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tv   News  RT  May 29, 2019 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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the population lachrymose is going to tell people. how the. u.s. special counsel robert muller is the silence on the. some clarification on the report's a key conclusion has drawn a familiar reaction. to impeachment question at this point all options are on the table and nothing should be ruled out and all of those things have. to not have taken place collusion conspiracy obstruction and again we consider this very much. senatorial in opposition agrees with president bill territory in norway.
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for an election rerun for the 1st time in its history prime minister. fails to form a governing coalition. and the leader of germany's ruling party is slammed for proposing tighter. media regulation blaming youtube for her party said the losses in the e.u. parliament. so why rules should apply for digital content these are the questions we're who need to discuss not just for the c.d.u. media policy as a whole in the future. broadcasting live direct from our studios most of this is international i'm sean thomas certainly glad to have you with us and u.s. special counsel robert muller has for the 1st time commented to publicly on the
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investigation. he spoke for 10 minutes and reiterated and clarified much of what was in his widely read report after the 2 year investigation this is some of what we heard from robert muller if we had had come confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime we would have said so. we did not however make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime president cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office and he made clear that he could not charge a sitting president he clarified that as the last stands the department of justice cannot bring charges against a president rather there are other procedure laid out for that democrats and target of the statement from bob muller regarding the fact that he cannot bring charges against a sitting president as a cue for them to raise the issue of impeachment if you stick to impeachment question at this point all options are on the table and nothing should be ruled out
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made clear this morning that his investigation now lays at the feet of congress no one is above the law congress should begin an impeachment inquiry. these administration has continued to stonewall congress oversight begin impeachment proceedings is the only path forward miller's statement makes clear with those who have read his report no it's an impeachment referral and it's up to congress to act they shewed given the special counsel was unable to pursue criminal charges against the president if the congress threw stones of the crimes noise and other wrongdoing a president trump and we would do so however what he was saying was not very much different than what he said in the report months ago emphasized what was in the report he cited indictments against russian citizens as evidence of russian meddling in the us presidential election many emphasize that no collusion between us president donald trump and the russian government was at any point discovered
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now democrats have been harshly critical of william barr the u.s. attorney general arguing that he is in favor of u.s. president donald trump and has been swaying and distorting things in donald trump's favor democrats accuse william barr of making unnecessary redactions to the report and acting in other ways that showed a kind of sympathy for the president however when bob muller spoke he did not offer any criticism about william bar or his comments on the investigation report and we appreciate that the attorney general made the report largely public and i certainly don't question the attorney general's good faith in that decision responded to the report saying that the case is now closed that he has not been proven guilty he is innocent collusion or obstruction and all of those things have been determined to not have taken place collusion conspiracy obstruction and again we consider this very much to be case closer now bob mueller made clear he will not be testifying any further or making any further comments he did not take any questions from the
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press and he made clear that his report is meant to speak for itself. we go and media analyst lionel gave us his take on miller's statement on the justice department the interesting thing to note is one of the reasons why many suspect he doesn't want to speak to congress is one that republicans asked him when did you know this how many years ago how many months into this investigation did you come to the conclusion a either there was no evidence are there was no reason to charge him but how long have you been stringing the country and the president and the world along why here's another question for you if you can't end dive here if those were the rules why did you investigate him in the 1st place did you know these rules before or did you know the rules before that say you can't indict him or charge him then what were you investigating ah you were investigating collusion and
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by the way did you notice such a paltry and de minimus amount of time that was that was given to the reason for this what was this russian collusion explain this more. representatives of venezuelan president nicolas maduro an opposition leader who have agreed to meet for talks in norway next week they will be trying to find a way out of the country's political crisis but the us is insisting that only one solution can work as we have repeatedly stated we believe the only thing to negotiate with nicholas maturer is the conditions of his departure the return to the negotiating table comes despite the opposition's initial reluctance to participate one problem commission of power was supported by a consistent and hawkish stance among western leaders over the last 4 months aren't easy words on off comments about the power struggle. threw me for
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a moment i swear to formally assume the duties of the national executive as president of venezuela i and that was how it all began a long and porthole road to the chaos and mayhem venezuela's in today it wants needs local politician overnight short into political stardom and with the u.s. on his side it seemed one why don't you simply couldn't lose. by mike pence the vice president of the united states the united states supports the courageous decision many more countries followed suit brazil has just issued a note recognizing one we're going to go as venezuela's president one way door 1. 11 door in europe where you go you know one way or the venezuela began to devour itself from the inside to one by protest streets flooded people on mass reassuring
