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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  May 31, 2019 8:30am-9:00am EDT

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sions in a twitter thread this week started by comic book writer amanda deburred she asked women what do you use when you go out running the answers or things like pepper spray dogs tactical knives alarm not glasses and even rain knives with ridges to make sure you get some d.n.a. from your assailant these are just some of the things women carry with them to feel safe while doing normal everyday things alone in the world you see we can't just send our daughters to school we must equip them apparently with rape whistles and brass knuckles in the shape of kid gets numerous mental health studies have shown that more than half of all women have experienced some kind of traumatic abuse or event in their allies and that the effects to women are similar to those experienced by male combat veterans it makes me wonder how many weapons will women have to carry before they are deemed safe enough to exist without supervision and then a report from nature magazine a new database called request a woman scientist claims that an algorithm similar to those used by dating sites
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can solve the issue of gender diversity and academia. maybe it's time to stop thinking technology will protect women and start watching the hawks. were told it. looks like real that this would. be the part of. the day like you are going to. the police. would. be. welcome everybody to watch fox on top of the wallace and today we're going to put dialogue over debate as tyrrell and i bring you 2 distinct and informative discussions featuring topics and guests unique to our political viewpoints of personalities so like kick things off and enter the gallery.
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joining me now in the gallery are scottie nell hughes of news who's hughes and the wonderful artie america correspondent sarah montecito and michelle green's time hey hey guys so i guess the 1st thing i need to ask is so what do you bring when you take a walk or go run nigger jogging or you know exist in a world outside of your home and what's great about this panel is that we're a wide variety of ages so i'm actually go to be younger because i think it's interesting having grown up in this kind of age as to what we use as our ways of weapons so i mean i grew up in new york city where there's definitely a lot of talk about you know dangerous neighborhoods and things like that you know the 1st time i was caught called i was like way too young to even understand what was happening to me so there's definitely an element of danger on the streets i got to say though i've never owned a rape whistle what i have always you know had in mind was like oh you keep your
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phone on you like just make sure that like if something happens like your phone's already out and you. and immediately call your mom or the police or whatever so it's always been phones for me i've never owned any of these you know knives or alarm necklaces but you know all the power to people who want to get them i was always very protected i felt like i never rode the public school bus or anything my mom was very much a hands on mom and for that i think i wasn't as a child really. carrying anything to protect myself it wasn't until i moved to d.c. that i was actually started fearing at times of my life not here in my life but just trying to be more aware of my surroundings where i walked especially when i walked home and all of that so i never carried anything per se but i was always very cautious and especially when you start hearing of of women in the streets where you think you might feel safer and you know our personal crisis right now you
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know and i actually a few a few months ago a fellow colleague gave me a rape whistle and i have not carried it around i have left it at my desk but she gave a few of us rape whistles just in case to be safe and you know you really never know who's watching or who's following you so it's it's interesting you say but i've never actually cared anything and i do know that d.c. does only allow certain type or sprays that's the other thing which is why i never actually purchased one because only certain ingredients were allowed to be and that was incredible because all these agreements yes you know people want to feel safe and there's a reason for it just watch the nightly news and you see where these products take off here is my problem with it is nothing absolutely can replace common sense and training and so these women that go out and they buy the pepper sprays or the alarms or even the rape whistle that was her. they're going to do you do that you get this false sense of security guess what you should have you need to go to a women's self-defense class if you're a female or a male i think everybody should take
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a selfish class because training and common sense definitely better than any weapon that you might be able to have the other thing as majority of these are so. that we find usually come from people that you know and there you do not carry your kit kats little knuckle thing going on and so that's one of those points that you know i think i appreciate them trying to market at least try to have the conversation but nothing that i'm afraid that can replace that gives you a false sense of security that you're going to be ok hold on don't attack me let me dig in my purse right normally can't find my keys and grab my pepper spray that is probably going to spray me in the face before you never actually be prepared for a situation like this and especially i mean how many of us have had dreams or things where you're in your dream and you can't yell and you're being. there's also another element to this discussion that i think we should at least touch on which is that you know there are always things you can do like take a self-defense class or buy an alarm necklace or whatever it is but at the end of the day that's we're kind of flittering around the edges right we're talking about symptoms and the real issue is that people should be sexually assaulting other
