tv News RT June 2, 2019 3:00am-3:31am EDT
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psychological torture and came a day after a song she failed to appear in court you to help. her with her she would. probably impeachment to case closed the old sides get something from the special counsel robert has final say on the trial of a russian reports. and drawing on the e.u. elections the anti establishment parties make major gains as europeans crave a shake up of their politics. it's 10 o'clock here in moscow and you're watching in the weekly on all t international live from last year with me in india welcome to the program. these radio me in targeted syrian territories saturday night killing 3 soldiers and
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wounding 7 it says it was funding to 2 missiles fired from syria policy of reports . well this way the defense forces the i.d.f. has confirmed that it hit a number of targets in syria overnight saturday and it says that this was in retaliation to 2 missiles that were fired from syria at the israeli part of the golan heights there were no reports of injuries or damage on the israeli side but we are hearing from the israeli cabinet that it was the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu who posts in the ordered these retaliate tree strikes now it comes as the israeli army issues a statement in which it says its planes and helicopters hit 2 artillery batteries and a defense battery and also a number of observation points along the israel syria border syrian state media is reporting it there 3 syrian soldiers were killed and an additional 7 injured this happening in the eastern part of the connector countryside all of this is happening
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as tensions between israel and syria escalate particularly in the area of the golan heights now earlier in the week jarrett krishna who is the son in law and also the senior advisor to the american president donald trump was introduced 11 where he gifted netanyahu with a map that had been personally signed by the american president and there clearly showed the golan heights as part of israeli territory netanyahu held a press conference in which he acknowledged and thanked the american president. brought me something from the u.s. presidents in the state department there is an official map of the states which had not been updated since the sixty's well now it's been up to it's. brought me the new mount which includes the golan heights is part of israel it's signed by president trump who writes. so i would like to say that's very nice. now this follows trumps a full recognition of israeli sovereignty over the golan heights back in march that
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happened during a meeting between the 2 leaders we met on yahoo was at the white house washington this has been did not inspire the international community who consider the area occupied territory and that is the status they have accorded it ever since israel took over the golan heights back in the 1967 war at the same time we are hearing from the syrian side they say that the aerial defense systems were activated to strike at so-called enemy targets in the southern damascus countryside so certainly the situation between the 2 sides remains tense and both sides on a state of high alert. on friday a u.n. expert on torture and inhumane treatment said the way to install it is being treated amounts to psychological torture adding that he doesn't think we can get a fair trial if you exit doctor to the u.s. . this is. crucial to go to medical experts specialize
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identify. and document symptoms of physical and psychological courtroom to treat. all. people who for a person who has been exposed to psychological torture over. time are speaking of severe stress. severe psychological trauma would have never seen. several democratic states. in order to prostitute isolate a single out particular individual without granting him protection actually is according to the law britain's foreign secretary slammed the experts assessment as wrong and inflammatory in a tweet jeremy hunt went on to claim that the science had to hold himself up in the ecuadorian embassy of his own accord and had been free to leave nels miles ahead back saying that it was quote as free to leave as someone sitting on
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a rubber boat in the shark pool on top of that the expert accused u.k. courts of not showing do you impartiality and objectivity. you end up or turn torture also accuse your straightly of abdicating responsibility for the protection of the stars campbell responded by saying it had provided him with adequate to consular support on thursday a day before the torture assessment failed to appear in court due to ill health. with outside the westminster magistrate's court where the hearing was supposed to have taken place. the extradition hearing isn't taking place any longer today actually meant to be here in person when he's not even well enough to buy a video to minnesota's been to the hospital all belmarsh prison that's the maximum security prison where he. said to. when he went into the ecuadorian embassy back in 2012 and which is. really. about the status of his health.
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the medical. world speaks speaks. you know being a. maximum security prison it's difficult for anyone to spend 7 years behind in the ecuadorian embassy for. medical treatment but. this was meant to be the 2nd hearing on just extradition the official start of it has been moved to around about the 12th of june we think we've already had a 1st airing earlier this month. consents to being extradited to u.s. hearing us all and failed to show up was about washington's extradition request is sent stateside he could face up to 175 years with over a dozen charges we could leave the song which is a brainchild hit the headlines in 2010 when it released thousands of u.s.
