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tv   Cross Talk  RT  May 29, 2019 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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changed go ahead. while i would say nothing much for the moment at least i mean brussels is preparing itself for designating the president of the commission in the of the presidents of the council of parliament etc in the coming weeks so. this is a moment where of course you can reflect upon the results and these results are never as fantastically good often testicular bad as expected because you have 27 countries or 28 still with the britain that participated and dom statistical rule makes it that he this more bland than expected but the victory of the populist the so-called populist is there there now must the something must have something like 25 percent of the voting european parliament which is quite big at the less than expected maybe and the greens on the other side in the all the major winners with the losers being the 2 traditional parties and the liberals defending just their turf the extreme left is also down at european level of course there are
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differences of national differences but generally speaking that was expect ok well john in edinburgh i mean the european elitist can say well it's business as usual the elections are over we move forward i mean the people have spoken there and their voice is getting louder in louder in more focused here i mean what's democracy for a plea leads don't react to it go ahead john yeah but these elites of incapable of reacting to the words of coal marks the source of who are unable to control the poer of the netherworld that they have called up by their spells the end of the architects of their own demise and to perfect our own they have lived nothing and forgotten everything we have learned nothing from the brics a vote in the u.k. 2016 learned nothing from the election over you know skeptic coalition government last year and the forgotten everything about the impact of the server just entity that the people of greece in violation of the country's democratic will in 2015 so . people are incapable of changing or they can do is carry on as if nothing's
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happened move along nothing to see here and they're heading for a crash course for these european elections continue to. momentum of your skepticism from the right right and posing the question that the cheese me a little isms neo liberalism is people's will the e.u. the former is not happening and a lot of as francesco and paris i mean i think one most important take away from it all is that there is a growing part of the european electorate there are they want more of their sovereignty back or at least not they don't want to keep ceding it away and i think that that is a very important political cultural expression on the part of a lot of voters because these voters are very motivated to get out they have something that they either they want to gain something more or stop losing what they've been losing inside the european union go ahead in paris. i think i think you're right i would have the same time because let me explain to you because there
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is that some not so clear back but he it's true that we were expecting a. slew of us. but these up and only a few counties and not by chance is the counties where actually the. need is. carrying the body more and you know my own country that where of course we have been suffering go up from the wrong body. but not not on not knowing how to use these how in some other countries it's a very different way of protests that came out most not of these new green parties that have been doing very well at almost so. i mean them i'm always trying to. restrain from simply sticking to patients on one side of the room. and not only in europe of course in europe i mean fighting against what you call the elite that would pull this war but then you're saying these policies are using the challenge
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but it's not true sure that the un sort of you young people who want us let's go and read the fuel that these soldiers home from that that very very spare that's a very fair point ok but i think what people they know what they don't want right now that's the stage we're in right now they know what they don't want here let's go back to luke air i mean can i get something on that just a few words because i'm going to go ahead go ahead and. on both sides the those let's say the europeans who are still the majority in the parliament they don't know what they want because we see in the europeans you have everything you have those who say that you should keep going with going to forms those who say we should reform europe and make it more fair that an eccentric setter among the no europe in the euro also. might mean he tries to forge an alliance we are bound for example and we will be there for getting these guys that we. terry you can hear me knowing he's not you know so you see you see within 2 camps you
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have so much there that it's very hard to see how european and i could be involved from here it's a very interesting let's go back to luke here i mean i've often been very critical of the democracy deficit in the european union the distance between the the the voters and i will continue to use the term elites because that's what they are they're very pampered and well taken care of elites in europe ok but one of the things i think is very important is that there is a democratic surge people want to use the ballot box what i worry about is that these people that want to hear their voice heard they will be continued to be ignored and i think that is what the real danger is here because people who want to use democracy to change their lives that's what they expect go ahead in brussels. well you are absolutely right i think that the people will not be pleased by the solutions that will be found by the traditional parties that will of course continue their style and majority of typically pro european parties by the way
