tv News RT June 6, 2019 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT
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into election day you have basically. everybody. the way he wants because that is deep. and this. cannot. be a. headline stories that russian presidents say. treaties will. the world stressing the need for a dialogue between major powers. today the most significant thing is negotiations between countries. but i think it is necessary to be.
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official and unofficial this may be the one light at the end of the tunnel. but you love him or putin speaking in. world leaders to international decision makers top names from industry and find in russia's northern party is there. a us democratic senator. ministration for giving the green light. technology. which was just. a journalist. in serial killer who murdered. patients while working hospitals in germany was given a 2nd life sentence we speak to the. victims. not just. open to pounce and that's the right word for it rips.
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your tuning in from right around the globe. international my name's union o'neill we begin in st petersburg where world leaders on followers of international decision makers have gathered to discuss finance and business at the international economic forum the russian president is there he spoke of possible global threats particularly concerning the united states withdraw from the nuclear defense agreement saying it's a step towards global destabilization what art has been following the developments of the forum for us. some of the wealthiest businessmen on this planet international official will spend most of their time at the international economic forum here at the venue but those who get an invitation on the 1st day of the floor
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actually head to st petersburg residence at some point during the day to take part in the event chaired by the russian leader and one of these events was to get together with the heads of the most important international news agencies and during that panel a lot of moms who had quite a few quid of cool things to say about washington a raising signatures on some of the most important treaties that control the use of missiles missile defense and so on we can remember how george w. bush decided to ditch the anti-ballistic missile treaty almost 20 years ago we can also remember what donald trump did to the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty last year so here's what mr putin said in particular. it seems. global threat issues being ignored that concerns our american partners have
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withdrawn from the anti-ballistic missile treaty so what ladies and gentlemen i would like to ask you did anyone of you protest or take to the streets with. no silence but it was ok but this was the 1st step for a fundamental destabilising of the home construction of international relations in terms of global security so every once in a while president putin is reminding journalists and pretty much the rest of the world as a result of the collapsing treaty donald trump once said that russia wasn't playing by the rules and that's why he's saying goodbye to it although moscow was saying that it wasn't violating anything and now mr putin believes that any washington the elite is realizing that accountability will be on the way and that's why according to the washington president they are trying to blame everything on russia when it comes to the possible revival of the agreement or the possibility of
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creating a new one a lot of pollution is making it clear that there needs to be an absolutely transparent international discussion on the matter involving professionals from all over the world and mr putin is saying that there is hope that this kind of thing could happen because the latest conversation with president instills a suits and optimism in me told me he's also concerned in the stands the expense the united states is the rest of the world put into weapons of course today the most significant thing is negotiations between countries with the largest nuclear potential but i think it's necessary to only include countries official and unofficial this may be the one light at the end of the tunnel a lot of other things that we heard from mr pearl was another poke in the face of american officials the russian president says that america is treating venezuela quote as. it's own backyard he also had something to say about the u.k.
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he believes that moscow and london should turn the page of spy scandals and assassination attempts and start a new story probably with a blank sheet. well many experts across various fields are gathered in st petersburg one is eugene casper ski founder of the russian cyber security company casper ski lodge he spoke exclusively to us well it should be aware of this speak about i suppose the national caucus all the time i see that we have a benefits from the old this media pressure because relieving the pressure and feels to see a russian caucus so i would acknowledge some products they put up they throw at us like us much better than our competitors. everyone is aware of it for a start sure decide better and don't get the backs of many of them this being the cybersecurity language of the vulnerabilities that will be at bison said that
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a lot of the same time has to look at work too because the most of the people think of both the computer security or smartphone security but that's not the end of the story because they it's i see. that all the kind of devices that are around us unfortunately many of them the vulnerable what about the completion security of the healthcare security because unfortunately it is all these vulnerable based on cyber involvement and unfortunately this i don't even know if the bad guys are often times than that able to prevent that critical things so we still to look at work to do on that of atoms. now where a company which provides cyber security for any kind of businesses from individuals on from there it will devise a store the critical infrastructure and of course it's the next logical step will assist governments. to go and see all of them that it can as the cyber security is one of the top. issues so so they pay
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a lot of attention please so we are able and we want to assist governments with our knowledge of expediency technology. with. the us like a company's strategy to be a global company took care. of it in the d. of the partners of business around the world by in africa it was one of that he just which required the pension i was told many on this but the recently offered some of offer to come out this leaders this started to pay more attention to cybersecurity and so we had that the world the government level conferences events so that it was in the rwanda and that was way to promise and. yeah we'll bring you all the big developments from some petersburg as the days progress there but all night to more global news a u.s. senator is the man leading an investigation into secret nuclear technology
