tv News RT May 29, 2019 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT
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a coalition. 247 used. to r.t. international my names you know pleasure. our top story a push for a negotiated resolution to the crisis is picking up steam representatives of president nicolas maduro opposition leader. are expected to meet for a 2nd round of talks in norway next week however the u.s. still has its preferred solution. as we have repeatedly stated we believe the only thing to negotiate with nicolas maduro is the conditions of his departure. well the return to the negotiating table comes despite the opposition's initial reluctance to participate in really any type of dialogue one quite knows self proclamation of
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power was supported by a consistent and hawkish stance amongst western leaders over the last 4 months igor's adele of can take us through the power struggle. for me if i'm going to but i swear to formally assume the duties of the national executive as president of venezuela i and that was how it all began a long and porthole road to the chaos and mayhem venezuela's in today it wants nisha local politician overnight short into political stardom and with the u.s. on his side it seemed one why don't you simply couldn't lose. by mike pence the vice president of the united states the united states supports the courageous decision many more countries followed suit brazil has just issued a note recognizing one we're going to go as venezuela's president. one plan.
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one door in europe why the uk you know why though venezuela began to devour itself from the inside torn by protest streets flooded people on mass reassuring maduro of their support all venting their anger at a president they call a dictator. meanwhile washington unrolled its arsenal from threats to sanctions to even seemingly harmless things like aid it try to keep the balance of power in favor over there man why don't i wish him a long quiet retirement on a pretty beach far from venezuela and the sooner he takes advantage of that the center is likely to have a nice quiet retirement not a pretty beach rather than being in some other beach area like guantanamo an unconventional holiday but among the mildest ideas in america's rhetoric all options are on the day all options are on the table all options are on the table
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all options are on the table all options are on the table because they always are but with all that commotion in white dove camp would have my dural the incumbent leader was willing to go all in conventional to trying to articulate his readiness to talk it out with his new rival program if you go i am committed to international dialogue today tomorrow and always i'm committed and personally ready but back then why do it was feeling too good to grace's arch nemesis confronted with the blatant refusal my duro klang to the 2nd best thing he had and has apart from the support of a good share of his people the military is. stood strong with the dural despite what you do and washington's efforts to encourage defection. the president imposter tried to make it look like things were going his way out of the armed forces to stand behind the people and the constitution but very soon he's
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voce tool overstatement was clear desertions worst paradip local and way below the critical mass needed to have the dura worried and all that leads us here to a complete stalemate why don't has won the battle for the hearts and minds on capitol hill for the embassies for the right to be called president of venezuela on the diplomatic papers of 3rd party countries but not his own to like to see them into vain militarily longest in i as president in charge of the national parliament will evaluate all necessary options however cautious it may be an official evaluation of an international intervention is as good as an open call for one but with the us no longer looking as trigger happy as before why do it has sent his emissaries to talk with the duro no longer too good for that and the us apparently wants confident
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a quick power play would lead to victory now has learned that all or doesn't elect presidents. there are some in washington though just continue a little bit with this story despite the resumption of the oslo talks who appear to believe aggression is the best policy senator lindsey graham's among them even recently invoke the invasion of grenada in 1903 which was widely viewed as a little to make the case for intervention in venezuela doris not the legitimate leader of venezuela he would be in power or that 6 or 7000 cuban security forces in venezuela i would do exactly what reagan did i would give cuban all to. to get out of venezuela they don't let the bit of soil and military know you've got to choose between democracy and the doura and if you choose madeira and cuba we're coming after you and so what he is actually alluding to under president reagan in 1083 the u.s.
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sent an invasion force into grenada under the pretext of protecting american citizens from the car of being nations marxist leadership in the space of a week operation urgent fury had overthrown the cuban aligned government there senator graham's comparison though does seem to be glossing over some crucial differences between fellas with today and grenada in the eighty's for starters the island nation of grenada is geographically much smaller than venezuela making it easier to access and control in $1083.00 its population stood at $96.00 and venezuela is $32000000.00 in the u.s. the point around $6000.00 troops on according to some estimates a u.s. military intervention in venezuela today would probably require $150000.00 soldiers human rights lawyer done kabul told us that an invasion by washington would be disastrous. the idea that the u.s. is going to be able to knock on the venezuelan government grenada style is just silliness of course the u.s. could try a military option from the u.s.
