tv News RT June 7, 2019 10:00am-10:31am EDT
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one. i remember how i started with the latest version of the american nuclear review it was the last year i believe to souls and in 1001 i was astonished to see their formal that by deploying new kinds of weapons in the pacific's russia and china share lynch the traditional military superiority of the united states of america in these pacific region the you know this is absolutely unacceptable to do to interpret any military actions of russia and china in the region which is very much close to them which is common for them is a kind of challenge to the traditional american military superiority to the americans want to keep their superiority and they will continue to deploy as many
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kinds of different weapons and then calls in the pacific sea as well in order to to to demonstrate this superiority but the more they do it the more risk of this situation becomes and i have no doubt that russia and china in this sense are also on the common ground and we will be able to stand together against this is this demanded military superiority of the united states in your region which is. also common for russia and china ok i'm not optimistic now i was to leave it there thanks very much for joining us chairman of the russian federation council's foreign affairs committee hope you join the rest of the forum thanks for joining us . with your with r.t. international from moscow it's friday 5 pm we're continuing our special coverage of the some petersburg economic forum on the plane a recession which has been underway for a few hours and the q. and a session currently underway that. in the blink of an eye yes i understand and
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i recognize that. the. sound. better than usual knows we have but our standard sometimes even tougher than the more sanitary norms and that's why when you when you question the actions of a products to our markets what if you ask them to comply with regulations sometimes they comply sometimes they don't want to because it's easier for them to. products to our market i don't like that you cannot simply decide on a good basis well sometimes we say that yes we are ready to comply with european standards but it takes money and. invest hundreds of billions of millions of dollars and you cannot do that in the blink of an eye our partners have to understand and treat that with understanding when we had some
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negotiations with them. tell them that we had what. we needed 15 years or so up with several industry. of humanity you know didn't result in everything we should have anything. to do with commissions it was willing to talk to each and every. country of the ration economic union separately but they didn't want to talk to the original comic union . but so far we see that they're willing to talk to this organization. not just 2 separate countries. we've just been no small town. just what we always said that the russian economic union. is seeing an increase in trade i'm not going to stick for a little so lest i should make it. but i would trade with 3rd countries of each and
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every separate country of the region economic union has grown even more what does it tell us. tells us that when we comply with common rules that are in compliance with the w t o rules it becomes more reliable and easier to cooperate with each and every one of our country is there has given. to the cooperation between the original konami union countries with 3rd countries and we really welcome there are no contradictions there the only thing we need as goodwill to overcome natural barriers and we are willing to do just that and would you please do. russia if you'll allow me i like to add something just public. voice we're discussing this one by one road initiative but there's a project. in this project. there. is
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no. choosing between the eurasian economic union or one build one road project for armenia. and other cases. this question does. not. interest you if infrastructure develops in armenia and in our region as part of the 101 bird initiator. this will help integrate iran. and georgia and if this happens this will further the development of the eurasian economic union. economic a participant of the ration economic union i mean here. in particular but callused a more developed country. where a well be developed. political economic. good traditionally this will only benefit
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the eurasian economic union. this will improve the brand the image of the regime economic union. i would like to remind you of what president pushing as spoken about. that it is important to remember that any you have. specifics of what's possible in russia is impossible and i mean what's possible in i mean is impossible china wasn't possible in china is impossible for instance in bulgaria. but what we've got to concentrate on. the. bring together. and i think there are many values but you know i mean here with russia. and. the armenian prime
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minister continuing the q. and a session the main events of the petersburg international economic forum are sharing the stage there with russian and chinese leaders also the president of all garia and the slovak prime minister and u.n. secretary general as well as going to bring a range of questions from sophie shevardnadze who's mediating that particular session the caring thing being openness transparency and cooperation in light of challenges including things like sanctions will continue with our coverage little later on the same petersburg international economic forum here. on to our other headline news then the british prime minister to resign may officially steps down as leader of the conservative party today potions held for 3 years or so now the scramble to replace him is in overdrive nominations for the party leadership start on monday with 11 candidates still vying for the top job takes a look at who's in the running. she's been burned by bragg's it and now the woman
