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tv   News  RT  May 26, 2019 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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killings co-founder julian assange 17 charges of espionage by u.s. prosecutors for publishing classified military documents and diplomatic cables back in 20 turn. an emotional treason make calls it a day is britain's prime minister announces she's stepping down as ruling party leader on june 7th. i do so with no ill will but with a normal. gratitude to attach the opportunity to the country. where jihadists attack syrian army positions and using tanks as well as vehicles filled with explosives and western governments blame damascus for the escalation.
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good evening and welcome this is r.t. international. julian assange faces up to 175 years in prison for publishing classified files u.s. prosecutors this week's 17 new charges against him all of which fall into the espionage act they come on top of a charge of conspiring to hack a u.s. government computer system which forms the basis of an extradition request for a song who's currently serving time in the u.k. don't course it takes a closer look at what it all means for the whistleblower. the stakes are now much higher for imprisoned wiki leaks founder julian assange 17 new charges by a notoriously anti whistleblower court and potentially up to 175 years in prison this new batch of a. falls under the espionage act used to convict spies and
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detractors during the 1st world war the indictments legal ease of obtaining and disclosure of sensitive government information which often just means exposing government wrongdoings is lighting a fire under stablish when american journalists sense after all they're doing it to this is to put it bluntly wrong unconstitutional and downright tyrannical this is a pretty aggressive new move by the justice department a big deal here for a 1st amendment advocates the government is now trying to assert this brand new right to criminally prosecute people for publishing secret stuff and newspapers and magazines and investigative journalists and all sorts of different entities publish secret stuff all the time that is the bread and butter of what we do with the new indictment of a song the government is advancing a legal argument that places such an important work in jeopardy the administration has gone from denigrating journalists as enemies of the people to now criminalizing
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common practices in journalism notice anything not a lot about a songes work or fate but quite a bit about there's this is the hypocrisy of the mainstream media here in the united states just a couple of weeks ago the washington post editorial board ran an editorial saying that julian was not a journalist well guess what the washington post one pulitzer prizes you'll using the information that julian and we keep leaks published so you would think that in a normal world the washington post the new york times the wall street journal the guardian and every other major news outlet we'd be lining up 100 julian to support him there not the thing is though some might argue the war on freedom of speech began long ago back in 2012 a songe fled to the ecuadorian embassy in london for political asylum over fears of extradition to the u.s. after exposing potentially incriminating acts by the u.s. military for 7 years he was interned there. in conditions the un said amounted to
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arbitrary detention at times he was denied access to the internet stifling his journalistic work and all the while an allegation of rape in sweden has hung over his head his lawyers claim the alleged victim said it was actually the police who sought charges not her the establishment media has had plenty of things to say back then and not much had to do with the 1st amendment the free press is not responsible for the origins of any material that gets to us. unless of course we are responsible for it because we had something to do with how it was a leak illegally obtained if someone's life was potentially a risk responsible media you would not publish yes these are conversations hard conversations that are had in newsrooms around the country and the world at the end of the day what would you say to those people who do claim that look he's his activities did far more damage than good you are not allowed to help
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instruct you are not allowed to try to help somebody defeat security system they prefer to accuse the sonnes of working with the russians and of course to claim at the end he neglected his personal hygiene and like playing with his fecal matter for years they've been ignoring restrictions on the songes freedom of speech and smearing him for the sake of the narrative but the monster they created that has now turned against them in the mainstream media is absolutely hypocritical you know they spent these last several years criticizing critiquing damning. stones for constantly continuously all of a sudden now they've woken up and pretended to be so upset about the 17 charges of espionage they do feel threatened now it has nothing to do with freedom of press the they feel threat because they do the same thing to this song every day of the week this is called national security reporting and so now all of a sudden sitting closer to home and they're pretending to be more concerned about
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it. to remind you here are some of the biggest revelations made by a song of the years that came in 2010 thousands of documents and classified video relating to the wars in iraq and afghanistan when the public league detailed among other things the indiscriminate shooting of civilians in iraq. to the so-called get most files revealed routine to show at the quantum obey camp and the deaths of inmates the harsh treatment and in 2016 wiki leaks were filled to proclaim to media bias during the 2016 presidential campaign and the plot to push bernie sanders out of the race. theresa may has announced that she is stepping down as u.k. prime minister in an emotional speech outside number term expressed regret for failing to deliver briggs it despite her best efforts to resign as party leader on june 7th throwing open the race for a successor is now clear to me that is it it is in the best interests of the