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people and people you know what we live in a society that's really based on hierarchy and domination and that obviously comes naturally with people trying to exert dominance over others and you know we live in a very power base society so it's not surprising that there are individuals in the society that feel the need to express that in violent ways so i think we need to deal with the root causes of sexual violence and you know other forms of violence instead of only talking about the things that the victims can do to protect themselves russians good but let me know if you get that way back to adam and eve because that's where it started unfortunately this type of dominance is at i'm sexually assault i'm saying that where the evil entered the world is that oh wait a minute. that's when that was not i was never going to say no i learned the whole thing. this is the real housewives of the garden of eden i don't know what the so that's the thing is that this evil has started from the beginning now we are having a better conversation decided but i don't unfortunately for see this going away and your generation of course even your daughter's generation this is something that
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you still just you know both sides need to be prepared for but at least now i think we're having a better conversation about it to maybe our mothers and grandmothers. right i mean class is never going to end right but there are things we can do to deal center vies that kind of violence and. i think there's 2 issues at play for me i carry my very happy dog with these big one later you know what i survive mean and that seems to work pretty well most people have made it through my life when i lived in new york i used to carry a. collapsible steel baton like the kind. when the generator and then mother of anybody got a and you just like open it up you know what and they just leave so i i was always sort of i was taught you know the as we're just talking about this miss congeniality you know solar. wind her i'd like that right there you're welcome and you did not have to go buy a $39.00 nights and you have the tools and we might just save your life exactly or you could also have like the best type of dog for preventing this type of thing or
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be like super creative with you know whatever your self defense tactics are but there are cases you know in this country and around the world where people who do everything possible to protect themselves and they're still become victims and i want a certain point so much you can do and the part where i wish that when i every time i hear about rape kits that haven't been tested when i hear about open cases for violence against women that's where i feel like i heard from because these are repeat offenders if you're going to get assaulted while you're out jogging 20 bucks says that guy's done it before and he's hurt other people and so i wish lawn for assessment would get the funding they need and that things would be done that way on take and i really get that it's a whole nother conversation because these are people you know we can talk about crazy people in the street right but was one for some and they actually have a responsibility to protect people right so you know you really shouldn't have a mental illness if you're law enforcement should have violent tendencies that kind of thing would you never know what crazy guys to be on the street with law enforcement they should you know the onus is on them to prevent sexual assault and things like that and to investigate cases of sexual violence but i think it helps
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about stories like this before i move on because i want to talk a little bit about the database and i think the one good thing. about stories like this is now men understand women are locked and loaded like literally literally if it's not a lot of the stories and there were people it scares me the idea of someone jogging with a gun but that was a big one but literally we you go to a woman if you want to start something with her and get in her space you should assume that she may have a knife saying a spare person she could hurt herself and not speak on behalf of the other panel but you're also seeing a rise in missiles on men as well and so those you know it's across the board both sides need to actually have this conversation yes you know the other thing we got that was interesting we felt a couple minutes left is this database and ok we'll put a binder was very 1st i heard a very dramatic drop in terms of mitt romney binders of women like well we'll make a list of the correct kind of women and then his on his just use this database so then you don't have to have lunches with us you don't have to interact with us as
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colleagues you don't do that so do you think a database is going to fix the equality. i mean like technology as a whole whether it's this or you know body cancer police whatever it is technology is never going to be the silver silver bullet right it has to exist in a context and in a structure where people are being held accountable where people are like thinking about the implications of their decisions so it's cool that people are thinking about you know female representation and not to create this kind of algorithm but an algorithm is never going to solve a structural issue. the algorithm you want nothing actually begets emotion and that is one thing that women always bring the table and until we actually teach men to appreciate what we can bring to the table we share their own emotion. and we respect that it can have and then they will actually i don't want people to put me on a panel just because of the fact that i get what i want for the contest i want to handle whatever the need was going to be qualified i want somebody else and i'm going to be right lean on the research unfortunately still the days of the facts are that
