tv Keiser Report RT May 31, 2019 11:30pm-12:01am EDT
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you. guys are this is the kaiser report news out of japan. yes of course our president donald trump was over there recently but i want to look at this headline about what the bank of japan is doing and this is a tweet from daniel a colony says the bank of japan now owns 73 percent of all of the country's e.t.f. market if you think buying bonds stocks and e.t.f. supports growth and jobs you may also believe that dancing in circles attracts rain so you know this the black section there is the bank of japan and the red section is the rest of the market participants. crazy you know thing about capitalism is just false to create companies they compete they make products some of them fail some of them succeed there's a central bank there in case the banks go under as the lender of last resort and
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that's the way it was designed stance of bully but now or in a situation where the central banks become the buyer of 1st order their constituency or the people who own these companies and whenever they want to go. options portfolio to take more cash out in not in a capitalist way but in a neo futile as we've talked about neal feudalism the banks central bank is there to blood so now the bank of tokyo is what 7374 percent of all the stocks up outstanding in japan that means that last 25 percent of the market is roof reflects some kind of you could under lying economic activity and that's supposed to support the entire country. through their stagflation right and that number shrinking so japan is being taken private japan is going back to the ledge pages to present. feudalism and they'll be completely futile state now. presumably with the
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next few years so break out the samurai swords and the kabuki theater and everything else that goes with medieval japan because that's where they're headed so a few things 1st of all it's the bank of japan not the bank of tokyo the b.o.j. and secondly it's becoming state owned so this the taxpayers owning these companies this is also we're in a situation of global deflation japan has led the way it's been in deflation for at least a decade or 2 longer than everywhere else that has resulted in them being the 1st mover and terms of crazy economic crazy monetary policies to fix so-called fix the markets and fix the economy you can look forward to the u.s. and european nations getting in on this of course switzerland has already copy of this smaller nations can do this with huge savings pools like switzerland like japan and they're buying up stocks now remember during the last global great the
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deflation which was in the 1930 s. you know 1st mover advantage to go to some countries like the u.k. who pulled themselves off the gold standard and whoever devalued their money whoever devalue their currency against gold. basically got out of their depression earlier than the others at the cost of the others so this is also you could say beggar thy neighbor because if the if the bank of japan is buying up shares than you know the u.s. might be the last one to start buying up shares and will be the loser at that poker table all right well when you're buying of shares you're euthanizing the company so they are removing any incentive to compete so this is corporate euthenasia this is dicta to us which is a swiss euthanasia clinic kind of adopted by a central banks as applies to the stock market and the for the benefit of the cadaver business which is the only business left so people who are in the body bag . as in the cadaver business are going to be making out splendidly well but if
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you're trying to start a company like in the u.k. it's impossible because you have banks like the royal bank of scotland who will come around and just. destroy you as they've done life and they take it and they set their empire that's what the system is not what the system feeds and of course this is also. socialism and absence of risk for any of the top any of the top 10 percent certainly those top one percent in particular and we see this playing out over and over the media shrieks and they can they don't have any answer for what happens in elections across europe or what happens in elections across america or australia and it's all a mystery and they just couldn't shriek about the horrible deplorable zz they are allowed to vote maybe we shouldn't allow deplorable to vote maybe it should just be for the wealthy maybe it should just be for those with our property like this is full circle again to where we began in terms of. you know ordinary person who
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doesn't have an e.t.f. which they can flip to the government. they're angry to see the those who have the e.t.f. that they can sell at it marked up premium rates to the government you know there becomes a divide in the society to keep in mind that these e.t.s are exchange traded funds they all making each other and cloning each other in the number of stocks held by exchange traded funds that is the garage group vastly greater than the number of shares actually that exist so there's a lot of cloning going on so just like make it short selling we've talked about were banks sell counterfeit shares to manipulate stock price and that was a big scandal during that libor initial public offering morgan stanley to say yeah we create we can or fit its stock and sold it to try to bang the price down because we want to buy back cheaper to make some money because we're completely incompetent and any time we ever risk of losing a penny we get to break the law write new law or get
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a bailout so this business is similar in that you've got social banks now buying 20300 percent of the shares that actually exist and claiming that that's somehow beneficial to anybody meanwhile they're euthanizing the global economy with 2 to 3 to 400 percent jette debt to g.d.p. and the wealth of income gap is still skyrocketing in cities like san francisco and los angeles are dying under 2 feet of human feces exactly but you know the thing is this is an ongoing story that we've covered since 2000 and they is are we having inflation or deflation and never in 2008 or 2009 did any economic analyst or gold market participant or any other expert that we've had on the show ever did anybody predict this sort of behavior that this sort of crazy would be tolerated. so in terms of analyzing the markets and looking at
