump though did it his way and said this in april my administration will never ratified the u.s. arms trade treaty and i am officially announcing today that the united states will
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be revoking. the effect. of america's signature from this badly misguided treatment when taking our signature back a champion gun seller just once to make sure nothing can stop them from adding new names on the buyer's list even if there are perhaps a few issues with the reputation. but since defense ministry is facing a backlash of it claims it instituted a policy that allows for intelligence sharing with international partners if and when there's a risk it will lead to. u.k. government rules state that its personnel should not participate in condone solicit or encourage torture and other forms of degrading treatment or punishment documents obtained through a freedom of information requests show however that last year the m.o did drop a provision allowing ministers to override those home office guidelines the
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controversial provisions says that even if there is a risk of torture ministers can't push ahead with intelligence sharing should they consider it to be beneficial to the u.k. it also say is they must be ready to accept the legal implications of their decision where there remains a serious risk of torture ministers should be consulted but the presumption would be that we will not proceed unless ministers agree that the potential benefits justify accepting the risk and the legal consequences that may follow. in the wake of the revelations the newly appointed defense secretary has pledged to review the defense ministries guidelines on intelligence sharing and torture any more dance insists though that the u.k. has not broken any law in question these laws and norms are there not just to protect the enemy they also protect our own policy and activities in this area in accordance with both domestic and international law or we cannot
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overrule the law nor can ministers be advised to. the law or disregard the law they have no intention of cutting off those intelligence sharing agreements they'll just come out again with some more mealy mouthed language about not condoning or not encouraging it plainly illegal in terms of international law the united nations convention against torture program for talks of complicity and torture and by continually and pretty well on a daily basis of training intelligence from the torture chambers of countries like saudi arabia or bahrain herb united kingdom is plainly complicit the united kingdom . illegally in international law the united kingdom has become a rogue state. we're back with more news after this very short break stay with us.
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over the years i've talked to you about the insect trouble ization of the economy and where we are in lives are becoming like a colony of insects be easer dance and that's all enabled by this 5 be enabled surveillance that pretty cool right. seems wrong. why don't we all just don't call. me baby yet to shape out these days become educated and in gains from it equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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join me every thursday on the elec simon chill and i'll be speaking to get us through the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. welcome back pyongyang is calling on washington to return a cargo ship seized and impounded in american samoa but demand was made by north korea's ambassador to the u.n. who gave a press conference on tuesday united states has a committee on north and to the just the acts of the few split this ng i will cover schieffer why is your nest. forcibly taken 8 to the american some more. under the pretext of a unilateral sanctions and by relation to mystical or condemning in strongest
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terms just an act of disposes. of a cargo ship. because this instance is only productive but extremely hostile policed over the united states ok just d.p. r. k. . the cargo ship called why is the onus to was originally detained by indonesian authorities last spring after prosecutors say is as prosecutors say it was seen loading what appeared to be cold to north korean ports under un sanctions north korea is not allowed to export coal or import oil among other commodities washington explains the seizure as a move to enforce the international sanctions imposed on north korea aimed at its nuclear program well let's discuss this now with our guest a human rights attorney eric sirota kid mr stewart can think of joining us on the program is this a common occurrence i mean how often is it that a vessel belonging to a war nation is seized by another. it's not
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a very common thing at all and in fact i think that we are missing the point here that ship ship in this situation was allegedly seized under this resolution 2375 under the u.n. resolution but that is very rare in that resolution didn't allow the seizure of the ship someone as they fail to cooperate with the inspection when they are examined and there's really no evidence of that and so it's an overreaching on the part of the u.s. it's seen as a leverage issue arguably it's not interdiction it's called of a ship this is denying the ability for the country to even feed itself and a lot of ways so it raises a lot of concerns i think is this move base that things are of the congo ship is
