tv Keiser Report RT June 6, 2019 5:30am-6:01am EDT
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and apparently it was also suggested that a donald trump considered slapping tariffs on a strike so we have a lot of tariffs we have a lot of sanctions we have a lot of well we were also threatening germany for example for their s.p.v. which whereby they would be allowed to trade pharmaceuticals and other things with iran so we have global going postal as a wise man once currency wars lead to trade wars lead to hot wars so we've had currency wars that's been going on now for 10 years 15 years really particularly with china you know they artificially keep their currency low export their way into becoming a large economy and now this is led to trade wars with trump now pretty much declaring secession from the global economy as we go to neo mercantilist age of globalization and monetarism dollars ation is over and look at the globe we've got a few little hot spots there are the encroaching hot war scenario is upon us of
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course the notion of going postal started under ronald reagan and this is when he began neo liberalism and deregulation and privatization or well the whole proposition of profits in the socialization of risk so that really started under reagan and became a 0 sum game if you were a loser by the time you were 25 people went postal they went into the post office and they shot their coworkers this is the same thing as the american empire they have a mentality and they're the ones that spread this notion of 0 sum game and trump even says that when he goes into negotiations on these so-called trade deals he said well why did they sign this trade deal with us under obama or under clinton or anybody else why did they sign this trade deals unless they thought they were winning so if they're winning then we're losing so this is his whole way he approaches these things is if if china is. you know exporting more than we are if
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they have a huge trade surplus if they're way ahead of us in 5 g. technology that's because we obviously are the losers but this is like now his mentality the american empire has become suspicious and paranoid and everybody that everybody's cheating us when it was reagan and and that you're together we set in motion this situation right under reaganomics you know you had this ration of the working class and organized labor you know you had the firing of the air traffic controllers and going postal these are postal workers that were being marginalized through the loss of purchasing power and you see that throughout the economy and then you know flash forward to the situation now where trump is indicating that we're moving away from this model of an ever expanding pai remember up until 11 you know 5 or 6 years ago the idea was we don't have to fight over the pie in the pie
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just keep growing it's about making the pie grow for everyone and we're lifting millions and millions out of poverty around the world and the pie is never going to stop growing now or back to the pie is limited if you get a slice of pie someone else does not get a slice of pie so that's mark until ism and it will be getting back to a gold standard soon because if you're going to have markets alyson me need an actual yardstick to measure who's winning and who's losing if trump wants to say you're a loser and or a winner the only way you can say that with some confidence is if there's a benchmark against which he can point and say this is how i know you're winning and i'm losing because we've got this mount of gold and you don't have that amount of gold and that's back to the gold standard in a couple of countries are already back on a gold standard china russia being to example has been in the u.k. and the u.k. is breaks a thing and one of the things that they're looking forward to is that they're going to have a trade deal with the united states. and it turned out that the u.s.
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ambassador to the united kingdom went on andrew marr show on the b.b.c. chlorine chicken and us private health care on the table and it breaks a trade deal chlorine wash chicken and u.s. firms involvement in british health care would be on the table for a post breaks a trade deal donald trump's ambassador has said woody johnson the u.s. ambassador to the u.k. said chlorinated chicken is as safe as anything in europe adding if people don't want to buy it they don't have to do so labor had attacked the comments from u.s. ambassador woody johnson as terrifying like this is horrifying that we're going to get chlorinated chicken on our and i just was being turned into a u.s. healthcare system the e.u. has strict hygiene standards for poultry when they are alive while the u.s. washes them with disinfectant such as chlorine after they are dead the factory farming the the horrible health care system here like the fact that like. the living get preference in the european economic model and
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expanding and facilitating the quality of living for the living whereas in the us it's all about. like the grotesqueness whether it's in the factory farming or the people living on the streets in los angeles and san francisco and piles of human excrement and typhoid and and medieval diseases spreading what they're doing is they just chlorinated down after they cause a situation look at climate change also they're like let's just spew all this garbage into the air these freedom molecules of gas into the air national gas and methane into the air and then later will do the equivalent of coronating will will geo engineering with nano particles blocking out the sun to moderate. the ecosystem here is instead of just like not destroying your environment not
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destroying your institutions not destroying the fabric the foundational element of our societies and economies the key phrase there being the e.u. . in terms of its regulations of food in britain would prevent exposure to. chlorinated corpse chickens that have gone through formaldehyde and zombified and turned into toxic delivery mechanisms of disease and cancer yes that's right the e.u. puts the block in place but you know the u.s. of course has been the dumping ground of financial risk that originates in the city of london the city of london has always been the go to place to commit financial fraud every bank in the world outsources their primary frei natural fraud to the city of london that gave us the lehman collapsed disaster the banking disaster of 20082009 so now kind of the u.s.
