tv Watching the Hawks RT June 7, 2019 8:30am-9:01am EDT
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we're watching closely watching the hawks. hello again for full news out from the international president trump says things could be very different between washington and moscow without all the rhetoric surrounding russia he was speaking to the fox news channel on thursday. because i have a good relationship with russia i think it's hurt by the folly which you know i did have a good relationship with russia is close to 2 months in special counsel robert malisse report said donald trump did not collude with russia to win the presidency but the fire hasn't dampened down the democrats are still desperately trying to find a way to impeach the president now building their case on obstruction of justice allegations our senior correspondent what i guess the of takes up the story
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criminal justice there are those who support trub those who want him impeached and those who really really really want him impeached preferably now and in the painful way take for instance this particularly enthusiastic new york times contributor who is gone and written up actual articles of impeachment to save everyone's time i suppose or maybe just a hobby of his who knows others c.b.s. have impeachment track is literally counting congressmen who are calling for trump to be impeached like kids opening chocolate filled advent calendars 63 now out of 535 senators and representatives just a few 100 to go and trump will hiring just need a reason you can't impeach for annoying tweets about noxious hairstyles or no
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existant collusion all that's left is obstruction when a subject of an investigation obstruct that investigation or lies to investigators it strikes at the core of the government's effort to find the truth and hold wrongdoers accountable here's a question that's been giving lawyers migraines how or why does one obstruct an investigation an investigation that later proves he was innocent of the crime he was being investigated for the special counsel's report states that his investigation did. not established that members of the trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the russian government in its election interference activities namely any sort of collusion with russia it's almost impossible to have an obstruction of justice no underlying crime what makes trump especially awful and obstruction is he voluntarily gave his investigators sometimes and writing material
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on how he allegedly tried to obstruct the investigation like when he reportedly told the then white house counsel to get rid of mueller 5 and then allow that counsel to go and testified to mueller the faily new york times wrote a fake piece today implying that because white house counsel don my gann was given hours of testimony to the special counsel he must be john dean type of rant but i allowed him and all others to testify i didn't have to i have nothing to hide in fact trumpet boasted earlier about what a good boy he was being about how much workload he had provided investigators the white house handed over 20000 pages of documents the 2016 campaign 1400000 pages 20 white house employees gave voluntary interviews it's like trump was building an obstruction of justice case against himself and on
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top of that he was terrible at it. wasn't fod investigated for 674 days and only finished when he was done so this is it if you can figure out how to impeach trump for trying to conceal crimes he didn't commit contact your local democrat immediately i expect anytime soon i'll be offering a reward it is not obstruction of justice in any way again this was the obstruction of justice not for a court proceeding of course this was not a corporate. this was an informal investigation through an executive agency or an executive body and so because of that the elements are a little bit different it would have to be willful omission or willful concealment or destruction of evidence during an investigation which of course did not happen in this case i don't think in the end there will be any consequences for obstruction because i don't think obstruction can be proven i do believe that the
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democrats are still reeling in the democrats want to make sure that they are not seen as having wasted $40000000000.00 of the taxpayer money in order to start or engage in an investigation and a spying campaign based on evidence that wasn't even legitimate so i think the democrats are going to continue to try i think that will be a term that continues to be thrown around just so they can save face because they're looking to retake the white house in 2020. 85 patients has been given a 2nd life sentence earlier 42 year old said he was endlessly sorry back in 2005 who was cold while tampering with a syringe pump and administering a cardiac event without cause this led directly to a series of investigations he was initially convicted of attempted murder in 2008 sentenced to more than 70 years in prison then in 2015 a judge sentenced him to life in prison for 2 murders and 2 attempted murders but if an alternate was out the latest trial. oldenburg festival hall this is where court proceedings had to be
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held the regional court hole was simply not able to accommodate all those people who wanted to attend and massive trial huge public attention the case raised many questions but gave a few on servers and one of the biggest questions was what is the exact number of people that mr her girl killed we heard from many including the main geology of the process that it is still unclear this is he entering the room packed with people he's caused so much harm to someone who is supposed to relieve the pain and prolong life but instead brought death to his patients this is where news her girls started playing his german version of a russian roulette oldenburg clinic working as a nurse here for 2 years studying 999 mr hurdle would pick up a patient could be any race so done there any age or health condition or social background to make an injection that would cause complications so that later mr
