tv News RT May 27, 2019 4:00am-4:31am EDT
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right wing and euro skeptic parties along with the greens rout europe's establishment in parliamentary elections the vote attracted the highest turnout in twenty years. in the u.k. the newly formed prexy party times expected to win big leaving the conservatives and labor in tatters. i am a british prime minister truism a stepping down after failing to get a breakfast plan through the contest to replace it is well up and running.
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good morning eleven am under twenty seventh of may here in moscow when i was kevin knowing you're watching r.t. international having stay with me for next thirty minutes and we take you through the top stories the top stories coming from europe this morning with most votes counted in the fiercely contested european parliament elections anti-establishment parties along with the greens and the liberals are set to make big wins while projections show the established centrist bloc losing its grip on parliament. now the surprise of the night if you want to call it that overall votes it was the highest in twenty years at over fifty percent. let's break down some of the numbers them so far in italy mattel's survey in these far right party the league is projected to win thirty three percent of the vote while in france in the pan's national rally is set to overtake the party of
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president manual mccrone with as much as twenty three percent of the vote austria that is just seeing the center right people's party is expected to snatch a sizeable vote and in neighboring germany the ruling coalition will be dealt a significant blow despite getting twenty eight percent of the vote so far so this is how it's all expected to shape the european parliament for the next five years well actually that's the question how is it going to we're looking at a fragmented parliament with established movements losing ground to smaller parties despite the gains made by the euro skeptic and right leaning parties pro e.u. groups is still expected to hold on to two thirds of the seats the biggest blow those elections will be dealt parliament's grand coalition of center left and right they're set to lose their forty year long majority charlotte has more now from paris for you. well europe's waking up night of change where we sued the established parties of the center right down the center losing quite a lot of ground in that election and that of course could spell trouble for that
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e.u. grand coalition that's been the cornerstone of him since its inception it means that they will now have to leech out to much smaller parties if they want to keep do you reach the european parliament on cool they was a sujan vote for anti establishment parties across the block with parties like the national rally here in france and a leak in italy actually talking the polls in their own countries well let's start now with that believe in italy when the nice holiday not only took the polls it looks like it's projected to gain around twenty eight seats in that this election a couple of seats from two thousand and fourteen and so the need speaking to the press after those results are coming in said this was essentially the people in europe saying that they want to see something different other than the you will get
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you get your today's vote shows that the rules of europe are changing it's not just due to the choice of the italians but also of the french the germans the british the and gary and the poles the finns the swedes the danes a new europe is born well here in france we saw a mufti in love pens national rally party talking the poem of course they also took the pope back in two thousand and fourteen this time very slow each down on their turnout from the last election but still a very big result here in france particular as many people were seeing this is being a referendum on president mccall whose party came in second place they would just pick to the post they are trying to brush this off as noticed by the losses they were expecting. the pen is now calling for those anti establishment parties to form a grand law within the european parliament to be a stronger voice and she's calling for a new shake up of politics here in france the source the president has no other
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choice but to dissolve the national assembly and allow for more exam a crowded voting system in order to better represent this country's majority political opinion the feeding of traditional parties and the polarization between the national party and the renaissance party confirms that the political scene is now split between nationalists and globalists and that's what dominates our political life there are also big wins for anti establishment ruling parties in countries such as poland and hungary while meanwhile the ruling governing party even the post you also talk to the polls that we will the thirty percent of the chills it's the best you could said he was very pleased with that result particularly as it comes at a difficult time for his government you are supposed to be facing a no confidence vote later today i know that a scandal hit the party just
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a week ago but despite that scandal it seems boodles of people in austria still turned out to offer him their support same your theory i'm usually not to the loss for words but i'm almost speechless we expected a lot we were optimistic but this is a fantastic results and this is never happened before we achieve the best results of all time with the biggest distance from second place of all time and it is simply a man believed to be of a big surprise of the night was the green vote which is up significantly here in france and also in germany and the projection is that they will get around seventy seats which is quite a surge compared to two thousand and fourteen up around twenty seats on that but the reality is the makeup now of the european. parliament will be very different to what we've known for not just the last five years but pretty much since its inception and what that's going to do is it's going to make it very difficult for the old guard to continue to keep watch and to push things down that agenda. in