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secret documents relating to the wars in iraq on the front a strong those publications featured among other things videos depicting u.s. soldiers indiscriminately shooting civilians a year later with the extent of the torture at guantanamo bay including allegations of prisoner deaths due to mistreatment and in 2016 exposed a pro hillary clinton media bias in the u.s. presidential campaign detailing attempts to push her rival bernie sanders out of the race we're now documentary filmmaker. pelletier told us mental and investigative journalist can trace the saying right. but what these new charges really ought to strike. ring a bell at the very least it north strikes fear into many investigative journalists who have been have been with wiki leaks and i mean with julian assange through
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this whole i would say the sting would step aside. for releasing the truth about government secrets and how they affect all of us to warn the system those people should be very very good so they could all be talking to their own old . newspapers. the new york times or spiegel the. u.s. special counsel robert mueller handed in his resignation on wednesday 2 years after he opened his investigation into alleged collusion between president all chomp on russia before announcing the decision he sought to give tough question on the report's key conclusions if we had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime we would have said so we did not however make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime we chose those words carefully and the work speaks for itself. and the
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report is my testimony some of likened the report to the test in psychology where patients give interpretations of what an ink stain represents in some way both camps in washington are interpreting liz final speech very differently. mother was essentially referring impeachment to the united states congress the special counsel has demonstrated the president is lying i think it was very clear if you could clear the president he would have but he couldn't it was to be the same as the report. you know it struck you what we're saying is no obstruction is no good there is no nothing we consider this case closed he completed his investigation now it's closed his office and it's time for everybody to move on legal and media analysts lionel told us the entire approach was senseless. if you can't end dive there if those were the rules why did you investigate them in the
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1st place did you know these rules before did you know the rules before they say you can indict them or charge you then well where you were investigated ah you were investigating collusion and by the way did you notice such a paltry a diminished amount of time that was that was given to the reason for this what was this russian colos you explain this more meanwhile tone from his questioning of the origins of the mill investigation demanding that the u.s. intelligence d classify information relating to this white guy looks at how parts of the media have shifted their starts on whether the u.s. president can question the activities of the intel services. the thing with spies with all this secrets and power and egos is that it really seems to goo to their heads and honestly how can you blame them they are literally be yawned
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public scrutiny and you wouldn't tries to stick their nose in you just stamp everything that's classified and loudly denounce them as unpatriotic see it as a very very serious and outrageous move on the part of mr trump once again trampling upon the statutory authorities of the director of national intelligence and the heads of the independent intelligence agencies how dead trump what true american would ever question why they're being wiretapped and spied upon a good thing america has m.s.m. be she true patriots would miss the bread and full time so he can vent his frustrations for everyone to hear of course to do that m.s.n. b.c. had to sacrifice their principles and integrity president obama said today he still stands by his cia chief john brennan even though it turns out the cia was indeed
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spying on the senate and some senators are calling for brennan to be fired now just to be clear that was in 2014 when they weren't on the same side then spying on everyone your own elected leaders included was considered dubious these is 2019 and the word spying is now considered politically incorrect it offends people who see people who secretly eavesdrop and record and film everyone agents the good guys. a talking point from the president and those around him telling congress buying did occur on the trump campaign it's a loaded word stupid. the implications of using that word has now gone trumps favorite new word and the trump media's favorite new word. senate intelligence chair dianne feinstein accuse brennan cia of secretly tracking the senate's
