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tv   Redacted Tonight  RT  May 25, 2019 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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women by grabbing their chests and committing just straight up violence against peace protesters but then it occurred to someone in their group that that might have a bad look to it so a handful of marketing strategist emerged as defacto spokespeople for the mob they are now delegated for interviews with national media outlets deploying a combination of liberal sounding language and identity politics to deflect from the presence of violent sociopathic elements within the mob they also started the hash tag and website ask a venezuelan in order to imply that all venezuelans support u.s. military destruction of their country but since they didn't clarify what to ask of venezuela and i just kept emailing the website i was questions like i have my baby because i know dyson vacuum. can it survive in there.
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yes. of course they truthfully ask of him as well about the one why do. and they really truthfully men ask a wealthy upper class venezuelan who moved to america to clone the pro goob people don't want you asking the millions of poor venezuelans who have no interest in us imperial intervention alex rubenstein it meant press did a little digging and discovered the website ask of venezuelan dot com is owned by nelly remarriages she describes herself as an expert in political and social media engineering and in old social media posts are marrow supportive and hyped up the violent protests that resulted in numerous deaths in venezuela but it's not only media strategists acting as protesters another pro quo activist seen on embassy grounds. and it was emerson hevia
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a senior principal architect at the arms manufacturer raytheon the company is considered one of the biggest war profiteers in human history also president the protests has been more is this rendition a fellow at the hawkish center for strategic and international studies and alan 100 barrios and a former employee of the world bank marketing specialist raytheon architects world bank employees and contractors for the pentagon that sounds like the worst beach party ever or. i would be horrified if i walked into a room and somebody was likely over there over there by the window there isn't. a marketing specialist. i am gone no do not invite me somewhere with a marketing specialist. and just 2 days ago it was revealed that a death threat was sent to the peace group code pink by a former member of the us military far right venezuelan opposition activist luis
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medina a former u.s. marine and volunteer from why do aid stunt told code pink embassy defenders we are coming to get you with plenty of ammunition honestly when you find yourself threatening to murder these people. then you probably should reevaluate your life you know 8 you have got a bit of a rage problem. next week maybe i'll send a bomb to pee wee's playhouse. do you think it creates some rough me to moments when you're constantly sitting on your friend's face. just wondering when you put it all together this spokespeople for the cool loving crowd were marketing strategist the violent foot soldiers were a combination of financial institution employees neo con beltway think tankers and even pentagon contractors these are not average venezuelans. and yet they're
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running around with messaging that's as good venezuelan as true turfing is not new though there are marketing firms behind all kinds of movements meant to look like regular hard working citizens there are climate change skeptics paid by big oil laws talking about how great wal-mart is that were created by wal-mart's p.r. firms there are pro pipeline activists being paid but oil and gas comcast has paid people to attend f.c.c. hearings and i assume age paid off anyone who thinks the last 2 episodes of game of thrones were good. spoiler alert jon snow kills himself after reading the script for the last 2 episodes is really sad really sad. because you get what the road was like a divide it was like a defense he was finishing the final 10 percent of the last supper and he just painted it with his own fecal matter he was like yeah yeah it was like that once
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the viewer gets all the way to the end of the day i will they're not going to care what happens with you. anyway because corporations have billions of dollars buying fake activists is a no brainer to them i assume all the pro g.m.o. people who email me are being paid by big ag like monsanto i assume this because when they tell me how awesome g m o's are they all use similar wording in their e-mail us folks i can't stress this enough if you're gonna get bribed to pretend to be something you aren't at least get creative with the e-mails you know good freaking way then throw in some oh geez some sonnets maybe a haiku like vegetables good genetically modified tasty yummy dead. if someone even me that i grew that would really sit with me it was. next time you see a group of people supporting. something that doesn't seem responsible reasonable at
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all maybe question who they're working for let me see a group of venezuelans who say they want the u.s. military to invade their country think twice about the authenticity you know if you if you see blog posts about how much walmart does for the community take it with a grain of salt actually take it with a 20 pound bag of salt of a little walmart for $0.99. if you see videos from a guy and i was saying protesters against oil pipelines are harming the environment and have plans to take away your hunting license maybe ask some follow up questions . another email from a local source pointed out that there are rumors swirling that this group is hatching a plan to begin protesting hunting laws in iowa so apparently they are now beginning to insert their ideologies directly into iowans lives. in the email we got from someone that said that rumors are swirling that an anti pipeline group is going to