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the world around us it's impossible to actually price. signals this is like price propaganda like that it's a completely fabricated story about the reality around you so it's difficult to understand how badly or or how it genuinely well the economy is doing in 2008 during the crisis and the bailout there was some talk that this money printing in for night i'm had and limit and then something remarkable happened which is unprecedented in the history of economics in history humans on planet earth negative interest rates so that shows that central banks colluding and no he praised does a good job in a book allusion there in the us 10 trillion dollars of sovereign debt that's negative yielding that number why can it go 210-220-2300 trillion dollars of negative yielding debt so again the global busy equity markets being taken private by a new class of neo feudal overlords and we're heading back to the middle ages so get
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out your kabuki theater and samurai swords if you live in japan. well you know. if you live anywhere in the world because there's 10 trillion dollars of negative yield in bonds that's going to be by the end of $21000.00 will be 20 percent of the government bond market is negative yielding investors the central bank is the investor in this case the investor of your central bank is paying. the government to borrow. on top of that you know when japan was out competing america in the eighty's in the seventy's eighty's we ended up with the plaza accord well and that's government collusion and central bank collusion to basically give you know like in golf how you get a handicap if somebody is not as good as tiger woods how you would compete with tiger woods is you have a handicap of like 30. 7. and so you would be able to
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fairly compete with him at the plaza of course in the eighty's that allowed america basically to devalue its currency against so that was what happened then right now we have a situation where china is the rising power and whether or not china will come to the table and give you know america a leg up and helps compete with china is very doubtful so we're going into a situation where as there isn't going to be as much coordination perhaps but nevertheless negative interest rates spread to mortgage bonds so again nobody could have predicted this nobody thought this was even possible i guess you could imagine it but never thought any government our central bank or investors would be willing to actually lose money there are trillions of dollars of bonds in the world with negative yields a fact with which future historians will find baffling until now those negative yields have been limited to the safest type of bonds issued by governments and major corporations but this week a new category of negative yielding paper joined the party mortgage backed bonds
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and scandinavia. no words are solid going it's going to negative feeling savings accounts so this is now creeping into the retail level at some point probably the next few months people start reporting that my bank is now just taking money out of my account every month what's it all about and they'll say well we have to keep these negative interest rate bonds together if you don't let us do this the economy will collapse so it's management by coersion it's capitalism at the point of a gun it's not really capitalism as we know it as far as japan in the plaza accord i remember well as working on wall street at the time and japan at that time was the japan that can say no i think or yes or no but you know japan was taking over and so the u.s. interceded and they did similar to what trump is doing with china right now they're trying to manipulate china into coming to the table and letting the america rule the world and they did this with japan or japan acquiesced they did the applause
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accord and i think japan regrets that because they were on the way has been deflation ever said they were never about to take over the world of it and they they backed off so china is using that as a lesson and they're saying we don't want to do that work we really do want to run the world we've got the best technology hallway or 5 g. telecom behave with is superior in every way and nobody's going to catch us so they're ready to go for the brass ring well as mortgage bond refinancing options came to a close in denmark it was clear that homeowners in the country are about to get negative interest rates on their loans for all maturities 3 to 5 years representing multiple all time lows for borrowing costs again so you're going to have that divide within domestic economies as winners are chosen in this grand geo political and geo economic game and quickly on this way when it turns to ban on chinese telecom giant huawei cut off rural americans cell service the chump
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administration ban on goods produced by a chinese tech giant will. seem to have little to do with rural america but rural cell service providers across the us are almost entirely dependent on the company huawei which produces inexpensive wireless communications equipment these small telecom companies now face billions of dollars in costs or the end of their businesses entirely after the trumpet ministration effectively banned the chinese company last week over spying accusations so i didn't realize that but now the giant telecom companies like team obama and verizon want to deal with any of the local small rural areas across the country where the colorado montana or you know arkansas so there are actually local small businesses that were small telecom companies and they rely on the cheapest which is quite a way and now they're being told they have to rip all of that out and put in new equipment which is the only equipment that they complete replace it with is made in europe and as like way higher price than way so this could be
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a devastation there balkanization of the global telephony market yes i wonder what george gilder say about this he's a smart guy raz but telecasts of 20 years ago anyway we're going to take a break when we come back lots more coming your way. there's an petersburg international economic forum is a unique event to today's business world. over the last 21 years the forum has become a leading global platform for discussing the economic issues facing russia emerging markets the world. of business community members or 2 before him to address to the use of bundle issues. or just special forum coverage.
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you know world the big part of the new lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door on the bath and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. some in media and even some politicians are giving julie massage a new look and it's no wonder a case can be made the us crusade against assad is a blueprint for criminalizing journalism what fate is in store for a son will journalism suffer the same.