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we're all pro european we're all europeans we know that even the brits want to leave they feel europeans who we have something in common of course we do but we don't want to have this united states of europe that the present elitists trying to impose on us and immigration that they try to impose in a globalist view that that people refuse to see is of course also that people might not realize it but the traditional parties have manipulated the committee work in the european parliament for example not to give any power any decision to the populists so these parties start ready have now something like 25 percent but you should also count audubon in to be in the christian democratic group you should council so the conservatives the conservative group not only the british ones but who. also very sovereigntists very much for the national identity so all these
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people feel national identity 1st and they won't get it in the well in the decisions that will be taken by the next parliament will tell what i thought russian what's wrong for wanting to defend your country's sovereignty and you know i really don't like how people criticize that word populist ok i mean populate it because you want to defend your own country your own sovereignty your own borders that's a dirty word i really hate how the mainstream media pollute our politics go ahead in edinburgh. well you have to be careful when you talk about national sovereignty peter or a war such as national interest that has no national interest in any accomplished country there are class interests and i personally cannot die on the whole of british so frontier given britain wrong the world going back 500 years as a corneal imperialist state but the point when it comes to the point of democracy and what's wrong with the rise of nationalism that we've seen in a lot of cutting is due to conditions of economic. extremis caused by the global
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economic crash in 2008 and the refusal of the proponents of neo liberalism to recognise that this model is a corpse it doesn't work and they are the only keeping alive through life support under austerity programs and that's only deepening the problem so it's economic at the heart of this issue and democracy is a symptom of that and it's being refracted through nationalism and national particularism in paris i see you nodding your head go ahead jump in. i mean i think the really the. somebody say a few years ago it was a little clinton yes exactly be the surge of national interests coincide moment when we stopped being able. to you. being and that. was not you know you that what people like me when i mean by the.
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policies kerry long since 2010 i still believe the best way to serve the family and the french and the germany there is use within europe how can we compete i'm talking to you in russia and. russia. how can how can we compete with china how can we compete we the united states so the best we conserve the agony there is is the european impulse now that probably means that you know you need. then yes and that's why the concept. but that is not a long. term solution never a long term solution ok gentlemen i'm going to jump in when i think it's very interesting here is that you know this always gets down to the argument of either limits centralization or an increase integration and that's a point we'll talk about when we return here after a short break we'll continue our discussion on the e.u. elections state.
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you know world of big partisan. and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. facebook and google started with a great idea and great ideals unfortunately there was also a very dark side. they are constructing
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a profile of you and that profile is real it's detailed and it never goes away turns out that google is manipulating your opinions from the very 1st character that you type into the search bar it will always favor one dog food over another one comparative shopping service over another and one candidate over another they can suppress certain types of results diced on what they think you should be seeing if they have this kind of power then democracy is an illusion the free and fair election doesn't exist the more road we give them the sooner we are all. in orwell the state puts in the surveillance cameras in our present day or well 19 eighty-four dystopian nightmare we put in the cameras we install the cameras on
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the nest cameras in our doors another mental basis on but the spying devices in our heads and in our homes. alexy another of these mass surveillance technologies that's the difference between orwell and today it is the worst nightmares would never think that we will imprison ourselves.
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very well might continue watching us in such. nobody could see coming that false confessions would be that profile in this population of 4. books at any interrogations out there what will see is a promise threat promise threat lie a lie a lie the process of the turkish was designed to put people in just that frame of mind make the most comfortable make them want to get out and don't take no for an answer don't accept their denials she said therefore we cooperate and stay there i will be all about it the next day there's a culture on accountability and police officers know that they can engage in misconduct that has nothing to do with all the crime. welcome back across the uk where all things are considered i'm peter welch reminder
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we're discussing the e.u. elections. ok let's go back to luke in brussels i mean it francesca a man had a very interesting point in the 1st part of the program here you know about how italy and the you know it deals with the world and how the european union deals with the world and it seems like every single crisis point to this project somebody says sort of elite saying we need to integrate more we need the united states of europe but not one single citizen of the european union it's ever voted for such a proposition it's just assumed that it's the right way to go to get out of a crisis but you don't ask the people and that's why i think this election is very important here and if these parties in the parliament are not going to be allowed on committees and all that it does show is a lack of democratic commitment on the part of the elites it just going to perpetuate the frustration so many people have because as i said in the
