tv News RT May 30, 2019 2:00am-2:31am EDT
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the difference between orwell and today is that it is the worst nightmares would never think that we will imprison ourselves. in the clear but not special counsel robert muller gives his final say on the investigation into links between donald trump and russia explaining that his team could neither exonerate charge the u.s. president and that gave plenty of ammunition to both sides was invited washington. it was essentially. impeachment. i think it was very clear if you could clear the president bush but he couldn't all of those things have tended to not have taken place collusion conspiracy obstruction and again we consider this very much to be case. in headlines too slowly increasing numbers of parents from the somali community in britain is sending their children to what is labelled as one of the most dangerous nations in africa to avoid a surge of knife crime in the u.k.
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. but they feel for the safety of their children they fear of safety. really themselves it's very dangerous for young. and israel's parliament votes to dissolve itself triggering fresh elections in september prime minister benjamin netanyahu missed the deadline to form a coalition government passed not the 1st time the situation's played out in israel's. thursday morning on the i'm going to moscow good morning welcome to the program i'm kevin owen here with the world news update from international h.q. for you for the next 30 minutes or so u.s. special counsel robert muller has handed it is resignation 2 years after the investigation into alleged collusion between president told trump and russia speaking to the public for the 1st time since the probe he sought to give clarification to the major conclusions of the report but his column open explains
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this morning both comes in washington or interpreted his words in their own different ways. robert mohler is all done the special counsel's office is closing and he's going to retire and to celebrate 35000000 dollars and 2 years worth of work he decided to address the media there's an old psychological test they call the war shack and basically it's a set of ambiguous ink blots it's up to the mind of the patient to determine what to see and the 10 minute presentation of robert muller seems a very much be in the eyes of the beholder if we had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime we would have said so. we did not however make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime it's not that different from what he said at the end of his report but the democrats certainly took a lot from the statement of the mother was essentially referring impeachment to the united states congress. statement makes it clear congress has
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a legal and moral obligation to begin impeachment proceedings immediately miller statement makes clear with those who have read his report no it's an impeachment referral and it's up to congress to act they shewed given the special counsel was unable to pursue criminal charges against the president if the congress threw stone to the crimes lawyers and other wrongdoing a president trump and we would do so i think it was very clear if you could clear the president he would have but he couldn't makes clear well muller said the report speaks for itself a special counsel found no collusion by any americans in ira's illegal activities now trump or the opposite from robert mueller he says he's in the clear nothing changes from the miller reports there was insufficient evidence and therefore in our country a person is innocent the case is closed thank you then the white house press secretary clarified with the statement there was no real news and there he reiterated the points that he's already made in the report. and we agree with them
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there was no collusion there was no conspiracy and we consider this case. he completed his investigation now he's closed his office and it's time for everybody to move on the report has been published the investigation is long over but the saga continues both sides are sticking to what they said all along so you have to ask yourself if everyone was just going to keep saying what they've said the entire time impeached or no collusion why did we have the investigation to begin with. r t new york well that's kind of exactly what legal and media on this level says use his conduct and will report party made no sense in the 1st place. the interesting thing to note is one of the reasons why many suspect he doesn't want to speak to congress is one that republicans asked him when did you know this how many years ago how many months into this investigation did you come to the conclusion
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a either there was no evidence are there was no reason to charge him but how long have you been stringing the country and the president and the world along why here's another question for you if you can't end dive here if those were the rules why did you investigate him in the 1st place did you know these rules before or did you know the rules before they say you can indict him or charge him then what were you investigating ah you were investigating collusion and by the way did you notice such a paltry and de minimus amount of time that was that was given to the reason for this what was this russian collusion explain this more. british teenagers of somali heritage being sent to africa by their parents to avoid the rising threat of knife crime in the u.k. the east african nation itself is going to reputation of being one of the most