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country for a new prime minister to lead that effort i do so with no ill will but with enormous and enduring gratitude to have had the opportunity to serve the country i love. the. guy on earth and. to be chosen by marci to become. a strong new positive vision for the future of our country let's it means breck's it will be no 2nd referendum no attempt to turn the clock back we can risk no breaks it all we can. i. or we can choose to unite and support the best deal with me because it is now clear to me that is it it is in
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the best interests of the country for a new prime minister to lead that effort the trees made briggs's a cornerstone of her premiership but living on the results of the referendum proved impossible task deal was roundly rejected in huge defeats 3 times then pees on both sides of the house becoming increasingly irate mark almond storrow to britain's crisis research institute in oxford believes the country faces uncertainty even chaos. it's going to be a difficult task because the house of commons is still strongly against leaving the e.u. except on terms which involve remaining in a customs union almost certainly so that there's going to be a disconnect between the tory party members and supporters and presumably the people who defected to the brig's that party who are mainly conservatives who want a serious break with europe and the members of parliament and so unless you change the arithmetic in the house of commons whoever succeeds mrs may if they want to leave the e.u. was going to face huge problems in the same sort can they force
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a new general election what will be the result of that we don't know but there's going to be a great deal of uncertainty and as i say there's this looming deadline of the 31st of october which is the end of the extension of britain's membership and the british politicians seem to forgotten that in the modern world divorce can be initiated from both sides the remaining members of the european union may decide we find you too much trouble we want you to leave now and so that could be a chaotic disorderly brigs it. where briggs it goes next is hard to tell what becomes of the official conservative stance depends on who succeeds may labor the main opposition accepts the referendum result it wants a deal but not may's ukip and brags that party are both advocating for a so called hard drugs it where britain quits the e.u. single market the liberal democrats the green party in change u.k. well they all want to reverse sprigs it and of a 2nd referendum. islamic state may have all
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been route all but being routed from syria but jihadists are still wreaking havoc in the country on wednesday government troops repelled 3 large scale attacks by militants in the province the latest incarnation of what was the al nusra front has attacked army positions with hundreds of militants supported by tanks and vehicles filled with explosives with. you while the u.s. state department claims that it suspects the syrian regime of using chemical weapons during its current offensive 1st reporting on the ledge to tack on tuesday the u.s. said that it had seen some signs it might have happened but they did not provide any further details about the incident came soon after jihad this group taria
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formally known as the al qaeda affiliate our national front claimed the syrian army had targeted its members with chlorine gas. the 1st time president assad's government's been accused of staging chemical attacks on its own people last year a toxic assaults in the city of duma just 10 kilometers from the capital was immediately blamed on damascus incident problem the u.s. britain and france to launch air strikes. against syrian government facilities for the league document by a group of researchers raise questions about the global chemical weapons watchdogs report on who's to blame on t.v. quested the o.p.c. w's comment on the report but received no answer used on the possible. we saw petrified children. we listened to the righteous indignation very terrible regime we read a scrupulous investigation into what happened by the un chemical weapons watchdog
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the o.p.c. w. report was meant to pose an indisputable and to speculations over what happened in duma in syria in spring 2018 except that it really. the 60 newly revealed pages challenge of the bag bone of the official conclusions. after passing through the ceiling in impacting the floor of the lower speed the cylinder continued in altered trajectory until reaching the position in which it was found. observations of the scene of the 2 locations suggest that there is a higher probability that both cylinders were money placed at those $2.00 locations rather than being delivered from aircraft the engineering teams account is well
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structured it includes pictures from the site of the incident blueprints and images of the test cases studied to deliver their verdict it's unlikely the project tile fell from above which would in that case mean one thing the assad controlled air force had nothing to do with it and while the sky was dominated by the government of the ground at that time was in control of the insurgents so the question is now who else could have placed the cylinder on that bed now the revelation at the o p c w concerned except not the substance of it but the fact that someone in their ranks when grow and exposed something they tried to bury as. deep and far away from the public eye as possible the bottom line in this is that the documents have been passed to us which as i said before we've had we have confirmation from multiple sources which clearly shows that there aren't being an investigation carried out