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add some point go after your hunting license i'm sure that fellow is on the up and up right. away he's actually a man named robert rice who failed to disclose his link to a mercenary army tiger so long and internal document noted that rice had assisted tiger swan in developing an information operations campaign against the pipeline protesters so beauty ben stein here is. not a little youtube or in iowa rumors are swirling protestors want to kidnap your daughters or granddaughters or if you don't have either then your pet cats and hamsters. and protesters want to take away your favorite t.v. shows like family feud and give you a genital rash. who are raisins and those they enrich will stop at nothing to prop. off of our misery they are sucking the wealth and
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resources out of america out of fairness well a lot of countries around the world and because average people good people normal people don't support this kind of they have to create manipulative astroturf campaigns they have the money but we have the real people power if we choose to use it i mean why should this is. a. welcome welcome i'm late can now take to news from behind a protest real protest is in the air my friends can you feel it can you smell it yet people are mad as hell and they're going to take it anymore people are standing
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up against a war with iran against oil pipelines against climate change in action against men using the urine all right next to me when there's 3 bar for your own also sharing ok what do you think the x. 3 year olds are for they're not for peeing in it they're for creating in the end penetrable barrier so that you and i don't have to cross storage she says come on man anyway let's go through some of these protests turning our collapsing country upside down can't these protesters just let us collapse in peace you know workers at mcdonald's have gone on strike because they say the restaurants are a magnet for crime a worker rights group tally more than $700.00 news accounts of violence at mcdonald's outlets over the past 3 years with guns involved 72 percent of the time the chaos includes customers attacking workers over missing french fries. out.
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no if a french fry is missing from one's order of fries do you test your salt level after eating them and if it hasn't spiked you pull a gun on the cashier. anyway this is not only an issue because mcdonald's workers are not trained to deal with violence but also because they are hardly getting paid for it you know if someone's going to throw their body between a knife wielding maniac and a bucket of fried chicken beaks they better damn well be getting more than $8.00 an hour. so i feel. i mean i don't know if we should be shocked though that violence is rampant and mcdonnell's what do you expect from a restaurant whose mascot is a masked bandit. should have seen this common speaking of thieves there's a renewed push to steal women's right to choose with states like alabama ohio and georgia grabbing at women's video again thousands of people protested around the country this week but it's
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a bit hypocritical of them what gives them the right to defend abortion when they were anything important. only those who were aborted should be allowed to defend abortion just like only the poor should be allowed to demand better treatment for the poor and only those killed in drone bombings should be protesting for fewer drone bombings riots here's another example 80 people were arrested this week in the capital. in the capital at a disability rights protest yet some of those arrested were even disabled if you are going to if you if you're going to stand up for the disabled have the decency to not be able to stand up. and still i feel the activists were seeking a meeting with secretary of health and human services alex's czar to ask that he support adequate funding for medicaid discontinue efforts to block grant program and make services for people with disabilities more available. in the community
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come on activists if you want better treatment the last person you should talk to is donald trump secretary of health and human services he was bred for such a silly. he was picked precisely because he doesn't give a shit about health and human services. just like trump's secretary of education hates education and his secretary of the interior a hades i'm not clear on what they do. hate hates his insides maybe. so the person you should least turn to for help is a secretary of health and human services the 2nd to last person you should turn to for help is donald trump because he hates people with disabilities and b. he's busy playing golf don't bother him all right got golf to play a report this week showed trump's golf costs have hit $102000000.00 with taxpayers picking up the tab for all 102000000 dollars or the golf clubs made out
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a lady gaga is python leather jackets will cost that much introduced offense he said during his 2016 campaign that he wasn't going to work much as president and he was only going to play golf then they. are going to be working for you are not going to have time to go play golf all right you've had a bad word. what should we celebrate all the time trump isn't working you know because to get where he is. when he is working is listening to john bolton and mike pompei over trying to sink us into a horrible quagmires in iran and venezuela but in their defense. i understood that i gather. that. we don't have enough researchers on the show apparently. this past weekend there are. also protests against war with iran and venezuela but my favorite but there
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were protests this week i was in italy protesting the assault on yemen italian dock workers refused to load so any weapons on the vast. area were. really impressive they decided they could not be complicit in the us back saudi legend has died and yemen they were like screw this these bombs can only be dropped on children with our labor it stops now that's that incredible i mean it had just protest produce can really be powerful and it really can't say hey. this is you know that's that's it i'm i'm doing it under protest right now for something i feel strongly about something that matters something that can no longer be ignored. oh. oh oh it's a son. in the way. ok
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you better appreciate if i see part of my chest for that. got a bit of a farmer's time going no where to go to prison break but i. have the ok to do was very sick if you got to court i can also tell you i want to try to do was say ok i have all the right. to. lake says and see it forms part of a high altitude nature reserve. it's one of the famous teetotal indonesia's principal waterway starts its journey.