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introduction this program the status quo isn't working for the average person luke after my diatribe there go ahead and brussels. so as you say you know we all feel europeans but we don't want what they have in stock for us and and the little games in brussels the people of really don't like when they hear about it bait they're not really interested the distance is too high too too big between the citizens in their country and europe in brussels or unstoppable by the waste hospital brussels that's crazy to have this move every month between one capital and the other that's that's really crazy they should decide once and for all but they have been things that are you know really disgusting martin said meyer who was the secretary of mystic has been designated in a corrupt way the general secretary of the administration of the i mean this call and b. and now of course he's of the party of mrs merkel and now the part of mrs merkel
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the c.d.u. c.s.u. that they want to have missed the v.a. but as the president of the european commission what else i mean this is a little gains and little power caves that should stop in the coming days and weeks they will have to decide who will be the president of the european commission the executive arm and replace them concur and that promises some some difficult discussions ok but actually the you found synergies with other european economies and that's what should be happening right now ok that it is building of the united states of europe it is a it's a fool's errand because you know what i've been to greece and i've been to scotland and i've been to a lot they're very very different places ok why you have to you know square the circle with all of them in it ok i can i do get it you know the the low countries are most germans they like the european union does very well for them but it
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doesn't do very well for it stunts the growth of sun cunt countries look at poor agree. yes greece is going to live in the gutter for generations because of the e.u. and the euro ok i mean it isn't the same all the way across and they may i just wonder of what this election you know the elites are going to say hey we have to start again having a much more nuanced look instead of looking after our own personal interest because our just reflecting about what luke just said in brussels go ahead. in its current form the e.u. as a lot of the prison hosts of nations locked in seyda neen a liberal straight jacket with a single currency which doesn't work because money to union with a fiscal union is untenable i am you're right there is absolutely no upper take for the political integration and it's the jew politicization of the course concerned given the huge rule in the crisis in ukraine and given the rule of the.
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reliable has you know washington in many years and this is the elephant in the room washington this is a europe of the americans the other was to go understood this yet when he when he opposed the formation of its initial incarnation $151.00 the european court of course still community he understood this if this was a medal of an american project this was not triumph of european diplomacy it was a triumph of us to pull the 2nd world war is a global economic hedge or more and so how can you have a good opinion if the when you have russia and america walked in and told of various that we'll never have harmony of nations across europe we need to return to some semblance of sovereignty you're right a europe of nations has chose to go so presciently advocated after the 2nd world war ok let's go to back to paris what role did immigration play in this selection across the entire continent. immigrations a perfect example of what was seen before. the united states of europe are also to
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nobody was. of course you sort of focus on one of them but most don't love the rest of that nobody wants to fix it i've personally seen that that would be the best possible solution for restoring democracy in your thirty's my personal computer what they was meaning before is that we the in the data set up we can have different policies and these different policies in both much better court of the nation across counties and that the. who. will these nominees oklahomans being the kids who are alabama they need more different from new york than you see last year from greece so we have the same. i'm not really sure that's a very good i'm not sure that's a very good analogy because i mean what you have in the united states you didn't
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have set identities the only one broad identity was american so this being an alabama or an american there was no tension at all ok i think there's a lot of tension in the european union about being european and italian ok because being an italian it doesn't so it doesn't necessarily serve your interests ok i have heard this argument before didn't work ok keep going to see more complicated but let's let's pass on that it's not very important that by the making you need to change the variable is important but the work is the problem with your solution is a few. of the counties in the southern belt have been left completely alone but they're not of their own ok so who are the nation if you commission policies will be the sort of the other solution is found to by itself we try to please more efficient your in your opinion in the world. well i mean what i mean by and by that i mean if you have frau merkel you know let's go back to brussels here i mean you know with
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a few sentences chichi determined europe's immigration policy to the detriment of many many people ok i mean again where is the democracy in that everybody knows germany is a powerful country inside the european union the most powerful country and only more so when there is a break is it ok but i mean again that breaks all kind of democratic norms consultations and worrying about how it's going to impact other countries in the european union look at poor greece again people is walking right through ok and they can do nothing about it luke go ahead and brussels medical in a way created the alternative yet now literally percent of the vote in the european parliament that's her doing and the key of course it's a bit better for the moment there are less people trying to cross the mediterranean they go to spain mainly that's why you have folks appearing in spain because people don't want this but the problem the coming problem looming on the horizon is a silent danger is the fact that europe gives the family reunification possibility
