tv Watching the Hawks RT June 7, 2019 2:30pm-3:01pm EDT
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presented for. 7 years. contemporary loans continue to discriminate against migrants women and lesbian gay bisexual and transgender individuals. it may just be that that that cutter is trying to give some press freedom. it may just be that simple but it certainly is raising a lot of eyebrows while they are state state oh and i believe they do care about making a profit and trying to discuss news that appeals to their particular audience and so if the english language version is trying to you know in some way pander or or just broaden its market for business purposes that's one thing
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but if it really is that they're trying to do something that might be perceived as disruptive or somehow corrupting the marketplace i think people would have a right to be concerned about that. all right that is our news wrap up this friday for the newsroom just behind the camera there is busy putting together plenty of dates to bring you. 30 minutes time we do hope to see you then. greetings and salutations today hawk watchers let's kick things off with a little game theory you know not the paranoid raving rooster phobic or garland
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style game theory no i'm talking about the psychological effect of the games we play in the games crony capitalism plays on us betraying 2 games in particular the game of monopoly and the game of dodgeball yes i literally mean dodgeball but before we get to that lovely gym class childhood rite of passage that is throwing red rubber balls at top speeds towards the slowest and weakest members of the schoolyard herd let's start with a little monopoly the big tech monopoly to be specific this week reuters and other outlets are reporting that the u.s. government is gearing up to investigate whether alphabet google facebook apple and amazon dot com compete fairly yes but the u.s. federal trade commission the department of justice and even the u.s. congress appear to be ready to finally lower the any trust to bloom on the bullying monopoly of big tech but as many critics point out given the entrenched lobbying and contracting these silicon valley gobs hold over capitol hill and the pentagon
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many suspect these investigations are more about making headlines than bringing actual accountability. which brings us to dodgeball this week it's now being reported that dodgeball may get knocked out of canada's physical education curriculum because. bob's ball is a tool of quote oppression yes according to a new presentation at the canadian society for the study of education the daily wires reporting that dodgeball is not merely a somewhat dangerous schoolyard pastime it's a tool designed to teach children an unethical system of oppression that legalizes bullying. all my friends from bullying in the schoolyard to bullying in the boardroom let's put the games to rest and start watching the hawks. it's.
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like you know that i got. was that we. were all going to watching the hawks i am tyrone for and today we once again put dialogue over debate as to when i bring you 2 distinct in the form of the discussions between topics and guests unique to our political viewpoints and personalities so let's roll the cameras and call action so we can get a better perception and perspective. joining me today to bring their perspective and perception on the u.s. government taking on big tax truly trust on the oppression that is dodgeball is legal analyst lionel of lionel media are t.v. sports correspondent steve christakis and in new york city conservative commentator steve malzberg but let's just throw this out here i have and while you can start
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but does the u.s. government have any kind of an antitrust case against google facebook amazon and the like. what am so lonely if this isn't a trust then there is no surer men however do you think the american consumer wants to destroy evidence do you think because the sole motivator behind this is what's fair for commerce what share do you think anybody wants to get rid of their prime delivery in all of this and nobody cares about this the answer is yes it is it is it is broadly naggin allowable in maine yes but. does the american consumer want this broken apart absolutely not therein lies the problem steve welcome to you in new york city do you agree with lionel i mean is this one of those things where the government is going after these companies but really ultimately the american people are kind of like well so be it i kind of like google
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controlling all. well what i'd like to think and in my legal opinion i vow to lionel's knowledge of course but i kind of think that there has to be some kind of regulation and i would hope although more and more i doubt that the american public would agree with me but i would hope that they would be for regulation not necessarily the breaking up of the companies not necessarily saying all of that nobody could get a foothold and compete with these companies well of course not but how many companies a little tiny companies have been bought for millions of dollars by these big companies and they've done pretty good so i don't think there's a competition problem here i just think that there's an invasion of privacy there's the lying going on there's misleading and there's no accountability and i think the government doesn't know what to do because so far they've done absolutely nothing so now they're talking antitrust let's regulate now i know for
