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tv   Documentary  RT  June 8, 2019 4:30pm-5:00pm EDT

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tell you one thing about them are. i think that the last time he saw his daughters they were looking occurred to me. but everything he told me to do for her. in the matters and in his car did everything he said do for her she never had a word for anything because a father was not around and she was upset and angry her mother too was because them are wasn't here to help her train is daughter and they can but he had the best interests in the world for his. he just wasn't here to do it so i did it. and like us is good in the world for nothing but myths and of.
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20 years later the single event changes the course of lamar monson's life just around the time that bill proctor the journalist who followed his case is getting ready to retire he receives a call from an unexpected witness who claims to know the real identity of kristina brown's murder. 2 months before i retired after 33 years in terms of that she called me on the phone it was one of the more shocking calls i'd ever taken. as an investigator do you get many but this woman said to me on the phone. and me even if you don't remember that murder that you covered back then on boston you got it wrong. you got it wrong and i said ok i'm listening. and she explained that she was with the person who did the murder of the person in
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prison was not the killer that he wasn't there but she was with the man who did the killing and came back from the event dripping in blood and confessed to her that he had killed the. ad the character life for 20 years 20 plus years and here it is. and the made it and. i'm outta here me i'm tellin om i'm not on holiday and that. at the time of the events shalane a bentley resides in the building where the crime takes place she shares her life with a certain mr robert louis both of them were regular crack users on the day of the
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crime showing a claims to have seen lewis return from kristina brown subpart meant covered in blood the the in. and then a little bit of my door open and the local m.p. throwing them out go away and blood in on the. boots on. busy it like blood and his nails. they he just killed. me that. you know wrong as it is. whatever else he was charged with i feel like 18 year he. that was too much. i'm the one that told that girl was not fair she was beat. they had and he.
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no he didn't beat her. sure lena bentleys witness statement changes everything a team of lawyers and students from the university of michigan decide to reopen lamar monson's case they are part of a national network of dozens of american universities who fight against judicial errors over the course of a year they retraced the police investigation step by step trying to prove lamar monson's innocence the big problem right away with this confession was that it didn't match the crime scene so at the time they interrogated lamar and then extracted this false confession got him a sinus false confession the police believe that christina brown had been stabbed to death they believe that because near her body in the bathroom sink there was a bloody knife and she had been stabbed so they extracted a confession or i wrote out
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a confession for lamar in which he says he stabs her to death the problem was is that she wasn't stepped but the police did know that time so a few days later when the autopsy report comes out it reveals that she had superficial stab wounds but actually she'd been bludgeoned to death with a heavy object. it does not take the lawyers long to find the heavy object that allegedly killed the victim on the photos in the case file they noticed that the toilet tank lid is not in the right place the likely murder instrument was the ceramic toilet tank with a heavy ceramic toilet tank with it had blood all over it that was found in the bedroom not too far christina brown's print. after this the lawyers are convinced lamar monson did not kill christina brown as such he could not have written the confession himself the team from the university of michigan then asked the judge in charge of the case for access to the objects
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that were present at the scene of the crime 20 years earlier. and in september 2 10162 students and i went to the to the prosecutor's office where the toilet was brought there and it was unwrapped and it was still covered in blood and amazingly though it was it covered in blood but there were bloody fingerprints all over it nobody had ever bothered to test and so the student you know saying hey look there's a bloody fingerprint right there and so i whipped out my i phone and i took photos of some of the bloody fingerprints on my i phone. and then brought them back and blew them up and we could see that they weren't we had comparison samples a lot and they look a lot like robert louis is bigger prints. this can sting police have new technology and they found none. and all of
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them belonged to robert louis and none of them belonged to months and i was ecstatic because i know the power of forensic testimony improves vs what someone might say because one is irrefutable the other can always be cut down by a nasty prosecutor. he couldn't do anything with this you should have seen the prosecutor's struggle to answer the forensics that came from no less than the miss against the police crime lab. it was powerful stuff and it was a day for celebration. in the northern. plains. and we need to find. a new real thanks to this new evidence more monson is granted a new trial in january 2017 after
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a one day hearing the court decides to exonerate lamar monson. surreal for me because these things i've been playing and asked for and seeing things develop and before my last witness come for 5 to 12 years evidence. just by i'm feel a vendor kate it in my spirit you know when i'm feeling good. i know the truth and now everybody knows the truth and so that was. a blessing you know people have stood by me. feel good for them because now people know that they still. me and they were right to do so. lamar months and is out on bond and heads right over to his family and supporters at the wayne county jail. and i have prayed and i pray. and i ask. please let me live seen lamar come.