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is returning the favor by exporting their food disaster to the u.k. so these 2 have a symbiotic relationship swapping financial armageddon with food armageddon then we have armageddon in california and here's a headline again from the united kingdom and they have a great headline and great photos accompanying this collapse of a city that's lost control shocking new pictures from downtown l.a. captured the huge problem it faces with trash and rats fear of typhoid fever outbreak among l.a.p.d. images from the downtown area show trash piling up as workers struggle to keep the area sanitized rows and rows of tents lie on the sidewalks of skid row in the sprawling 50 block area home to around 4200 and on thursday it was revealed the los angeles police detective has been diagnosed with typhoid fever they're not doing anything to prevent these thousands of people living amongst the rats and feces on the sidewalk in downtown l.a. said there that's just like letting them live they're not building affordable housing or homeless shelters and instead how they're dealing with it is they every
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once in awhile every once a week or something they they move them out and then spray everything with chlorine and bleach and and then let them move back in there so this is how they this is how they respond to a human disaster well this is a problem of debt that makes you desperate. g.d.p. in america includes debt so the more debt you have the bigger the g.d.p. but it leads to high time preference mistakes like you see in los angeles where it becomes expedient to treat people like human garbage to pay off debt because there's too much debt to pay off if you have capital if you have savings if you have hard money like gold or bitcoin you can take a step back and say ok we're we want to be in 5 years do we want feces on the streets and typhoid in the police you know department department but they don't have that time they don't have the luxury of time preference they're bound by high time profit so the and the debt keeps going up so that the disaster will only
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continue as we see we have all these trade wars going on the reason why trump is. basically waging these trade wars is because the american voter insisted on it because the american voter in the giant midwest the former heartland of america no longer are employed because they are from the unprotected industries that neoliberalism exported to china and all of the rest of the world but we do have protected industries on the coast where the winners live as hillary clinton pointed out we have the lobbyists in the military industrial complex around washington d.c. we have the financial engineers around new york city if they get the free money from the fed on the west coast we have san francisco and hollywood los angeles and those are protected by the state department and internet intellectual property that are forced on most of those trade deals like t p p n t t i p that obama and hillary clinton had to go she added and which the people didn't want so those are the only
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places you can go to get a job in america but we have erected in the same places very strict affordable housing they don't they refuse to build any affordable housing so is that you have to go there to get a job you have to be in san francisco los angeles or new york city those are the only places with new jobs coming online and maybe ought. so the chicago but you have to go there or else you don't have anything so here we have a situation where only those protected industries that these are the gate keepers this is this is you have to get past the moat you have to get into there and get a job but we have a situation where there are no houses for any of these people going there for a job and they end up homeless can you give us the moat of the break and return with more. so if you can do it.