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known as teflon to reason is on the way out after repeatedly failing to push her e.u. withdrawal deal through parliament last month the pm finally announced that she'd be stepping down and she did it with a whimper rather than a bang the 2nd female prime minister but certainly not the last. i do so with no ill will but with enormous during gratitude to have had the opportunity to serve the country i love there is looking at the number of candidates that have joined the race to replace may as prime minister may find themselves crying to and they're seeing what's going on here they've got no say in what's going on they can see there's 11 people standing up saying they want to you . know when it's cold we know it's even worse with this has got to be detrimental blow long term of the conservative party sure officially the race only begins on
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monday but already there are 11 leadership contenders with 2 having already dropped out and the british media is indulging itself pouring over the kaleidoscope of varying degrees of soft and hard bragg's it's candidates like foreign secretary jeremy hunt health secretary match hancock or environment secretary michael gove although there is already one clear favorite. and he's already got donald trump's seal of approval no worse i like you're my i've liked him for a long time he's i think you do a very good job but the tory leadership contest is a complicated process and past experience has shown that the favorite never wins
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so this is anybody's race each candidate has to have the support of at least 8 members of parliament from that conservative m.p.'s will be asked to vote several times in order to whittle down the crowd of power hungry politicians to just one final head to head battle now that. poit the decision will be turned over to conservative party members that grassroots conservatives that could be bald from down the road or tricia who lives next door and it is they who will ultimately decide who becomes the next prime minister with such a crowded field of hopefuls this summer britain is bracing itself for a political popularity contest like no other as for 2 reason may the woman that's been forced to leave 10 downing street before securing britain's departure from the
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e.u. will stay on as a lame duck leda job now is to keep the chair warm for several more weeks until busy one of this lot finally takes over the top job holy book of the what we heard from the deputy research director of a british economics think tank who says a serious part of the way to resume a successor. well unfortunately she's left behind very very difficult situation for the incoming prime minister i think another. unlikely in the short term because this will be seen as not to be trialed by those to the votes of leave i mean it's kind of undermines the whole idea of democracy if you don't stick to results and then keep repeating the election over and over again until you get the result that the establishment wants said i would really really further undermine trust in politics nevertheless it's going to be very difficult given the vast
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majority of m.p.'s are probably you're not going to let probably block any real bright so if we get so pro breaks it's prime minister he's really he or she's really going to struggle to get through parliament and could even face a vote of no confidence to prevent the u.k. leaving with no deal which point he or she will probably have to call a general election and that would be hugely risky. united states continues to ramp up pressure on. duros government in venezuela announcing new sanctions against a state owned oil company but it seems though that washington still unsure about the future of the latin american nation and whether to do it should in fact step down the recording suggests the u.s. secretary of state is finding it difficult to unite the fractured venezuelan opposition into one cohesive force its kind of explains mike pompei always been caught making some comments about venezuela that were not intended for the primetime viewers apparently he's not sure who would replacement dural if his
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regime change efforts are successful. just to keep the opposition united as a group of difficult moments really. everybody is going to really listen to. me and to their president of the us will be people. there the right people here it's are going through. pompei i was pretty clear about the fact that this discussion was not meant for public consumption so we did get a favorable response i was this is what america's top diplomat said at the united nations when the lights were on and the cameras were rolling now we have a new leader. in venezuela who has promised to bring elections and constitutional order back to venezuela and security back to the region we cannot delay this critical conversation which has the world's attention for the sake of venezuela and the region we must support the venezuelan people and do so right now though my comp aoe isn't too concerned about what happens in venezuela after the current
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leadership is overthrown now let's not forget that the us meddling in the country's internal affairs is motivated purely by selfless humanitarian concerns about the people so after regime change there are 40 plus contenders who will then fight it out for power now does that remind you of any recent events in current history take for example the u.s. invasion of iraq dick cheney said that it would go well my belief is we will in fact be greeted as liberators but there's been nothing but chaos and civil war in iraq since the usa invaded there are 288000 deaths so far and counting and dick cheney wasn't completely clueless wasn't what he said in 1904 but you got to iraq and took it over and took down saddam hussein's government the money going to put in place for take libya hillary clinton was delighted to hear that gadhafi had been put to the sword we came we saw you died but now even barack obama admits that toppling the libyan government didn't come with