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more men are into the hard sciences it's a fact now we are doing i think a better job in trying to train. little girls and people growing up the next gen much more so in our generation to become more fulfilled in those hard sciences or right now as it is it happens to be that the men just has a larger number a representation of it so do i want an algorithm trying to equal my algorithm to the ukraine just your nose you know me i know i want that best regard i don't like it's kind of like how a lot of the western corporate media were celebrating when you know the the c.e.o. of lockheed martin was a woman and people are like this is feminism like this is progress like but what is she really doing right she's just really promoting your she's bombing women overseas that's not progress right you know it's just a woman in a position exactly and i mean members everywhere regard out we'll have to we have to learn so we're going to have more end of this thank you so much for joining me in the gallery scottie now here's a doozy is so much us are going to end the show great sounding stuff about it. and
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as we go to have break let's see what you think of the topics we covered on facebook and twitter are both shows at r.t. dot com and coming up tyrrell then turn brings you some perception and perfect at what are to america's friendship and. stay tuned to watching. this in petersburg international economic forum is a unique event in today's business world. over the last 21 years the forum has become a leading global platform for discussing the keep economic issues facing russia emerging markets and the world those of the business community members attend the forum to address today using vital issues. for just as well for him coverage on the
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tube. join me every thursday on the alex simon chill and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics this i'm show business i'll see you then. facebook and google started with a great idea and great ideals doing a profile of you and that profile is real it's detailed and it never goes away turns out that google is manipulating your opinions from the very 1st character that you type into the search bar it will always favor one dog food over another one comparative shopping service over another and one candidate over another they can suppress certain types of results deiced on what they think you should be see if they have this kind of power then democracy is an illusion the free and fair
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election doesn't exist the more growth we give them the sooner we are all. every day hawk watchers we are inundated with the sound and fury of mainstream cable news outlets and the neverending slog through click bait social media news feeds all working to confuse our minds and blind our senses in that fury of blind confusion it's easy to lose sight of what's important in the stories that matter this is why it's time to step away from the circus climb to a higher purchase roll the cameras and get some perception and perspective.
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professor of biomedical ethics at case western reserve university maxwell mehlman recently posited a very interesting question hawke watchers is it ethical to dope troops so they fight better in other words should soldiers be given performance enhancing drugs in order to perform better and stronger and faster on the battlefield soldiers in the u.s. military and other armies around the world about a long history of being given drugs to supplement combat missions going all the way back to world war 2 when better means were widely distributed to soldiers on all sides of the conflict and found a means of actually found their way into the contemporary war on terror as well in fact back in 2004 u.s. pilots in afghanistan accidentally dropped a bomb that killed 4 canadian soldiers due to the drugs influence and now according to professor mehlman the defense advanced research projects agency is trying to make troops kill proof by engineering super nutrition pills and substances to make
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them smarter and stronger so with captain america the adventure is dominating the box office appears the u.s. military is hoping to create their very own versions of captain america with the help of the pharmaceutical companies joining me today to discuss this are to admit america producer brant bourne r t america sports correspondent steve christakis thank you guys so much for coming on and hitting this with us so i won't just stop and ask this. if we band performing and sing drugs on america's pastime baseball you know in our sports if we say they're no good in sports should we allow the u.s. military to bring performance enhancing drugs into combat into our should we be injecting our soldiers with these things my 1st inclination was to say that yes it should be allowed because you know the battle is not a sport i mean there's cheating involved in sports that people get upset about but on the field of battle. you know your life is at stake in a sport it's just a sport whatever happens happens and it's over with but this is
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a much different case and so i guess the side could be argued that it could improve performance and save lives actually so i see that side of the but then i see the other side of it how it could be negative because of the side effects of many of these performance enhancing drugs can be very severe such as something like hallucinations within about steroids that would be a pretty sight to see if you see a soldier in iraq hallucinate in who knows what they could do what kind of damage they could do so and we also have to look at i mean you know like you mentioned i mean there are side effects there's rage and things like that that you might have psychotic episodes but also you have to look at the health risks that you're going to do if you're looking at straight anabolic steroids you're looking at you know liver and heart disease not to mention the other well known side effects that come with steroid use and you're also looking i mean you know it's a genetic ethics i believe was where he was what he studied and that is the big thing is this ethical i mean there are rules of engagement there are rules of war this is not just you know it's not just a what's best for america in
