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tv   News  RT  May 31, 2019 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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calls for donald trump to be impeached fires up more democrats as the president himself has to rally support off the back of the to. the u.s. 3 brands that shale gas is a freedom product to try and sway luck to you in countries it's better than russia . and in the british army document warns that people describe themselves partridge's might in fact big streamers those people if they that patrick says i'm suspicious that. you know what why would that be suspicious i think it's a great trick. i don't agree with that at all i don't quite understand why they would think the patriots want to buy.
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a morning a.t.m. or a moscow morning from a welcome to the program 2 my name's kevin now and this is international and i'm here with the next. world news update starting with this than 3 more u.s. democratic hopefuls have joined the chorus of those calling for president trump's impeachment after retiring special counsel robert muller said he could not exonerate trump for obstruction of justice claims but our senior correspondent orders have explains that impeachment isn't necessarily a recipe for democratic success anyway. every so often america goes crazy for impeachment it's like the flu someone gets it and before you know it everyone sneezing oh well and peaching they hoped and prayed mueller would get rid of the president that isn't how the law works he couldn't do it the opinion says that the
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constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system. to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing it's up to congress representatives and senators to start impeachment proceedings in the media to rile up the mob q democratic presidential candidates tripping over one another to milk this impeachment frenzy for all it's worth when we talk about a process of impeachment it is about the texan prepare for impeachment that's what i've told my colleagues i believe that expungement proceedings will strengthen congress's hand in getting the information and the responses that they need to come to a conclusion about ultimate impeachment we took an oath to protect the car and serve the constitution of the united states of america and the way we do that is we can impeachment proceedings now strangely enough the more senior slightly wiser
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politicians aren't quite as nuts about bringing down the king over that probably love to but for now they seem content to merely dig deeper you don't bring an indictment where you don't put a new page unless you have all the facts the strongest possible case robert miller's assessment also makes clear that congress has a right we believe in a blog ation to continue our constitutionally mandated oversight without interference or stonewalling and follow the facts wherever they may lead odd how top democrats a happy to merely continue their investigations their voters and colleagues want to impeachment now but this is politics it's a hell of a lot dirtier and more cynical than most people would believe in the smarter folk they know they're being played. hard to believe
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what does trump gain from impeachment. then again think about it 1st according to latest polls most americans are overwhelmingly against impeaching trump 2nd the chances of trump being successfully removed from office are slim to none closer to none really sure democrats control the house of representatives but republicans run the senate they'll hardly vote against their own 3rd the last time the president was impeached bill clinton his approval rating soared in the aftermath by 10 percent no less you see now why trump in self is sly provoking his opponents and leslie talking about impeachment. the impeach word impeached you can't impeach somebody that's doing the great job impeaching they could have preacher for any reason let's impeach him because the country is so successful we
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will update but i say how do you teach somebody the story great job do you impeach somebody because he created the greatest economic success in the history of our country right and wrong move things in politics approval and votes of what counts and this is why top democratic presidential candidates can see him to shut up about impeachment democrat voters 70 percent of them want impeachment the candidates want their votes the democrat leaders want to win the presidential election they know that if they rush an impeachment and fail it will hurt them like hell trump he's playing the victim he wants to see his opponents fail and barrett's but as interesting as all of this is remind me what exactly these that they're going to impeach him for t.v. host and political commentator steve malzberg told us the democratic leadership understands that in fact it won't be able to get trump in paged. nancy pelosi knows
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that it's politically and unpopular and she would be the 1st to go it sure in the senate he knows that even if the house peaches donald trump then it goes to the senate and they have to convict him and they need 2 thirds of the senate to convict him and schumer knows that's never going to happen it didn't happen with bill clinton now when they impeached bill clinton he won reelection so nancy pelosi is been around long enough to understand that the public doesn't really care about this and they're fed up with this whole russia gate nonsense and so they know that even if they have pictures of the house it's going to fail in the senate and donald trump i believe really wants to be impeached he's kind of egging them on you know hey do it if you want it's a horrible word it's a terrible thing but he's kind of prompting them to i dare you to do it because i