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transfers from the united states to saudi arabia senator tim kaine who obtained the information from the energy department called the situation quote dangers. i worry that they're trying to hide information that would that would maybe lead us to uncover that there's some you know corruption or or sweetheart deal in this that they don't want the american public to know major concerns surround the timing of the approval it was signed off a little over 2 weeks after the brutal killing of saudi dissident journalist jamal khashoggi for which several high level saudi officials were blamed the u.s. energy department confirmed the transfers back in march after the 1st reports emerged but have not responded to the request for comment on the cain statement while saudi arabia itself claims its atomic program is strictly for civil and peaceful uses. the u.s. congress is also disturbed by the quote level of covertness that surrounded the
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transfers but no time reference was being given by the trump ministration will take us through all that breaking at dawn. the fact that the trumpet ministration provided nuclear technical expertise to the saudi monarchy has got some in congress pretty rattled the trump administration has broken this precedent they kept it secret we found out in march that they had done a number of transfers to saudi arabia it turns out that right after the show he was murdered by the saudis and they were lying about it the administration said fine here here's we'll pass nuclear technology on to you now a quick reminder the killing of the journalist sent shock waves around the world when he was killed in the country's consulate in istanbul now the brutal death apparently sent shock waves throughout the world but it wasn't enough to stop some nuclear deals now it appears that the trump team was rushing perhaps because they thought the fallout from the killing would make it more controversial at a later date and following the shoji case
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a bipartisan group of legislators did indeed pass a law allowing congressional oversight of any nuclear cooperation agreements with saudi arabia and tom certainly does seem eager to promote nukes how many countries have it iran is going to happen at some point we have to say you know what we're better off if japan protects itself against this maniac in north korea we're better off frankly if south korea is going to start to protect its saudi arabian you know what in saudi arabia absolutely now let's not forget that saudi arabia is a signatory of the nuclear nonproliferation treaty and they do have a working agreement with the international atomic energy agency however arms control experts raised their eyebrows over the building of a recent nuclear reactor facility do you have to consent to the saudi arabia does not want to acquire any nuclear bomb but without a doubt if iran developed a nuclear bomb we will follow suit as soon as possible the united states administration is going to give the saudi arabian nuclear technology while they are
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fighting and are doing think sions on your own to not have nuclear technology for peaceful reasons if saudi is going to have it so the americans are. american administration should be fair and now everyone to have the nuclear technology peaceful peaceful causes now peaceful nuclear energy is certainly permitted and russia has worked with saudi arabia on atomic energy before however russia's agreements with saudi arabia were upfront transparent and they included a signed roadmap on what would and would not be happening with the program the us secrecy is certainly frustrating to the point that with any deal done behind closed doors you have to wonder what they're trying to hide. r.t. new york. quite an extraordinary court case this week a german nurse who murdered 85 patients has been given a 2nd life sentence neil schoolgirl earlier said he was quote endlessly sorry let's
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go through his time in 2005 who will score tampering with a syringe pump on the administrating a cardiac medicine without use the. lead to a series of investigations he was initially convicted of attempted murder in 2008 and sentenced to just the words 7 years in prison then 2015 a judge sentenced him to life in prison for 2 murders and 2 attempted murders. the truly startling figures were confirmed with another guilty verdict we have from the national reports from side to quarter. that is of no doubt an absolutely shocking case of course we've heard the verdict 4 news her go 42 year old former nurse he was found guilty of killing 85 people and god a life sentence which is the toughest punishment here in germany or i would rather say their life sentence because today's court was the 1st one for mr fergal and he's currently serving
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a life time jail term for 2 other murders and attempted murders he had been convicted of back in 2015 a massive trial huge public attention court proceedings had to be held in these festival hall that you can see behind me instead of the original court to embrace all those people who wanted to attend the trial including the families of the victims of course an immense work behind the verdict investigators looked into 200 suspicious cases and had to 100 just just think about that 130 bodies 8 including germany and poland and in turkey but the problem is that most of the people who died during mr her girls she said the hospitals work or maintained and we heard today from many people including from the main judge of the program says that the exact number of people killed by mr her ago is still unclear what actually happened for 5 long years starting in the year of 2000 needles her
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girl working as a nurse would pick up a patient any age any any social background any raise all medical health condition to inject kind of a cocktail of drugs to colds a cardiac arrest or other complications so that later he could calm and revive the patient to wean everybody's admiration and he's call exe we're really impressed with his skills and they even. gave him a flattery nickname resuscitate a rambo say they suspected nothing until a certain moment but actually rambo was not able to save all of his. victims hardly the most shocking thing that needs her go committed his crimes at 2 different medical institutions and while he was serving as
