tv Going Underground RT June 5, 2019 9:30am-10:00am EDT
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flick and i think it's very dangerous the current chairman of the joint chiefs by the way an obama appointee general joseph dunford is i think been very effective in mitigating in creating an understanding of what is realistic remember it was general dunford by with and through strategy working with our regional allies not putting a large land army back into into iraq which actually was able to defeat isis and we have to and you know present trump and want to solve a serious so i think that iran there are truly issues of mutual interest between our 2 countries because the iranians the mullahs the ocracy rich runs it does hate the west and they hate by the way the sunni the sunni arabs so it's not just us they hate they hate the the arab allies we work with so i think there are real tensions between the sunni and shia that i don't think we should get middle of but we have to be aware by the fact that our economy still depend very heavily on foreign oil and that's something i would like to see changed and
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eventually the deny there are promotion of sectarianism but i got to tell you mike flynn was on this show. he was done perhaps you would say by the state talking about mutual interest the kind of language you're talking about look through him michael flynn is and look at the fact that what we have in the pentagon the state department is support for well some would say. groups in syria today yeah it looks very dangerous i think mike was very steely eyed innocent full disclosure you know i'm mike's a friend of mine he was on our in our lot and want to center for policy research our think tank and i think mike had a good understanding of what needs to be done and he admitted i think in another interview that there was definite obama linked funding to the precursors of isis in other organizations a serious a very dangerous mix and you know i'm one of those who believes we should not be arming. terrorists at all and it's something that has to be looked at
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a deeper level you know at this point any time i advise people obviously my advice is steer away from any support to any radical islamic organization we saw this neck and a stand we al create through the mujahideen you know the hakani network and then here we are years later being attacked by the same network we helped create so it's just not a wise move ironically mainstream american media supports trump against you on these particular issues but when it comes to trump himself i don't know whether he wants the u.s. programming on the state visit for him meeting the queen on this still talking about him being a russian agent. well i look i think i've been very clear on this he's not a russian agent i'm going to say this as clear as i can being sensitive to the audience your audience is that i think there was meddling i think there are things that the russian government did but they did not do
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a lot of the things they've been accused of doing and you know for example i tend to believe that that there is an interest in having essentially connections to whoever won let's be real here. michael and others are reaching out to the russian government they're reaching out to all governments that's what is done during a transition and during the campaign we all know the clinton campaign had tons of foreign contacts i mean both sides do it the question becomes was there anything nefarious about it and i don't believe based on ever any evidence i've seen there was any that's worth saying and look i'll defend the russians here all of the so-called russian contacts or within the trump campaign are all set ups lures what the f.b.i. calls lowers that they were paying for to pretend to be linked to the russians so that to me is what the focus is right now of the so-called investigating the investigation effort by our attorney general bar so it's going to be very
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interesting how they see how this all rolls out but yeah it's going to i think the russians were blamed for things they didn't do and i think there's some things they did do that haven't been quite looked at yet but i guess i think we'll all sorts through quite quite will report issue of the the russian government probably and they definitely deny that and we know good as the russian the most of the audience is probably known to russian but do you think then that all the protest is here against the trump visit maybe they would have liked to have clinton won do you think when they would actually i mean more war as. was if clinton won that 26 intellectually the honest answer yes or no i do believe that and hillary clinton been elected we would have been she's much more of an what i call we call me a. cons you may have them over there and the neo cons sense they are conservatives and wolf clothing they haven't seen a war they didn't like they basically are disgruntled democrats with the democrat party back in the sixty's and came over to the republican party because you know they want to dominate the world and i guess they saw the republicans as a better bet and you know
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a bunch of us former reagan folks you know were regen recognize the idea of trying to not get in tangles and more is recognizing that we have to act on the world stage but do it in such a way that we we don't act overly aggressive and i think this is where. people like clinton like libya libya was her debacle she convinced obama to go in there and we've had the mess ever sense i think we would have seen more libyan outcomes that clinton been elected. one of a great m i 6 form or my 6 agents christmas deal was ignored by the former f.b.i. director robert mueller in his report. do you see any signs of him being reserve rect and i understand he might be giving evidence now resurrected by democrats supporting anti trump people yeah let me say this about that issue i think there's been a great deal of discussion here recently about m i 5 m i 6 potentially cooperating
