tv The Big Picture RT June 7, 2019 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT
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thank you. i. think. letterman putin calls out america and other nations for not practicing what they preach and not only when it comes to trade wars russian president's assessment came at the st petersburg international economic forum speaking alongside other world leaders. british prime minister theresa may officially stepped down as leader of the conservative party now the race is on to replace her with 11 candidates on the
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job. and alito audio recording reveals they had misgivings the u.s. secretary of state might prompt about what may follow if venezuelan president maduro steps down. you can take our team with you on the go just download our app from google play or the apple app store but next cook has the latest in politics on the big story this. hour as the old song goes what some matter with kids today are millennia as hopeless as research suggests but 1st flashpoint north pole as climate change changes the map in the arctic circle how will travel trade and the military balance of power change i'm holland cook in washington this is the big picture on our team america.
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as roiling circumstances there have kept us focused on venezuela iran and north korea another flash point is emerging at the top of the world literally and figuratively things are heating up at the north pole a report in military review the professional journal of the u.s. army observes that increasingly human activity is occurring in the arctic as sea ice recedes and economic opportunity opens to nations via new shipping routes and that characteristically and any geographical area with the rise in human activity there is also the corresponding possibility that friction will occur as people compete to exploit the natural resources and corresponding economic possibilities and this particular geography entitles the usa to
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a unique national security bull war alaska's proximity to so many national capitals makes it a strategic military power position and sitting between the bering strait and heavily trafficked over the top air routes alaska has been at the intersection of intercontinental shipping even before receiving ice opens up new sea routes what should we expect as the map changes let's ask former pentagon official and r.t. contributor michael maloof and dr rob hubert from the university of calgary where his focus is international relations and canada's arctic sovereignty gentlemen welcome thank you. professor as to sovereignty who owns the north pole which nations claim it and are now most present there well it's interesting that you ask it that way because we're right in the midst of an international set of negotiations in which there is the effort to determine who owns the soul and
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subsoil no one's going to actually own the north pole at least the water overtopped that will remain international waters but right now russia canada and denmark for greenland have all undertaking a very expensive series of efforts to determine whether or not what's called the continental shelf is canadian danish or russian which includes the north pole all of this is still very much up in the air and is very much a work in progress as we speak well we read of the abundant natural resources being exposed in the arctic as yet undiscovered oil and some 30 percent of the world's natural gas the russian federation already derives 20 percent of its gross economic product from activity in the arctic region rob is the un up to the task of adjudicating these various nations claims to the energy and mineral resources up there or is conflict inevitable well it's not necessarily a conflict and is not necessarily the un the role of the un in this particular
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instance is to determine whether or not russia denmark and canada have actually engaged upon proper scientific examinations that's the only thing that they're going to be adjudicating it's going to be left up to the 3 countries to treat this as they would any other maritime dispute and to be able to negotiate so is there going to be conflict just like with any other boundary dispute it's really going to depend on what the overall nature of the geo political relationship is if things are going good i have no doubt that all 3 countries will be able to come to terms with exactly how to divide up the continental shelf if things go a little bit rougher as we've seen since the post 2014 era then that's where it starts getting a little bit more complicated well the. back at the dawn of the trumpet ministration when we were actually confirming a secretary of defense the senate armed services committee asked the appointee this let's listen just in the past few years the buildup in the arctic by the russians has been quite dramatic new arctic command for new arctic brigades 14 operational
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airfields 16 deep water ports 40 ice breakers with 13 more on the way 3 nuclear powered huge new land claims in the arctic for massive oil and gas reserves the most long range air patrols with bear bombers since the cold war a snap military exercise in 2015 that included $45000.00 troops 303400 military vehicles 41 ships 15 submarines and 110 aircraft what is the effect on the united states not being actively engaged in the arctic as you mention in your article senator i think that america's global responsibilities need not to our advantage to leave any of those areas of the world . absent from our from our efforts michael that's quite an inventory the senator ticked off in military terms the arctic was already a rough neighborhood by virtue of the assets deployed there can the usa catch up