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but it can be summed up. to that oh my god a septic tank. it runs 300 kilometers from source to mouth and there are over $200.00 industrial facilities range known as bangers. i'm out on your muscle. to do 3 things. i might get out of them and get the. room here again scuba 4000 rice fields and supplies drinking water to 25000000 people. at the moment when yes i. want to so many of us about us some have to call other people. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of
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the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. welcome to max geysers financial survival guide. looking forward to your pension account. yanks this is what happens to pensions in britain. watched as a report. facebook and google started with a great idea and great ideals unfortunately there was also a very dark side. they are constructing a profile of you and that profile is real it's detailed and it never goes away turns out that google is not believing your opinions from the very 1st character that you type into the search for it will always be one dog food over another one
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comparative shopping service over another and one candidate over another they can suppress certain types of results deiced on what they think you should be see if they have this kind of power then democracy is an illusion the free and fair election doesn't exist the more growth we give them the sooner we're all. 2 right phil black thank states and soon the trump administration over a new centers for medicare and medicaid services rule that prevents hold health care workers from paying their union dues through their medicaid funded paychecks this will impact hundreds of thousands of mostly minority and immigrant women working these jobs for more on this we go to our senior sponge bather now and again . you're right that's her former senior respond.
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i'm not spending another again right not even the one on your chest ok. that's fair but this lawsuit at least gives me hope that even more states will see through this obviously anti-union move yeah yeah but you left out that this is california attorney general javier 50th lawsuit against the trump administration he's filing lawsuits like he's trying to get a high score in an arcade game. plus the filing lawsuits was a pinball game basara will not be the president's high school or i mean trump one sued his hair for trying to. scout. natalie the reason involved is because this rule impacts half a 1000000 workers in his state alone and home health care should be able to deduct their union dues like anyone else nothing is stopping them from paying their union dues in another way and it's
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a wake up call to anyone still reckless enough to set up auto pay for anything take one look at your bank statement like i did and you'll find out you're still paying for crazy stuff like a new york times subscription or blockbuster video membership. and it's that i own late fees on a v.h.s. copy of goldeneye when there's only been one new james bond actor since then. but at least now these workers can put their money toward other priorities even delta airlines acknowledge that in this ad that says union dues cost around $700.00 a year but a new video game system with the latest hit sounds like fun put your money towards that instead of paying dues to the union that's real that's saying that's that's a real thing you're not going to have any time to play video games at the union didn't demand weekends. and corporations like delta know that without a union it's easier to abuse of workplace where employees can advocate for
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themselves yes home health care work has the potential to become abusive 95 year old men with dementia aren't known for their tact and consideration but you are a drain on medicaid funding which means our government needs to replace these unionized workers with people who are used to their abuse their adult children. don't children can't collectively bargain with someone whose good looks and energy and bank account have drained for at least 18 years especially since this practice of auto deducting union fees has been criticized by conservatives who argue that home care givers should be able to skim government funds away the union coffers and that doing so damages the. do you have medicaid. they don't medicaid's integrity if they did they wouldn't work requirement laws to receive medicaid benefits those laws or this new rule to get rid of the option to take union dues from the paycheck do nothing but lower they do nothing to lower medicare costs maybe it won't lower
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medicaid costs but it still doesn't shake my belief that since our parents cling to our it's only fair we clean bears and i'm just grateful it doesn't work the same way for breastfeeding. because thanks to advances in dentistry my mom will definitely hold onto original teeth a lot longer now and again i 2. was so taken with the right resident woman they only care about me to find out she filed this report. welcome to my room i'm here to talk about the money behind the recent abortion restrictions alabama ban the procedure even in cases of rape and incest which is curious because every us lawmaker can agree that abortions are wonderful