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britain is nearly full breck's it parties also on course for victory in the elections the u.k. was course not meant to take part in the ballot at all and should have left the e.u. but now. the nexus one picks britain's current brics and conundrum and. but even for it must be one of the strangest elections in political british history the united kingdom which is just about to leave the european union has just elected candidates to represent britain in the block and this absolutely fossil setup can be best summed up in famous lines in alice in wonderland by the great british royals the newest power. would you tell me please which we will to go through that depends a good deal only where you want to get to i do much cow why then it doesn't matter which way you go but even stranger than voting in an election to an organization that the u.k. choice to leave almost three years ago is the fact that the party that's won the
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lion's share of the vote is a newly formed direct party or to still the party absolutely knows the european union and what its parliament stands for now despite nigel farage his party being in its infancy stage there has actually no doubt shaken up the political spectrum and somehow managed to unite first left and right now although the party doesn't yet have a manifesto it's left to victory under one clear objective they were big old. we will kill off any prospects of parliament forcing a strike a referendum about us because they know you would love. if we vote for the brics the party your we went all thursday we demand that we are part of that negotiating same to make sure that we do leave the european union of the thirty first of october so the goal of the party was to win the election so that it would never have to participate in them again sounds like something carol
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himself would be quite proud of and in order for this to happen nigel farage vowed to put the shucked a two party system out of its misery and in doing so managed to unite politicians from across the political spectrum who in other circumstances may have never politically aligned and on the one hand you have your craft foxes who's a former member of the revolution. communist party who at times has been unapologetic controversial. there's a lot. and i take my lead for millions of. you showed incredible resilience in facing three years of defamation and on the other hand you have the likes of paul knocked on his the former head of an advocate. and even bringing back the death penalty and see that's the twist and breck's is neither presented as a left wing issue or right wing issue we witness the birth of a new political trajectory it's called anti establishment and according to a study conducted this year by you can a change in europe when asked whether people use it we'll say in relation to which
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side of the brics it sucked on what we saw as the proportion of leavers using we leapt from forty four percent to sixty five percent after the referendum and the results were quite similar in terms of the remaining us who saw an increase of seventy percent but when the same question was asked about labor and the conservatives only around a quarter agreed with the increase in relation to their respective parties you see in these elections it didn't matter whether you're a communist or a puritan what matters is where you stood on the issue so forget the tories and labor pensions and health care high or low taxes right now is the only dividing line in the u.k. and unlike alice in carroll's alice in wonderland this is not. r.t. . for a first resort to prove first. universe to the u.k. . looking at one of the biggest surprises of the world depends where you look at it
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from really in the u.k. maybe no great surprise with the party storming the parliament with what's been described as a hefty win wells's voter sentiment in the u.k. . highly polarized good morning everybody but like yeah. very well they got thirty one point six percent of the vote. i guess you would they came first less be clear about that not only learn what was it run the rest of britain. where they seem to appeal when you look look how close that vote was hoping so here we are yet to look at how close fabrics a vote was is nearly split down the middle why this fall now towards farraj in a new party. well because i think many people were fed up with the math of the last two or three years and especially those who want to leave the
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european gloom. was very disappointed with the conservative labor floundering around in never neverland and quite clearly mr ferrars a very simple and straightforward message but what about hard on a half a population that voted to stay in the e.u. seems their voices weren't heard that much this time. well they weren't but you know if you actually add up the way in which the actually went you want to see that ukip were wiped out basically but if you want that you can vote with the bracket party vote they got to around about thirty four thirty five percent if you have the conservative vote that puts them in the mid forty's. if you ask the other parties together again there in the mid forty's the real question mark out of this election is where labor standards because they had
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a disastrous evening as well but really we don't know what's going to happen to labor it's pretty clear that the conservative party will now shift to a no deal and we need to leave on the thirty first of october regardless so if you like if you want the conservatives with the. brecht party vote vote. and that makes forty was around about forty four percent in late that does is crucial here in determining whether we leave on the thirty first whether we renegotiate so this result demonstrates how fractured british politics is at the moment and it's difficult to see a way out that that's going to be simple and not very messy i mean is there a chance this even could drag on this whole breakthrough thing could drag on past hollowing or not sure is that such a deal is it i think that it could drag on for