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hurdle could calm and quickly and professionally revive the patient getting everybody's admiration he's calling us at the clinic or so impressed with his skills that they even gave him a fletcher nickname resuscitate rambo with out of knowing that the person they praise. was in most of the cases behind the patients complications in the 1st place not all of mr her goals victims who were able to survive many of them died becoming spurstow no suspected nothing until the statistics came out showing that the number of das in the clinic almost doubled since mr hurd who joined the team but instead of investigating the cases henri paul to their fears they simply decided to get through to the nurse before they gave him a very good recrimination letter that he would hear it to this hospital in the neighboring town of delman horace to mr her go get hired here and. these deadly
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game continued for another 3 years until he got caught in 2005 and yet another question many know was how did this all happen and what should be done to prevent this in the future. to al-jazeera is facing accusations of double standards for reporting on an. event the channels being repeatedly reporting on this kind of event worldwide on its english language channel but qatar itself prohibits any kind of homosexuality with penalties of up to 7 years in prison.
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today with more l g p t representative in the public eye we discuss what impact they have so tell us proud of why the west the well should know about them. copulates with me over 16 years of age with compulsion. imprisonment for a true up to 70 years. continue to discriminate against migrants women and lesbian gay bisexual and transgender individuals.
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it may just be that that. that cutter is trying to give some press freedom. it may just be that simple but it certainly is raising a lot of eyebrows while they are state state oh and i believe they do care about making a profit and trying to discuss news that appeals to their particular audience and so if the english language version is trying to you know in some way pander or or just broaden its market for business purposes that's one thing but if it really is that they're trying to do something that might be perceived as disruptive or somehow corrupting the marketplace i think people would have a right to be concerned about that. right back now then to our main developing
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story these think petersburg international economic forum where thousands of politicians and global decision makers have gathered to discuss the future of finance and business in the pasta out of the d.m.a. putin and chinese president xi jinping has spoken of the importance of russian chinese relations in the face of u.s. economic pressure let's go live now russian senator alexei pushkov who's the chairman of the information committee for russia's federation council that's the upper chamber apartment in the russian assembly senator pushkov welcome to the program president putin said the global trade is no longer totally necessary a driving factor for the world economy what is driving it then. that he couldn't mind the innovation artificial intelligence old those new drivers do it be here and they will play a much bigger role in the future international development also they will have. much more weight in the world g.n.p.
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of course nobody would negate that trade is important but trade stops to be the only driver new drivers are appearing and they will. be extremely important for the economy of the near future not only distant future he talked about non-market methods as well didn't he demilitarizing trade talk about trade war sanctions being used around the world instead of free trade why then do those kind of methods dominate the headlines of global trade. when i think that global trade is still important and the main message of limited put in was actually not about the future all of the trade or innovations to my mind the main message was that the economic system the world economic system does not correspond to the new reality is. that there are new centers of economic. that
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have grown up but the international system is still oriented to the countries of the west so those countries have. given by the system a kind of automatic rent a kind of automatic superiority. whereas the world is composed of new actors who have much more presence and weight in the international economy interestingly enough it was corroborated by the president of vogue area mr rather who just said that who would actually imagine that the united states will stop to be the proponents of the free trade and the chinese and china will be the proponent of the free trade in the world so i sing the what mostly wanted to make understood by the audience is that the international. the nomic system needs
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profound changes and of course it should negate such. instruments as the sanctions as. direct political pressure in order to create computer give. advantages for some countries and for their companies mr clinton had in mind the north stream to a project where the united states are trying to sanctions through pressure to stop this in order to create better conditions for exporting american liquefied guest of the european market so i think that it was a very important part of his speech and i think it was very seriously taken by the audience with other political footballs as well as nordstrom to this of course the chinese tech giant weiwei which mr putin recognized as being pushed out of markets politically rather than technologically you expect russia to try and support the chinese telecoms giant somehow. i don't think that
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it was really discussed in any way maybe in. the discussion that will follow the plenary statements these questions will be raised but i think that the idea of the russian president was that this use of political instruments in order to prevent technological and economic competition is outdated actually drive us back not forward and mr putin also said that the incident this campaign against way is can be considered as the 1st technological war of the new epoch of the 21st century so he hinted that maybe other technological wars and that political instruments may be used to prevent the. advantages which are now.