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with the so-called russia collusion thing and i tend to believe based on the folks i've talked to that the british were tricked into helping brennan and komi they had no idea that there wasn't really a russian threat and they took on face value what was said to them so any cooperation i think needs to be looked at that lens with that said christopher steele had problems i understand m i 6 depass it information to the f.b.i. and it was ignored and obviously. my experience is f.b.i. tends to ignore information they don't they don't like and i think in this case they didn't take the warning because they wanted the information they had an aspiration of believing what steele was saying and yes i think it should be and look you're a reporter you look at facts how could the man in charge of the whole russia collusion investigation now look at the primary artifact that is the cornerstone of the whole effort this deal how do they not look at that and that tells me that he didn't look at it because there's things there it did not want to look at as
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a factual examination would have centrally undermine his credibility from day one and he it just didn't want to do that well jim comey was in in the trump is the abolition of does it will when he won the presidential election do you believe that information continues to be withheld from the present the united states by senior officials yeah i think unfortunates true one of the things about our government is a labyrinth of secrets and having worked in this area. my concern has always been 1st off abuse of very powerful intelligence and military capabilities those things exist they exist for a reason they expect exist as as part of the defensive and the structure of our nation if you put politicians in charge you have the potential of this information these capabilities being misused i think we saw that we were witness that over this past 2 years and unfortunately you have career bureaucrats who essentially function
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as her own oversight and it's a very dangerous thing so it's why i've recommended to the trumpet ministration that they continue to essentially weed out anybody it was a political appointee but frankly of either the bush $43.00 or the obama. $44.00 white house because while he get continues to be ugly samantha being pro russian he it's a trump that is ripped up the $97.00 intermediate range nuclear site was is just is correct you think that's going to help you in your campaign to reelect him in 2020 the fact that according to the bullet in the atomic scientists he's move the world close it's a complete destruction yeah look i was very young counterintelligence special agent when the i.n.f. treaty was signed i was actually in a place called marshall texas working with the f.b.i. in joint operations monitoring the soviet officers monitoring our destruction of the pershing 2 missiles so this is no small thing to me i participated in those
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treaty the execution of that treaty but now that treaty was being essentially violated by a number of folks it did not actually include the chinese who develop a class a weapon like this so i'm one of those who do believe that it was time to abandon that treaty and he did it for the right reasons he did it with the right note the cations and so i did i do not see this as a problem provocation but i do see it as him standing up against the russians and it very pointed way saying we're going to do what we believe the united states believes is best. her interest so i think it was the right thing to do and you know i think politically it will help them in 2001 just find the wiki leaks of course expose clinton conspiracy against bernie sanders we should have helped the trump campaign this time around this time around obviously julian assad is actually in jail in london you really think campaign 2020 can win with the media now so against you your campaign and the president outlook is it's going to be at a tough campaign there's no doubt and i think that's something that's going to be
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sorted through the i think the american people and have 2 things they now realize 1st president has done his best to actually keep campaign promises which is unheard of for politicians fundamentally is not a politician i think is really trying to live up to what he promised secondly i think people have been awaiting i like to believe the american citizens have been awakened both left and right i talk to my liberal friends were frightened by the misuse of very powerful government capabilities and i think that's the 2nd thing it's very useful lieutenant colonel turner thank you after the break the u.k.'s largest trade union unite was out with german corpsman protesting trump but all colvin's days numb but all this was going up above to have going on the ground.
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join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see that. the bridge just was good but you know my neighbors birth were like if you misses it or don't blame people what's. up to them was the response so most people assume the door. to the hospital is i assure you i'm on which to base that. got the office to be able to do the know you presume this loop i'm going to miss louie almost she had to move him he used to do that in both of us and i was filming
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at the main continue going to jane boney is an inning and there's just you kind of chasing. him you can. just reach your eyes because you're going to you know what who are you more you with almost 2 days of. the whole truth i'm doing a single. cell phone live within your means someone who knows the. money i'm going to start with the most wins and also way yes. welcome back is ongoing u.k. prime minister's résumé rolled out the red carpet for the trump state visit you gave a labor leader jeremy colbert was leading tens of thousands in a protest against him so i say to our visitors that have arrived this week thank
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you please about a wold that is one of peace and to some and it's one of recognizing the values of people. that defeats racism defeats results in a defeat for the religious hydrates that are being fueled by the far right in politics in britain and europe on the united states. you know it's the largest trade union in the u.k. you know join those protests you know it's this is general sector how beckett's is with me now thanks for coming on just avoid even get to trump understand united are in the involved. case regarding blacklist in the construction industry blacklisting still have this extraordinary but blacklisting still goes on fortunately these members were fortunate enough to find a list where their names were on us and they were able to take litigation for it but it's a disgrace it's a blight on the industry it's not restricted to construction or whose arm in many