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investigation into one of the worst abuses in recent cia history and now factor in this huge new scandal the fact that brennan cia was spying on members of congress the cia was spying on the senate intelligence committee basically busting into their computers but i give m s n b c too much credit or others to washington post gave brennan his own column where he publishes pieces with nubile noble titles i will speak out until integrity returns to the white house promises well done washington post it takes courage to set aside what you believe in to go back on your word but again it's been 5 years who remembers things like that right the guardian same thing. cia director john brennan lights you and to the senate fire him. why is donald trump attacking the
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u.s. intelligence community surprisingly brandon isn't working for the guardian yet one by one though the pundits and the seeing wrong from right the question is are they going to demand brennan's resignation or accountability within the cia patriotic answer by the way is no holding the cia accountable would be sure to put a secret agents do top secret stuff and drink martinis and add things and carry out special secret missions i didn't see anything improper on lawful and yes james clapper brennan's former boss is now a c.n.n. employee. he i'll tell you this every true american can be proud of their a brave brave people watch over you and record everything you do or say
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they night whether you want it or not and if times all politics change in 5 years no one will remember it ever happened and to stop us from policies made big gains in the elections we look at why after the break. the. survival extinction just to start simply. repatriations look at the 7 years. philip is a treasure for. china is not
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a partner number one for us. and e.u. countries our trade partners number one with us and. i cannot share the. those who are those who say that it's a turn of russian he's. no russia will never turn eastwards you know russian egoless is looking to move the sides west towards a nice towards. welcome back to the part of the european parliamentary election so green and liberal parties make significant gains while to establishment movements came out on top in countries like italy france and belgium and shall do penske reporters there was no
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shortage of political drama in the run up. for months pundits have been predicting a rise in empty establishment policies ahead of the e.u. elections once they were right but across the board in the weeks leading up to the vote panic was setting in. take malkin days before france headed to the polls the e.u. top court ordered her to pay back 300000 euros to the european parliament this followed a case in which the national rally had been accused of paying an aide incorrectly but the timing felt off it was almost as if it was a way to tell voters that her party just couldn't be trusted that came hot on the heels of accusations that former trump strategist steve bannon was actually the one pulling all the pen strings yet the public didn't seem to care and the national
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rally still talked the poles hate in france other scandals that were rife in the media included won by the russians well at least the alleged russians. it was of course if. the party which was in coalition besting could people's party found itself under the spotlight not for its potentially dubious policies but for a good old cash influence gambit. revici's . he says there was even an attempt to drag le pen's name into the thick gate as it became known a few months ago marine le pen was singing the praises of austrian vice chancellor heinz christian straka saying how formidable he was strong being forced to resign
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we find out why he was trying to sell his services to foreign forces behind this nationalist movement is a submission to foreign forces despite this the f p o still managed to pick up just over 17 percent of the vote in austria. there was also of course the elections very own me too moment one swedish democrats candidate accused the other of sexual harassment and even though the scandal washed away it didn't hamper the anti immigration party's before moments they increased their share of the vote to more than 15 percent. and despite merkel not calling it out warning the populous parties wanted to destroy europe we are haring to deal with populist movements that in many areas are contemptuous of our values and want to destroy the europe of the values we
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represent we have to stand up to this these parties significantly increase their representation in many parts of the e.u. sex money the long arm of washington reaching for controlling europe nothing seemed to put voters off seeking something new what is clear from the results of these elections is that the old guard could no longer count on the masses to support them in blind faith what europeans want is something different it seems a godless want that is. why your skeptics because of the migrants people are skeptical because they do not know what it's going to get them they are afraid of migrants or 3rd. the reason is the decline in the number of elites compared to the rest of the people as well as the quality of the democratic representation. spouse because. i think it is because of immigration all have opinions who are freed of t.