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maduro of their support all venting their anger at a president they call a dictator. meanwhile washington and rolled its arsenal from threats to sanctions to even seemingly harmless things like aid it try to slip the balance of power in favor over their man why don't i wish him a long quiet retirement on a pretty beach far from venezuela and the sooner he takes advantage of that the center is likely to have a nice quiet retirement not a pretty beach rather than being in some other beach area like guantanamo an unconventional holiday but among the mildest ideas in america's rhetoric all options are on the job all options are on the table all options are on the table all options are on the table all options are on the table because they always are but with all that commotion in white dove camp would have much dural the incumbent
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leader was willing to go all in conventional to trying to articulate his readiness to talk it out with his new rival program if you go i am committed to international dialogue today tomorrow and always i'm committed and personally ready but back then why don't was feeling too good to grace's arch nemesis confronted with the blatant refusal my duro clung to the 2nd best thing he had and has apart from the support of a good share of his people the military is. stood strong with the dural despite what you do and washington's efforts to encourage defection. the president imposter tried to make it look like things were going his way. the armed forces are standing behind the people and the constitution but very soon his voce tool overstatement was clear desertions worst paradip local and way below the critical mass needed to have the dura worried and all that leads us here to
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a complete stalemate why don't has won the battle for the hearts and minds on capitol hill for the embassies for the right to be called president of venezuela on the diplomatic papers of 3rd party countries but not his own to like to see them into vain militarily your office and i as president in charge of the national parliament will evaluate all necessary options however cautious it may be an official evaluation of an international intervention is as good as an open call for one but with the us no longer looking as trigger happy as before why do it has sent his emissaries to talk with the duro no longer too good for that and the us apparently once confident a quick power play would lead to victory now has learned that all or doesn't elect presidents meanwhile some in washington are seeking a more aggressive approach to the venezuela crisis senator lindsey graham recently
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invoked the invasion of grenada in 1903 which was widely viewed as illegal to make the case for intervention in venezuela. douras not the legitimate leader of venezuela he would be in power without 6 or $7000.00 cuban security forces in venezuela i would do exactly what reagan did i would give cuba an ultimatum to get out of venezuela that they don't i would let the bennett soil and military know you got to choose between democracy and the dura and if you choose my dear and cuba we're coming after you for some historical context 36 years ago president to regen sent forces into grenada under the pretext of protecting american citizens from the caribbean nations marxist leadership within a few days operation urgent fury overthrew the government which was allied with cuba however there are crucial differences between venezuela today and grenada in the eighty's the island nation of grenada is much smaller than venezuela for one
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thing making it easier to access and control in 1983 its population was only 96000 venezuela is home now to 32000000 back then the u.s. deployed around 6000 troops according to some estimates a u.s. military intervention in venezuela today would require 150000 soldiers human rights lawyer and author dan kovalchuk told us that an invasion would be disastrous. the idea that the u.s. is going to be able to knock on the venezuelan government grenada style is just silliness of course the u.s. could try a military option on the u.s. point of view it would be a disaster it would be a very protracted military struggle europe where in the end not support it i think most south american countries do not support it even apparently the military brazil i think the u.s. would stand alone and i think diplomatically it would be a disaster for the u.s.
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and it could be a disaster in many other way again if they got the u.s. got something to another vietnam war it would cause the deaths of course of u.s. personnel would cost trillions of dollars. treasury in many cause rebellion with the united states against the government as we saw during the vietnam war so it's a very very risky proposition for the u.s. to the. embattled israeli prime minister has run out of time to form a new government following his recent election victory after the deadline passed parliament voted to dissolve itself and hold a new election in september r.t. correspondent possibly or has more. now this is the 1st time in the history of israel that you have a scenario when an election was held in the previous election was held back on april the 9th and it was won by the incumbent prime minister benjamin netanyahu and neither the party that won the largest amount of votes in other with netanyahu nor
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the party they came 2nd was able to form a majority coalition government this will mean that israelis will head to the polls now twice in a matter of 6 months not netanyahu obviously wanted to avoid this and the sticking point was negotiations between him and a former ally in a format defense minister they don't even mention netanyahu needed a majority of $61.00 out of $120.00 parliament seats. and he was only able to get 60 with out lieberman's support lieberman had another 5 seats but the 2 clashed over the whole issue of whether or not ultra orthodox jews should be forced to go to the army at the moment there are exams and lieberman was pushing for him to be included but netanyahu found himself between a rock and a hard place because a lot of his coalition is made up of religious parties and these obviously don't want to see these young men sort of in on the the greedy to be honest this was a smokescreen this is essentially a power struggle between netanyahu and lieberman and at the same time what we do