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a fight abroad it is about not necessarily a fair fight because obviously we may have higher technology than some of the place we're fighting it but the fact is is is it fair and i mean we should more be fair to say but is it fair to go ahead and have a super soldiers the likes of like you said captain america or in the edward norton now hulk movie remember they they gave the gentleman they gave him the super soldier it went bad. but it went very very bad you don't want to be a part of that science fiction has told us anything that this doesn't work at the end of there but in the real world of it you know i come from a family of soldiers my grandma great grandparents my grandmother my grandfather served my father served my own will serve my cousin served in the military a long line of soldiers. p.t.s.d. and the effects that they face are bad enough when they come home but when i look at and say ok now we're going to experiment with drugs every time we've experimented with drugs in this country pharmaceutical over the counter whatever may be there's always been ruthless side effects and that's and that's the thing
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that i worry about is ok if you want to keep a guy up because he has an all night mission or you want to you know genetically even enhance if we're at that stage of technology there could there's arguments for that against the but what other side effects what happens when they get home and that's the kind of thing one of the side effects that we've seen in athletes who've been taking these things because that's the best test subject we have highly trained individuals they don't ban a marriage not just because of cheating but also potentially long term side effects right right of course that we see a lot of violence like in the n.f.l. every other week it seems like players coming out for domestic violence abuse allegations at least and in many cases they do commit domestic violence due to that rage from the you know anabolic steroids that many n.f.l. players are on despite you know trying to combat that with drug testing randomly throughout the season it still happens so it's violent enough for soldiers over in war zones to have that added rage side effect it could lead or how to end it with what these guys have to come home at some point right and as you said i mean when
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you talk about p.t.s.d. i mean that that is 100 percent something we have to be concerned about because you know it's bad enough that when you're doing something because you're ordered to do it that way because you think you're doing the best for your country or you're just in a situation where you're trying to preserve your life and maybe the life of your fellow soldiers but now you may be in a situation where now in terms of that not saying they tell you to do things but they may not put you in the right mind they might have you feeding on too much testosterone and things like that if you do. i have to be very concerned about this and i think one of the things that we should be aware of when we're talking about this specific issue is you know a band-aid i absolutely think you need to you can't mandate and soldiers do this and there's a voluntary program then we can start to research and decide what we want to do and there may have to be discussions panels and things like that to talk about that's one thing as i would hope that we would see a lot of intense discussions and clinical studies before we ever get into the idea of saying hey let's juice up their souls because we see what the side effects are you have people actually getting by you have guys awake all night long for days the
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time this is an old story the u.s. military and other militaries around the world been trying to do this forever every once create a super soldier and i know you've got to move on to the next one but when it comes to the military i mean they do kind of act on their own behalf with very little oversight they are allowed to test drugs and do things and you see that with things as simple as vaccines in the military where you could you would i couldn't get those vaccines but they pop you full of them and then when i'm right your military testing and things like the tuskegee jumps into my head there's been a lot there's been more bad in my mind i've seen over the years there's been more bad to come from this than good and so that's why i'm moving forward and i hope that we don't do this but later the gentleman performance enhancing drugs are not the only common problem shared by soldiers now police research now suggests that more and more soldiers are coming home with symptoms of c.t.e. yes traumatic brain injury just like many former n.f.l. players doctors and researchers have discovered that c.t.e. and its symptoms are appearing more and more in veterans but not from repeated
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blows to the head like the kind you find in american football in the n.f.l. but from exposure to bomb blasts dr ann mckee chief of neuro pathology with the boston university told the media quote the blast injury causes a tremendous sort of ricochet or whip blast injury to the brain inside the skull and that's what gives rise to the same chain changes we see in football players as we see in military veterans and so. this raises the $1000000.00 question to me if traumatic brain injury can be gotten from the exposure to bomb blasts which is sadly pretty unavoidable even in training you know soldiers are subject to bomb blasts which you know are we essentially sentencing our soldiers through brain injury and c.t.e. even if they just simply serve even if they never see a combat zone i mean sadly yes i mean the problem is when you sign up and i hate to say this because it hurts my heart even to think about this
