tv News RT May 28, 2019 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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police units. are several arrests have been made in operation against organized crime suspects in the dominated area the president responded by putting troops on full alert we'll tell you all about it plus. it is a virtual certainty that you will fight out of battle field for america at some point your life from venezuela even to europe u.s. vice pres the. military academy graduates for. the. u.s. president takes on america's intelligence services to declassify the origins of the more the probe into trump russian collusion we analyze the media backlash and.
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pictures in finland all muslim students because fasting during the holy month of ramadan they say it affects. the central principles of the faith and not negotiable. where the jewish community want to be told what they can and cannot do need to change they need to get back to a key understanding of what islam is what it isn't and we need to get a house in order because muslims have got problems to do with. the just to midday this tuesday or moscow this is international live with me kevin in this latest world news update was started with tensions in the headlines there were security forces room full of the police in neighboring kosovo launched a major operation against organized crime suspects the move comes amid rising
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tension in the so dominated north of the country the sirens going off. serbian president signal that belgrade has lost control over its former southern province kosovo but warned it would react if kosovo attacked us there will serbia part of history here cause lost control over kosovo after nato intervention back in 1909 it does not recognize kosovo's 2008 declaration of independence. the parliament of the republic. would keep you posted on the next president trump is encouraging japan to increase its military
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capability the president is in tokyo says japan could help the u.s. to defend against threats in the asia pacific region and beyond and the u.s. vice president mike pence touched on those perceived threats to during a speech at the elite military academy west point in trying to reports. if you will fight on a battlefield for america some point your life if you didn't notice the words in the background that was mr vice president talking to the graduates of a top class u.s. military academy and that wasn't it how do you like this degree of certainty it is a virtual certainty that you will fight on a battlefield for america some point your life. you will lead soldiers in combat. you will have so what is the 2nd most important official in the country trying to make clear by that the good old boots on the ground will certainly be on the way to quite a few different places after all come on no one in this world would dare to send an
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army against america to put up a fight there nobody will realistically send soldiers to attack the superpower of all superpowers and so men and women of west point no matter where you're deployed . you will be the vanguard of freedom here they are the future of basters of freedom you look at their faces and frankly it doesn't seem they're in raptures over what mr pence is saying but let's hear it where in the world we might expect to see a boost in freedom in the days to come some of you will join the fight against radical islamic terrorists in afghanistan. and iraq oh these are familiar places where the pro says so to say began a while ago soon it will be 20 years any more destinations some of you will join the fight in europe where an aggressive russia seeks to redraw international
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boundaries by force probably in this area it's a bit of an exaggeration that the graduates will find themselves on a battlefield taking part in nato as big war games there that's more like it. well at least for now it's only been in the form of drills for now and finally the most curious part and some of you may even be called busy upon to serve. in this hemisphere it won't be rocket science for you to figure out where the boots on the ground money to be marching off to next in the western hemisphere very well or where for the white house it's a classic all options are on the table plus we heard from the opposition big guy
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there one of why don't he wouldn't mind at all it's reflex this it ministration that has been gunning for war in iran for a war in venezuela. seems to think that the us is allowed to do rejean change in other countries and take other countries resources i think that it reflects this idea that the united states is the only superpower in the world and it gets to wage war if it wants to and certainly continue the wars that we have been in is a war is the president trump said he was going to get us out of and we continue to be in those floors supporting other where's proxies like saudi arabia and threatening new wars. donald trump's going head to head with america's intelligence services the us presidents demanding that they declassify the origins of the
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investigation into trouble russia collusion special counsels to your profound no evidence of criminal conspiracy but to the from come pain in the russian government through the 2016 presidential election meg's today a senior correspondent regards to have looks at how the mass media shifted stance than on whether the us president can question the activity of the intelligence services or not. the thing with spies with all this secrets and power and egos is that it really seems to goo to their heads and honestly how can you blame them they are literally be yawned public scrutiny anyone tries to stick their nose in you just stamp everything that's classified and loudly denounce them as unpatriotic see it as a very very serious and outrageous move on the part of mr trump once again trampling upon the statutory authorities of the director of national intelligence and the heads of the independent intelligence agencies how dead trump what true
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american would ever question why they're being wiretapped and spied upon good thing america has m.s.n. be she true patriots. mr brennan full time so he can vent his frustrations for everyone to hear of course to do that m.s.n. b.c. had to sacrifice their principles and integrity president obama said today he still stands by his cia chief john brennan even though it turns out the cia was indeed spying on the senate and some senators are calling for brennan to be fired now just to be clear that was in 2014 when they weren't on the same side and spying on everyone your own elected leaders included was considered dubious these is 2019 and the word spying is now considered politically incorrect it
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offends people whose people who secretly eavesdrop and record and film everyone agents the good guys. a talking point from the president and those around him telling congress buying did occur on the trump campaign it's a loaded word aston. the implications of using that word has now gone trump's favorite new word and the trump media's favorite new word. senate intelligence chair dianne feinstein accuse brennan cia of secretly tracking the senate's investigation into one of the worst abuses in recent cia history and now factor in this huge new scandal the fact that brennan cia was spying on members of congress the cia was spying on the senate intelligence committee basically passing into their computers but i give m s n b c too much credit or others to washington post gave brennan his own column where he publishes pieces with nubile noble
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titles i will speak out until integrity returns to the white house promises well done washington post it takes courage to set aside what you believe in to go back on your word but again it's been 5 years who remembers things like that right the guardian same thing. cia director john brennan lied to you on to the senate fired him. why is donald trump attacking the u.s. intelligence community surprisingly brennan isn't working for the guardian yet one by one though the pundits and the seeing wrong from right the question is are they going to demand brennan's resignation or accountability within the cia patriotic answer by the way is no holding the cia accountable would be sure to put
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a secret agents do top secret stuff and drink martinis and add things and carry out special secret missions i didn't see anything improper on lawful and yes james clapper brennan's former boss is now a c.n.n. employee. we are tell you this every true american can be proud of their a brave brave people watch over you and record everything you do or say day and night whether you wanted or not and if times or politics change in 5 years you will remember it ever happened. there is a fake quote to visit to president trump's gone viral on social media and some are using it as an example of how false news can easily spread.