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when they're performed by lockheed martin overseas. isn't it my rent i own now let's go for a while. now where in the countries. isn't it crowded and disgusting so while these bans might seem like the actions of some crazy white man who rolled up the bible and smoked it it's actually a well funded movement to rob women of their rights bankrolled by companies like. wal-mart and 18 t. which is at the top giving all. almost $200000.00 you didn't think the almighty was sponsoring me did you i mean if you've ever been to god's house he's asking us for money. one gave $57700.00 to campaigns of politicians who have rolled
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back women's rights like the store has been rolling back prices whoa whoa mark claims to promote women in videos like these from the checkout lanes of the store to executive room we're promoting women in increasing roles of responsibility. oh my god that was so beautiful they were so happy you so confident just ready to ring up your multi-pack of tube socks. but they betrayed us wal-mart funded the campaigns of zygote fanatics in states like georgia kentucky mississippi and ohio where they banned abortion after a seemingly generous 6 weeks most women don't even know that they're pregnant until after 6 weeks. could they be smiling because they don't know that they're pregnant yet sure i'm working a minimum wage job but i only have to worry bone me want to be promoting stem
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careers for women with incredible animations they gave $5000.00 to state rep clyde chambliss who could not explain basic aspects of pregnancy and said i don't know if i'm smart enough to be pregnant. be careful students intelligence can get you pregnant life begins at question. you know i always was suspicious of books because they make me sleepy. maybe they're trying to get me to go to sleep so that they can impregnate me fries or donate to almost $54000.00 to politicians who can without thinking about were being overturned while the seat. those talked about their female inspirations in this video i really admire my mother woman i admire is ruth bader ginsburg ruth bader ginsburg it seems like to me only known to women their mothers and ruth bader ginsburg this p.r. campaign was so effective that last week the washington post opinion section asked
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can corporation save us from the attack on reproductive rights. well maybe if you're an amazon prime subscriber you could get an abortion in 2 days or less i just love the privacy nothing the move here and. now these abortion bans are a political move now that we have more conservative judges the republican party can pander to its evangelical base with a win on abortion and continue to get handouts from the very corporations who funded their dirty campaigns but the people who are going to get here are the poor the poor who can not afford to take a week off and fly to new york for their right to choose. it's what every woman dreams of a womb of her. reporting from my womb this is naomi caravan exactly today.
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here are your headlines from the future coming up in august after disabled americans protest inside congress for better services trump rows all ramps removed from federal buildings. and on tuesday you'll learn. raytheon unveils new fighter jet capable of dropping $900.00 false flags on iran and single flight from credible that sort of job would you get more with the disguise.
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is a tense situation in venezuela is still all over the news the problem in venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but that socialism has been played only implement from the inside venezuela things were different we're going to announce sanctions against the troll is to venezuela associate. and this will have a supplemental. political battle so the people of the moment. the whose story isn't new makes a hole in henry kissinger to tell on that it would not be tolerated that in latin america i know terms of economic and social system could take hold and therefore the policy would be to make. the chilean economy scream so wants to make the economy of venezuela screed.
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there is a cyclical nature to things touristy globalization there's globalization there's lowering interest rates there's rising interest rates so when the interest rates rise hit the impact it is said will be instantaneous death. like you think they will be you. know.
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that. i'm not. in amongst change of attitude us mainstream media now one of the dangerous precedent being set for journalists of intensified pursuit of judean us songs. president trump announces he's sending more troops to the middle east than speeding up almost fell to the region to keep iran and peg. the netflix show 13 reasons why about a teen who kills herself sparks fresh outrage with critics saying it should be pulled from the platform over a month to find things suicide guests debate the issue. the problem is that they did kind of you know glamorized they were kind of romanticized this idea behind it you know we have to give the you responsible.


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