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industries and it's something that we really need to tackle but it will only ever be tackled by the government legislating property for trade union rights in the workplace an end of progress self employment and the abuses of agency labor that's ultimately what will give workers rights in the workplace well worth his rights that easily identifiable with the current incumbent in the white house why are you protesting the state visit will trump this week well i suppose the question would be why wouldn't you protest at the visit of donald trump who thinks that it's foreign to you abuse women to grab them by their genitals and he thinks that it's time to ban muslims from the united states of america or money. on the border of mexico why wouldn't. you campaign against donald trump but during ality of course is that it goes much further it's much more serious than simply himself this is a man whose he's taken america away from the climate treaty is exposing the entire entire world to possible extinction amount he promotes fascism and i and i fashion
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it's modern day populism obviously denies the fascism certainly has or gods or soldierly would say it was. except to. discriminate but obviously dominance out of cheese go much further when women are concerned he repeatedly tells them that they should not be in charge of their own bodies and that is massage me i'm going to ask you on the day of the political meeting after the dinner with the queen he was with the rajah color of be a systems of marilyn he used to live in do you think. there's a lot of war to walk in london this week either unite favorite something cool defense diversification well trumps motives for meeting with the c.e.o.'s of large defense companies could be a number of things that could be t.l.a. any concerns that they have over breck's it but of course it could be the place orders you don't really know what's going through the mind of donald trump at the moment other than the fact that he has his own self interested motives for being across in this country and those may well be worms of protectionism they may well
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be ones of war but we're yet to find art because president obama deported more people within the united states out of the u.s. than donald trump and president obama libya syria so many different wars that he was involved in the world with hillary clinton he also interfered with vote . depends on what you thought when he came out and said that we'd be back in the queue in the trade negotiations do you think trump is particularly worse than obama yes because you know i didn't protest against obama's visit no we wouldn't have protested against obama's visit nobody can deny the fact that america as a nation. has made mistakes and continued to make mistakes under a democratic president but that's entirely different than this president who's propagating policies that they're intended to promote isolation protectionism wars . and indeed climate denial it's the extraordinary set of circumstances that we
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find ourselves in at the moment and it would be incumbent upon every democratic organization but particularly trade unions who represent workers and whose rights are so important to demonstrate against this president well what do you make of the attacks on jeremy corbin the leader of western europe's largest socialist movement and unites to support germany cool been a lot being made of the fact that not only is he not fit to be prime minister because he is an anti semite and and some of his attack is also accusing him of not being a remain are enough of a remain as regards jeremy he's in-doors talk for the entire nation and he tries to appeal to those who have voted to leave. the food to leave while at the same time saying to their remain there's the what we can negotiate is something that will not be to your detriment i don't outweigh jeremy is trying to appeal to the entire nation and to avoid divisions and again he should be applauded as
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a leader for them that he's chosen people for his shadow cabinet appeared to be actively attacking him joe mcdonald the shadow chancellor the foreign set of forms extremely thomery they all seem to be saying immediately should declare some sort of 2nd referendum and he's not taking the right line breaks a tool well unfortunately people are responding to pressures at the european election results is what it is it produces a divided nation similar to the referendum produced a divided nation and people really need to stop and reflect but unfortunately people have their own pressures their own constituency pressures they have their own experience and everybody is looking for a solution in respect of this and a solution is. one that is obviously difficult to find if it had been there people would have far end up buying on the lead a german coburn's obviously for maine because it seems to see this bigger picture your talking about should people be serving in the shadow cabinet you can't see beyond their own narrow concerns of
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a constituency where they do need to reflect on the do you need to get their constituencies and they do need to think about the reasons as to why people in other constituencies voted to leave this was always a vote breck's it was always a referendum nobody ever wanted because of the possibility of a causing divisions but what it really showed is that those left behind communities of the midlands and the north are exactly that left behind and in order for people to bring them back and for them to believe again in the labor message you need to engage with them and listen to why they have voted for bracks that so yes i would say to those members of the shadow cabinet they should be reflecting not just the poem the message from their own constituency but the masses from those communities that have been left behind the jewish voice of labor organization welcomed by only dylan mccluskey has been arguing that the n.t. semitism allegations are being weaponized do you see the semitism as being a way for those within the labor buddy to attack germany cool been that the major
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factor or do you see labor is more anti semitic than any of the other parties well i don't see labor as more on the semantic than any other party i think parties have their own problems that are reflective of society and if you accept that discrimination anti semitism islamophobia if you accept that that exists in society then you have to accept that it will corrupt political parties and it's incumbent then on those political parties to deal with it the person who i always think should answer the questions in respect of anti semitism is ian mcnichol why did he not deal with these problems well a very fair former general secretary of the labor party who had. up at unity to deal with the seventy's and the start before it. became the problem it is now become failed ny for whatever reasons others direct the questions towards jeremy when in fact it is not jeremy who is responsible for dealing with the complaints