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a long long while because it's going to be difficult let's say the conservative party elects racketeer who wants to lead the fact is that the government doesn't have a majority in parliament and there's no majority in parliament regardless of the election wants to leave without a deal so we really are stuck and to be perfectly candid i the only way out of this in the first instance is really a general election but nobody's going to further refine a lot of things before we go on about the more results of this european wide is britain closer the smaller or not a referendum a new vote on this. i think britain is closer if you the number of people the percentage of people who actually voted for the party who want a second referendum is is significantly higher and it's actually higher than the if you like. grouping so i think it could go the crucial question is what happens in
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labor will they get off the fence that has collapsed under them as somebody said and i think over the next three or four days it is where we we work it out but remember labor are talking about a component or a referendum they're not talking about around of one to two thousand and sixteen they are basically talking about a referendum that confirms the outcome of a renegotiated deal. because. they say it's all pretty vague what labor are going to say and it's a change by the day sometime well isn't it sad yes it is but but i think that we britain doesn't exist in isolation we got to look at here now what kind of commission is there going to be in place what about the balance of forces in the european parliament so the. professor there are all questions we're going to try and answer over the coming hours as we get more gas on top of theirs and we just at that time lost the line to professor francesca resue to professor you've been law at university in the u.k.
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have a good day sir even though i think you've disappeared. now someone at the european commission for social media influences has left some of those invited outraged apparently they likened the experience to brainwashing and george orwell's dystopian novel nineteen eighty-four. ok that's rather more than i have the impression that i was in the novel ninety four and people are convinced that this is good they are convinced that they are acting in the interest of the citizens of the european union. one of the main objectives of the event was to inject a european angle into young people's social platforms however the commission's representative stated that the idea of hosting the bloggers the e.u. headquarters is in fact nothing new. it's something we do very often for journalists we thought it would be a good idea to do it for you you tubers as the media takes information and relays it to your audience. explain to us that misinformation is the use of real facts to
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spread political ideas that contradict those of the european union they will said that all this is organized by russia to destabilise democratic regimes but fortunately european democracy is stronger than this but we were explain the basics we talked about generally accepted ideas about europe for example that the e.u. provides competition they said we're here to debunk these generally accepted notions of fact message was not to tell us that the european union fails to create competition at a global level but to explain to us that this is a good thing and they believe that the reason why many people support ideas that contradict their policies and ideologies is external influence but they are they acting out of the best of intentions. south africa's new president has officially been sworn in during as inauguration he proclaimed a new era in his country's history one of the main problems the new president is going to face is the heritage of apartheid policy which ended in the country twenty
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five years ago white people currently though represent nine percent of south africa's population yet own more than seventy percent of private farmland still efforts to reclaim much of that land compensation have been lost by the government the special are to report tells us how the dispute brought violence to south africa and with some fearing that a civil war now is inevitable in the future. i feel that my life and the life of my family members and the future of my children under three. new one has a new talk just lose some damn to have i carry a weapon for twenty years already because we are murdered. brutally on the farms the problem that we face as a people. in south africa and also within the african continent. is the education of our country and the continent by a white minority it is very biased. because your
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skin is white there's definitely a white genocide. to. the politics of the country at this stage want to expose our land without compensation apathy bridgie way let me understand this country continued to take the lead to lead people if we had to live by the way to ourselves and advocate for a free and just society that perspective makes people we must struggle for the return of the name that people suffer in this country about half of the population lives in poverty in this country the old propaganda is that if ever you were. you were a feat but we're speaking of the age of conquest you speak of a dog that you are and why people are prepared to pay back my grandfather was admitted on our family falls a brother he was killed in a uniform attack we are paranoid you can see it all eyes like any other white horse
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will find themselves affected by crime and we are also affected we say columbus believes that a civil war in south africa is inevitable we have fifteen with a ticking time bomb. various times for that i said coming up here after the break the fight for the british leadership gets underway as millions make it clear that breaks it means. what is calling the coin is magic and the new type of digital currency the centralized digital scarcity chancellor i'm bringing
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a second for bankers call the genesis blog for reason to calling it civil disobedience a source of optimism because i can control my own financial destiny it's just a new way of coming to consensus is a game changer in the human history and this is columbus discovering a new world this paradigm shifting technology that transforms economics and finance in a heartbeat apollo eleven landing on to the next and stacy. joined me every thursday on the alex simon sure i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you.
