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tv   News  RT  May 27, 2019 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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because it's going to people. europe's a dominant parties are dealt a blow in the e.u. parliament elections as the nationalist right the liberals and the greens enjoy a surge in support. in the u.k. the newly formed to bragg's and party storms to victory with support for the conservatives and labor evaporating. and the austrian chancellor is forced from office in a no confidence vote over corruption scandal. are broadcasting live coverage from our studios in moscow this is our international i'm
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sean thomas certainly glad to have you with us all right anti-establishment parties have scored a series of victories in the european elections along with strong gains for greens and liberals and the main centrist bloc has lost its majority in the european parliament the vote attracted the highest turnout in 20 years at 51 percent. let's break down some of the numbers for you right now in italy materials salvini s right wing party the league won 33 percent of the vote while in france marine le pen's national rally overtook president of the party with 23 percent of the austrian center right people's party also saw a surge in support and there was
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a significant blow in germany for the ruling coalition their share of the vote fell by around 7 per cent now what does this all mean how is this expected to shape the european parliament for the next 5 years let's take a look we're looking at a fragmented grouping with a stablished movement's losing ground to smaller parties despite the gains made by the euro skeptic and right leaning parties pro e.u. groups are still expected to hold on to about 2 thirds of the seats the biggest blow of these elections will be dealt to parliament's a grand coalition of center left and right they are set to lose the majority they have enjoyed for the past 40 years or to reports now from paris. he sued the established parties of the center right down the center losing quite a lot of ground in that election and that of course could spell trouble for that e.u. grand coalition that's been the cornerstone of him which since its inception it means
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that they will now have to leach out to a much smaller parties if they want to keep the steerage of the european parliament on cool they was a soothing vote for anti establishment parties across the bloc i would parties like the national rally here in france and a leak in italy actually talking the polls in their own countries. to be nice holiday you know over the top the polls it looks like it's projected to get a around 28 seats in that this election a couple of seats from 2014 and so the need speaking to the press after those results are coming in said this was essentially the people in europe saying that they want to see anything different other than the you'll get you get your today's vote shows that the rules of europe are changing it's not just due to the choice of the italians but also of the french the germans the british the hug ariens the
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poles the finns the swedes the danes a new europe is born. well here in france we saw a movie in love penn's national rally party talking the poem of course they also took the poll back in 2014 this time very slow it down on their turnout from the last election but still a very big result here in france particular as many people were seeing this is being a referendum on president michel whose party came in 2nd place they would just pick to the post they are trying to brush this off as noticed by the losses they were expecting but marking the pen is now calling for those anti. mr parties to form a grand law within the european parliament to be a stronger voice and she's calling for a new shake up of politics here in france. the president has no other choice but to dissolve the national assembly and allow for
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a more democratic voting system in order to better represent this country's majority political opinion the feeding of traditional parties and the polarization between the national wryly party and the renaissance party confirms that the political scene is now split between nationalists and globalists and that's what dominates our political life there are also big wins for anti establishment ruling parties in countries such as poland and hungary the other big surprise of the night was the green folk which is up significantly here in france and also in germany and the projection is that they will get around 70 seats which is quite a surge compared to 2014 up around 20 seats on that but the reality is that makeup now of the european parliament will be very different to that that we've known for not just the last 5 years but pretty much since its inception and what that's going to do is it's going to make it very difficult for the old guard
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to continue to keep watch and to push things down that agenda. former italian foreign minister franco frattini told us the euro skeptic parties could work as a catalyst for a better europe. the new parliament would be have really shrug. there will be many small groups not always on the same line on many issues but. i think this new ball park you said bullied to go movement which. is one that was buried in the pan with the whole nation others. don't knock your present threat they care of presenting it pushing factor for the current elite to go to war was in deep trance formation because there was the ecology and border collie talents of the many other
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countries do what is a transformation is to overcome this state a school day should be conserved even just they want to keep this teachers for 4 day old interests they shouldn't be concern even day i would see a touched to the good for europe as a whole because the. impulse to push coming from those political parties can be very useful for making europe less bureaucratic more attentive to all the request even to did this pair of many many millions of italian. in the u.k. the braggs a party which was only created a few months ago won more votes than 2 main parties combined i saw early in london with a breakdown of the results. the newly formed breaks of policy we should point out in fact they've won by far the most seats in those european elections for the u.k.