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dangerous countries in the world with the u.k. foreign office willing to not to travel because of the threat of terrorist attacks and kidnapping next this morning. looks into why the somali community considers all that said britain a great threat to their children. of young people across england have become epidemic in those few years i was doing my a levels it was tough just seeing people being dropped every other day being stabbed london is not the place to be for a teenager when they're living here in britain the context is britain this is a british problem and it's a problem that's with fallen into and it's not just parents and teenagers who are worried the author or it is are also raising the alarm i'd have to say that the last couple of years on down to julie have been as dave said the highest and most worrying levels i think in my service and it is really worrying 50 people who have been stabbed to death in the capital since the beginning of the year and what's
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even more worrying that number has almost doubled in the past 2 years in hammersmith and fulham in west london there has been an 84 percent rise in these crimes from 236 in 2017 to 18 to 434 in 2018 to 19 while in central london there has been a hike of around 52 percent in knife crime the number rising from 652985 and kensington and chelsea has also experienced an increase in knife related incidents a 25 percent spike from 262-2328 were home secretaries signed you job it has called the rise in violent crime a national emergency and the targets are often teenagers from black communities i know full terms of. the 5. 5 there is. a very different picture than what used to be people would buy here
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they. feel for the safety of their children they fear the safety of. themselves i think it's very very dangerous for them really. there's a lot of. positive activity. for the mode of the local authority on the event do a lot of good for. the problem is you while off camera somali people in north london say gang related crime is the real problem several refused to be filmed because they fear reprisals for speaking out and to save their children some parents even prefer to send them back to africa one of the things i'll never forget is the fact that when you walk in the streets of kenya you don't have to go over your shoulder here i could travel women out of the city go and visit her about wanted and it was good i felt a sense of freedom when i came here it was like
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a clean sheet my mom feels i'm much safer here than anywhere else in the world while javid is promising to put 20000 policemen back on the streets to fight this virulent disease somehow africa seems safer than london. it seems e.u. leaders are facing differences over who gets the block's top jobs president necron of france and german chancellor angela merkel can't seem to find a compromise or nominee for the president of the commission daniel holcomb's takes a closer look this morning. the dust has settled for voters but for europe's elites the question is who replaces sean claude younger is the king of dry humor and emulous or could moments big shoes to fill out a pretty important. so
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how does one become top dog well some counted out process sounds simple right but actually it is all european parties put forward their preferred candidate and the one with most seats and a political consensus wins thing is they all want to win and i'm going to buckle is no exception if she wants her man in the presidential hot seat. repeat what i said and to avoid any unnecessary questions we stand by our lead candidate the p.p. candidate manfred weber others stand by their lead candidate obviously. the many european parliament stated today that the majority of its members are committed to the lead candidate principle that is the message to the european council even though not all heads of state and governments are equally convinced of the value of that principle. the system has worked perfectly and if it ain't broke why fix it
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but marco has a political headache on her hands president micronor leads a group of rebels pushing for total change not to mention a different kind of. we confirmed tonight that there is nothing automatic in the lead candidate process. political group what their own concerns are to help their opponents the conservatives and socialists have taken a political battering so they think they hold all the cards and they're not the only ones these socialists also have their own ideas and guess what yes own kind that we would support france i think he's a qualified person for the position for the commission i seem to not only he was his speech and come to do but also he has the experience not only at national level but also as you feel never going to leave the commission like anything worth waiting for disappointments and hard graft to make up the part of the prize in this
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case limping parties and political underdogs so let the race. race to space next spotters went into overdrive on saturday when reports came in of they are rows strange objects in the sky over the netherlands and amateur astronomer captured these images however it was just 1st parts of satellite program by elon musk's space x. company and it was a war but if you worried about it he plans to send any 12000 of these things this year in 6 planned launches a lot of space over our heads and they're going to provide internet access if all goes to plan across the growth of the globe but it seems that not everyone is ready for the new set of celestial bodies going up there a lot of them as we said one local u.f.o. website got 150 reports of potential u.f.o. alien invasions some described as a train in the sky raising concerns that it could change the look of the night sky forever i know people are excited about those images of the train of space x.