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it's going to be very difficult from a military standpoint if it does recognize the urgency now because i think the united states is now determined and seeing that russia itself regards it as a high of the highest priority and given the fact that it is capable of the shortest distance to all capitals in the world and if you arm that area with even missiles of any kind you're warning time would be negligent and this this compounds the problem and i think that right now you have a race for. staking claims and it's not just russia u.s. and denmark and and greenland you've got china now that wants to play a role in a few other countries in the northern northern part of the globe and so they're all going to be competing they're all rushing now to stake their claims beyond their
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200 mile limits and with under the u.n. registry and and but at the same time i think this also offers an opportunity for these countries to come together and try to work out something now the russians have incredible number of bases they've already they're already testing missiles of their they have land strip air and runways for 4 aircraft so they they have weaponized the arctic to. a great degree and that doesn't include the patrols that they're now putting up there we just hear of these bombers flying around alaska all of that us to survey and rick and do recon reconnaissance of the areas and because i think they're the russians are trying. to demonstrate their their position of authority there and asserting their their their claims if you will already meanwhile north korea continues missile testing so the arctic is
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a key vantage point for the united states michael how adequate is our norad system and how does nato figure in the changing situation out there well you just threw in a sticky wicket here with with north korea their tests so far have been predominantly toward the south pole not the north pole and when we and in fact that that is a scenario that military planners believe is the route that they would go if they were to shoot an i.c.b.m. to the united states because of the south pole only because most of the defenses are up towards the north and not from the south and they and we are our entire. gulf of mexico area is is is not fortified the way we have our norad up north so it's it means that we have to build a greater defense and a missile defense system and that has become mired in political. trash between
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the democrats and the republicans we're talking with the former pentagon official michael maloof and professor rob hubert rob what are the united states and canada doing to protect our interests in the arctic and if there's something we should be doing but aren't what is it well to start with what's happening one of the greatest difficulty and i take michael's point in terms of the the russians being ahead on surface capabilities and there's no question that it is but you also have to factor that we have renewed many of the issues that existed during the cold war and that is of course the renewal of the undersea warfare capabilities of both the russians and the americans this is out of sight it's harder to be able to track but we know that the americans have in fact. ensured that all of their newest attack subs of virginia class and we're talking about all 3 of the current tracks that are now that are actually commission all 3 of those trucks are able to actually engage in
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under ice capabilities they show us in this thing called sign x. where they surface one of their subs to engage in scientific exercising but it's actually to show everybody that they still have that under ice capabilities the russians have been doing the same thing and both sides have been developing their capability of being able to launch longer range underwater cruise missiles from submarines so the s.s.g. ends are becoming much much more important and this is the part of the puzzle that is so hard to follow because it is so much out of the picture and yet it is probably the most important naval component of the growing complexity and resumption i would say of sort of a near cold war type environment in the arctic for cooperation is between canada and united states the major piece of the puzzle is norad norad is an agreement that has been in place in 1957 it was 1st of all designed to deal with the creasing russian bomber threat and then subsequently was to deal with the the the soviet
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i.c.b.m. and s.l.b.m. capabilities norad was is supposed to look now at maritime not just aerospace and what we really need to be seeing in terms of candidate in the u.s. is in fact a modernization of the ability to detect further out and this is being created by new technologies as michael was saying the new type of missiles that are coming on line particularly the hypersonic cruise missiles that are air breathing those are a much longer range that now require norad to look much further to that extent canada has extended its air down its occasion. area and is moving much further north but once again both canada and us have to come together on what is obviously going to be a very expensive alamut the 3rd aspect that has. to be looked at as of course is that canada has more or less softened a position about not exactly welcoming nato into the arctic region i think that
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there has been a change within the current government that this has to be done and this is still being worked out with the norwegians but where it's coming in is of course the exercises that are being conducted by nato on norwegian. norwegian territory this is both a norwegian exercise northern response as well as junction trident which are in fact increasingly complex and large scale so you're seeing increased planning increased cooperation but the critical piece of the puzzle here is norad and good relationships lad that there is a bit of a bug in the bear coming up in that we're hearing statements coming from the secretary of the navy and the secretary of state about doing a freedom of navigation route through the northwest passage right happens that's going backwards that's going to be hurting the relationship really bad and this is something that has to be actively worked against well as a child of the fifty's have been a cold war a space race flashback thank you michael maloof and rob hubert.