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welcome back to the cars are parked cars are time now to turn to randy voller he's the former mayor of pittsburgh north carolina former head of the north carolina democratic party and former bernie delegate randy welcome back great to be here max always great to check in with you and catch up on. a lot of what's happening politically so let's just then we'll talk about this book in a 2nd they are with you let's cover some of these topics here so joe biden has entered the race and while he is still early the polls have shown him racing ahead of bernie bernie sanders your thoughts well it depends on who's polls were looking at for one thing i think one of the 1st polls it was was from and they are sampling probably upwards of 70 percent of people over 50 the big question is in
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the fall are you going to 70 percent of the electorate especially with this rising millennial engines the population voting or is there going to start skewing a little bit younger. yeah excised a boomer primary voters that is that they can you get that biden can then these millennial say you know they're going to be participating big do you think to get them involved well it's always difficult to get young people involved in maine at one point you and our young people max we're really excited to go vote in every local race and you know probably not but it does point failing to participate is essentially giving your seal of approval for what's happening in this country so i think you're going to see more and more people under the age 40 voting you know there are a lot of issues driving people in the polls we still have student debt that you can't discharge for bankruptcy and you know now you have people that are working 2
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and 3 jobs and they find that their wages are being garnished by the. arrest or whatever because of the student debt i mean student debt is going to be a driving issue also the issue of wage inequality oh yeah we're going to get the wage inequality in a 2nd because you've got some interesting charts there so if biden were to survive the primaries how can he overcome the neo liberal hysteria which is much further to the right of the millennial generation hillary had the same problem and what i mean by this let's give it let's give a little tasty example of a trump tweet so he's saying trump says a tweet anyone associated with the 1994 a crime bill will not have a chance of being elected in particular african-americans will not be able to vote for you meaning biden i on the other hand was responsible for the criminal justice reform which had tremendous support and help fix the bad 1994 bill so this is remember back in the last like hillary she was approached by some young
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folks she made some comments an exciting is that a big baggage that it will be. can overcome why i think it's rich there were commenting on tweets from grifter mitt bone spurs that ran full page ads back in the eighty's about you know people that he thought should go to jail and it turned out these folks are innocent i mean he really should be on the sidelines right now let's say part of the trump 2060 vote came from the humiliated or the deplorable facility call them. former industrial heartland now turn to mass opiate abuse do you think trump's hard line with china will help him retain those votes in 2024 i mean he's been hemorrhaging those votes since the day he took office because people already know that just getting out there and saying that i'm going to save jobs and bring jobs to you while general motors and ford and kerry are shutting down plants or moving jobs i mean there's only so far you can go with this game with 3 card
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mommy i mean the real the real question is is is papa joe or uncle joe going to be . able to market himself as that you know scranton you know kind of blue collar democrat which is his roots or people going to connect them to wall street which when you're a senator for delaware for you know 6 terms like he was you're kind of tied into the to essentially corporate america right so the so bernie what do you think about this lead by biden so far the rices bernie this is an indicate what's what's to come as we get closer to you know further down the line here because as i recall he had tremendous support and it seems like he had some some or all kind of liberal all progressive solutions is he going to maybe come back later in the campaign. who bernie bernie sanders well i mean bernie was out here he's in. he was just in charlotte or natural you know last week i mean and he was down in the south as well i mean bernie has got a great platform that other people are now picking and choosing what they want from
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his buffet of ideas right but i mean the number one issue here is if donald trump had run as a democrat he wouldn't be president because the democrats don't have winner take all primaries that's the whole issue here so on this side you know if you have so i just want to know what does that mean well i mean let's say you have 100 votes busy you know by argument and you know you run a max kaiser 2 gets 35 percent and then there's 23 other candidates behind you all the way down to one percent in a winner take all and if there were you know 10 electoral votes you'd get all 10 but in a proportional system you get point 35 times a tense you get 3 and a half so the way that i think that there diluting bernie's ability to win the primary is by adding candidates right so when they say they who are they i would say that powerful interests in this country that are fearful of some
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of the ideas that. the and others of put out there. or you know a green new deal or pushing what they think is too close to democratic socialism i mean if you go to a rally you're going to get counter protesters like i saw in charlotte and i want to talk to these guys and you know and they're already jumping on the idea of it socialism without actually understanding the democratic socialism or what these ideas in the platform are not the same as you know what happened in venezuela for instance but that's the that's what's being connected for them right now certainly the mainstream media c.n.n. m s n b say they seem to favor biden. for obvious reasons because they have a war agenda and biden is a war president. so. how do you get around the fact that there's no free speech in america really when it comes to political speech in sa being managed by the war party well it's all being managed it's all manufactured consent i mean