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think and i think nancy pelosi knows it will help from. the united states has found a new way to market it shale gas to reluctant european customers this time the label of the gas of freedom if he goes down of pics of the story. can you smell this scent of freedom or you can well check your pipes seriously you might have a gas leak and the intoxicating fumes could be all the more deadly for they come from the wrong place to with the u.s. in another year of record setting natural gas production i'm pleased that the department of energy is doing what it can to promote an efficient regulatory system that allows for molecules of u.s. freedom to be exported to the world yep kids the next time i geography teacher asks you what's buried in that texan shale you can proudly old freedom and all mel
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gibson from braveheart on them and don't even think of wasting your money on the dirty desperate gas coming from the wrong places seriously for some exporting bills freedom allah kills from the us to europe is a heroic milestone akin to defeating nazis 75 years up to liberate in europe from nazi germany occupation the united states is again deliver a form of freedom to the european continent. and this genius freedom are getting is only the latest fad in america's push to monopolize the european gas supply chain ever since donald trump got into office his administration has been pushing the wall becoming increasingly aggressive with time we are committed to securing your access to alternate sources of energy so poland and its neighbors are never again held hostage to
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a single supplier of energy early. when germany makes a mess of oil and gas deal with russia. you're supposed to guard against russia germany goes out and pays billions and billions of dollars a year to russia. we have not deployed the full set of tools that could significantly undermine if not outright stop the project. we emphasize that companies involved in russian energy exports are taking part in something that could prompt a significant risk of sanctions ironically enough it seems that energy aside trump and co have done everything every possible thing to alienate europe from threats of a trade war to straight up trying to dictate policies to countries like germany so not only is it cheaper for the e.u. to get its gas from russia it naturally doesn't want to keep all of its eggs in one
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basket. germany is entitled to secure its energy requirements in various ways one of these ways is fresh natural gas i have a big problem with a 3rd country interfering in now and the deposing german industry needs more room to to enhance and to supply safety. saying morley kills freedom instead of natural gas is like calling or oil a liquid bomb magnet except the latter is actually rooted in reality about well in the age of i phones and all our marketing we had to try. it goes down off the german economists like haim are told us he thinks is just an attempt to justify the high price of american gas there that will get more expensive and the guys from russia or the well market price for gas and they have to tell him because the u.s. made this agreement with john kirk to explore natural gas to
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europe and you agreed and he said ok we'll take a certain amount and the whole house sell this so the business of trying to make up . that the people that it is more expensive if you are come up with the same actions for the car industry for german banks for the german chemical industry and so on and so on and so on and then you tell them they have to keep their freedom or elaine on the same person that creates your economy down and sorry this can't be honest. while trying to convince europe to buy its gas from washington doesn't take his of the ball as far as iran goes it again warned the e.u. about the launch of a new trade mechanism with around saying it's going to lead to sanctions earlier the u.s. later the consequences. engage an exhibit just the ground of fall of u.s.
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sanctions can result in severe consequences including a loss of access to the u.s. financial system. is called instead his main purpose is to get round previous u.s. sanctions on trading with a rare it was established by france germany and the u.k. for non dollar transactions with a round it enables countries basically to trade outside the u.s. dominated global financial system but it seems there are still doubts surrounding the arrangement. yes there is american pressure it's strong very strong and very direct on this subject iran is constantly threatening to break the agreement and there doesn't facility the possibility of truth and surrounds no adding fuel to the 5 or so has not gone away forever for the system to kick in we believe that the europeans must make a long time efforts to fulfill their commitments you're lagging behind and they should not imagine that these dummy republics will continue to wait for them and
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wondering how much time do europeans need to set up a preliminary mechanism background here last year the us pulled out of that hard won nuclear iran deal that was struck back in 2015 washington then imposed sanctions on iranian oil saying that any company doing business with around would also be sanctioned political commentator john bragg thinks that the european move now shows that countries want to reduce american dominance. if you look at the charges of the united states against the hand it's incredibly ridiculous for wanting this issue of nuclear weapons for once these live events as they are building in your weapons so in the world building nuclear weapons what would they be good fuel the u.s. things they can hunt the world and you know the europeans are the weak link of the healing international community which is everything else a lein idea and more and more carelessly as fresh obviously china you hand in other counties and trying to get out of the us the me nation the europeans culturally do
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that they should be better horgan lies. its government 40 minutes past 9 is a funny story the small and old one at least picture the scene in the middle of the night in kazakstan and then suddenly someone's trying to break down your hotel door not exactly the setting for a restful night sleep that is it but that is exactly the bizarre situation apparently that former british m.p. george galloway find himself in when an egg cia director recently tried to barges way into that hotel room during a conference in central asia. of the most part lexing disturbing and frightening things are to happen to me in my life and those a lot happened to me in my life it's every hotel guests nightmare is someone trying to force their way into the busy room in the middle of the night my wife leapt out of bed 1st and began throwing furniture towards the door the individual kept on