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and as you mentioned they're getting more than the conservatives and labor combined and then lead for raj he's somebody who has been a really a figurehead not just in these elections but in the push leading up to that referendum in 2016 for the u.k. to leave the youth and he believes that the birds of quality control can go on and be successful in general elections if we do not leave the european union. then just as we've surprised people in these european elections we will go full would absolutely stunned them in the next general election there's a big wake up call here to westminster let's see whether they listen now the fortunes of the brigs that party in exact opposite to the decimation of the you can see the full 2014 elections having won 28 piece but since then they'd suffer the number of defections not
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a number of votes counted it's shifting over to the briggs and polity and in fact we could have a breakdown of some of the more prominent leadership of that bread party. drugs that has been dominating the political sphere here in the u.k. to the point that perhaps votes is off fed up with it all and just want the politicians to get on with it now the 2 main parties here in the u.k. labor in the conservatives they had. tories of course are gearing up to try to get a new leader in place and they're going through that process now it is also worth pointing out that while the briggs and party did. well last night the leaf parties in general did remain parties combined but the issue that the remained party face
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is a splitting of the vote between the lib dems who came 2nd in these elections and labor the greens and so on including the s. and p. who have done well in scotland so again while a very good night for. votes is on the birds and policy in general it's not as clear cut to say that this would indicate that they would win any 2nd referendum if that was want to be held. the founder of the movement of it later became view k. independence party says the governing conservatives should now put a briggs a tear leader in downing street. theresa may just resigned as prime minister she was one of the was prime ministers in british history the party she led was obviously demoralized by have resignation since the conservative party in government had failed to take the european union on the day we were supposed to come out that was the 29th of march the voters a big stream the angry in the exit caught he would be high in the polls is
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a lose all which is what is the significance of the vote in britain and indeed in every other country in europe is how it effects the major parties in the standing in domestic policy and politics and what's going to happen is the conservative party in this incident saying. get a new leader who will take the european union deal or no deal by the 31st of the polity having made its mark and having given a short to the established parties. will stay there waiting to see what the tory government under a new prime minister does if the new prime minister takes britain deal or no deal on the 31st of it. then i think there won't be a general election until 2022 in which case during that period the party will just dissolve all those conservatives who went over to will drift back
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to the conservative party. austrian chancellor sebastian kurtz has been removed from power along with his administration following a no confidence vote in parliament comes a week after the ruling coalition collapsed as a result of a corruption sting targeting the then vice chancellor. i can understand the feeling of revenge the wish to put yourself in a better position for the election but what i truly can't understand is that lease vote of no confidence against me is now being extended to the entire government only a few days ago the goal was to remove me as a child. that's maybe understandable as a tactic but the wish to topple the entire government it's a few months before an election this is something i think nobody in this country can comprehend. the no confidence motion was tabled by the opposition socialist party and approved by
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a majority of austrian lawmakers members of the right wing euro skeptic freedom party which was in a coalition with kurds also voted against him the political crisis began with the resignation of course is 2nd in command last saturday that was after a video emerged of the freedom party's christian. offering lucrative public contracts to a woman claiming to be a relative of a russian oligarchy in exchange for political support as russian courts subsequently dismissed the interior minister also a freedom party member over his apparent unwillingness to criticize struck as actions the rest of the party's ministers then staged mass resignation in protest and were replaced by civil servants elections are currently scheduled to take place in september in the meantime the austrian president has appointed the former finance minister as caretaker chancellor well despite the turmoil austrian voting patterns did not substantially change in the e.u. elections even the former vice chancellor straka has apparently secured
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a seat in the european parliament and courts his party made significant gains coming out as the country's top party. and you feel i'm usually enough to the last but i'm almost speechless we expected a lot we were optimistic but this is a fantastic result this is never happened before we achieve the best results of all time with the biggest distance from 2nd place of all time it is simply unbelievable parties regularly relieved perhaps early to say the least expected in themselves much of various sides so it was only about 2 and a half percent but if we don't do those that means that if we don't buy 3. stone berries in the past. 5 may be a good time between the new owner into elections was to show up because at that diamond was released most of the voters had already made up their mind so they
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might change their mind. and actions. for months. teachers in finland are worried about the impact of the ramadan fast on muslim students that story much more when we come back you are watching our international .