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point of view it would be a disaster it would be a very protracted military struggle europe where in the end not support it i think most south american countries do not support it even apparently the military brazil i think the u.s. would stand alone and i think diplomatically it would be a disaster for the u.s. and it could be a disaster in many other way again if they got the u.s. got something to another vietnam war it would cause the deaths of course u.s. personnel would cost trillions of dollars and treasury in many cause rebellion with the new united states against the government as we saw during the vietnam war so it's a very very risky proposition for the u.s. to be well lots of headline making stories going on in the region also a scandal unfolding in neighboring colombia the head of its u.s.
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backed army is under pressure to resign over the alleged cover up of the killing of thousands of civilians to run a decade ago we will be reporting on that a little later in this program. the fingal now the head of germany's ruling party is facing a major backlash over 50000 people have signed a petition against what they say are undergrad current plans for censorship it comes after her statements are imposing stricter measures on political discourse online. but isn't this we lost among young voters for 2 reasons we failed to adequately address issues that are important to them and we fail due to the handling of the rise of video where would happen if 70 newspapers decided just 2 days before the lection to make a joint appeal don't float for the c.d.u. or s.p.d. that would be a clear case of political bias in the run up to an election so why rules should
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apply for digital content these are 2 questions we will need to discuss not just for to cd you but for media policy as a whole in the future of democracy or miss crump current statement comes after a number of bloggers in germany called on people not to vote for the ruling coalition parties in the election she believes the campaign was to blame for the christian democratic union's heavy losses on sunday so now does this clear facto evidence that the current system is destructive and it is my democratic duty to ask you please don't vote for the s.p.d. please don't vote for the c.d.u. and please don't vote for the c.s.u. we ask you will not to support this. and don't support the s.p.t. kind under the bill into the oath for any party that doesn't operate on logic or science and isn't course to destroy our future. well the. leader statement in response to the calls that rich amongst other parties as well the left party call
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that an assault on the freedom of expression of repression of the german constitution and the freedom party here busy said political movements really need to have a dialogue with social media platforms martin daughter from the left party told us maintaining her relations with tech savvy youth is crucial. all young people are searching for how can we develop a society they way they want to participate in the decision process in the society to the movement of writers for future good out there as well on the internet like brazil and up us is a part of a search for or participation in society for a perfect a future and the less the political mainstream. is able to create discourse that's what's really the trick the emotion of the people emotionally and by the under that elliptical conscious of the ball they will start to organize
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themselves the more they move. so much from different frames where they can cross a grapefruit. revelations in a documentary that expose child sex abuse and poland's roman catholic church have sparked a wave of ick rage in the country the film was financed through a crowdfunding campaign and has been viewed more than 20000000 times alone on you tube. users. muscle to. finally the peta followers in black cloaks will face justice make more movies like this one which discloses the deception of the church big respect to everyone who decided to be a part of this film artists tell about their horrible experience without the camera
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the catholic church doesn't lead people to god it just makes them run away from him . the governing polish law and justice party has been widely supported by the country's religiously conservative population positions itself as a defender of christian values now its leader initiated a vote in parliament on longer prison terms for child abusers after the documentary attracted a lot of attention but he also accused those who raise the issue of abuse by priests of undermining and defending the faith stating quote there is no poland without the church. everyone has the right to express their opinion but i think politicians need to be more careful with their what it's not just a matter of individual offend the crimes were covered up these things were known to be the church authorities. the way they move the offenders from parish to parish is horrendous there should be real punishment me losing the position in church is not punishment just. it's hard to say maybe kaczynski want to say
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it was an attack on christian values he is partly right it's like living in an apartment and closing the rise to the neighbor's pathological family and when a tragedy happens everyone wakes up but if you react early you can prevent a tragedy you have to fight against those who degenerates you the film shows your truth and how people reacted to truth is their private matter but i do not consider this movie an attack on the church. which you know the church needs to be kept separate from politics that will solve the problem. and now it's time to go. in essence 400 kilometers above the earth still are because 2 russian cosmonauts are currently embarking on a 6 and a half hour space walk and this is some incredible live video from its side the international space station right you can see from there to working