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a conservative that's crazy but we have to regulate to a degree what these companies do with our personal data and information i could i couldn't agree more there steve and also there's a simple well known is that it's hard for the consumer to get around some of these companies i mean let's think about it google pretty much runs the search engines of our time and you can't really operate without having to go through them you can't really operate a normal daily life today without going through facebook and things like that but let's also not kid ourselves monopolies are kind of the bread and butter of the united states i mean let's look at it with you to figure what 56 companies own all of media in the united states that's a small number when you think about how massive our entertainment business is look at sports steve you're the sports commentator you follow this sports and f l m l b n.b.a. are there other leagues competing with them here stateside or do they run the table essentially as a monopoly you know it's funny you mention 4 big tech companies as monopolies now
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coincidently there's 4 major sports organizations. the n.b.a. and n.h.l. n.f.l. and b. are all the 4 of monopolies basically and they're allowed to act as monopolies due to answer trust law exemptions and now one of those being the sports broadcasting act actually which allows companies like the n.f.l. to basically speak on behalf of all $32.00 teams and negotiate broadcasting deals which rakes in billions of dollars every year instead of each team having to negotiate on their own for example the a.b.a. a competitor of the n.b.a. at one time folded after they crumbled without any t.v. broadcasting rights in the n.b.a. ages dominates that the n.f.l. once had a competitor the access fell busy and when n.b.c. yanked those television the television broadcasting rights they folded as well so yeah the issue regarding which he brought up about privacy that's one particular concern which i think we all agree with but if you look at what the justice department can be looking at the minutia of the arcane are we going to amazon bundling whether they are whether prime is actually competing against itself those
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individuals for you for us to carry your product and how we will jack up your price this involves interstitial microscopic review which granted a lot of d.o.j. lawyers would love to talk about but from the average person's point of view and they're going to be the ones clamoring for this they like it because unfortunately in this particular case big business actually in europe for the benefit of the consumer we love this the bigger the better buy it all up it doesn't matter as long as we get our prime delivered and we get our books and everything that's really the ultimate can serve and which is going to militate against any drastic change and also let's not forget too is that amazon google all of these a lot of these companies have huge military contracts and also contract they are the balance there are the military you know so i doubt that the pentagon is going to be really on board with breaking up a lot of these companies because of those contracts but i have to get to obviously one of the biggest and most pressing stories of the week is the issue with
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dodgeball now i'll ask all 3 of you did we all play dodgeball at once in one point in our lives coro yeah ok what what role has dot of ball played in turning you into an oppressor. steve you could start out you're asking me you know ok well i mean it's responsible for everything bad about me any selfishness any bullying that i do you know being the less considerate of other people this feeling that i walk around with this this privilege based on an athletic prowess that i've had to buy a whole life based on my success in dodgeball and how i take it out on people who i come in contact with on a daily basis that's all as a result of my my playing dodgeball i am a flawed ruined person because i played dodgeball growing up in tampa at sacred heart academy in 19668 we played
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a game called kill the man it was where we would jump on pavement and we would say you know and we would then jump and kill the man dodgeball is kids play literally did in fact me absolutely for the better not necessarily there was an anybody that i know who have talked to actually says he did do something about dodgeball except for god love them the canadians i'm just saying well you know it's interesting. because to his it's interesting is that the the argument for this is the look it's fine to go play the game but should we be teaching this game given the fact that it is a game about you know hey pick on the weakest member hey we're going to do this i mean should we should be pretty chinglish should pitch of education be teaching and i see no issue with that i think this is the result of the p.c. culture being a little too sensitive in this case i mean it teaches you to strategize of course it's survival of the fittest you do go after the weak but they have a chance to get you out if you go after them and it's not dangerous you can't go for the shoulders i believe or else you're out so they have rules to it there's
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a teacher who usually you know supervises this growing up playing as a kid i think i don't know if it helped or hurt me but i can tell you it was fun and it was my favorite part of gym class so busy i don't know how many kids with glasses did you know i. i was not i was a short pudgy little kid in middle school so i didn't do too well dodgeball but i do know that it you know it taught me competition is fun and you can learn how to lose it gracefully but there was danger we we had dangerous toys they had pellet guns and fireworks and we would actually lose our eyes and break our necks and it was i mean we didn't play 6 tag you know what else but we were used to have fist fight time to time with kids when we got into arguments so we got on each other's nerves because we'd hang around and play out in the street we were in the street riding our bikes without a helmet and not parents didn't get locked up and someone walked by smoking a cigarette and we did the 2nd hand smoke. when it was dark and we drank from