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i mean we were at camp rounds of america i think it's called there's like a chain of these campground and trailer parks across america so yeah these types of organizations would be rolled out into a bigger role up so you have economies of scale you now have lots and lots of trailer parks all socialize reporting to one corporate behavior on wall street and they're extracting nickels and dimes and a lot of people are some. of them back and this is arch international you know teachers in finland are complaining that the ramadan fast is having a negative impact on muslim students ramadan is noticeable due increasing
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sidey never do school life we cannot 1st feature or give injections with nutrients or hindus advice parents not to force children to fast fasting for young children can be successful at home not at school without food. this year ahead of ramadan the authorities in the southern finnish city of tom pierre called on schools not to observe the fast some institutions have reportedly been offering water and extended breaks to muslim students others though are supporting the pupils the holy month of ramadan is the most sacred in the muslim calendar people abstain from food and drink from sunrise until sunset it is considered to be a month of purification and the 4th keep iller of islam in while politicians in germany including the health minister are calling for a more compatible form of islam to be formed to preserve european traditions and culture instead of tolerating symbols of
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a reactionary miso journalistic form of islam we must promote the development of a european islam which shares our values in order to preserve our free european way of life excuse me the crux of the rao came down to the line between faith and flexibility when we discussed it on the problem program earlier. young people are very religious and find the month of ramadan very spiritual i want to participate in the real key issue here is that there is a war against islam muslims are course europe finished. sensibly do run the best education system in the world with their liberal nordic minds decided that they wanted to help muslim kids out a little bit and are trying to inject a little bit of liberalism and a little bit of tolerance into people who otherwise should know better there is so called liberal societies like the scandinavian countries who talk about liberalism who talk of individual freedom of speech and freedom of choice but in reality you
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want to restrict that for one section of society another thing that's deeply wrong there is a wider discussion to be had you know the muslims are very passionate about practicing their faith and we've got to ensure that we educate our fellow citizens who are not muslim about the benefits but also about the challenges of fasting if you go to tampa and you meet the finnish muslims and my kids are half inish you will see that they are very accustomed very tribal eyes come from a certain culture and tradition they're not used to having open dialogue integration liberal tolerant values which came from the islamic traditions to europe in the 1st place so muslims do need to change they need to get back to a key understanding of what islam is what islam is and we need to get our house in order because muslims have got problems to deal with mental principles of the stomach faith are non-negotiable in the same where the jewish community want to be told what they can or cannot believe and i think that's
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a really dangerous precedent has been set by the german government but also across europe this war on islam which is about demonizing and taking away the rights of muslims to practice their faith and i think the key point here is about tolerance it's about respect and for muslims it's about returning to the prophetic way which is one of tolerance to respect multi-faith co-existed you have a shift. could i come raise an issue where the islam you see today i'm not us are saying people should go to hard money came issue but we need to learn the values of tolerance and liberate them back from the europeans who took it from us in the 1st place and the islam that people are trying to meet but so you are not sure that's the way it should be. in the build up to memorial day this monday the u.s. army asked veterans to share their stories of how military service influenced their lives and well they got some unexpected results serve something greater than myself obviously we're going to do just that what do i give to others never take the ones i love and to better myself as a man in
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a way or how has serving impacted you become cocktail p.t.s.d. severe depression anxiety isolation suicide attempts never ending rage it cost me my relationship with my eldest son and my grandson it cost some of my men so much more how did serving impact me ask my family i spend sleepless nights wrecked with guilt because none of the horror and suffering i've seen even matters because we're all just grist for a pay mill run by med men because if i speak up and say and this war is wrong my battle buddies fighting their own demons or me do i get to reply for the dad they can't get any more my husband became an ex because of his p.t.s.d. then he got agent orange cancer and died my cousin died of a rat chemical cancer my other cousin is in remission from the same thing at the moment and also has p.t.s.d.