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that's what's really cool when i'm on your party you get mad if you ask your guests and then you can manipulate outcomes and you can is all kinds of techniques to manipulate people into doing stuff that might be against their best interest but in this specific case we're talking about the war party which has greely who are you thinking is the war party or are you thinking it's a par it's a subset of you know those in power are you saying it's the democrats republicans no i'm saying is true in this american corporate germany ok i mean they have a global pirate based on war right and they like politicians to support when a blank check don't they they just star wars and they want their politicians to rubber stamp the wars right it's not a political act it's just the corporations write the for ratings otherwise les moonves says during the fortunately there's a lot of money and it is something that we are part of $1.00 and $1.00 is money it's money money money money money ok so bernie sanders is such talk about
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something else south and he won't get out any mainstream media because he doesn't. we some part of the war party he's been for peace and he's been consistent about that how can he not sleazy press that he's doesn't sell now and it's you know it's kind of ironic because when you're you know on a constant war footing you know not only are you missing the multiplier effect of investing in the community in dollars being spent there but you're also destroying communities and creating blowback you know they're so say something and so it was actually they said that in the 2016 election. hall. trump. fake scandal but it was still out some traction back then it was known before the election that there was already talk about it that there is some unholy alliance going on and yet the voters still rejected hillary even with that possible putin influence in other words that's how unpopular she was that there were going to come back the power to think well they preferred trump over over clinton because of the
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electoral college not by the popular vote if we actually elected our leaders like all the other g 20 countries she would have been president she did get the most vote on fortunately the way the system is drawn up now you can game in and we've had multiple presidents now in the last 20 years that did not get the popular vote but they became president well it's a it's a federation of states isn't the states have rights and so that's you know the electoral college to give states some teeth is that all these other all this is i mean that's the system is the system if it was a popular vote one would argue that if it was just a popular vote and not an electoral college the trial strategy would have been different and one bill that it would just go away well that's what they mean that's a nice thing that you could say i mean i don't but i know no matter what it is going to be arrested i no matter what no matter how you call it is still looking back and theorizing what could and could not have been and what should and should not have been but the fake russia russia clearly that is been overblown by the
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mainstream media because it was known even before the election of people still reject. hillary and they want which i'm not trump well they went with trump because he based he picked up on some of the themes of bernie sanders was running on but you know trump you know not a true trial i mean there are a lot of the manger thing what is one of the 3 big things well you know he was picking up on t. p.p. you know you know these these large corporate trade pacts and now to trump credit you know he did get in there and pull us out of that deal right he started talking about you know the investor ration of manufacturing in this country and what's going on he doesn't actually really display a true understanding of how the whole system works but you know he's like the guy had a bar after a few beers and we're arguing and he's saying i don't like the fact that they're shutting down my plant and you know there doesn't seem to be a manufacturing showed you we need to do something about that by america make america great again i mean that's a that's a fascinating tagline because it implies that there was
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a point that we were great but it doesn't say when it was right and he's also addressing some of the other anx that's within the populace about you know wage income inequality and of course he said he was going to put a tax bill in there was going to address this but you know we all know most of that tax bill went to benefit the top one percent and the corporations i mean they lowered their their bill their rate down to 21 percent and supposes they can repatriate money but most of it went to stock buybacks yeah all this is going south now we you know how many discussions there are kind of like and in some ways on opposite ends of the discussion but there is one thing we completely agree with and we're going to get into it and the next 2nd here which is that you know that you brought in this book runaway inequality i mean that this is what really needs to be talked about in the pool all the political machinations are really noise because this is really at the heart of right to say there is going to talk about this next segment at the heart of something that is looks like to be an intractable game over
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scenario for. this economy in this country because you can't have this wealth or income gap continuing on this current arc without complete collapse all right so stay tuned for other segment ok don't go anywhere thanks for being on this segment that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy herbert like to thank our guests randy volar and try to catch us on twitter at kaiser report and.
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some in media and even some politicians are giving julian a solid new look and it's no wonder a case can be made the u.s. crusade against assad is a blueprint for criminalizing journalism what date is in store for a song journalism suffer the same. good news. for those who heard the food you. knew we were. we were. really.
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who showed you didn't look beautiful the. good. muslim also those girls will give you good girls. don't go to shows from the blue assume you believe it's good to you should go. to starbucks to get the 2 needed so it was the little one wished they'd say look it is it's. just not a chance to just meet their mashed on. the street to present your complete control to. those who have to choose to go to school to snoop or come up with new yorkers or those the girls are with you or your supporters to your shoes through shoes shouldn't be you should cook door for the one who's doing business.
12:00 am
at least 12 people were killed and 10 injured in a mass shooting in the us state of virginia that man died in a shootout with police. are you an expert on torture as they use julian assange has been subjected to inhumane treatment so that it's taken a toll on the wiki leaks founder of mental health really showing all the symptoms. looking through the person looking at least for. psychological torture and un assessment on a staunch these the british foreign secretary go on the offensive calling to be un to stand down and refrain from making their planetary remarks. the us 3 bronze age shale gas as molecules of freedom and attempts to pursue.
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