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and when you don't do you an investigation which is not found its way to move leak into the fire do not report and use your investigation into your p.c. w. and how it has been operating because it is the case that is organization has been subjected to political pressure and that have led to distortion their investigations and that is an incredibly serious matter. but this engine airing analysis is not the 1st blow to the official version of what happened in duma now this video purported to show the harrowing aftermath of the chemical attack resonated across the airwaves and was hyped by many channels horrific images of syrian children fighting for brownfield and suffocating in their homes the editor of urgency shelter many with foam in their mouths disturbing
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reports of a chemical weapons attack chemical attack carried out by the asset regime except later people in the video said they had no recollection of a chemical attack some people barged into the hospital hosed people with water instigated panic and vanished even a producer with the b.b.c. a broadcaster that gave major airtime to the clip said he believed the hospital video was staged. after almost 6 months of investigations i can prove without a doubt that the duma hospital scene was staged no fatalities occurred in the hospital. in 20 teen the allowed us to voices on the world stage were quick to deliver their verdict and punishment these are not the actions of a man they are crying of a monster instead the nations of britain france and the united states of america
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have martial their righteous power against barbarism and brutality. but with this new information it's not that obvious anymore and although it speak the interest of the politically engaged classes in lots of the new evidence from one o p c w engineers report i hope the guardian newspaper will have the good grace to print an unreserved apology for their scurrilous home in an attack on me after i denounce the white hellman's potently can cook 2 story for what it was when they have just discovered a major piece of the puzzle explain how similarly independent international organizations help deceive us into consent into wars and regime change interventionism around the world there's a deafening silence from the great and good. the final day of the you want to parliamentary elections is underway we'll take
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a look at that after the spring. historically took his opponents used to claim that there are 3 issues. too poor to bake and to refuse to muslim the fact that we are too poor is no longer correct because our per capita purchase very is higher than some of the current do you member countries. join me every thursday on the alec simon shore and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then. home climate we were at camp rounds of america i think it's called there's like
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a chain of these campgrounds and trailer parks across america so yeah these types of organizations would be rolled out. so you have economies of scale you now have lots and lots of trailer parks all socialize reporting to one corporate behavior on wall street and there extracting nickels and dimes and a lot of people are suffering. as a tense situation in venezuela is still all over the news the problem in venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but that socialism has been faithfully implemented for the inside venezuela things are different we're going to announce sanctions against patrol to venezuela associated famous will have a son of a moment. down person that. sad to see on the path to come. moment . the whose story isn't new makes him cold in henry kissinger to tell him that it
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would not be tolerated in latin america. an alternative economic and social system could take hold and therefore the policy would be to make the chilean economy scream so wants to make the economy of venezuela screed. welcome back an independent journalists association in indonesia has condemned police violence after 6 people were killed and hundreds more injured including journalists in protests over the presidential election result which spilled over into rioting in the country's capital jakarta. think of i
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think of. anything. protests broke out shortly after the some action committee had confirmed the victory of the current president's joko widodo several 1000 supporters of his opponent took to the streets toadies used tear gas and water cannon to disperse the protesters who were on with boxing far bottoms the opposition leader claims that there was widespread cheating in the votes and will challenge the results counterterrorism specialist andrine branch police radical islamists are infiltrating political groups in indonesia to propagate their ideas. are we. getting it here is due to the fact that political. been evolving for us in the southeast asian countries especially in indonesia so we feed extreme maize and ready. political parties or position parties such as what
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from firing no one to the media reading. stream if groups have granted 3 being ready political parties now and in the living. light where we can actually probably see and propagate the ideology bill believes or would be a political. these countries. people across the european union are voting in the final day of the e.u. parliamentary elections stations in 21 the new day sions opened on sunday other member states have already voted the 1st to cast their ballots were the u.k. and the netherlands who held elections on thursday you citizens are choosing 751 any peace who will serve for the next 5 years some 512000000 e.u. citizens eligible to vote. ok and that wraps things
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up at the top of the updates on our top stories. there's an petersburg international economic forum is a unique event in today's business world. over the last 21 years the forum has become a leading global platform for discussing the key economic issues facing russia emerging markets around the world thousands of business community members attend a forum to address today's vital issues. watch our special forum coverage on r.t. .