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starlink satellites but he gives me pause if space x. launches all 12000 they will outnumber the stars visible to the naked eye seems like the satellites are visible to the naked eye what will you do to prevent that the constellation ruins the night sky where you could see the into dream last night from a load polluted gardam with no equipment whatsoever. precisely sets will be in darkness when stars are visible. spacings phone to a mosque later us his team to investigate ways to reduce the amount of light coming from the satellites one astrophysicist we spoke to thinks the even more companies will be encouraged to use the night sky as a business platform. it's a serious is a serious problem right now i mean the big issue i insist is that it might happen that the break will nation has to be updated in terms of how many players want to
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get into the business business which is you know getting really big providing blow internet for everyone sounds like a good idea but is we need this this is the price but we want to pay for things because you know this this case for everyone in. the i mean if we want to pay the price of the fine but someone has to ask the spurs i think so what it can be done is that is to change up the beer drinking nation of the satellites for the reflectance to not not be directed. at certain moments for example you can also change the materials that you're using so there are several ways also you can change a bit of the orbits that you're using and you know they're there far away you of our earth that fainter your satellites look like. fun for take them all in the morning here in moscow he had his early mornings kevin i walked into the program still coming up we're going live to jerusalem fingers crossed his path to square one for the knesset in israel after benjamin netanyahu fails to form
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a coalition smaller stories to go ahead. after the previous stage of my career was over everyone wondered what i was going to do next the hope the ball different clubs on one hand it is logical to sit in the home fields where everything is familiar on the other i wanted a new challenge and a fresh perspective and i'm used to surprising people and i saw why not if you think. i'm going to talk about football not the or else you can think i was going to go. by the way ways of that slide here. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show
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and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics school business i'm show business i'll see you then. this is our 2 international embattled israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu run over time to form a new government so you missed the deadline last night parliament voted to dissolve itself and hold new elections in september the middle east correspondent 1st paula sleeps with the latest. this time in the history of israel that you have a situation where an election was held as it was here in israel back on april the 9th and won by the incumbent prime minister benjamin netanyahu and yet following
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that election neither the winning party netanyahu city could or the party that came 2nd was able to form a majority coalition government there one year who needed 61 seats out of a parliament of 120 and it was only able to garner 60 he was looking towards a former ally and a former defense minister avigdor lieberman for his support that would have given mr on yahoo $65.00 seats but the 2 clashed over the whole issue of whether or not ultra orthodox jews should be conscripted into the israeli army now this is a position that lieberman has taken for many years he believes that they should be but netanyahu relies on religious parties to form his coalition and they believe they shouldn't be and neither side was paid 2 so while that was the main issue many people however understood that behind the scenes this was really a power struggle between the 2 and it will remain to be seen in the coming months whether or not this power struggle paid for lieberman whether he will win more
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support for having taken such a strong stance against netanyahu or whether in fact he will lose and also of course this is going to cost the taxpayer a lot of money we're hearing from the treasury that it's going to cost something like $120000000.00 and in addition they'll be another more than $1000000000.00 loss to the economy and china who is also facing corruption. charges and for him it would have been better if this coalition government had been put together now it's worth making one more point. a senior adviser to the american president donald trump is introducing them to meet with netanyahu krishna's here to discuss trump's much touted peace plans but it's questionable now before happen with a peace plan because you don't have an israeli prime minister and you only have a government that is in place temporarily let's get a view from jerusalem steve lindsey from the jerusalem report magazine morning to you so mr making history for all the wrong reasons as you'll see it 1st on the
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progress that doesn't mean it's failed to form a coalition here it will. no netanyahu was really angry after last night's drama in the knesset in fact he lashed out of a deal lieberman who as you probably know is is russian born and he called him basically a traitor moving from the right to the left and not enabling him to form a coalition on time last night and just $49.00 days after the elections and a month after the new knesset the new parliament was sworn in the big contention it was a military conscription bill and. ultra-orthodox users fitted with up but is there a reason you couldn't get the support it needed was a more. well there's clearly more to it but that was the stance of all reason that lieberman gave his basic demond then he had several other demands to
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where is that the new government passed this conscription bill which basically doubles the number of her radio orthodox ultra-orthodox. into the army from about 3000 today to 6000 the bills even proved by the i.d.f. so i don't think that demond was was over the top but it was rejected by the radio the docs parties who wield a lot of power in the israeli parliament and so now we're around we're down to round 2 of the elections and as your report of policy has said it remains to be seen whether netanyahu or lieberman will be strengthened by this development the fact that neither of them blinked and refused to budge so what next is not you know a spent force will be in power again any time soon or. well clearly he is still the favorite. to win the elections he's still the strong man in israel and this
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time i don't think he will be able to sit with lieberman again lieberman one of only. 5 seats by the way in the 120 seat knesset and it proved to be crucial in the end in netanyahu was unable to get his 61 majority but i think this time he's going to seek other partners there's already talk of him making alliances with other smaller parties he even invited the labor opposition into the government but they refuse so we'll see if this new election is going to strengthen the tenure or the opposition party blue and white which won the same number of seats 35 as he did in the last election and of course the other big question if each know what for the palestinian peace plan where is that going to go donald trump is sort of question they've got a plan for peace with palestine but it's kind of relying on you know support or not with a mother pitch or maybe we're going to go. well he's not quite out of the picture
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yet and for now he's still the acting prime minister i think he clearly will try to use the trump plan as a diversion the fact that jared questionnaire the president from son in law is flown to israel this would be a good opportunity for netanyahu to show that he has the country's interests at heart and then he would like to advance the peace plan it seems that the palestinians for now do you know have no interest in advancing any negotiations they've called a middle east conference in bahrain for in a few weeks time and it appears that the palestinians will not go they'll boycott their conference so at the moment the only people really interested in this peace plan are the americans stevens actually is right for this morning jerusalem report contributor and it's a thanks so thanks a lot ok next story seen from china this morning china's accuse the trumpet
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ministration of economic terrorism of bullying as a trade war continues to escalate between the 2 nations beijing's threaten the. cut the export of rare earth minerals to the u.s. if that happens move that would tension cripple american tech giants who need it badly ati's evangelists it says look at what leverage beijing has when it comes to bilateral relations right now. do you remember how china saved the u.s. economy it bought a huge part of u.s. treasuries and 2009 amid mounting fears that washington was unable to finance its bank bailouts i appreciate greatly the chinese government's continuing confidence in. united states treasuries tonight even better tomorrow of china u.s. relations the relationship between the united states and china will shape the 21st century. and the buying spree continued for several years china has long been the largest holder of u.s.