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there. but going back to the kaiser report i'm ask eyes are time now to turn to constantine garg of macro view dot edu constantine a walking back elated to be with you moxon with the use they say constantine what is happening in los angeles where hair reports that in this you know progressive social justice warrior state a lot of democrats have 10 cities open sewage in the straight medieval diseases san
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francisco los angeles look like a you know vera ball hell hole what's going on well nothing really new it's the same old same old at the last democratic convention back in san diego all of the reporters who are going to get it inside of the convention and only a few brave souls wandered out into the streets of san diego and what they discovered is complete if you want devastation of the c.d.u. of huge numbers of fancy does large numbers of the own list trash everywhere and so forth and a handful of orders actually break to try to keep order not uncover that in the news it didn't make the front pages of the new york times of course but that's the reality of california you have to ask if the haves and the have nots and the have nots are increasing the numbers and the haves are becoming more and all locked into their local communities if you look at what's happening demographically in san francisco all the communities up are you not younger people from those communities
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can no longer afford to live in there they have no jobs anymore they've been displaced by the cold years they've been displeased by the tea sector workers not so much with the coders but rather the people who sell the stop looking for use and there's a result of that the city loses its fabric it loses its fall to lose its community . you know we look at a neighborhood in some ways the state is like that now los angeles have a house full of people that this wasn't as used. beautiful melton on the way i remember when i leave the likes of minds is that there is a constant regeneration of neighborhoods there's a constant constant and no will really build a new construction was always much more dynamic in the sense in sense of social mobility than saunders as there was apparently in the home it is there is again you can see it is a large numbers of people who are unemployed destitute and cannot afford any sort of roof over their hats there is a few malaysian boss the cumulation of iraq. disposed off by the middle losses are
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little losses in for communities in large quantities infestations of rodents and so forth human excrement is a problem now los angeles just that as it is a huge probable sons this book is available up in sanford says the which allows you the digital media or the full prince o'keefe human excrement san francisco recently both that they have managed to develop the guinea we want the universe it is. your round existence payments which were not politely public services were actually for jack nuremberg back at the person you're an 8th of the public space it is almost like forced the cooking leap to wall where you have communities like you are only really super awkward and experienced safe really anthony laid out them scape and so forth and few miles down the road you're up to see it is where the ordinary
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people live and effectively they're being left to go on ends and means is a great by the way it is a very community where people long course you are to long for law and order they long for how fools this is a family community is arya in ruins and so forth well like so if so innocence of this war for example. and they cannot do that simply because all of the resources have been sucked into the well to do areas they get no public services they. get want they cannot get any proper police. and they again will own was this is a huge problem fear if you look at who was look at homelessness and in california rome by these hormones on the blog about on the 1000 phones every year so it's on the supply and those phones there is no new construction except in the luxury segment in silence is the luxury condos like the point where they're not some of the prices are on but you can go build affordable 1000 units simply because of the n.b.a. is in the local communities of lentil gentry rather poignant in the state where
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people who have owned property because the lumper generations benefit from huge tax deductions or dark spots in terms of their property costs and those who are buying today of what they want for sound or higher. property thoughts. they cannot afford barnacles the subsequent cannot afford month they even that palls you call the greater pirates of the station it is effectively a state where the landed gentry of the pascola generations is presiding over the rampant racism or a rampant reeses joins up with all of the old rentals available markets bollox in terms of the rights for renters what they get a veil off is that it will them more it's own all of that these rocked up into this nice and if you want political agenda or what you all pseudo progressive these are where are the so-called progressive labor that this is somehow more environmentally
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and socially sustainable then broke or houses or people read more and more about how folks and they top 110th of one percent are building gated communities and wild commander days to enslave themselves are promoting at the same time policies that increase the number of almost us exciter so constantine elsewhere and no matter where we look we see signs of an increasingly rapid d. globalization tromps trade wars now include mbia and mexico he. it has considering australia your thoughts on the global economy at the moment wow do you see at the macro picture constantine i think we're at common to now and what's around and trends the 1st trend is the globalization as you mentioned and that's with the regionalization of trade when the regional moch start at the margin and the 2nd all oculus like the late the klamath as mars is back in is a schmuck eggers an american and it's interesting because we don't think about rape as
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a center on the opposition move back to things like sanctions when the fans were mind going to talk about weaponization of all this or what the reality what happened with that one specific partnership. back under the obama administration it wasn't what it easier to hunt or shift away from free trade. which serves geopolitical interests primarily in this case it was trying to sort of the geopolitical interests of the united states or in the china and the russia in the pacific region along with china and russia it's losing both of those sentries china is the biggest the on the wall now even the almost who wants it last month that bad is the case and yet it was excluded from t.v. so moving on words will rival the problem you say should the rules of weaponization free as if you want bizarre while having as you mention the and threatened against mexico as the against china they've been threatened against only or threatened that