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a nurse at in the 1st clinic actually it became clear at some point for the authorities that the number of that's almost doubled so they started suspecting something and they decided to simply get treated on the nurse without reporting their fear is anywhere and after that mr her go was able to find a job at another hospital in neighboring town with no problem who is to blame so we have been able to talk about that with so many people today and all of them almost agree that the reason a complex of reasons behind this terrible situation let's take a listen it's not only the system of hospitals and and. people who are working in those hospitals but i think it's almost a problem of each person just to look away don't want to see what's happening and. i guess many people are thinking oh i don't know it's not my fault it's not my case
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i would just go ahead and i haven't seen anything and that's the main problem i guess we have so through problems the perpetrator who's completely different feelings and empathy and then we have a culture of looking away if people had paid more attention to the information to do so then things would have been different to mine and i'm not dismissing we need to have the possibility to provide information anonymously and we have to include it into the educational system people are motivated to work together to identify the mistakes instead of treating these issues as to who. openly about mistakes to voice down in future and that should be an important part of the magical education of ok we're leaving for a minutes or so the shortest of breaks but when we come back at elections in denmark have resulted in a big political shift for the country. what
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is it called decline is magic and the new type of digital currency the centralized digital scarcity chancellor. of 2nd for bankers call the genesis blog for reason to calling it civil disobedience a source of optimism because i can control my own financial destiny it's just a new way of coming to consensus is a game changer in the human history and this is columbus discovering a new world this paradigm shifting technology that transforms economics and finance in a heartbeat the apollo 11 landing on to the max and stacey. join me every thursday on the alex i'm unsure when i'll be speaking to the world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see you.
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just approaching 19 minutes into the program there's been a major political shift in denmark with the liberal party conceding victory to the social democrats they want a majority in parliament in an election dominated by climate change well for cuts and immigration issues perhaps most of all its leader who is set to be the country's youngest ever prime minister has declared a sea change in the country's political direction. you have to mark should have a new majority denmark should take a new direction tonight we have a historic victory for their red block in the parliament. yeah clear might be that
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her center left party has bucked a number of immigration measures are done in the years including bones in the burka a kneecap the confiscation of valuables from migrants who arrive in the country they also voted in favor of doubling penalties for crimes and so-called migrant guess who are as push for making daycare a mother tree in disadvantaged areas with parents who refuse to send their children there losing their social benefit payments the party defended its stance saying these are the problems that people want to be solved quote immigration us to be controlled we heard from a member of germany's left party who sees denmark social democrats are tackling the issues that is only public's mind right now. it will damage voters voted what they do want then. and their track record that is very broad social welfare and that's what we're told and. they want to see them break their social welfare
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offices and they want down the expense of immigrants but the very much want to see him against it to bring advantage decide they don't want to see women with book us on the streets they don't want to see the show. with males in schools they want to see an integrated society and the social democrats have promised to live with them while the same line rang being do so for well. and i think that for our own damn things i did it is something that everyone in the denmark believe this avi to be able to deliver. a french priest could be in hot water after he was filmed singing songs critical all present during the mass of the church the video shows france's michel let a group of yellow vest protesters joining in towards the end of the service. oh
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word through moving through this is a blow last of mocking the french presidential man on the crowded during mass the local forty's filed the complaint and the priest himself could now find himself facing charges of containment the failure to the spirit the difference between church and state and also talking politics in a place of worship now he is a well known supporter of the yellow face we spent the last year of the particular based on the baby jesus and at the same time conscious crosses at a roundabout in the town of that meeting in memory of those who had died during clashes and protests with police back in 2016 however he was already. disassociated from the church and that is what he was accused of embezzling 100000 euros some money that the congregation had to mated he was subsequently fined 15000 euros in this particular video he's holding a mass in normandy and you can see him and others according with chronic
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a moron saying with coming to get shoot and the local prosecutor's office is investigating but the video itself has already thing he tweeted thousands of times and the results it in and number of french politicians coming out and speaking cautioning against it coarsely all teen terrorists was earlier i spoke to be lawyer of the accused french priest for his perspective on the case. at the end of the ceremony do you know what to do to sing the song. you know it's like of course but somewhere you know it's nothing wrong they did it at the end of the orpheus so some of them to a picture or 2 could feel the video of the thing and then the scene was very famous and popular and then. the department say's general tony to have been shared. which i think it's so abuse of
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power because in france there is a separation between church and the state the row is the one thing or 5 from the former centuri and the prestes free to seeing in the in the church at the end of the ceremony there is nothing religious it was just the people want to do 2 thing because there have been a show a lot of you know best. all right that is our last for an hour show once here at the top of the hour with all the latest global news updates but in the meantime why not sit back relax and check out some more great r.t. program starting here in moments.