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demonstrated by the developing economies that the old economist will resort to not only just economic and technological means to defend their markets to defend themselves against the appearance of the new centers of economic and technological power and i think it's very absent and that is what is going on today in your own but in terms of the level of competitive this there is in the global market right now those developing countries that you've spoken of the huge economies and desperate for change and innovation up against some of the more established economies that have swung the pendulum for so many decades now who don't want to get all the control that they've got how is that affecting the fairness and competitiveness in the global market. pricing that the global market will have to adjust to the new balance of power i remember that in 2005. very silent resolution has taken
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a revolution has taken place which nobody noticed but in 2005 the amount of goods and services produced by developing economies 1st time in history overcame the amount of goods and services produced by the developed economies and i think that this this will be going on so there are international instruments in order to. adjust the international economy in order to. find a better way of finding a compromise between interests of different countries and not just to start economic wars trade wars technological wars a sanction wars and so on because what we see is that the country which used to be the number one in the world by all means the united states of america now all of it all of a sudden discovers that they are not automatically number one and they are using all elements of the. paula to block the progress of the others and to defend
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themselves against international competition although 20 years or 30 years ago the united states where the proponents of the international competition because they saw it they will be number one forever it will not happen if you not happen is 3 does not and is 3 does not stop and i think the united states is any actor on the international scene so to take it into account and adjust themselves accordingly. and the change is coming no matter who does or doesn't like it it's inevitable in any case senator alexei pushkov a really appreciate your time talking to us on r.t. international hope you enjoy the rest of the forum. that plenary session is still underway it has been for the past hour and a half or so now we've already heard earlier on from president putin russia and the chinese leader change in paying but also sharing the stage there we heard earlier from the armenian prime minister nicole passion yeah but also there is the bug area president and the prime minister of the slovak republic as well as the u.n.
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secretary general antonio terrorists. speaking on stage now peter bell a greeting who is the prime minister of the slovak republic addressing a very packed congress hold that the instinct petersburg international economic forum thank you very much. of the 3 and a half years ago the international community came together in iran where they're sitting and we committed to work together for humanity the adoption of the 2030 agenda and its 17 sustainable development goals was a remarkable success we are here to understand it is a global referrers framework for development worldwide. with a clear vision and benchmarks. taking into account before the industrial revolution climate change security threats. never before we have
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a universal strategy and assuring coherence among economic social and environmental policies and this is the 2030 agenda we need everyone on board sustainable development is our duty towards future generations. recent un reports show urgent need for more progress we have to understand that each one of us deals with the issues of sustainability on a daily basis. but the time is running out and the chances of achieving some of our goals are already at risk. so where are the leaks. from my perspective there are 2 main issues. first on financing the 23rd the agenda draws our attention to
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a number of elements which are crucial for sustainability but tend to be overlooked we need $5.00 to $7.00 trillion us dollars global investment annually and that's between 7 to 10 percent of the global g.d.p. . a year ago at the displays christine lagarde say that we are seeing storms in the forecast and she warns against the level and the burden of national and corporate debt financial fragility which will result in significant capital outflows from emerging and low income countries and the determination of some to rock the system that has presided over the trade relationship. 60 percent of global g.d.p. is created in the private sector so we cannot no more rely on public climbing only
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and make for a cost on financial fragility. i see public figures here sitting next to business leaders so let's talk on how to combine public and private the resources in a meaningful way the good news is that many businesses are willing to help out. but the bad news is only 17 percent of the businesses have actually introduced any relevant plans or policies to materialize this support so clearly we really need to make some effort here. sustainability requires a framework for business planning and decision making to there is a lack of experience of slower companies in the development business when compared to traditional down the us but we try. the 72nd u.n.
