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tv   News  RT  June 7, 2019 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. how can we help citizens become healthier and happier moscow open forum for us to 7th of july is our iraqi prisoners program interactive exhibition open help congress open festival the most details don't also been forum dot com 16 plus. this is the russia's northern capital from petersburg hosts thousands of big decision makers and top minds in business for its international economic forum they've been using his time on the podium to highlight the crisis in global economic relations where they live in less than one minute. as british prime
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minister to reserve a officially steps down as leader of the conservative party the race to replace her is on with 11 candidates now up the u.k.'s top job. turned serial killer gets a 2nd life sentence for murdering 85 patients while working at 2 hospitals in germany. where they live worldwide from moscow this is our c.n.n. national my name's colleen bray welcome to the program 4 pm on friday here in the russian capital as it is in the northern capital some petersburg that's where we're going to live next in our continuing coverage of the 29 seems to petersburg international economic forum by diplomats world leaders and economic decision makers are seeking the innovation and methods to cut through the major economic challenges this year right now the plane recession's underway at the main congress hall and speaking there is the u.n.
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secretary general let's listen. how good is again on the rise in it all of these are stunning especially within countries and levels of youth unemployment in some parts of the world simply a lot of me discrimination against women remains very easy and signs of unease everywhere. growth is slowing down and tensions are heating up and financial markets become uncertain. that is rising limiting what countries can do to achieve their goals and then their mining their ability to act when crises strike we need a global economy that works for all and creates opportunities for all and the 20 city agenda for sustainable development point the way the 17 sustainable development goals are the world's agreed the blueprint for building a safer more equitable world and leaving no one behind. but we are not yet
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on trick. and we know what works and we have important gains to build on and so i continue to call for a more robust commitment to the world's agreed the blueprint for a better future political support these crucial but the business community is an absolutely vital role to play. second we must address the global climate emergency. we are in a race against time and we are losing the race in fact the reality is proving to be worst than scientists at foreseen. we're also coming to recognize all climate impacts that accelerating the drivers of conflicts for instance in the cyo and even paving the way for expansion of terrorism and extremism in that region yet as the global warming speeds up political view is sometimes low down at
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a time when we know that technology is on our side and when businesses and civil society are more and more engaged this lek of political will could be tragic we need the green economy not to get a economy we need a rapid and deep change you know to business or to germany it's powered how to build cities and not to feed the world that means putting a price on carbon and being subsidies to fossil fools. and we need to recognize that this is a race we can win but we have the tools to tackle the climate crisis climate action could also be directed konami gave $26.00 trillion u.s. dollars compared to business as usual salute 2030 according to a recent economic analysis. and that is why i am convening a climate action summit at the united nations in september to mobilize the ambition that can reap these gains and i'm asking leaders to come not just with speeches but
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with concrete plans and commitment including on financing. and i'm asking that they do these not thoughts of journalists but dogs in light to. climate change is the most important systemic risk the world faces at this time. the u.n. secretary general antonio dressing the plenary session of some petersburg international economic forum warning regards to sustainability inequality and climate change which is what he's focusing on now a little bit later we're expecting a q. and a session with both leaders on stage there the congress holding some petersburg and that gets going live from. on to other headline news then today u.k. prime minister to reserve may officially steps down as leader of the conservative
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party opposed she served him for 3 years but now the scramble to replace her is in overdrive nominations for the tory leadership start on monday with 11 candidates vying for the top job ali boykin next takes a look at who's in the running. she's been burned by bragg and now the woman known as teflon to resign is on the way out after repeatedly failing to push her e.u. withdrawal deal through parliament last month that finally announced that she would be stepping down and she did it with a whimper rather than not buying the 2nd female prime minister but certainly not the last. i do so with no ill will but with enormous during gratitude to have had to the opportunity to serve the country i love there is looking at the number of candidates that have joined the race to replace may as prime minister may find themselves crying to and they're seeing what's going on
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here they've got no say in what's going on they can see there's 11 people standing up saying they want to you. know you always call me no it's even well me this is going to be detrimental the long term of the conservative party sure officially the race only begins on monday but already there are 7 leadership contenders with 2 having already dropped out and the british media is indulging itself pouring over the kaleidoscope of varying degrees of soft and hard brags that candidates like foreign secretary jeremy hunt health secretary matt hancock or environment secretary michael gove although there is already one clear favorite. and he's already got donald trump's seal of approval no worse i like your my i've