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a hole just. doubled up around us who are a little. wary and were manly and what else can we say that to them you know i mean i think when we look at it i think that we have to find a proper balance look i understand no one wants to see bullying in schools no one wants to see that and know that for years you know i don't want to see anyone getting bullied i don't think there's anything there i think that but but this is again you know and i think that look i think there's a proper balance to be had but i do think that we have to be careful that we if we take away too much competition at the end of the day then we don't teach at least a healthy amount of competitiveness in school and the like and i got to do it when you were a kid. but i was tall and you know so i wasn't very good at the no no keeping scores and baseball games you know it's been going on for years everybody gets their trouble free life by god but like baseball there's no crying in politics and there's no crying in the healthy debate we just had to bear i want to thank all of you for coming on today lyondell steve christakis and steve malzberg out of new
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york city thank you so much for coming on everybody. all right ladies and gentlemen we go breakoff watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics to cover facebook and you tube and twitter and see our poll shows that are. coming. but wallace opens up the gallery of the american psychological association and 100th anniversary. to watching the whole. you know to the 2017 the german newspaper developed published announcer claiming that the european union have lost 30000000000 euros as a result of its very anti russian sanctions.
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particularly affected eastern europe many polish film as went broke and even committed suicide. sometimes i can succumb to as i doze off on the good. will put on the political and on the. young to have to finance my view on the whole so i'm going just the dolls and on to other kind of unknown. doesn't then let's see in the. if and if one song is smith. and doesn't dance with all the folks and that's wasn't. far.
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i. thanks guys are financial survival guide. when customers go by you reduce the price . didn't help well reduce the hour. that's undercutting but what's good for food markets it's not good for the global economy. the graven powerful supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg says women belong in all places where decisions are being made it shouldn't be that women are the
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exception. so let's sit down with some women make some decisions and step into the gallery. thanks. thanks. for more than a century hysteria was the most common medical diagnosis for women exhibiting things like having opinions of their own or as the doctors of the time described it on government ungovernable emotional excess it would take until 1980 for hysteria to cease being a formally studied psychological disorder and to be removed from the american psychiatric association is diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders however in the years since women have still struggled to get doctors nurses and mental health care providers to move past these antiquated notions of what's going on in a woman's mind however new guidelines from the american psychological association
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could speed that process up just in time for the fall of the patriarchy the guidelines ask that psychologists strive to assign diagnosis to girls and women only if and when diagnosis is necessary use unbiased assessment tools and bring to bear an understanding of the history of misuses and gender biases and diagnosis and assessment in addition the a.p.'s research showed that along with poverty race and ethnicity increase the likelihood of being diagnosed with certain disorders such as schizophrenia among say african-american women compared with white women so let's see what the no longer hysterical women of the gallery have to say about that joining me today are the host of news he is here scottie nell hughes artie america sports producer extraordinary regina ham and artie america news correspondent rachel evans thanks for joining me hysteria it's cold monday right and you just as my husband i have never ever more on a daily basis listen to. our i don't break my hysteria it means that i'm alive and
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that i have a motion i have passion and i. care about it but i think there's a very good point on this for so long women have been mis diagnosed or not been allowed to be a diagnosed and for so long those diagnosis actually caused bigger issues that lead to other things so this is you know i am all for this guideline but why did it take so long yeah i think that's kind of the thing you kind of wonder why did it take this long for the medical community 980 s. a long time to realize that hysteria which is quite literally described as a defective uterus making your mind. out of control so the idea that our uterus is control all of our thoughts and feelings and if they're messed up we just need to do that what do you guys think do you think we're we're getting better but you know why do you think it takes so long and why are we treated like alien species that they've just pick your feelings one appeared on the world no one knows how to deal with it and you find a lot of people athletes kind of deal the same thing look at take for example the