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. to everyone who responded to this thread thank you for sharing your story your stories are real they matter and they may help others in similar situations the army is committed to the health safety and well being of our soldiers. suicide is a major issue among veterans despite the reduction of the overall rate $6000.00 die every year mostly with firearms and it's young service personnel under 34 years old who are especially at risk the vice president of veterans for peace us says that many soldiers are left to deal with their problems by themselves and america people like to put soldiers on pedestals and create heroes out of them soldiers are last in their bind where they are being simultaneously hero worshipped and having to deal with really traumatic. experiences in life
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his it really negatively impacted my life and way is that i'm just not even yet comfortable speaking about it made it difficult for me to have a family i had p.t.s.d. and depression for a decade without even realizing it is not anything i would wish on anybody to join the military and yet i know some for some people it's their only way to try to get out of where they're at it's no wonder the suicide rates are so high amongst the matter properly shouldn't because that kind of intense experience some people are still trying to figure out who they are as a person is just it could only. make life more difficult for the individual or had some news just in now from japan the 3 people including a young child have been killed in a stabbing incident according to local media there the attack happened in a park in the city of color saki to the south of tokyo 19 people are reportedly
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injured both children and adults and one suspect is now in custody of course our newsroom is staying across situation we will keep you updated as information comes in to our newsroom. we're watching right international more news in let's say 36 minutes stay with us.
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just manufactured and sentenced to public will. when the ruling classes protect them so. when the crime and merry go round. we can all middle of the room see. the real news is. historically true it gives opponents use to claim that there are 3 issues. to poor to bake and to refuse to muslim the fact is we are too poor is no longer correct because our per capita purchase very is higher than some mostly current do you remember
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a country. i mean we were at camp rounds of america i think it's called there's like a chain of these campgrounds and trailer parks across america so yeah these types of organizations would be rolled out into a bigger rural up so you have economies of scale you now have lots and lots of trailer parks all socialize reporting to one corporate behavior on wall street and there extracting tickles and dimes and a lot of people are so. but if you will not obey the voice of the lord your god will be careful to do all these commandments and the statutes. then all these.
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people. will go away. punishment. and you shall not use the 3 different. expressions. in the. 3 good morning.
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you will produce. great things in symmetries. your books shall be slain before your eyes and you shall not eat if it. shall be taken away before your face and. it's all. over. the. country. it's. human you have to leave. perspective the people that go sheep shall be given to your enemies and they shall be none to help you your sons and your daughters shall be given to another people for you always look on you and finally with longing for them all the day civil war in south africa she is here but. it will happen sooner than
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most people think it is the rice but just. because she was skin is white one good word for it from one lives there is one search out one for it one fish out one border and each all not be in the peril of your hand to prevent it. my name is that is a british. descendant of
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a white europeans who moved into this country in between the 17th and the 90s since 3. we live on a family farm near have been in so that for. the 1st generation of my family on that farm currently for the best to you 2 years i've been working the farming you know with my father that of. my father is there both my dad and my boss. on this call me for most through this. whole it is for the full. who don't melt it get hold of clothes for commercial purposes. or of my day.


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