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pushing and then flooding his shoulder against the door it was a full blown attempt forced entry and after some minutes the security did arrive and arrested the interloper as soon as the security did that i opened the door seeking some kind of explanation to recognize very well the figure and to hear him say over and over busy again. james woolsey james woolsey was the head of the cia if that name sounds familiar familiar back in the 1990 s. is famous for advocating interventions in middle eastern countries and claimed that iraq was involved in the $911.00 terror attacks in the u.s. in fact he wanted an invasion of the country over it mr woolsey is yet to reply to our request for comment about the hotel instant alleged but it's not so reticent though apparently when he's talking about the controversial issues like this. his inter ron and bashir assad in syria if they are wringing their hands worried about
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demonstrations and i think we should be pleased about snowden i would given the sentence on i would prefer to seem hang by the neck until instead rather than merely electrocuted when i do that way don't mess around other people. i'm. only for a very good idea that i went to his session to hear him speak he showed no signs of a hangover no signs of illness of any kind and not fully expected them to come and give me an explanation and apology but neither was forthcoming nor even a dr no and so i'm asking the cia know what this was all about was this attempt to harm me and if so why and what are they going to do about it or is this man not safe to be let alone beginning the title all of us on boston dog and former
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head of the cia although it isn't it will keep you posted if we have more coming up on for the break this controversy in the u.k. after nami guide on how to detect extremists has been leaked more a lot when we come back. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see you then. what is it called. magic and the new type of digital currency decentralized digital scarcity chancellor. second for bankers call the genesis blog for reason calling it civil disobedience a source of optimism because i can control my own financial destiny it's just
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a new way of coming to consensus it's a game changer in the human history of this columbus discovering a new world this paradigm shifting technology that transforms economics and finance in a heartbeat the apollo 11 landing on to the max and stacey. could one again here's a thought to juggle with patrick it was a sudden extremism according to the british army a leaked document which dates back to 27 c. was exposed to god used by senior officers to indicate signs of extreme and intolerant behavior in the ranks according to the document officers should look out for those who describe multicultural times as rule lost personnel involved
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colleagues and closed social media platforms further the leaflet also calls to watch out for soldiers who make generalizations about muslims and jews however the controversial point which refers to raise the most questions in the british media we asked people in london whether they found that particular recommendation offensive or not. no not really it's a good thing it's good to be proud of it depends on how do you define it as a logo for a country specialist and. why would it sound suspicious it shouldn't. but maybe it does maybe they think you are not just you know what why would that be suspicious offer because a great free. now i don't i don't agree with that at all so i don't quite understand why they would do that patriots not a bad thing it's just it's an old fashioned term that doesn't make you
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a bad person does it no absolutely not but yours is a miserable strain you know if you look at a lot of strong countries around the world you know the leading countries go patriots strong isn't it because then you. because stop person could be a normal person that you could be putting on the person into the something that is not. what. all right well for their part the army says of the leaf it does not suggest that all publishers extremist the defense ministry said it was drawn up following an arrest of 4 soldiers who were accused of alignment with an extremist group final to vote for now a folksong china next some comments from the big country china says the ball's in america's court with regard to the ongoing trade talks between the 2 countries beijing has accused washington of escalating the tensions in a way that undermines all attempts on the go see ations lead time media reports
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suggest china is considering a 3 pronged approach to retaliate against the u.s. restrictions among those measures a drastic cuts in the export of rare minerals to america crucial to the high tech industry also on the list is reportedly a massive sell off of u.s. treasury bonds as well as regulatory hurdles for american corporations operating in china are these evangelists sepsis looks at what this could all mean for the u.s. the now. do you remember how china saved the u.s. economy it bought a huge part of u.s. treasuries in 2009 amid mounting fears that washington was unable to finance its being bailouts i appreciate greatly the chinese government's continuing confidence in the united states treasuries so now even better tomorrow of china u.s. relations the relationship between the united states and china will shape the 21st century. and the buying spree continued for several years china