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victims of larry nasser these girls need years of mental health they need to go to there because they need to deal with the trauma that they experienced and sometimes therapist don't look at that as trauma they see it as something else they see it as well maybe in your child well you know this is your childhood you were abused by this monster and you need the mental help to be a better version of yourself and i don't think doctors really understand that yet and that's a shame because these athletes indoor so much of that dark past they want to be able to share and feel relief and feel better and i'm glad the guidelines are getting around to acknowledging it specially non-binary women who are maybe victims of sexual assault things like that nonviolent athletes and things like that so we're getting there but people are so like well. we'll and i think it's notable too especially when you look at the fact that even with something like a heart attack men and women have different symptoms a lot of times so the fact that they're looking and saying ok wait if i go take a step back and even look at the woman's background you know what she is where she
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comes from that kind of thing and how that could possibly play into it and stead of simply just looking at them and saying oh you have anxiety so we're going to give you this medication and if that doesn't help come out for something else that kind of thing the fact that they're actually taking the time to look at it and saying something as broad as just only would give a diagnosis if you think it's necessary i mean you know i think you would think were common for me but i'm i lied that we're finally getting around i think it's also good to admit that there is a physical chemical difference between men and women and i think that is one thing that for so long the medical community especially prior to the eighty's just kind of generally put it all and if you had a physical ailment is because you do. have hormones and it was related to your reproductive system not just necessarily anything else i think now we're finally finding out the parts of our body don't have anything to do with our uterus that the reason the. brain or breast cancer void everything that we are 2 different we are made to medically different and they should be studied separated not just put under 11 entire roof one of the exam notices is.
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the similarities between how it's been different and dealing with doctors unlike you had brought up the issue of you know it's like our socio economic background when i was younger i grew up not like dirt poor but not exact i wasn't you know in the upper middle class and so i noticed distinctly a difference in how i was treated when i went to therapy and it was sort of like well you're poor at that's what haven't you think about you said you just went to therapy i know a lot of kids that i think should have been there. i thought there was a stigma put on parents if your kid your bad parent something you did as a parent so therefore you did not get your kids help so kudos to your parents for at least recognizing my child needs help even today i think that's an issue that we have but that brings in that point right there about the idea of therapy at an age male vs female i mean i went to therapy for my parents' divorce and i was a kid and you didn't really talk about it and for me i found sports as my outlet
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because i felt like my therapist wasn't understand as i would be the divorce but it be something else and i know it's not it's not always you can kind of see where now they're trying to understand it better they're trying to be especially comes to women and maybe like caster semenya who has more testosterone her body she moans everything might work a little differently so maybe now the therapist about ok i understand a little better but she's they still are going to have such gaps in learning i feel like there's growing we're still growing and i want to get time to next topic a pretty pretty big thing for women so this week. united states celebrated with a whole lot of pomp and excitement the 100th anniversary of the passing of the 19th amendment which gave women the right to vote let's be clear 100 years ago white women got the right to vote see the suffragettes much like the women of the 1960 s. women's liberation movement didn't exactly stand arm in arm with all of their sisters so while we praise their efforts for women we must be stronger wiser and
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a heck of a lot tougher on those who would keep women oppressed mary church to route was a famous educator and black suffragette who wrote $912.00 the elective franchise is with it withheld from one half of its citizens because by an unparalleled exhibition of lex a good novel or a full. acrobatics the word people has been turned and twisted to meet all who were shrewd and wise enough to have themselves been born boys instead of girls and white instead of black so ladies let me ask you you know here we are do you think that with that we've gone a little bit forward of being more say understanding inclusive to other women economically racially religious all of that than say the susan b. anthony is of the glorious times you think we're doing a better job i don't want to take anything away from those women graded they did not necessarily 5 but guess what they started even if they didn't immediately cover all at least they started so i do think that they do deserve