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liked him for a long time he's i think you do a very good job but the tory leadership contest is a complicated process and past experience has shown that the favorite never wins so this is anybody's race each candidate has to have the support of at least 8 members of parliament from that conservative m.p.'s will be asked to vote several times in order to whittle down the crowd of power hungry politicians to just one final head to head battle now that. poit the decision will be turned over to conservative party members that grassroots conservatives that could be hauled from down the road or treasure who lives next door and it is they who will ultimately decide who becomes the next prime minister with such
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a crowded field of hopefuls this summer britain is bracing itself for a political popularity contest like no other as for 2 reason may the woman that's been forced to leave 10 downing street before securing britain's departure from the e.u. will stay on as a lame duck leader her job now is to keep the chair warm for several more weeks until one of this lot finally takes over the top job. reporting that well the we heard from the deputy research director of a british economics think tank who says that a serious battle awaits to resume a successor. well unfortunately she's left behind a very very difficult situation for the incoming prime minister i think another vote unlikely in the short term because this will be seen as not to be trialled by those type of votes it leaves i mean it's kind of demise the whole idea of
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democracy if you don't stick to results and then keep repeating the election over and over again until you get the result that the establishment wants so that would really really further undermine trust in politics nevertheless it's going to be very difficult given the vast majority of m.p.'s are probably you're not going to like probably block any real breakthrough deal so if we get so prob prime minister he's really he or she's really going to struggle to get through parliament and could even face a vote of no confidence to prevent the u.k. leaving with no deal which point he or she will probably have to call a general election and that would be hugely risky. the united states continues to ramp up pressure on president duros government in venezuela announcing new sanctions against the state owned oil company it seems though that washington still unsure about the future of the latin american nation and whether the door oh should in fact step down linked audio recording suggests the us secretary of state's finding it difficult to unite the fractured venezuelan opposition into one cohesive
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force caleb maupin explained. by calm peo has been caught making some comments about venezuela that were not intended for the primetime viewers apparently he's not sure who would replacement dural if his regime change efforts are successful learned or more just to keep the opposition. groups devilishly difficult the moment it's really. everybody's going to believe the reason that it says. president of the us will be people who are the rightful heir if you're going through. pompei i was pretty clear about the fact that this discussion was not meant for public consumption so we got a favorable response i was this is what america's top diplomat said at the united nations when the lights were on and the cameras were rolling now we have a new leader. in venezuela who has promised to bring elections and constitutional order back to venezuela and security back to the region we cannot delay this
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critical conversation which has the world's attention for the sake of venezuela and the region we must support the venezuelan people and do so right now the mike pompei o isn't too concerned about what happens in venezuela after the current leadership is overthrown now let's not forget that the us meddling in the country's internal affairs is motivated purely by selfless humanitarian concerns about the people so after regime change there are 40 plus contenders who will then fight it out for power now does that remind you of any recent events in current history take for example the us invasion of iraq dick cheney said that it would go well my belief is we will in fact be greeted as liberators but there's been nothing but chaos and civil war in iraq since the usa invaded there are 288000 deaths so far and counting and dick cheney wasn't completely clueless listen to what he said in 1904 when she got to iraq and took it over took down saddam hussein's government
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the money you know put into place for take libya hillary clinton was delighted to hear that gadhafi had been put to the sword and we came we saw he died but now even barack obama admits that toppling the libyan government didn't come with a game plan for what happens next what he considers his worst mistake as president probably failing to. plan for. the day after. what i think was the right thing to do in. the intervening. libya but who needs planning right after all the people of venezuela would probably love to have their homeland go the way of iraq and libya nothing says freedom and liberation like having regime change followed by civil war and thousands of refugees fleeing for their lives it confirms something that we you know long suspected but you know now you know is out of the open that the opposition is so internally divided washington
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you know would take over the figures like marco rubio favor a radical regime change scenario which involves the effectively destroying the existing institutional structure that has been built in but as well also in the words of john bolton to open up venezuela's busy oil sector to us and you know to really return as well to the pre 999 status quo where it was a reliable ally in the region and you know reliable agent of the u.s. in opec to maintain you know low oil prices as the u.s. diplomatic cables themselves acknowledge. my life again then to the some petersburg international economic forum the big sessions underway in the congress home right now which is packed out with the chinese some of the russian and chinese leaders sharing the stage with the media as well as the slovak prime minister and the u.n. secretary general a q. and a q. and a sessions underway right now let's listen in times they down but as far as the