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government treasuries currently worth more than one trillion dollars but now the trend has been well and truly reversed and the ongoing trade call flic is it helping matters and march alone china offloaded $20000000000.00 of us that the fastest selloff in 2 years and the implications for the u.s. economy could be severe of course the effect would be by driving up the price of the dollar devaluation the the yuan in turn and have an effect on interest rates in the u.s. now that would have an effect through you know the dollar valuation and interest rates in the u.s. meanwhile the taper for is taking its toll on both sides a year ago china was $5055000000000.00 of imports every every month to the u.s. and that's down to less than $30000000000.00 now so the imports from china have been halved but i think china has a way of better waiting out
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a long term protracted economic war with the united states. because of the way their economy can move more more quickly but china has plenty of other tools in its arsenal based on what i know china is seriously considering restricting graphic sports to the u.s. china may also take other counts measures in the future with no wind in sight to the dispute trade officials in washington are bracing for some far reaching kelter measures from beijing but securely in the wake of the decision to put away on the entity list there are concerns that the governments of china may decide to retire against american companies china's retaliation could put some of america's biggest corporations in the fire line i think of the thing gets even worse you know where is the economic war gets worse when you may see is the u.s. moving to delist certain chinese companies from american stock markets well if that
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happens well then china will do the same thing tit for tat there could be a sort of a boycott u.s. goods in china and if the u.s. goes keeps going after huawei and other chinese companies. you know china could take the same action against apple or other companies in china that would be more intensification of the trade war but the spider levet and trunk continues to insist that only china stands to themselves china's said not to retaliate will only get worse so while the threats continue the global economy is being held hostage. that's the world these are absent fathers following things from washington forget if you not me a t.v. you know system to many of our shows and clips on sound cloud it said come to 27 it's past my moscow time for me kevin out of the rest the morning team have a great thursday.
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in order. the state puts these surveillance cameras in. our present day for a well 19 eighty-four dystopian nightmare we put in the campgrounds we install the cameras on the nest cameras in our doors and our mental pieces on the spine devices in our hands and in our homes with alexy and other of these mass surveillance technologies that's the difference between orwell and today it is the worst nightmares would never think that we will imprison ourselves. this footage is unique because the zoe tribal lands are normally off limits to the public eric's allowed in because he's lived his personal doctor. people here know him simply as dr eric he's rich famous some always on the move
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welcome to the alex savin show in the aftermath of the european elections in the u.k. at 1st sight all seems to changed and changed utterly however to do we examine whether the underlying political tectonic plates have really shifted it certainly has been quite a week i will shortly leave the job that it has been the honor of my life to hold
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and this show we survey that turbulent political landscape we talked to some of the winners this is a big big message big wake up call the westminster with a lesson and those who won their own seats and made carnage for their party and yes richard king but it's not quite this week people thought. we look at some of the immediate consequences. and some of the medium term ones focus is to produce that sort of i was in markets you know to go home so all of that to look forward to today but 1st your tweets messages and emails and just wants to alex's interview with mick keelty of sluggo or to block feed robert says another interesting alex salmond interview i've missed the regular show on our t.v. set swapping from sky to brighton well no need to when you don't you can actually watch the show online on r.t. and also on our.
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