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but when you sign up you are putting your life at a certain amount of risk and obviously you think of that as a war zone but training is dangerous and frankly if you look at the helmets that these soldiers wear those are not intended to prevent a brain injury i mean not that an n.f.l. helmet is much more they're intended to make sure you don't crack your skull if you fall or if you you know get blasted back or and possibly a bullet not going through that other than that they're not 100 percent concern and it makes perfect sense when you think about what this is with a bomb blast and just the waves that are coming through at the same time a concussion is formed by your brain shifting and it's skull and that's what's going to happen steve you know it's interesting because the n.f.l. has gotten incredibly bad press for how they handled the c.t.e. issue and when you look when i look at it as a layman it's not a medical guy when i look at it when i see how athletes act and then i see a lot of the things that we've seen soldiers suffering from p.t.s.d. and things like that those things seem to line up pretty you know pretty right down
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the middle of the same symptoms with c.t.e. are prevalent both you know are we going to see do you think we'll see the kind of push back towards the pentagon that we saw towards the n.f.l. if they don't address this issue i think so once it becomes more mainstream like the n.f.l. of course is the biggest sport in the u.s. so it's very mainstream there's much less players obviously than there are soldiers so when you see big names committing suicide due to later on finding out that they had seats eco. it's only detectable after death right now they're working on detecting it while they're still living and many players are showing symptoms of it but when the players' association association gets together and they sue the n.f.l. the n.f.l. pays out millions i think currently there's 4500. complaints receiving money from the n.f.l. they made a huge payout in 2013 and then with the prevalence of seems to be becoming more knowledgeable in the movie concussion played with will smith playing a doctor who is trying to you know bring c.t.e. to the forefront and the n.f.l. i guess was trying to hush him up now they know that they can't just make this go
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away because there's there's too many players affected by it so i think once they see more soldiers actually maybe having those symptoms and arc if they are committing suicide due to a lot of suicides in about there will be an uproar uproar and maybe they will be suing out of the defense department and if they start having to pay millions of dollars to these soldiers they might do something interesting it's an interesting conundrum the pentagon's going to be in yet and i mean the problem is here is we have seen these things like you said the suicide issue among veterans i mean there are a lot of people where you know there are these same symptoms that you get from c.t.e. whether it's a any brain injury for that matter and we've seen that in our veterans year over year and it's almost as if they weren't paying attention they haven't studied it i mean amazingly this is one of the 1st that i've heard of these traumatic brain injuries in soldiers so i mean it's something like steve said that needs to become more widespread we need to cause an uproar about it if we want to address this issue i think it has to be addressed and it would it would look if suddenly
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families are saying hey i don't want you to go into the n.f.l. or play peewee football anymore because of fear of how this could affect the rest your life you could see that blowback come back on the pentagon and on you know recruitment and things like that absolutely say hey just be in there and let this bomb go off that's going to affect you the rest your life even if you didn't see combat that's a dangerous leg steve steve christakis i want to thank you so much branch of war always a pleasure having you guys on all right everybody that is our show for you today remember going. it's like telling the wall i love you i rolled her i keep on watching those talks and have a great day and night. feeling . some in media and even some politicians are giving julie massage a new look and it's no wonder a case can be made the u.s. crusade against assad is
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a blueprint for criminalizing journalism what fate is in store for a song will journalism suffer the same. as the swarms of them so much. good news who was before. much of those who heard the preview or. seen him we will. we will. move. move. move show didn't look beautiful the. look or a good. move slow most of these girls will give you films for good goof. to go to shows so look i do the same you want me to show the story to go. to startups to. get to meet until they reach the hood of the mist they say look it
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is it's. your stash them understands this to you it's their mashed on truck stop the president and please introduce more of them to. those we have producers to produce for to snoop to come up with you a because that is the cousin with you serious approach to your machine station shouldn't be for you should cook door for one whose job is the. nobody could see coming that false confessions would be that prevalent in this particular. any interrogation out there. is. probably. the process of interrogation is designed to put people in just that frame
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of mind make the most comfortable make them want to get out and don't take no for an answer. she said. i would be home by the next day there's a culture of. police officers. misconduct that has nothing to do with.
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this hour's headlines stories the u.n. official. humane treatment in recent years. on the whistleblowers mental. he really shows all decisions that are person that has been exposed. to. british foreign secretary jeremy hunt. calling for the u.n. to. refrain from inflammatory remarks. coming up over. the u.s. democrats in washington but also.


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