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calling decline is magic an anomaly see new type of digital currency decentralized digital scarcity chancellor. second for banks call the genesis blog for reason pickling is civil disobedience a source of optimism. because i can control my own financial stephanie it's just a new way of coming to consensus it's a game changer in the human history and this is columbus discovering
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a new world this paradigm shifting technology that transforms economics and finance in a heartbeat the apollo 11 landing on to the next and stacy. has long positioned itself as a sovereign player within the e.u. it can stand up to brussels and put its foot down when it comes to its own national interests but when it comes to dealing with the trumpet ministration is the old and government's justice ready to hungry 1st. when i say millennia old does that conjure a caricature do you think self-absorbed tech savvy and detached impatient
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entitled disappointed by what we baby boomers left behind born between 19011996 their age 23 to 38 and despite those various stereotypes one thing they do have in common they hate being called millennialists they're individuals and research is telling us something else they have in common is anxiety why let's ask mark rutherford a licensed psycho therapist in private practice in south florida you may have seen this ted talk on you tube and we welcome back psycho therapist nancy collier author of among other books the power of off the mindful way to stay sane and our virtual world nancy joins us from our new york bureau thank you both for joining us. thanks for having me i was struck by a report from the national institute on retirement security based on census data the 2 thirds of americans aged 21 to 32 have 0 saved for retirement
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like all of us they have day to day expenses that make saving for the future a challenge but there's evidence that many young adults actually feel hopeless about the future and a big reason is their deep concern about the environment and climate change and nancy to this layman it seems like a stretch based on your work does this ring true there is vast concern there is a kind of growing terror that their children will not have a planet to live on you know millenniums are smart and they listen to science and they're afraid and they're also afraid because most of them are carrying so much student debt and credit card debt that they really don't see how they're going to pay any of this back and they're entering a world where for the 1st time maybe ever they don't trust the grown ups they don't
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trust the older folks that sense that things will work out is gone they're also living in a post 911 world where you know i was in a drive share the other day and we heard some noises and everyone in the ride share went into a state of panic you know we live in this gun room. over a load you know people are killed on a regular basis it doesn't feel safe not just for millennia but for boomers and beyond you know i've heard the same thing from other friends who live in new york mark same question these are big issues that nancy mentioned do you find the millennial stu carry him around like a cinder block like that. all the time i see a lot of young adults in the lineal in my practice and i term. kind of a glib nihilism you know we talk about the future we try to kind of engage in conversations about what we're going to do next right so the young mind is
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a developing mind they have difficulty looking past what is today anyway but you throw in something like real life trauma like climate change like wars like all of the uncertainty in our world today and you know a common response from a teenager is well what's going to matter the world's going into more anyway so there is this kind of you know overreaching idea that we're just here for today and we can talk to them as adults but they look at us like we have 3 times something that nancy mention a minute ago with a national election looming we're going to be hearing plenty about how our children won't enjoy the prosperity we do mark is that trope contributing to the gloom in your view the political climate well the prospect that they won't live as well as we did yeah. yeah absolutely i think that also contributes to their diminished interest in the political world you know the i think they see very little that they can do about. the state of affairs and so
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a lot of it is let's just focus on today this is get through today you know the idea of trying to save for for a one k. seems like you know climbing mount everest naked backwards they just can't even conceptualize that idea you know we baby boomers grew up doing duck and cover drills during the cold war but i never felt like the bomb would cost me my future to the extent that we hear about children in gang infested neighborhoods now planning their own funerals something you mentioned a minute ago nancy certainly we were stunned by 911 and millenniums grew up in what was to us the new normal nancy could that have been a tipping point i think it probably was the. basis upon which we boomers based our safety that you could go out in the world you could go to a concert you could live essentially and assume that you wouldn't be killed
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they don't have that they don't have that sense you know i have teen kids and when they go to concerts they're filled with anxiety most of the teenage i know tons of teenagers through my children and almost all of them have anxiety disorders at least 50 percent of them are on meds for that act the their rates of anxiety have doubled since the boomers were or were in a situation where this is generation anxious wow with these school shootings have got her to a recent study in the journal of abnormal psychology found that those 18 to 25 who reported symptoms of major depression increased 52 percent between 2005 and 27 team. when older adults charted no increase and some age groups actually saw decreases for many 20 somethings leaving college roommates behind and getting