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a that a usual way to put pressure on a country to comply with sanctions. no well the u.s. u.n. is sanction north korea more than any other country and in those. sanctions i think there's at least 9 still active sanctions those. that's not usually the method the method here is you kin interp. a ship you can grab a ship and asked to be inspected at that point a lot of the fault falls on the country and there's no discussion here about indonesia where it was who was loading unloading coal what was going on because there are supposed to be serious sanctions against anyone who cooperates with. this ship if you would or prohibit it good and so i think it's rare and i
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think it was kind of a unique and rare news conference as well if you watched it how do you expect korea to respond well i certainly didn't expect them to respond with a news conference i mean that's that's maybe a 1st although the taking of questions was pretty interesting because he took a lot of questions all in a row and didn't really answer any but i think they'll work on that as they get more exposed to the international media news conferences but i would suspect that it's going to scuttle progress between the united states and north korea it's going to get an excuse for the hardliners in the trumpet ministration who don't want negotiations to go forward and sort of forces north korea to say return our ships and then ship and then we'll sit down and they'll say we're not returning your ship and we'll be falling back to square one unfortunately human rights attorney eric so i can thank you for your time and for sharing your insight on this topic. the
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leaders of russia france and germany how to joint phone call on tuesday to discuss a range of hot button issues from the syrian conflict to the war in ukraine and the dispute over iran's nuclear program but due to constant reports. the leaders of france germany and russia discussed a range of high profile issues in a telephone conversation of the 3 part is reaffirmed their support for a copper ration with iran and also stressed the importance of preserving the 2015 iran nuclear deal which is currently in jeopardy as the us unilaterally withdrew from the landmark agreement and iran that it stopped fulfilling its obligations with ending nuclear deal and gave the other european signatories 60 days to decide whether they will support the deal and also trade with iran now another topic which
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was discussed was the situation in ukraine in light of the power we shuffle in kiev with the new president elect and also the leaders spoke about the situation in syria once again stressing that it is important to settle the conflict in line with the u.n. security council's resolutions. the international this hour we're back in 30 minutes with the latest. after the previous stage of my career was over everyone wondered what i was going to do next the ball different clubs on one hand it is logical to sit in the home field where everything is familiar on the other i want of a new challenge and the fresh perspective i'm used to surprising. or not so you
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think. i'm going to talk about football narvi or else you can think i was going to do. by the way what is it that's like here. is the tense situation in venezuela is still all over the news the problem in venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but that socialism has been faced only implement from the inside venezuela things move different we're going to announce sanctions against petroleum to venezuela so sudan famously have a son of a moment in the tempest and political battle scene on the moon yet the path to the magic of the moment the focus of the who story isn't new nixon called in henry kissinger to tell him that it would not be tolerated that in latin america an
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alternative economic and social system could take hold and therefore the policy would be to make the chilean economy scream so wants and making the economy of venezuela screed. manufacture consensus and stick to the public will. when the right encloses some reject them so. the climate larry go around listen to the will. we can all middle of the room sit. room.
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this is boom bust broadcasting around the world then covering the world of business and finance and the impact upon us all again your burrito in washington and i'm pretty i straight ahead on the program today the u.s. and china are ramping up on trade rhetoric as the markets are reacting to the move tom gandalf the other 3 bridges. are way above the trading are on board to break down the shipping down mate and how global markets are faring. ford is scaling down that's putting thousands of jobs at risk is at the all over the globe but there's a place for the hope for auto stocks trapped in the trade goods on the close of the
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wheel when we take a spin through all the markets across the world all that actually has the lead data and. a delay on while ways blanket ban in the united states leaves our global report today as a comment ministration says it will give the us companies 90 days to stop working with the chinese tech giant so 4th of year penalties kick in. this is a temporary reprieve for a while away after the white house announced the ban last week the additional details on the highway ban will be published by the u.s. commerce department on wednesday u.s. companies will be granted a temporary general license to work with huawei and apply for specific licenses commerce secretary well ross said the grace period would allow u.s. companies to wind down transactions and arrangements with huawei with less disruption on the other side and effective ban on purchasing u.s. made components with severely impacted fly away while away c.e.o. friends and then responded with bravado dismissing both the band and the delays saying the current actions by american.


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