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a game plan for what happens next what he considers his worst mistake as president probably failing to. plan for. the day after. what i think was the right thing to do in. the intervening. in libya but who needs planning right after all the people of venezuela would probably love to have their homeland go the way of iraq and libya nothing says freedom and liberation like having regime change followed by civil war and thousands of refugees fleeing for their lives it confirms something that we you know long suspected but you know now you know is out in the open that the opposition is so internally divided washington you know would take over the figures like marco rubio favor a radical regime change scenario which involves the effectively destroying the existing institutional structure that has been built in venice where the you know in the words of john bolton to open up venezuela's busy oil sector to us and you
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know to really return as well to the pre 999 status quo where it was a reliable ally in the region and you know reliable agent of the us in opec to maintain a low while prices as the u.s. diplomatic cables themselves acknowledge. the german nurse who murdered 85 patients has been given a 2nd life sentence earlier 42 year old males said he was and loosely summary by can 2005 who was caught while tampering with a syringe pump and administering a contact medicine without coals this led to a series of investigations he was initially convicted of attempted murder in 2008 and sentenced to more than 7 years in prison then in 2015 a judge sentenced him to life in prison for 2 murders and 2 attempted murders if a national without the latest trial. oldenburg festival hall this is where court proceedings had to be held the regional court hole was simply not able to
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accommodate all those people who wanted to attend and massive trial huge public attention the case raised many questions but gave a few on servers and one of the biggest questions was what is the exact number of people that mr her girl killed we heard from many including the main jonjo of the process that it is still unclear this is he entering the room packed with people he's caused so much harm to someone who is supposed to relieve the pain and prolong life but instead brought death to his patients this is where news her girls started playing his german version of a russian roulette oldenburg clinic working as a nurse here for 2 years studying 999 mr hurdle would pick up a patient could be any race so done there any age or health condition a social background to make an injection that would cause complications so that later mr hurdle could calm and quickly and professionally revive the patient
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getting everybody's admiration he's calling us at the clinic or so impressed with his skills that they even gave him a flattering nickname resuscitate rambo without of knowing that the person they praised so macho was in most of the cases behind the patients complications in the 1st place not all of mr her goals victims who were able to survive many of them died the clinics personnel suspected nothing until the statistics came out showing that the number of deaths in the clinic almost doubled since mr hurd who joined the team but instead of investigating the cases henri paul to their fears they simply decided to get rid of the nurse but before they gave him a very good recrimination letter that he wrote here to this hospital in the neighboring town of delman horace to mr her go get hired here and. these deadly game continued for another 3 years until he got caught in 2005 how did this
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all happen we have been able to talk about that with so many people and all of them almost agree that there really is a complex of reasons behind this terrible situation it's not only the system of hospitals and and. people who are working in those hospitals but i think it's almost a problem of each person just to look away don't want to see what's happening we have several problems the perpetrator who is completely without feelings and empathy and then we have a culture of looking away if people have paid more attention to the information to the details then things would have been different. you know without the international from moscow 20 past 5 going to take you back to st petersburg in the international economic forum and the q. and a session that's underway in the main congress you. get particularly crude oil and depending on fluctuations in oil prices oil or gas price
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also look to it it's a. market formula. it doesn't mean that that should be there forever we are ready for discussion but certainly the discussion should be between business and it is an. extreme project so many people have regret that it didn't happen and putting it very mildly many people did lose it lost $3000000000.00 in investment thousands of new well paid jobs $400000000.00. revenue. from transit that is it and that's direct. economy that is quite regrettable why do. it happened i think we understand let's say frankly there are a sudden problems in the western integration system you mentioned that and that means
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also limitation of sovereignty in the eurasian union we don't have that we sometimes argue. the whole night through. never there is a decision but out of consensus this causes problems but in the european union that's not always the case i'll repeat that today in the european parliament adopts a decisions that are mandatory throughout the territory of the european union more so than the supreme soviet of the us s. r. with respect to the republics so there are problems in the european union and that's why things are rather complicated in the e.u. now but let's talk also about the new routes for diversifying supplies of raw materials to europe from russia means. we have been working on the
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north cream to for many years south stream had to be put aside but we agreed with turkey to build in the turkish stream because of the political world present at the hand because he showed the greatest man way qualities and. seeing. the country's sovereignty we will still be completing it in the coming months the sea part has been built that we are now working on the land territory and will soon complete that now our european partners will be getting our gas from a different route if they want to of course but i think that southern europe has an interest and that i'd like to repeat once again that pipeline gas from russia in terms of distance and the whole human supply. always by definition will be cheaper then elegy from outside and that's that will always be the case.