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know is that the holding elections will be hugely closely to the israeli economy we're hearing from the treasury that it will cost $120000000.00 for these elections to be held in addition there will be more than $1000000000.00 loss to the economy because you'll be having another public holiday also worth mentioning that on thursday netanyahu is slated to meet with general krishna now the senior advisor to the american president donald trump is in the country to try and push forward is much touted his being trump's much touted peace plan and he was meeting with netanyahu on the presumption that netanyahu is going to be prime minister so it's going to be very interesting to see how that plays out because of course now he's meeting with someone who essentially is not guaranteed all of the premiership and what are the implications of that for those so-called deal of the century is trying to keep saying moving forward. at least 7 people have drowned after
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a tourist boat capsized in the middle east the boat sank after colliding with another vessel at. local time on wednesday evening most of those on board were reportedly south korean tourists according to state television there were 35 people on the boat including 2 crew members 20 people are unaccounted for and a search and rescue operation with yours. the head of germany's ruling party is facing a major backlash for suggesting there should be measures to control political discussion online more than 50000 people have signed a petition against what they claim are plans for censorship but is make a promise we lost among young voters for 2 reasons we failed to radically address issues that are important to them and we feel due to the handling of the raza radio what would happen if 70 newspapers decided just 2 days before the election to make
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a joint appeal don't vote for the c.d.u. or s.p.d. that would be a clear case of political bias in the run up to an election so why rule should apply for digital content these are 2 questions we will need to discuss not just for to cd you but for media policy as a whole in the future of democracy. crime karrenbauer his comments came after a number of you tube bloggers in germany called on people not to vote for the ruling coalition parties in the e.u. elections which she blames for the christian democratic union see heavy losses on sunday. so how does this is how clear factual evidence is that the current system is destructive and it is my democratic. please don't vote for the s.p.d. please don't vote for the and please don't vote for the. we ask you will not to support the c.d.u. and don't support the s.p.t. kind under the bill and vote for any party who doesn't operate on logic or signs
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and isn't course to destroy our future in the proposed test and the c.d.u. leaders statement infuriated rival parties the left party called it an assault on the freedom of expression and repression of the german constitution and the freedom party said political movements need to have a dialogue with social media platforms martin dolls are from the left party told us maintaining relations with tech savvy young people is crucial. all young people are searching for how can we develop a society they want to participate in the decision process in the society to the movement of writers for future on the internet like reason and us is a part of the search for participation in society for the perfect for future and the less the political mainstream. able to
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create discourses witchery the trick the emotion of the people emotionally and by the underlying political conscious all start to organize themselves more. so much for different frames of the great. revelations in a documentary that exposed the child sex abuse in poland's roman catholic church has sparked a wave of outrage in the country the film was financed through a crowd funding campaign and has been viewed more than 20000000 times on youtube. ok. finally the peta followers in black cloaks will face justice make more movies like this one which discloses the deception of the church being respected everyone who
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decided to be a part of this film or just tell of all their horrible experience without the camera the catholic church doesn't lead people to god it just makes them run away from him. the governing polish law and justice party has also reacted to the film's revelations pledging to confront the problem of clerical abuse its leader initiated a vote in parliament on longer prison terms for child abusers after the documentary began attracting widespread attention but he also accused of using the situation to attack and undermine the church as a whole adding that there is no poland without the church people in warsaw gave us their reaction to the story. everyone has the right to express their opinion but i think need to be more careful with their what it's not just a matter of individual offend the crimes were covered up these things were known to be the church authorities just the opposite the way they move the offenders from
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parish to parish is horrendous real punishment me losing the position in church is not punishment justice must be. discipline it's hard to say maybe kaczynski want to say it was an attack on christian values he is partly right it's like living in an apartment and closing the rise to the neighbors pathological family and when a tragedy happens everyone wakes up but if you react and prevent a tragedy you have to fight against those who did generates for you the film shows your truth and how people reacted to truth is their private matter but i do not consider this movie an attack on the church. in the bush you know the church needs to be kept separate from politics that will solve the problem. the un is raising the alarm over child malnutrition and war ravaged afghanistan they say there are not enough funds to help the millions of children in need of urgent aid this comes as u.s. troops market a near 20 year presence in the country. to
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me and children in the country which suffer from acute malnutrition among them 6. and there are a 1000 children that's a far from fee via acute malnutrition a child that said i suffer from severe condition is a child that needs urgent treatment otherwise he might die. we out of the own sort provided off treatment for see video at the nutrition if we don't have money to buy these treatment the severely admit mandarin wished we did not get it. fortunately ghana standards we can treat receive your money tree she is a high level the main reasons are gratian poverty and don't work polluted drinking