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there's an petersburg international economic forum is a unique event in today's business world. over the last 21 years the forum has become a leading global platform for discussing the key economic issues facing russia emerging markets and the world thousands of business community members attend the forum to address today's a vital issues. watch especially foreign coverage on r.t. . what politicians do something that. they put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president or injury. or something i want to be rich. but you'd like to be prosperous like that before 3 in the morning can't be good that i'm interested always in the waters of the holocaust. there shouldn't.
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push legitimate is a question that is crucial in libya and i'm the one who needs to decide that is the libyan people that is why we should carefully slowly gradually eagerly go into elections today you have basically 2 parties so everybody laban's the other the way he wants because that is if very deep crisis of legitimacy and this crisis of legitimacy it cannot be sort of bought by going to be a little. swarms of them so moving. to build your local was before.
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much of those who heard the food you are most moving would use to see him we will. we will. move. move. move show you the stupid you with liberal media those who look for a good. move from slum also from the gulf will give you films for good good good. good good good or shows look i do the same you do more research to show the story of the us would go. bust. lots to slow down so you do need to fill in the middle of the list don't see the good news it's. just not a chance just. a milestone to try something to complete control is going to.
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be of interest because this going to snow for someone to do it because that is the cause of it are you supposed to go sure sure sure sure you should cut off the one whose job is a good place to. welcome to the alex salmond show in the wake of present state visit to the u.k. to to form the president cause complete consternation before he arrived casting diplomatic protocol to the forwards even before he stepped gingerly down the steps of air force one he had blatantly intervened and the conservative party leadership
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race told outgoing prime minister to reason why she'd made a muck of bricks that i gauged and i made treasurer spot west london mayor side caught however perhaps the calming influence of her majesty the queen put the present on his best behavior 1st set him on your part of the visit this contrasts visibility summed up as pope on acrimony and the marlins cartoon in the tides. the presidential arrival also provoked a mass protest. the speaker of the house of commons put paid to any plan of addressing parliament in westminster hall but his baby balloon effigy was given special permission by the mayor of london to fly over them and so in the show we start a 2 part examination of the politics of protest and an upcoming show will draw a contrast between working class glasgow taking to the mean streets a century ago and middle class london if city taking to the theatrical boards to campaign against h.s.t. however the speak their mind at the center of the story is don't know g.
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trump and we take a look at the effectiveness or otherwise of the protests which have been ranged against him but then this television interconnected age what form of protest actually works best is it to put hundreds of thousands onto the streets like the people stoned. or is it most effective to lace the message with humor like the lead by don't his campaign projecting on to big ben disparaging remarks by british johnson about trump before he became president alex talks to one of the organizers of this week's m t truck protests was against the government for colluding with trump and the things that he does and it was the sense alliterative to the american people who are resisting his policies domestically and we took a look back at great protests of the past with the man behind the legendary rock against racism protest of the late 1970 s. which for the 1st time mobilized the music industry behind a great national cause and struck a chord which has been copied many times said. from touched on a cultural activity.
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