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universal benefit is concerned we have to take to this principle because that will bring about a harmonious world we can be self-serving. and as we can see. you judy. economic globalization and related issues require an immediate response. sometimes there are options in the governance of this globalization sometimes this machine that manages globalization starts to fail. or that you notwithstanding this trend has to be protective of the current multilateral system the trade system has to be protected we are not saying that we've got to start everything from scratch
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that we have to overturn the established order no that's not what we're saying what we are saying is we have to think how to improve the current system the current make in essence what our present putting has said in his notes in his remarks. in prison putting. out that there are many countries in the world and all of them are brothers. but there are big brothers small brothers and yet everyone is equal to. that here. we have to assume that everyone has to have to respect one another when settling our differences. over to go find a home. i am of the view that we have to show respect for social systems and the development parts chosen by each and every country.
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far from being run over. based on the current world order why don't we have to. take into account new changes such as we need condom isn't there and they merge in market start. raising. developing countries and emerging markets. you have to have their voice their role in international affairs deserves respect. so. we're all meet there. will we be able to. make sure that we're develops rationally we have always been a proponent of peaceful coexistence despite the divergence is a few we still have to arrive at some common ground. and.
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duly settle any differences that might arise. that. i do have that such mutual respect is going to react is our relations with each and every country thank you very much present she. looking person she has said that they carry forward as the confrontations in globalization antiglobalization i don't know whether you agree with that but my question is as follows. where is russia in this confrontation does russia have to choose one paradigm the chinese have a very good. when tigers in the valley the smart monkey sits aside and looks at how it's going to end. but everything changes. and this picture is also changing but
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what you do this is the change is consistent as of now we see the principles which the words used to stick to just recently the us economy it is a high technology commie that has always preached the ideas of freedom of democracy and the world economic arena but. you see what is happening right now trying to incorporate another practice i said that in my remarks when big strong rivals emerged and they're getting stronger they were things that the old instruments serve no longer and that's why they resorted to different kinds of restrictions to terry. terry frustrations. incidentally deals a huge blow yesterday i met them when you the hands of large investment companies and i cited some statistics these statistics comes from international institutions
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the world bank in particular if you're going to release restrictions by 2022. at the same bridge by 2022 it will have resulted in a slump in the world g.d.p. and to put the world trade is going to decrease by 17 percent of course we are against such scenario i like to remind you that in 20082019 when the world's financial crisis the. slump. economy was leading the world g.d.p. whereas the wealth trade decreased by a template but if everything continues as it is going on right now everyone who is here will run into difficulties can also losses will be suffered by businesses and one of this is going to translate on our citizens
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because you know new jobs are going to be created on the contrary jobs well just disappear more money is going to be funneled into different. budgets different levels this is going to have a very difficult and very negative impacts and we're certainly against where is rush 1st place little in the fired for the liberal principles in the development of economic ties. you know our relationship is developing with china and with other countries to. them in spite of all these attempts. because in our where despite all that i would trade is growing but should this trends that we see right now persist it is going to be bad for everyone and yet we're trying to build our relations based. on the principles that i have and you may read it in my speech for secretary general good cherish this confrontation between china and america it sounds translates and spilled on the united
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nations the u.s. doesn't conceal for instance that it doesn't support the chinese initiative one belt because it fears that it only gives you cannot make advantage to china but also geopolitical ones you have spoken on many occasions in favor of 100 because you think that is very useful for the 3rd world because china gives a lot of money to infrastructure development so what do you think of this confrontation going to lead to as well as what is going to be the policy of such an important un donor the united nations along with what do you think the informal leadership in the united nations is going to get to china. spanish politician once said that politicians as politicians are the only animals that stumbled twice at the same stop. and the world stumbled into a called walk. and we all know what the called war means i think i would duty is to