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again good morning when i was kevin i mean this is about international to the u.k. next to the leadership race to replace series of mays altering up the problem this is announced that she's stepping down on june the seventh after failing to get a bricks it plan through a set of employees or to nominate two or more kind that is with nine declaring they're going to join the leadership race the tories believe a new leader will be in place by the end of june no it means therefore it stands at the minute series of may will still be in office during both the contest for her replacement first official state visit to the u.k. next month the next prime minister is supposed to stay in charge and till a general election would normally be called in twenty twenty two less distinct possibility will happen one is called earlier with many senior members of the conservative party lined up to head the government we take a look at some of the front runners for number ten so far that.
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the goals of the road show if you will hold. clues from the world. putin is going to why he was the one nine hundred thirty s. things are very good here so i think the comparison with nine hundred thirty six is these certainly right you get me a white. male if there. is the soviet union to stop people leaving and the lesson from history is clear. if you turn the e.u. club into a prison the desire to get out of the one diminish it will grow and we won't be the only person that will want to escape. channels like r.t. better known as russia today what better view is to believe that truth is relative when the facts will always fit the kremlin's official narrative.
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vince cable jameco been someone who has a clear plan all right said he wants to remain. because he's quite cold and waits a day sees everything to be able to for instance and he's going to be the next one now and that's then because i think everyone else does. they were unself guy. mohammed ali ahmed i mean they were present prime minister her really strange you
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know be iron man because he does one. of them and it's going to be a free man. was celebrated when morial day the u.s. army offered veterans the opportunity to share stories and how military service influenced their lives they got some unexpected results how has serving impacted you the combat cocktail p.t.s.d. severe depression anxiety isolation suicide attempts never ending rage it cost me my relationship with my eldest son and my grandson it cost some of my men so much more how did serving impact me ask my family i spend sleepless nights wrecked with guilt because none of the horror and suffering i've seen even matters because we're all just grist for a pay mill run by med men because if i speak up and say and this war is wrong my battle buddies fighting their own demons ostracized me do y.
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get a reply for the dad they can't get anymore my husband became an ex because of his p.t.s.d. then he got agent orange cancer and died my cousin died of a rat chemical cancer my other cousin is in remission from the same thing at the moment and also has p.t.s.d. . to everyone who responded to this thread thank you for sharing your story your stories are real they matter and they may help others in similar situations the army is committed to the health safety and well being of our soldiers. suicides a major issue among veterans despite the reduction of the overall rate six thousand kill themselves every year mostly with firearms according to statistics it's young servicemen thirty four years old are especially at risk the vice president of veterans for peace us told this many soldiers are left to deal with their problems
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by themselves. in america people like to put soldiers on pedestals and create heroes out of the soldiers are last in their bind where they are being simultaneously hero worship and having to deal with really traumatic. experiences in lines has it really negatively impacted my life and way is that i'm just not even yet comfortable speaking about it made it difficult for me to have a family i had p.t.s.d. and depression for a decade without even realizing it is not anything i would wish on anybody to join the military and yet i know some for some people it's their only way to. get out of where they're at it's no wonder it's side rates are so high amongst the veteran population because that kind of intense experience from people are still trying to figure out who they are as
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a person is just it could only. make life more difficult for the individual was a news update so far this month kevin owen but with the next update in just over half an hour's time. historically two of his opponents used to claim that there are three issues. and to refuse to muslim the fact as we're too poor is no longer correct because our per capita purchase very deep is hajo mostly curing do you member countries. seem wrong. when old rules just don't hold. any belief yet to shape out these days comes to educate and gain from it equals betrayal.
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when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. i mean we were at camp rounds of america i think it's called there's like a chain of these campgrounds and trailer parks across america so yeah these types of organizations would be rolled out. so you have economies of scale you now have lots of trailer parks all socialize reporting to one corporate behavior on wall street and they're extracting tickles and dimes and a lot of people are some. who are also known as.
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