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to all the people who have arrived and so these people why are. looking for a job desperately in school it's called chain migration raining it's called in my gratian cetera they will bring their families they will bring their mothers their fathers their kids to wives and these people will be net receivers of social security that we pay not them and so that's what the people hey didn't europe they say look we don't want this we don't want family reunification that brings nearly $5.00 more people for each asylum seeker that's accepted that's the key problem and no putting in process in the. i mean the bad i mean you know when a country does take a stand on immigration like hungary you know it is turned it's turned into a pariah. when italy wants to do something about it it's turned into a pariah i mean again we talk about this tension about what sovereignty means inside the european union in this election is telling us that that tensions only
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going to increase because you have to ask the people about these issues and not the whims of the german chancellor go ahead in edinburgh. or think we have to identify the source of the problem the source of the problem is the rule of western hegemony and disrupting mina especially middle east north africa which is producing those food of refugees or economic migrants or people who are seeking a better life and after all we would all do the same and their positions are sometimes we have to try and see the world through their eyes but the thing europe it's a free movement of capital as a real distorting impact and as a driver of economic migration and it goes back again to the neoliberal economic model which is the very antithesis of democracy and national sovereignty and it told countries can control the flow of capital who have their countries then they will never be able to fully control little economies and meet and have some form of intervention in terms of infrastructure in terms of providing jobs public works
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programs especially in a frame of economic recession so again when it comes to the roots of neo liberalism and how it works to distort economies across europe and throughout the world and the wealth of the northern hemisphere peter we must recognize is predicated on the poverty of the southern hemisphere and so until we address that imbalance these global economic imbalances will always have problems with migration coming into utah and coming up to the wealthier parts of the planet so we can't control these problems until we address the drives not the pull factors but the drive the push factors and that goes back to the free movement of capital ok well let's go back to paris i mean what is the next step for the european union after this election i mean is it just something that they're going to ignore and just keep keep their fingers crossed that the they can continue their on their merry path. here because again you know this this deficit of democracy i think is building in tension and if there isn't if these issues are not addressed the way individuals and individual
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countries it's only going to get worse for the european union and the the belief in the european union i mean for god's sake what's going on with briggs that last 30 seconds to paris go ahead. we need change of course i mean the what you were mentioning before is here the problem is not the 5 people. in the world perceive the problem is what we do with what precisely what the how do we finance it how do we find ways. to make it to the. global world these are the questions we have not how we protect ourselves from people from the south because. people's perfectly right i mean the problem is that these guys there were people who made them poor so we collectively made them poor so they're coming there will be coming so the problem is what do we do our social model i know you're back to the 1st time we're going to. agree with you that going on as we were going. so far will not solve our problems you can make us much worse than we were ok that's
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all the time we have gentlemen many thanks to my guest in brussels paris and in edinburgh and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at r.t.c. in x. time and remember. this footage is unique because there's a tribal lands a normally off limits to the public erik's allowed in because he's this is personal don't. people here know him simply is don't to eric he's ridge famous some always on the move saving yachts and flying aircraft. that.
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he's considered one of the best neurosurgeons in brazil. that's happening amazon. how are you so soon. going to busy doing math is going to do the population nothing much is going to people. nobody could see coming that false confessions would be in the spot placed before the conviction if you had any interrogations out there what you'll see is threat promise threat promise threat lie a lie a lie the process of interrogation is designed to put people in just that frame of mind make the most comfortable make them want to get out and don't take no for an
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answer don't accept their denials she said if i were to. say on a statement that i would be home by the next day there's a culture on accountability and police officers know that they can engage in misconduct that has nothing to do with. well.
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1 pm moscow time headlining despite months of u.s. led efforts to overthrow president to do a robot his whaler remains in a political deadlock washington now though says installing it support peaceful negotiations. leader of germany's ruling party is slammed for proposing media regulation ahead of votes and she's blamed the huge issue bloggers for her party's heavy losses in the e.u. elections last weekend. so why rules should apply for a digital content these are depression's who need to discuss not just for good c.d.u. but for media policy as a whole in the future of democracy and a deadline looms for israel's prime minister today to form a coalition government.


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