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talking a what is believed to be a real installation on the russian segment of the complex now this is the 59th expedition members of the russian space agency roles cosmos here in picture commander a leg commenting on flight engineer of chinon it's a space walk for a pretty experienced op there are doing it although i'm not sure you ever really get used to doing such a thing he's wearing the blue stripes when the picture perhaps maybe go is art. as you can imagine we do have control of the pictures and a 1st step into space for. a red stripe through it you might be able to see in just a moment he was on board incidentally the soyuz craft you might remember that crushed back down to earth just minutes after takeoff bach in tobar seemingly has not putting him off doing what he does may the 29th is
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a scheduled maintenance day for the station but it marks a much more poignant moment i should point out as well in the history for russia there you go there's the wide shot of what's happening right now the cosmonauts are in fact honoring the 5th anniversary as well of the 1st person the soviet union's aleksey leo off to walk in space delving into the dark. on the current mission is looking into the viability of micro organisms surviving in the conditions of space so what you're looking at here just 6 people currently the only 6 people currently not on earth at this moment in time doing a lot of work including maintenance work ahead of next year's big large maintenance per object. called. alexia of channon right there we have crossed back from time to time during that 6 now how far
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oh you mean there's a downside to artificially low mortgage rates don't get carried away that's cause report. leads of suffered another humiliating black eye and bloody nose all across europe voters put believes on notice the status quo is not working for the people the surge to the right in the rise of populism may be a game changer. now listen. can we start again in america i said before because the head of the colombian army is under pressure to resign after he was linked to the alleged cover up of civilian killings roughly a decade ago a big story and getting bigger documents leaked to the associated press news agency
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from an ongoing investigation have cast a shadow over the activities of the u.s. military in colombia the papers show that the military leader made several questionable payments to suppose that informants led to combat operations against suspected rebels. the general has denied his involvement in any extrajudicial killings philippines across the story. colombia's top ranking general is facing some new damning revelations this is the latest blow to the reputation of the country's us back to military and its crackdown on leftist guerrillas decades ago human rights watch has long been raising and highlighting atrocities.
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according to the prosecutor files general nicasio martinez aspinall would pay to a source for the location of rebels and then the soldiers would move in for the kill every one point the general was trying to claim he had no idea that these payments were being issued however the new documents ripped that claim to shreds the general reportedly ordered his troops to double the body count and to accept that higher civilian casualties was just a natural consequence the new york times reporter who was working on this story was recently forced to flee the country human rights and press freedom groups are worried. his have the right to question any piece of reporting but dangerous irresponsible comments like those medias nicholas casey have the potential to endanger security in discourage reporting and says issues in colombia and you would think that with human rights violations an american journalist being threatened the u.s. 6 colombia relations might actually suffer well if you thought that you would be wrong apparently there was just a meeting between the vice president of colombia and the u.s.
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secretary of defense that was described as friendly if you will with a thug to the united states or for many years we have been working to with your institutions the usa continues to shower weapons on colombia. seeing it as a useful ally against venezuela bolivia and other opponents trump just spoke highly of the u.s. colombia partnership i just want to thank the president for working with us and we're working together our militaries are very focused on working together and if they don't know or less your own people in colombia deeply concerned about the situation and they want to see justice served and for the truth to be uncovered it's also vital for the government and its international status we do not know whether the general will lose these posts this is the task of the justice system which needs to resolve the case. imagine that some high ranking venezuelan commander was accused of killing civilians and then covering it up the white house would be up in arms but when it comes to
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a friend like colombia mass killings aren't such a big deal and r.t. new york. the clock is ticking don and israel's prime minister in the house until the end of this whedon's thing to form a government or face another election with more on the challenges facing benjamin netanyahu here's our policy or. he did win the snap elections that he was responsible for calling on april the 9th and this gave him 42 days in which to form this new coalition and the prognosis really was that he would succeed to do so but unfortunately for him certainly hasn't the sticking point comes from a former ally a former defense minister who served under netanyahu of a don't even then who is the leader of a right wing political party and the issue at play is the whole matter of whether or not ultra religious jews off a ducks too should serve in the israeli army this is an issue that has resulted in the past and it goes back months if not years in violent clashes between israeli