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a lot of credit for that that we're not private one of the property we're going to . know 3 x. and later you're going to get yourself but i think now we're looking at is 2 women verses what their value is in the marketplace with their value is in the workplace does a woman who has a child is she worth less than a woman who's decided to be by herself for her entire life and devote her life to a career that's one of the a new paradox and can women fight for other women that have something or don't have to they have that the other side of it i think that's a. big part of it when you think of it i think they've made strides i think we're finally making strides that women of color women who are minorities they're finally getting their say they're getting their stage but you see a lot of marginalized groups like trans women who don't get the same respect they are women but they are still treated as less than and that's not right either but they are in the we're having in america today the expression when it comes to sports women have fought so hard in the sports group to compete and now of
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a sudden we're having to compete against men for whatever reason who decided that they have a higher ability to win in some of these photographs because you know you're is letting women because of their natural higher testosterone and that they're not a woman that is not medically treated for wonder about that because doesn't that isn't that predicated on the idea that men are inherently better at physical activity than when i'm one of them though there are though michael phelps and chris are you know i asked the young lady i know we all had you know we they i grew up more having to shops and then i can tell you put christakis next to you don't know what guns and i was but i didn't recognize your i go we could take you and bring those women if you take and that's why you are trained differently and then all of a sudden a certain age there said you know what i can actually get a college scholarship for competing in a women's sport that take scholarships away from women that is the debate we're having today and i think we need to actually be fair across the board on it there are physical differences between men and women that allow them to build muscle sometimes quicker faster than women can write and obviously men have smaller brains
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so they're. not really. back up. i did. love it that's really the thing we all have these things where men and women that we're different but there's this idea of one is better than the other one is this and the other and i was i was raised a very this was this like i don't care if you're a man or a woman you're going to get all of those bales of hay and you're going to get them into the barn and i don't care just get it done and the boys cried about it rest of us did the work and that's kind of. yeah yeah i like to point that scott. brought up to you in fact that you know it's about how women treat each other in the workplace as well especially when we're seeing places where maybe it was more dominated by men now that we're seeing more women coming into that place how do they treat each other how do they build beach other out because i think that's a really big part of it is that sure women can make strides but it's about making sure that they can help other women as they go along that really makes a difference and it would mean to helping other men and know that it's wrong to
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downplay somebody because they are of their physical attributes i think especially i'm going to just take into sports a lot of them are a lot of them are trying to pioneer women being more active cam newton call the woman out for doing routes and all her now college really you what did you just do to her and i think it's nice you're seeing men trying to pioneer for them but i think women sometimes can be yeah it's our roads that are you know i mean yeah we've always existed or italy women have been pentagon chief other whether it was to you know get a king's hand or an ox so you know but you know well for the that it's fair yeah actually you know and i believe that's our show for you today remember everyone in this world we are not told that we're left enough so i tell you while i love you and capitalists and all the lovely ladies on my panel keep on watching my heart have a great day and night everyone. nobody
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could see coming that polls confession this would be that profile in the spot place the faults of. any interest geisha out there what bill c. is promise threat promise threat lie a lie a lie the process of the turkish this designed to put people into just that frame of mind make the most comfortable make them want to get out and don't take no for an answer don't accept their genitals she said therefore we're poor very sad statement that i would be home by that time the next day. there's a culture on accountability and police officers know that they can engage in misconduct that has nothing to do with all the. china does not want to fight like we are supposed to fight up at the same time we're not afraid of it china is bold and resolute and is able to defend its legitimate rights and interests china is still holding the door open for the u.s.
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china trade negotiations if the united states which wishes to proceed with them needs to be more sincere. how can we help citizens become healthier and happier than poor form of the 7th of july as our european business program interactive exhibition open health congress know them festival details don't have also been forum dot com 16 plus. artes video agency ruptly obtains exclusive video footage offering an early opening insight into wiki leaks editor julie ellison just tell i'm in a high security prison in london. also ahead on the program this hour of love him or putin called zealots of america and other nations for not practicing what they
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