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water substandard food and energy to mothers. and. we also spoke to unicef's communications chief for afghanistan who says it is children who suffer the most in times of conflict. this is legal of 600000 children who are severely acutely manaul reached has been a twin for the last 5 years the only issue now is that everybody is recognizing that it is a crisis he said imagine see and it needs to be put on the national agenda and that's why we need to the attention of everybody together with the government and partners that this is a crisis and it needs urgent attention and we call on all parties to the conflict all one factions to teach not that the impact of conflict is mainly borne by
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children and that some local children should not be part of any conflict in any country. the supreme leader of iran has said his country will not cave in to u.s. demands to renegotiate the iran nuclear deal united states pulled out of the pact last year and reintroduced sanctions against iran relations have been in a downward spiral since then u.s. recently sent a bomber planes and an aircraft carrier strike group and 1500 troops in the persian gulf region citing an alleged threat from iran and on wednesday iran's deputy foreign minister abbas arace warned of that hawkish elements in the trump administration are pushing the 2 countries to the brink of war russia's deputy foreign minister sergei spoke to r.t. about the ongoing tensions and his talks in tehran with abbas a russian. the week of the it's been
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a year since the united states quit the joint comprehensive action plan during this time iran's compliance with the way has been impeccable with iran lost the benefits of his participation in the deal particularly the economic benefits as a result the iranian leadership announced a partial suspension of the obligations it had taken on voluntarily when it signed up to the agreement we are sympathetic to this policy and today i discussed with my colleague a bass arachchi what specific future actions could be. can we believe that iran's proposal to conclude a multinational non-aggression pact in the persian gulf region is very timely we discussed that today this idea is consistent with the russian initiative to develop new measures to strengthen security in the persian gulf we repeat addressing our colleagues and friends that the suggestions on the table and we are ready to implement them success in these areas will i'm sure help save the chase c.p.o. a president trumps recent comments on the importance of dialogue i certainly welcome we always in favor of dialogue the question is whether our american
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colleagues are ready to come up with a constructive agenda and workable proposals for iran as for iran's offer to conclude an non-aggression pact we welcome this is well it is exactly what is needed now and is at least part of the solution. and as a for me i'll be back throughout the hour with more news czar to international. in or well the state puts the surveillance cameras in. our present day for a well 19 eighty-four dystopian nightmare we put in the cams we install the cameras on the nest cameras on our doors and our mantle pieces on spying devices in our
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hands and in our homes with another of these mass surveillance technologies that's the difference between orwell and today it is the worst nightmares would never think that we will imprison ourselves. time after time say we're going on the ground or leave of a london extradition hearing that could spell the end to journalism as we know it all around the world coming up in the show we speak to one of juanita saunders former advisors world famous lawyer island of its who believes counts against them to detain wiki leaks founder threaten the foundations of the united states constitution and a british crime against humanity we exclusively speak to the un ambassador in the
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eye of the storm of the world court and the un find the u.k. guilty of illegal occupation violence least to the usa the war in rendition going up in today's going on the ground in iraq will britain's celebrating the objection of tony blair's former advisor alistair campbell from german corbin's labor party though he wasn't thrown out for iraq here he is justifying a war that killed wounded or displaced tens of millions and gave rise to isis and al-qaeda across the region have been through a lot in this hundreds. of beans. well on the inquiry. and. tony blair i think is a total moron he is appealing the expulsion while architects of the iraq war like his former boss tony blair are today interviewed about their views on rex it the u.k. could see this to engage in economic warfare against venezuela and syria as for nuclear confrontation u.k.
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foreign secretary and prime minister contender jeremy hunt has claimed britain is mediating between india and pakistan we are urging restraint on all sides neither side wants to see this escalate further well pakistan's prime minister around corners and be devoted to tomorrow's inauguration of the renderer modi in india in our coverage of the largest democratic vote in history both the indian congress and victorious b.g.p. parties made allegations against their nuclear neighbors pakistan the high commission in london has since got back to going underground to counter claims in our interviews pakistan itself is a victim of terrorism and suffered both in terms of losses to human lives and its economy we have lost more than $70000.00 citizens including over $6000.00 soldiers and economic losses to the chuen of $120000000000.00 us dollars pakistan also has its concern with regard to terrorism visa v india pakistan remains committed not to allow its territory against any country prime minister iran can in his recent
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public messages to the indian leadership has called for dialogue and resolving all outstanding issues particularly kashmir dispute to bring peace and prosperity in south asia we remain committed to peace with all our neighbors and beyond and we hope to have pakistan's prime minister imran khan as well as there and remotely on the show soon but they're straight to one of humankind's most fundamental freedoms journalism currently arguably under attack in the u.k. joining me via skype from new york is lawyer and harvard law professor emeritus alan dershowitz alan thanks for coming on the show what do you make of julia sanch in the u.k. court. tomorrow via video link on extradition charges to the united states for violating the as binoche act i think the united states government made a foolish tactical blunder by indicting him under the espionage act merely publishing material that was classified and stolen by others had they maintained their original indictment for helping to break into a password and helping to stay.


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