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this footage is unique because the zoe tribal lands are normally off limits to the public eric's allowed in because he's this is his personal doctor. people here know him simply as dr eric he's rich famous some always on the move saving yachts and flying aircraft that it's. now. home. he's considered one of the best neurosurgeons in brazil. that's happening amazon. how are you so sis going to busy doing nothing's going to do the population much remote is going to people from mama's own.
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when lawmakers manufacture consent to instant of public wealth. when the ruling classes to protect themselves. when the flame and merry go round lifts only the one percent. we can all middle of the room signals. mean real new. dish you will not obey the voice of the lord your god will be careful to do all these commandments any state huge which i command you this day in all these curses shall come upon you and overtake you on legs and then the white people is stolen property and therefore it must be returned to black people if they get rid of whites only problems will go. the. truth and the.
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people being tortured to death the elderly people in the. white force will find themselves. point to one of my teams and greens oh it's all sweat and blood of. what are you going to have for dinner to the feeling that they need to be asking for. me bad things to be civil war in south africa. and be in the total viewer and to prove it.
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all. blown apart it's been barely a week since the new ukrainian president was sworn into office but he's already being threatened with lawsuits and an overthrow by the very same people who came to power by violent street protests 5 years ago. can't deliver on his promise of
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reading ukraine of the old guard without employing their old habits well to discuss that i'm now joined by ilya up in the myself a former member of the russian parliament who made a new home in ukraine it's a bit of myself it's always good to see you how are things in kenya. very good thanks for having me here always. now mr selenski had such a smashing success of the polls that one would think that he has a doubt salute mandate from the people to implement his agenda and yet. when we look at the people's representatives for example the speaker of the current dr don draper would be there seems to be quite a lot of pushback against the new president how do you explain that you know it try things that mr keyes vidia trumpet like personality he team from power with a promise to break the system as the call to the elite. quite natural that all the
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elites really like him if you. actually voted for mr who else can you would see that. the very center of key you were both against him. some of the districts in western ukraine and the rest of the country gave overwhelming support for the new president well i personally think that mrs eland is a little bit more likable than mr trump he seems to be more progressive found to be honest with you i think the the political establishment in the united states is also a little bit more. well i would say reserved in the ukraine because if we take mr proby for example he's not your regular scheming politician he's actually a pretty violent guy i mean he represents a pretty extreme faction of the ukrainian politics he's people were filmed moving around weapons on them on my donkey you know that he's widely speculated to have
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had some role in the massacre that followed when he alludes to the smell of burning tires ass he did on twitter just the other day how is that not a threat well i think you're describing mr power of your forwarding to martial. law just the russian i mean he he has a previous catchy record and it's recognized not only in russia but also in the wes . welker. parliament so i don't think many people would agree with what you just said of course in culture the rostrum radicals. they are not representative of this parliament this parliament is an area that would be a union between right wing conservatives. liberals this is true but that's very much the same for example in our country in russia. very very similar portraits of the parliament on the very different from the
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parliament seen other countries in the west you could at least agree with me that mr proby has been quite critical of zelinsky 1st moves as president 1st and foremost his decision to disband the parliament and call for new elections he's been he's rhetoric has been pretty divisive i would say you disagree well mr probus is a representative for both parts of cold popular front and this party suffers the most . the premature elections because right now they they came 1st in the previous elections lost a lot of their popular support because their prime minister mr he said you had to be responsible for the most unpopular reforms in the contract and increase of gas and electricity tariffs what people of course didn't like a poll. that's why the approval of the sponsor right now is more.


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