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i think that the experts know it's not a big secret and that is. the profitability of production it's a lot less. production look if it cation then the delivery and regress if occasion i mean. you have to multiply by 0. there is. really a margin for the price but the press has to be fair both for the seller and for the buyer thank you. looking at 70 limitations of course was the 2006 point if you would like to look at the russian president there answering questions about the recurring theme pressure from the united states and how it's affecting other countries and damaging their sovereignty he was referring to the north stream through gas and the effect it's having on one of the fellow guests on the stage there the q. and a the place recession the same petersburg international economic forum which
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we're going to keep returning to in the coming hours as that form continues over the next couple of days and of course. next though president trump says things could be very different between washington and moscow without all the rhetoric surrounding russia he was speaking to fox news on thursday. well they have a good relationship with russia i think a church by the family which you know i did have a good relationship with russia is close to 2 months and special council rubber bullets report said donald trump did not collude with russia to win the presidency but the fight hasn't died down u.s. democrats are still desperately trying to find a way to impeach the president now building their case on obstruction of justice allegations our senior correspondent what i guess they have takes up the story. there are those who support trouble those who want him impeached and those who really really really want him impeached preferably now and in
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a painful way take for instance this particularly enthusiastic new york times contributor who has gone and written up actual articles of impeachment to save everyone's time i suppose or maybe just a hobby of his who knows others c.b.s. have impeachment track is literally counting congressmen who are calling for trump to be impeached like kids opening chocolate filled advent calendars 63 now out of 535 senators and representatives just a few 100 to go and trump will hiring just need a reason you can't impeach for annoying tweets about noxious hairstyles or nor existant collusion all that's left is obstruction when a subject of an investigation obstruct that investigation or lies to investigators
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it strikes at the core of the government's effort to find the truth and hold wrongdoers accountable here's a question that's been giving lawyers migraines how or why does one obstruct an investigation an investigation that later proves he was innocent of the crime he was being investigated for the special counsel's report states that his investigation did not just. blish that members of the trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the russian government in its election interference activities namely any sort of collusion with russia it's almost impossible to have an obstruction of justice underlying crime what makes trump especially awful obstruction is he voluntarily gave his investigators sometimes and writing material on how he allegedly tried to obstruct the investigation like when he reportedly told the then white house counsel to get rid of mueller fire him and then allow
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that counsel to go and testify to mueller the faily new york times wrote a fake piece today implying that because white house counsel don my gann was given hours of testimony to the special counsel he must be john dean type of rant but i allowed him and all others to testify i didn't have to i have nothing to hide in fact trumpet boasted earlier about what a good boy he was being about how much workload he had provided to investigators the white house handed over 20000 pages of documents the 2016 campaign 1400000 pages 20 white house employees gave voluntary interviews it's like trump was building an obstruction of justice case against himself and on top of that he was terrible at it. wasn't fod investigated for 674 days and only finished when he was done so this is it if you can
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figure out how to impeach trump for trying to conceal crimes he didn't commit contact your local democrat immediately i expect anytime soon i'll be offering a reward it is not obstruction of justice and anyway again this was the obstruction of justice not for a court proceeding of course this was not a court proceeding this was a. in formal investigation through an executive agency an executive body and and so because of that the elements are a little bit different it would have to be willful omission or willful concealment or destruction of evidence during an investigation which of course did not happen in this case i don't think in the end there will be any consequences for obstruction because i don't think obstruction can be proven i do believe that the democrats are still real and the democrats want to make sure that they are not seen as having wasted $40000000000.00 of the taxpayer money in order to start our engage
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in an investigation and a spying campaign based on evidence that wasn't even legitimate so i think the democrats are going to continue to try i think that will be a term that continues to be thrown around just so they can save face because they're looking to retake the white house in 2020. that is your auntie to use for now thanks very much for watching i'll be back in 30 minutes also with the latest on the global developing stories and from the forum and some pages but if you can join us that probably. nobody could see coming that false confessions would be that profile in this population a prof look at birch. head any interrogations out there what bill see is threat promise threat promise threat lie a lie a lie the process of interrogation is designed to put people in just that frame of mind make the most comfortable make them want to get out and don't take no for an
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answer don't accept their genitals she said therefore we cooperate send a statement that i would be home by that time the next day there's a culture on the countability a police officer's job that they can engage that misconduct that has nothing to do with all their crimes. because the swarms of them so i'm only. going to bid you those who was before. much of those who heard it's a bird you are you are reduced to see him win or lose we will win you will. win a. little show you just look beautiful the immediates is littered with the.
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