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many migrants coming i think this is the primary cause of this vote. in part. parties had a disastrous defeat of my opinion it was high time for it and now we see within the european results we can influence our national politics be implemented here that can get us to lift i think that brings the debate in england has made many people here in germany think about it this discussion has turned many citizens against the u s so i think people feel as if the existing political parties are giving them what they want and therefore their hunting around for something else i think for some extent is probably a protest just trying to engineer the tory vote to go more with. it wasn't. that is an outcome i would say out of the level of division i would have expected. meanwhile ahead of the elections the e.u. explored new ways of boosting turn that in swing voters to go pro european but
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a bit by the european commission to get social media influence on board left some of them outraged they liken the approach to a tyrant brainwashing. ok through them all that i have the impression that i was in the novel 904 and people are convinced that this is good they're convinced that they are acting in the interests of the citizens of the european union. last month the commission and gathered a dozen politically active bloggers at it headquarters they wanted them to spread the russians did it i'll go in there on line posts they also ask them to promote positive stories about the people. we are waiting for you to speak more about europe on your own we hope to convince you to inject the european angle into your communications because this is an important aspect of political life and we are not sufficiently present in the media. explain to us that misinformation is the use of real facts to spread political ideas that contradict those of the european union they will said that all this is organized by russia to destabilise democratic
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regimes but fortunately european democracy is stronger than this but we were explain the basics we talked about generally accepted ideas about europe for example that the e.u. provides competition they said we're here to debunk these generally accepted notions in fact the message was not to tell us that the european union fails to create competition at a global level but to explain to us that this is a good thing and they believe that the reason why many people support ideas that contradict their policies and ideologies is external influence but they they are acting out of the best of intentions meanwhile the head of germany's ruling party faith a major backlash after her statements on imposing stricter measures on political discourse on the internet. in this we lost among young voters for 2 reasons we failed to adequately address issues that are important to them and we failed due to the handling of the residents beyond what would happen if 70 decided just 2 days
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before the election to make a joint appeal for c.d.u. or s.p.d. . clear keys of political violence in the run up to an election so we'll do all she applies for digital content these are 2 questions we will need to discuss not just for to see you but for me to policy as a whole and the future of democracy. karan by a statement comes after a number of you to bloggers in germany called on people not to vote for the coalition parties in the elections she believes the campaign was to blame for the c.d.'s heavy losses on sunday. so now does is this how weird factual evidence of their current system is destructive actually it is my democratic seats by please don't vote for the s.p.d. please don't vote for the c. d. and please don't vote for the. we ask you all not to support the c.d.u. and don't support the s.p.t.
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kind under the bill to vote for any party that doesn't operate on logic or signs and isn't course to destroy health insurance a point city leaders statement with slammed by other party with the left cord and assault on the freedom of expression and oppression of the german constitution while the freedom party said political movements want to have a dialogue with social media platforms modeled author from the left party says maintaining good relations with young people is crucial all young people are searching for. they way they want. to participate in the decision process in the society to the movement of produce for future growth in the internet like resort the us is a part of the search for participation in society for the 1st directive for future the less the political mainstream. able to
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create discourses which are really the trick the emotion the people emotionally. don't like to call conscious the all star to organize themselves. so much for different frames. than ethan i'll be back around 30 minutes time with more global updates so stay with us. there's an petersburg international economic forum is a unique event in today's business world. the forum has become a leading global platform for discussing the key economic issues facing russia emerging markets the world thousands of business community members to address today's vital issues. special forum coverage on r.t.
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. join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics small business i'm show business i'll see you then. facebook and google started with a great idea and great ideals unfortunately there was also a very dark side. they are constructing a profile of you and that profile is real it's detailed and it never goes away turns out that google is manipulating your opinions from the very 1st character that you type into the search bar it will always favor one dog food over another one comparative shopping service over another and one candidate over another they can suppress certain types of results deiced on what they think you should be see
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if they have this kind of power then democracy is an illusion the free and fair election doesn't exist for the more growth we give them the sooner we are all hand . dr eric jennings from sun to room is considered one of the best neurosurgeons in brazil. by the way this man with no clothes isn't don't to jennings he's a member of the indigenous zoe tribe who's helping the don't oh put together
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a post along. as this is dr jennings. people here know him simply as dr eric he's rich famous some always on the move sailing yachts and flying aircraft a little like models dr strange of with a full set of working fingers this footage is unique because the zoe tribal lands are normally off limits to the public carrick's allowed in because he's the zoe's personal doctor. and the. center m. in the north of brazil it was founded as an amazon jungle bought it 1st exported spices then cocoa later rubber before turning to cocoa again.
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