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i. think. is this when donald trump became our president was it when he kowtow to putin in helsinki. ian bremmer now admits that he made up a completely ludicrous quite attributing it to me this is what's going on in the age of fake news people think they can say anything and get away with it really the
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libel motion be changed to hold fake news media accountable. even spreading misinformation thinking that's his film and something he's proven that he's not a rival source of information and snap out of the trust of the dan even as a media i. teaches in finland have expressed concern over muslim students fasting during the holy month of ramadan they claim it affects the students concentration during classes ramadan is noticeable due to increasing sidey never day school life were not 1st feature nor give injections with nutrients or can do is advise parents not to force children to fast fasting for young children can be successful at home not at school without food. this year ahead of ramadan authorities in a southern finnish city called on schools not to observe the fast and some institutions have reportedly been offering water extended breaks to muslim students
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to the holy month of ramadan which ends next monday is the most sacred of the muslim calendar people abstain from food and drink from sunrise to sunset it's considered to be a month of purification and the 4th key pillar of islam well meantime politicians over in germany including the health minister of calling for a more compatible form of islam to be promoted to preserve european traditions and culture. instead of tolerating symbols of a reactionary missile journalistic form of islam we must promote the development of a european islam which shares our values in order to preserve our free european way of life but we discussed this earlier the crux of the road to come down to the line between faith on one side and flexibility on the other. the central principles of the stomach faith are non-negotiable in this same where the jewish community want to be told what they can and cannot believe and i think that's a really dangerous precedent is being crossed your of this war on islam which is
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about demonizing and taking away the rights of muslims to practice their faith finished. to sensibly do run the best education system in the world with their liberal nordic minds decided that they wanted to help muslim kids out a little bit and are trying to inject a little bit of liberalism and a little bit of tolerance into people who otherwise should know better there is so called liberal societies like the scandinavian countries who talk about liberalism who talk of individual freedom of speech and if you do a choice but in reality you want to restrict that for one section of society and i think that's deeply wrong if you go to tampa and you meet the finnish muslims and my kids are half inish you will see that they are very accustomed very tribal eyes come from a certain culture and tradition they're not used to having open dialogue integration liberal tolerant values which came from the islamic traditions to europe in the 1st place so muslims do need to change they need to get back to a key understanding of what islam is what islam isn't and we need to get our house
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in order because muslims have got problems to deal with there is a wide discussion to be had you know the muslims are very passionate about practicing their faith and we've got to ensure that we educate our fellow citizens who are not was about the benefits but also about the challenges of fasting look i think whether it's the issue of fasting whether receive the headscarf whether it's the any other range of issues when we. talking about how islam co-exists there is a lot of debate a lot of pressure on how do muslims whether they assimilate or whether they integrate the key point here is about tolerance it's about respect and for muslims it's about returning to the prophetic way which is one of tolerance a respect of our multi-faith co-existed you have a shift can i can i raise an issue in the islam you see today i'm not there saying people should go on a hard manichean issue but we need to learn that values of tolerance and liberalism back from the europeans who took it from us in the 1st place and the islam that people are trying to move back to i've not sure that's the way it should be and the
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conversation went on it's midday 60 in college with a 17 here in moscow choose day come the beginning of the working week but is opposed for your fancy 9 hour working week was the recommendation of an environmental think tank to save the world from overheating and the work is to world when we come back. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race. and spearing dramatic development the only move really exists i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. what is it calling. magic and the new type of digital currency
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decentralized digital scarcity chancellor. of 2nd for bankers call the genesis blog for reason calling it civil disobedience a source of optimism because i can control my own financial destiny it's just a new way of coming to consensus it's a game changer in the human history of this columbus discovering the new world this paradigm shifting technology that transforms economics and finance in a heartbeat the apollo 11 landing on to the next and stacy. the greens the liberals and emerged victorious from those parliamentary elections of the european union and it's come at the expense of the centrist blocs with anti establishment parties coming on top it to leave france and in belgium. reports
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there's no shortage of course of political drama in the run up to the big vote. for months pundits have been predicting a rise in anti establishment parties ahead of the e.u. elections for once they were wrong but across the bloc in the weeks leading up to the vote panic was setting in and let's be clear that panic was and without ground scandals emerged all reemerged in a timely fashion. take martin pen days before france headed to the polls the e.u. top court ordered her to pay back 300000 euros to the european parliament this followed a case in which the national rally leader had been accused of paying an aide incorrectly but the timing felt off it was almost as if it was a way to tell voters that her party just couldn't be trusted that came hot on the