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if possible stand alone they were threatened with against in the past against. their limits rather off was sanctions against european union and so forth if you look at the lease look the fact is that it's entered the park just published the so-called manipulators of. bantus amongst those centers there are several european countries including germany who are linked. and it's ironic of course because the euro is not the foreigners but i think very very very curious for the manipulation and the aren't and aren't bound to really pounce or plot is one of the major by theory of all by those criteria anyone who is a successful explorer of the united states labeled them these label but there's a part with effectiveness of manipulating. that's the reality of it and without force weakness in their origins of facts and rhetoric well it's the rhetoric bomb a lot of the right policies that they animals the unfortunate it public and fox
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which for a lot it's on roots then charles as for the traitors in the files is molecules on their idea off but we get close tabs back at fox station we're having war and therefore we are we the jury or in reality if you look at for example on the new york fed analysis published article on may make it clearly shows that it was u.s. households in those fires there asking what exist the balance that with that weight loss were bought on the $40.00 for a year in the households that's when you were found was the fact that bottle revenue is followed by the united states fracturing but of course it's also nonsense to say that ordinary households in america benefit from that they're actually on that in any sort of boxes when we look at the imposition of the expenditure or was badgering it's disproportionately favors and dispassionate spending and general spending this lot the likes of and the moment the likes all
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the spending on the specific 1 o'clock it was especially the all the generations of the baby boomers and so forth so in a way that bad sense that there has been a direct loss to the household as a result of that it will also then boss the on the rest the maybe the mosque but if you look at the facts analysis of the proposed. mexico battles are not mexico that that doesn't who just are opposed. janice crouse yes that was the prices it formulates in mind well that's the problem we're volatile perspective too much luggage box spots. in parts and jobs are or will the 17 day amount will not reach $1340.00 while those were the year for your average american family house 4 and so they're now going to take it
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from today to 9 or goes back. out it's only effectively in part the american possibles it's all about weaponization of trade is also weaponization of the u.s. dollar when the u.s. can get involved in sanctioning trucks by censoring the swift system and other things like that i wanted to ask you about the various responses around the world whether it's the practice of voters the election of trump as you move but in france in a lot of these are folks are pushing back they're asking for a radical change are they are they have an agency will they get anywhere word of a mess saying or is it a lost cause constantine well even in the age of great nation. it is the part to beijing which has not yet materialize in the form of then that fear and change that we will see it is that. in fact it is that. a lot of the armor for change amongst the voters and moment of the station of
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actual ideologies of youth is what the law says it is not that really when the age of uncertainty and the big moves and complexity of the european elections for example that if you are to show that the results. in green vote share and so forth will if you want you know relatively stable but still lying on the ground declining influence of 2 major parties and parts of the last near and far on all the battles and dignity for the population which is broken out in the world from the point that you saw one who needs radical change but we don't know what it is well below the united states is very similar that if you look at that is it for this type of phenomenon. that all putin is elected officials who are presented a pungent weight with the lights off is wrong or not presenting any feasible yet alternatives they might move or a month say they might need the manifesto is going to swallow them for the policies
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but there is no experience in the large yellow wall that is a more than pretty place this kind of. fall apart box of a bomb of what's very clear all is that into the future the foreign spouse was thought of want to work can see that the wall the oxidative bomb is no longer sustainable already in the market all over all in a multiple of world which is not just so that's really the most the figures or notional with all of the size figures you look at us and metric in fock of the countries like russia for example like. you can also look at their big way in. on cheesemaking. we. wanted we challenge with an american centric unit so while we can see. where you want it you know where your money is all you want but it's going to be
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a whopping line in terms of the american residence and points. where. we are not yet seeing want terms it's a murky phone and this is slow and certain songs in today's environment this is why will you can only speak change one thing does appeal get what these changes won't be. obvious for other segment thanks for being on this edition of the kaiser report thanks much michael will all right i'm not going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy herbert like to thank our guest constantine i want to catch us on twitter it's kaiser report until next time by oh .
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nobody could see coming that false confessions would be that prevalent in this particular a show from full coverage if you look at any interrogations out there what you'll see is threat promise threat promise threat lie a lie a lie the process of interrogation is designed to put people in just that frame of mind make the most comfortable make them want to get out and don't take no for an answer don't accept their denials she said therefore we're all poor or very sad statement there i would be all over that the next day there's a culture of odd accountability that police officers know that they can engage in misconduct that has nothing to do with all their craft. posner's at the moment is a question that is crucial in libya and the one who needs to decide that is the libyan people that is why we should carefully slowly gradually
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legally go into elections today you have basically 2 parties so everybody laban's the other the way he wants because that is in fairly deep crisis of legitimacy and this crisis of legitimacy cannot be sold by going to be and that. the. us democratic senator slams the trumpet ministration for giving the green light to sharing sensitive nuclear technology with saudi arabia just days after the killing of dissidents saudi journalist jamal khashoggi. the trucker ministration has broken this precedent they kept it secret i worry that the.
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