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has long been the largest holder of u.s. government treasuries currently worth more than one trillion dollars but now the trend has been well and truly reversed and the ongoing street conflict is it helping matters in march alone china offloaded $1000000000.00 of us that the fastest selloff in 2 years there is a massive sale of the u.s. treasury the supply of. the creases in the market which up the interest rate and in turn the cost of business increase in. stock market tumble meanwhile the terror for is taking its toll on both sides this bad cycle we've been launched magnified when people have to form a rational explanation for the conflict to be long term and that would mean force some so-called self-fulfilling prophecies and people and the welfare economy would be badly suffer but china has plenty of other tools in its arsenal based on what i know china is seriously considering restricting growth exports to the us china may
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also take other countermeasures in the future with no wind in sight to the dispute trade officials in washington are bracing for some far reaching cultural measures from beijing particularly in the wake of the decision to put away on the entity list the raw concerns that the governments of china may decide to retaliate against american companies china's would tell you should put some of america's biggest corporations in the fire line china would be very cautious to name it as says to most american companies china is able to have countermeasures if he is forced to do so however there is a strong signal that china is able to tell it but is willing to come back to the table for negotiation in europe try to siberia china because of the very good prospect the chinese economy of the u.s. . allies on the euro u.s. view be on a wall with china alone and it's not
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a good news to get in yes but the spite all evidence from continues to insist that all the china stand still to sell china said not to retaliate will only get worse so while the threats continue the global economy is being held hostage. from beijing to tokyo next russia's foreign ministers commented on the recent detention of a russian u.n. employee in calls for the so gay lover of war that pristina is ignoring its cause. to international law aside those remarks were made in tokyo where the foreign minister sergei lavrov is right now one of the official visit to the teacher to the frank a yes we have a good trip what was that message that i had for kosovo then and those supporting it a small. kevin hi wall 1st of all i should say that the breakaway region of costs of all in south eastern
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europe was back in the headlines earlier this week with an armed raid on areas and that region populated by ethnic serbs and the conflict besides that as you were saying took an extra twist when a united nations staff member from russia was beaten up and detained by a cost of our swat team and he was later released though because of his diplomatic immunity but later we found out that the cost of our authorities were asking the u.n. to strip him off that status and while we're here in japan traveling with surrogate we asked the russian foreign minister to weigh in on that situation and he was very critical of the authorities in pristina. as regards the course of authorities behavior they have got out of hand those who appear to understand the
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control over the course of the u.n. the u.s. it's now clear they have none this kind of support coming from the west seems to instill the sense of impunity in kosovo the riches cost of the street meant to the russian u.n. employees unjustifiable my own stand and their attempts to representative of his u.n. status there is serious issue we expect the u.n. to reverse course about his going back on many of its commitments and trampled them under whose grating the armed forces they violate. that well suited for u.n. resolution it just goes to show how dangerous it is to turn a blind eye to the big chill violations of international law when says that those in breach should be held accountable. we already know that this request by costs of our prosecutors will be handed over all the way to the un headquarters however moscow believes that this won't change anything and with all these elements this
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conflict is potentially explosive i can tell you that serbia has already put its forces on high alert after tuesday's operation in cost of oh sorry which still considers to be part of serbia belgrade also warned that it will react swiftly if the costs of our serbs are threatened by local forces however the authorities in pristina claim that the raids were specifically aimed at tackling organized crime now just to remind you cos of 0 split from serbia after the nato intervention there 2 decades ago and it officially declared independence in 2008 however some countries including russia most important still refuse to recognize its sovereignty over there from so kiran i want to keep across a story that is bubbling around of. the place you'll find for me there in tokyo can
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still see the rest the same of a great friday. geysers financial survival go. on customers go find your just. did now well reduce and lower. that's undercutting but what's good for the market is not good for the global economy. the swarm see the blue of them so much. good news hoover local was before. much of those who heard it's a preview of the most you ever see him we will. we will. move. move. move show you this new you with
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a live look i mean it's going to look her good. more muslim also is they'll soon be a few films for the good girl. they go to shows a look by looking to simu belonging to show the story should go. to start ups to. get to meet until it was a little missed don't see a look it is it's. just testing understand just new it's a mash told. to stop the president and please control this project until. the 3 of producers to produce were to sniff the most when you look as good as the girls are with you serious supporters to your shoes station shouldn't feel you should cook door for the one who's job does the impulse to.
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you know world of big partisan movies a lot of things and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for. watching closely watching the hawks. robert muller speaks and makes it clear whether to impeach donald trump or not is completely in answer these hands can she withstand the push from her party to pursue impeachment we're taking a look on this edition of politics.


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