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heels of accusations that former trump strategist steve bannon was actually the one pulling all the pens strings yet the public didn't seem to care and the national rally still talked the polls here in france other scandals that were rife in the media included one russians well at least the alleged russians no shock there but of course not a single troll in sight. it was of course if. the party which was in coalition best ink people's party found itself under the spotlight not for its potentially dubious policies but for a good old cash influence gambit. measle. there was even an attempt to drag
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le pen's name into the thick gate as it became known a few months ago marine le pen was singing the praises of austrian vice chancellor heinz christian straka saying how formidable he was struck as being forced to resign we find out why he was trying to sell his services to foreign forces behind this nationalist movement is a submission to foreign forces despite this the f p o still managed to pick up just over 17 percent of the vote in austria. there was also of course the elections very own 2 moment one swedish democrats candidate accused the other of sexual harassment and even though this scandal washed away it didn't hamper the anti immigration party's performance they increased their share of the vote to more than 15 percent.
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and despite merkel. warning the populous parties wanted to destroy europe we are haring to deal with populist movements that in many areas are contemptuous of our of fail use and want to destroy the europe of the values we represent we have to stand up to this these parties significantly increase their representation in many parts of the e.u. sex money the long arm of washington reaching for controlling europe nothing seemed to put voters off seeking something new what is clear from the results of these elections is that the old guard could no longer count on the masses to support them in blind faith what europeans want is something different it seems a godless want that is. r.t. paris political commentator joe white believes that europe centrist bloc had it
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coming as he put it a vote of frustration from the board over. since the global economic crash in 2008 centrism is failed to win anywhere since and in providence no move towards any kind of reform whatsoever in response to the rise of skepticism from the right is a mainstream political current where before it's always been on the margins certainly on on what trend is no fashion upon and beautiful union is going to be nigh. what can people across europe have been suffering monumental despair and late of this economic crash and the ensuing austerity programs are being implemented across europe. was the green party was among those big winners of the e.u. parliamentary elections they're now using that newfound power to demand urgent action to combat climate change while the autonomy think tank is a solution of its own suggesting to trustingly reduce the working week to cut c o 2 emissions the scientists say that sure that this will help decouple is economy and
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prevent temperature rise according to the study countries should take an individual approach for instance the u.k. moving to a just a 9 hour week in germany down to 6 we asked people in berlin and wonder what they thought about that plan. lipa needs drug to stop and travel to protect the environment i would spend more time in my garden the change to i don't believe that if we started working 10 hours who change anything with the climate i would not want to work only 10 hours per week considering my earnings in field of work what made less responsive but since. working where a basic income maybe guaranteed i did what he officially around the bits told states to be paid a higher bar for example because the doctors had thought of something but the line as it were a full 6 hours a week or whatever else is not the way to figure out how college i don't work you have a choice to work that what could just go on hours away. how to get away i can survive
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that's why things look in so far exactly 25 minutes past midnight here in moscow so much more of course on a main site on your chance to comment on all the stories you see as well it also goes kevin owen saying have a good day. you know world big partisan movie lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks.
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this footage is unique because the zoe tribal lands are normally off limits to the public eric's allowed in because he's listened to his personal. people here know him simply as dr eric he's rich famous some always on the move saving yachts and flying aircraft that. he's considered one of the best neurosurgeons in brazil. that's happening almost all. our sosa's going to busy doing nothing is going to do the population nothing much is going to the people on his own.
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dish you will not obey the voice of the lord your god will be careful to do all these commandments and the statutes. in all these curses shall come upon you and overtake you on legs and then the white people list only profiting and deaf. it must be returned to black people if they get rid of whites only problems will go away. the photographer with and remove the white community as president of the flick of the little. white farmers in south africa o.b. a day every single day. people being tortured to death expression the elderly people in a wooden door. manias somebody at my phone be enough to. make been and these white horse will find themselves affected by crime and we are fortunate affected when people give back means in greens oh it's all sweat and blood of
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is this a realistic prospect in 10 years and you understand why the color creed. people. such as i think there's there's what i call the creepy line and the google policy about a lot of these things is to get right up to the creepy line but not cross it i would argue that implanting things in your brain is a is beyond the creepy one of. at least for the moment.
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at the end of the 20th century silicon valley industry titans like steve jobs and bill gates made a promise that would forever alter how we perceive the world it spans the globe like a superhighway and it's called internet and suddenly you're part of a new mash of people archives i believe it's the personal computer coming in.
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