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police and religious jews. now the israeli parliament is made up of $120.00 seats to form the next government netanyahu needs a minimum of $61.00 and without the lieberman party he only has 60 but the problem is that those 60 seats comprise a fair number of religious parties who are against conscription for the sun so this announcement really being pulled between iraq and place on the one hand trying to satisfy lieberman who wants to see these religious soldiers in the army and his religious clinician partners who don't this is a topic that has often divided israeli society and when we took to the streets we found that there was a very diverse view of opinion think should go to the army because that's not what
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they believe in and just because we believe in it doesn't mean that's the right thing to do everyone can you know kind of chip in and be integrated into the works and the rich people should actually we should let some of them actually study study study bible study. the torah although most of the most of them should really should really either get drafted to the army or do some sort of civil service they should serve as anyone else now this is really a smokescreen for a deeper political struggle that is happening but tween men and netanyahu and certainly most people are hearing as well since that lieberman feels about pushing netanyahu into a corner this is really his big chance of potentially winning and attaining the highest office here in israel but it remains to be seen of course we learned in the coming hours what develops. malaysia is mounting a fight against illegal imports of contaminated. plastics the environment
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minister valued on choose the ship 3000 tons of ways back to their countries of origin including the us britain france and japan she showed reporters the scale of the problem malaysia has been awash with waste since china stopped importing millions of tonnes of plastics from the world last year much of it has been finding its way to other neighboring countries the malaysian environment minister insisted that this practice really does help the. poor ever this and there are ways to malaysia where the ways where those plastic ways are whatever ways we will send it back and we will fight back even though we are a small country we cannot be bullied by a developed countries. well malaysia isn't the only scythe asian country pushing back against the influx of rubbish canada has agreed to accept the return of the
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huge shipment dumped in the philippines but that's only after a 6 year along this street was resolved last week over 100 shipping containers of mislabeled high school waste had been sent to 2 ports in the philippines back in 2013 really left to fester there and the political fallout became so severe that president eternity threatened to dump the rubbish back in canadian waters. when the. lord it. is. a lovely. learn to. read if you want. the environmental campaigner george barda told us about what he sees as the on ethical side of free trade so the wind phenomenon and this is part of his work is what's known by some as waste colonialism and really you know he thinks of so-called free trade is that
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it's free for corporations to do what how they like but there is very little freedom for. poor countries that are often the subject of this you know these toxic arrivals to do anything about it off to china announced a ban on imports of plastics at the end of 2017 that neighboring countries in asia philippines. have now become the dumping grounds for that country for that waste and the depressing thing is there seems to be no evidence whatsoever that countries like the u.k. are doing any kind of follow up to make sure that that waste is being treated in a remote responsible way. there's no inspection of that regulations get more of your midweek news updates nor to dot com always plenty to get your teeth into and collins here in 30.
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this in petersburg international economic forum is a unique event in today's business world. over the last 21 years the forum has become a leading global platform for discussing the key economic issues facing russia emerging markets and the world thousands of business community members attend a forum to address today's and vital issues. watch our special forum coverage on r.t. . after the previous stage of my career was over everyone wondered what i was going to do next the ball different clubs on one hand it is logical to go from fields where everything is familiar on the other i wanted a new challenge and a fresh perspective i'm used to surprising. or not if you think.
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i'm going to talk about football not be or else you can think i was going to do it . by the way what is it that. what is it calling the coin is magic and the new type of digital currency the centralized digital scarcity chancellor. of 2nd for bank that's called the genesis blog for reasons to calling it civil disobedience a source of optimism because i can control my own financial destiny it's just a new way of coming to consensus is a game changer in the human history this is columbus discovering a new world this paradigm shifting technology that transforms economics and finance in a heartbeat the apollo 11 landing on to the max and stacey. readings
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and sell you. officially officially the purpose of the national security agency or n.s.a. is to lead the u.s. government in cryptology that encompasses both signals intelligence and information as cern assurance products and services and enables computer network operations in order to gain a decision advantage for the united states and its allies under all circumstances that's the official explanation other less government operations manual sounding words the n.s.a. basically it's the id geek squad of the us ready and willing to protect the nation from cyber attacks all while analyzing and collecting basically everything we do online or over the phone but what happens when the n.s.a. zone technology is used against the very people supposedly there to protect.
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