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a place of my own is a big milestone mansi is it possible that these young people suffer from being lonely or them we oldsters well one thing that we're seeing right is that families live apart now we live in a state of separateness to some degree and that brings me to technology you know what my last book was about and how technology in this illusion of being so connected is affecting our anxiety and what what we see is that people actually feel more isolated they're talking all texting all during the day but but they don't feel together in their families or far away their sense of community is far away and that that takes away from our basic sense of security and comfort and also the way the these 20 somethings are living in this always on stage you know hyper amped up in this what i call their twi aired their simultaneously
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wired but they're also exhausted and they're in their multitasking and there are all are not available that's not how our nervous system functions and it's actually creating cord is old the very chemical in our bodies that causes stress we're living in a way which is out of sync with calm for and for many other reasons traded with technology we are living in a state of constant comparison that creates anxiety we have too many choices we human beings don't do well with endless choices and that's where technology creates the illusion of. and just the last thing i want to say how into that one of the biggest causes of anxiety is a fear of uncertainty and what's happening with technology is there we're
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trying to screen out anything that would be uncomfortable with trying to control uncertainty and what's happening as a result is that we're actually training ourselves to not know how did deal with difficulty know how to deal with stress technology to censor reality we baby boomers grew up in a post-war world where the future was bright and all our lives were spent striving until attainment caught many of us by surprise midlife crisis and mark i have read that people who do with you and nancy do describe a quarter life crisis when 20 and 30 somethings toiling in the workplace ask is that all there is are all of us now so caught up in the day to day that life stages can sneak up on us absolutely i think nancy's point is right
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on the money the idea of this hyper you know the 2 adults we see the internet is something that connects people to the world but it is really on so many levels especially for youth and isolating experience i see a lot of teens in my practice in that if you talk to any teen there's a phrase that you will have heard it's called fome o f o in the which is fear of missing out and it's like you know they get invited to a party and the person throwing the party has $200.00 instagram followers and they don't really want to go to the party but they feel like they have to go because if they don't go to the party they don't get they don't get tagged in the picture that 200000 people might see and so there is this hyper anxiety about what to do how much of it to do if i don't do it am i going to be missing out so all of these kind of questions that we didn't come across until our midlife they're experiencing it. much earlier age well i'm glad you mentioned that you're seeing young people because in line behind those millennial we have next generation that i have heard called the digitals how young are the patients you routinely see in your practice
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mark and what are their issues. i see kids in their in their early twenty's all the way down to 7 or 8 years of age and the interesting piece is that we look at the young twenty's as very specific in the 20 years but the digitals it's a completely different experience they really do live almost the entirety of their lives online everything is about how many likes that you get the kids especially girls will come in and say i can measure myself worth by how many we can quantify myself worth by how many likes i got or how many followers i got and that is it's a scary phenomena it cuts out the idea of human interaction and human connection and it becomes this kind of hyper push to be seen to be noticed to be recognized in mental health terms we call a validation to be validated by the world at large by these online friends that we
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think that we have but in reality they're just strangers who are pushing the like button or not pushing it like but and so we're putting our self-worth our mental wellbeing or emotional wellbeing in the hands of complete strangers and that creates a very interesting dynamic differentiating friends from cliques thank you nancy collier and mark rutherford. and thank you for watching the big picture if you see us somewhere else you can now also watch our team america why you tube dot com slash r t america and we're live on direct t.v. channel 321 the super cool pluto t.v. 132 and if you're on dish network we're 280 and all of our shows are available anytime anywhere. or on any device at youtube dot com slash the big picture r.t. i'm holland cook in washington back here same time next week and in the mean time
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become a leading global platform for discussing the key economic issues facing russia emerging markets and the world thousands of business community members attend the forum to address today's financial issues. especially foreign coverage. nobody could see coming that false confession this would be that profile in the small place the full look of virtue. had any interest a shoot out there what you'll see is threat promise threat promise threat lie a lie a lie the process of interrogation is designed to put people in just that frame of mind make the most culpable make them want to get out and don't take no for an answer don't accept their denials she said therefore we're all poor or very sad statement there will be all about it the next day there's
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a culture of accountability that police officers know that they can engage in misconduct that has nothing to do with all the. guys or this is the kaiser report the show you stay up all night to watch and can't believe you're so far some of us to see such great t.v. programming stacey you know i want to follow up on that theme of the weaponization of trade because this is part of what i think is the imperial rot it's not unusual as we've mentioned before it goes on throughout history as an empire falls apart thanks a lot to do with hubris and we see that with you know the chlorinated chicken trade we see that with our healthcare system here we see that with the dilapidation of
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