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avoid the world to fall into another cold war. and then other cold war of 2 blocs that probably will then be. completely separated in the morning in the military but also in a trade and technology perspective these will be extremely dangerous for us all and we need to do every seeing to avoid it and we can only avoid its rebuilding trust and to rebuild trust that is the 1st scene that is essential to respect international law. and then other seeing that he's essentially still gone 3 would still multiple entity in our world i do not see the world only as the united states and china with all due respect for president i think it's united states it's china is the russian federation is the european union is india and many other countries and it is the capacity for all these countries in a neat cool basis to air of
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a relationship based on equality on trust and on the respect of international law that we can build a world that avoids these 3 wars these these cold war and i think the united nations must be the platform that helps to make this possible and we need to learn with the mistakes made in the past there is no solution that one country alone can promote there is no solution that one institution alone can promote if we want with the rest of the enormous challenges we face we need serious international cooperation and so it is my to believe that the present situation needs to be overcome and that these sleepwalking into a cold war needs to be stopped. thanks not that the we have the latest thank you said he and we've got to do the combat together there are 2 representatives of the european union yet maybe prime minister
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politically any i'm going to ask this question of you i'd like to know what the e.u. thinks on what is happening because there might be a tariff war between the e.u. and the us brewing they want to slap tariffs on european cars were just going to deal a huge clarity here or any case of china we saw or there's a conflict coming. it is not today that emerged but the case of europe which is a u.s. ally and seems as if it were and initiatives. what does the e.u. think on that. thank you for this question. it is very difficult because. not only european union but also slovakia member of european union would have be very strong. it would have a very strong impact on our economy also you mentioned for example out
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a motive sector during my visit one month ago with president trump i explained to him that. an action against european union and tariffs on car and industrial products will would impact not just germany but also slovakia czech republic and as you mentioned it means their allies and their friends and we also do not understand if friends are doing each other such a thinks so another side the offer from united states from the united european union in this moment is not to increase their lives but to put the serifs on 0 it would even increase the business between united states and european union in every may be 8 or 9 billions of euros from both sides so it will be a nice win win. situation so we are lucky in this moment that mr
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president postponed his decision. for another 6 months. but. we don't know what will be. when the 6 months are over. and we hope we will not start a trade war because it will not help even not united states it will not just make something wrong towards european union it's also bad for them and i believe that we will be able in a normal dialogue finish this situation in a positive way because otherwise we will lose jobs as president putin mentioned we will lose jobs we will not have any more such economic growth what we have now and it will really create not a pleasant situation within the countries of european union so i believe into a. healthy brain. of all which are involved and that will be
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a position of decision and i hope so but you never know. thank you. president putting we are talking about allies right now china is considered to be one of russia's most important allies and you need. more often than others and the same goes for president xi. his closest friend the day before yesterday important agreements were signed and the trade between china and russia has. a record mark of $180000000000.00 but this is a record but if we subtract commodities draw materials from this trade then in terms of other. kinds of cooperation military cooperation. that the chinese russian position is not that close why is that. and foremost i'd like to add
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something to what. our guest from slovakia said. the and alice is absolutely correct but there is one thing i'd like to base an certainty of this unpredictability in the world affairs and the world economy. as the main factor that detail the development and the unpredictability is getting so strong and so fast and this is the greatest problem where running into today. and this was a sign i do have that common sense as you have said is ok to prevail as far as our relations with china are concerned these are not words you can create these measures can be policies indeed president xi jinping and i have posted very good personal ties. yes today we spent
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a lot of time together we did you know talked about different issues we said goodbye to one another at midnight when it was 4 o'clock in the morning in china we talked about everything and i had to apologize to president xi tell him that i had to leave him because. if you are a host you cannot treat your guests like this retaining them for so long but the only thing it demonstrates is the creative gentle way of god yes 108 really we wanted 100000000000 and we hit the mark of $100.00 immediately and i would trade is only grange thanks to our joint efforts thanks to the position of i would chinese friends and president xi jinping in particular the structure of outrage has always been mission was changing and improving our. share of machines. was squaring last year there was a drop but the.


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