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within the labor office directed towards supporters of jeremy really it is in mcnichol who should be the questions as to why these problems were not dealt with in the 1st place but i've no doubt that jennie for b.s. and top of this i have no doubt that these complaints are being dealt with have no doubt that they're being dealt with expeditiously and i have no doubt that we'll reach the other side and we'll be able to talk about the issues that are important to people. in the communities of news or issues of the austerity and inequality has . come on the show but is it your understanding the deputy leader tom watson together with people like paul mason obviously adviser joe mcdonald who advised the sacking of senior advisers to jeremy cool but is there a coup actively going on even ahead of whatever by elections and whatever votes are ahead of us and what i've been very public and i grew back from what the criticism and the attacks and jeremy corbin's advisors are disgraceful and warranted these are advisers who are definitely socialist column rates and have stood by jeremy in
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the moves difficult of times they're also advisers who are in large part responsible for the 2017 manifesto a manifesto to change this country and once we are through breck that we will be able to get back on to the substance of that manifest to move forward from and these are advisors who you deserve congratulations and i don't believe that the advisors of jeremy are making a mistake if they are advising him that he should listen to the wider community center specht of the issue of practice that i think that is tremendously sensible the attack by paul mason not only was disgraceful because individuals do not have a right of reply but it. also misconceived the idea that you leave behind communities because they simply do not agree with your position over europe is one that is misconceived a move drive labor to the margins of politics and not not to the center of politics it is wrong it is out it's wrong the poll is article was. disgraceful well
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just finally obviously it was wiki leaks revealed a lot behind teach ip and t.t.p. in these big trade agreements that the will act which will act so so much on your members the unite member unions when it comes to these big trade deals julia songe is according to the un being tortured in london at the moment do you think people should be supporting as diane abbott appeared to suggest when when to resume. appeared victorious that he'd been captured by british authorities. well unfortunately with julian the message becomes confused because of the allegations that are in sweden and people that look to you whether or not you're supporting them rather than supporting the principle the principle upon which people should be argued here is the freedom of journalism. in the journalistic field julian's only
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crime could possibly have been said to have had bad judgment the freedom of the press is at risk here the charges in america that are created and recreated are designed to block the freedom of the prep press to stop the voice be heard. would be bad for democracy people do you need to distinguish between julian the person on the principle that is on trial jury would say he would reject the views of too much because he says it is innocent but what happens to unite work is in industries allied to journalism could they to now go to jail for being involved in the publication of secrets well firstly i'm going to the united states i don't for a 2nd the say that julian is anything other than innocent i wouldn't know because i'm not close enough to it but i do say that the principle for which julian is being attacked by the american government is one that is of the utmost importance and any individual regardless of who they are falls well behind not principle because the freedom of journalism is one of the far and ations of the democratic
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members be mobilizing in those kind of defacto and the threat if indeed he was to be extradited for the under the espionage act of the united states well unite as a union would always support the freedom of journalism and the right for journalists to have free voice without restriction of the state thank you and that's it for the show will be back on saturday as g 20 finance ministers by japan to debate the global trade war by don't jump now threatening the livelihoods of people all around the world feel that just by social media. has the time come for google and other big tech companies there's a growing consensus the near monopoly status of many of these companies is bad for competition bad for the consumer and even for freedom of speech no doubt silicon valley is lowering our play. a little.
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the bulk move but it. will show you that look beautiful live look i mean it's a good look or a good. movie muslim also has dulce we'll give you films for good golf. for your dish also look i do the same you believe if stuart were to leave you should go. to starbucks to. continue to fill it with the little mist they'd still get is it's. your stash thing understand statistics not from the mashed old trail cool the stuff the president and please contribute more to constituents. as we have producers to post this for to sniff them up on you of course the us the
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interactive exhibition open held congress the movie titles don't have also been. a republican congressman defends a u.s. navy seal accused of war crimes. and we fired hundreds of rounds of the right probably hundreds of civilians probably killed women and children if there were anyone left in the in the city when we invaded so do i get judged. also this hour the russian and chinese presidents are set to hold a news conference following talks in moscow. and we speak to 2 human rights lawyers who have compiled a case against intending to sue the block over the deaths of thousands of migrants in the mediterranean.
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