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g.a. presidency under slovakia called for a better implementation it was our idea to hold the high level even dedicated to the topics of the financing representatives of businesses think tanks investment banks and nontraditional dollars came together to take stock of various initiatives and best practices in removing barriers to investment in development you can find them assembled in the toolbox and online represent 3 of lessons learnt on of upside hosted by own it already contains more than 40 examples to learn from and is constantly updated which brings me directly to the 2nd issue to which i would like to draw your attention namely on communicating and networking. i'm like the millenium development goals sustainable development goals apply to all
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not only to developing countries. but it is not for the un alone to deliver on them we have to change our authority when communicating as the g.'s we have to find a common language that enables us to communicate across cultural and graphical boundaries we need shared responsibility for the world stressed chancellor angela merkel at the global solutions summit in march this year also emphasized by president microphone at a time where our collective system is falling apart sadly it is most in demand and i could not agree more interdependence has to become a driver and not an obstacle and we need to infuse this agenda and its spirit into all areas of our work in so lucky we have taken the necessary steps to integrate the 2030 agenda into our long term national development framework we are going even
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further by linking the as the g.'s to our national investment plan until 2030 which would bolster financing for sustainable development but we need a vision of where we want to have our county and the whole european union in 11 in next 11 in the next 10 in next 2030 years and we cannot implement all as the g.'s in all their high wheat and land. we have therefore decided to define our national priorities for the implementation of the 20 city agenda and this was done in a broad stakeholder participation process respecting the principles and values of an open government. my country is indeed aiming at using our role weight and leadership in international organizations to push the as the jihad and
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forwards as a current share in office of the always see we are determined to help foster foster peaceful just inclusive societies which are free from fair and violence in line with this the 16 and i would like to say very clearly and very loud there can be there can be no sustainable development without peace and no peace without sustainable development. and we support meaningful and comprehensive dialogue among states as well as with other partners at the national regional and international levels. the president putin last year you called for a technological breakthrough and mentioned very importantly that we must be receptive to innovative ideas and technologies that make a difference in people's lives and the term in the future of the kountry and the
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world these are your words mr president. in may 2019 slovakia chair of the o.e.c.d. ministerial council on the theme harnessing digital transition for sustainable development opportunities and challenges. and the mission is to use the potential of the new digitalisation era and to ensure it is for the benefit of all. in my keynote speech to the o.e.c.d. ministerial i suggested that digital humanism. of the science slovakian prime minister peter pellegrini there addressing the main session at least in petersburg international economics chairing the stage there were the russian and chinese leaders also the leaders of called area armenia and the u.n. secretary general as well continuing coverage will pick up again in the next couple
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of minutes as we bring more in-depth coverage of you some petersburg and the international economic forum that plus artes headline news you just said and a half minutes away that's 6 people. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race. spearing dramatic development only mostly i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. so you say that brings this fear into the series if we could just let josie merino walk away and say we decided to
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treat up stuff post to a very special farewell party. and . we walk along an interesting path as a team but this time to go back to the punch line and thanks for putting on so she responded. with. the only thing i didn't enjoy was my eyes in moscow my dancing. on ice. in. the. middle of the. well thankfully we nailed it literally that we can.
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join me every thursday on the alex simon chill and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. how can we help citizens become healthier and happier moscow urban poor fools to 7th of july as our yankee business program interactive exhibition open health congress know them 1st of all the little details don't i'm also been forum dot com 16 plus. this is r.t. russia's northern capital from petersburg hosts thousands of big decision makers and top minds in business for its international economic forum but they've been using his time on the podium to highlight the crisis in global economic relations where they live in less than one minute.
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