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in with february 1st. 2017 and i was there and he was released. on holiday in credit. and i credit my son is free at last. i just knew was a call to ask for is something being we've been waiting or something we've been up to supply for the longest on the fall you can. only get the glory to go does the field your mom always says she was in waiting to get that so hold your mom right now talk about that emotion. or words to express it was warm and been a mark on all my life a lot more life and i'm just glad she finally got some help to be happy about.
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oh it's a wonderful feeling. i've had now. 22 of these cases all together 17 since we started the clinic and i had 54 and it's never gets old is it's so wonderful when the person actually comes out of the door and they're met by their family and friends and. the students who work on the case who work on the case. this in petersburg international economic forum is a unique event in today's business world. over the last 21 years the forum has become a leading global platform for discussing the key economic issues facing russia emerging markets and the world thousands of business community members attend a forum to address today's vital issues. special forum coverage on r.t.
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. the project was good but if you run your birth you miss it or don't blame people with. the response to mold cheaper food in the indoor. pool because i assure you i'm older to me that. this. is still the no most you you presume this. museum must feel to move them they used to. continue going to voting in the evening of their history for a few days to. be as good as you have to deal with who are you more you would almost today.
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some. of them. i'm not a real. cruiser. with the sleeves. and all. you would need to eat but i'm still. legal to surround us. my money's on.
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that is. what i hoarded down with the idea of the local bush which is based on what do. you own what one would believe he was just a little sheepish a little. careful. monson's name is cleared for good. robert lewis the man whose fingerprints were found at the scene house to this day still not been indicted. you have his ex-girlfriend saying he did it and then all the people in the world whose fingerprints could be on that toilet in blood it's him that's pretty good evidence i mean that's that's
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a case where i think the the dumbest prosecutor in the world could win a conviction pretty easily. but. they've made it clear they're not going to charge him because charging him would be admitting that they got it wrong with. kristina brown has been dead now for 22 years but she still deserves justice and her family still deserves justice and they won't get it because the prosecution to stop or. feel free want to know well and they know that he's guilty so what does that tell you about the. system don't care about me. i'm a taxpayer i've lived in this city in this world over 50 years. they don't care. all they want to do is get away and people. that try to families together at
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separator. doesn't matter how. the country is in trouble. we live with certain notions of justice. of what the law says what we all believe in our hearts. that the person really responsible for something as innocent as the murder of a 12 year old girl should answer for that crime. yet over and over and over again i have been party to evaluating cases where there are innocents claims and the person responsible is known and named and the very police department the made a mistake does nothing to go back and capture and charge the person who was
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really responsible because it's difficult because it takes extra work because it takes new witnesses because it takes a harder examination of what really happened and that examination would show that the initial group of police investigators that only failed but walked away from certain facts they didn't finish. can you put a price on 20 years spent behind bars for a crime he did not commit. this man received a figure and the subsequent compensation of $20000000.00.
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one rivera has just received $20000000.00. $20000000.00 for 20 years of imprisonment for a crime he did not commit one rivera was also forced to sign a confession. in 1997 he confessed to the rape and murder of an 11 year old girl. turn is this i've decided to you know settle i would as i was asked by the news media you know is the 20000000 that is enough and i'll tell you if i tell them you know what you could keep it 2020 years back i miss my family's. a miss my nieces and nephews my mother was at the time my father was lost my grandparents you know there's a lot of things that i miss and family. that i can never get back no matter how much money i you know they can offer me
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a 100000000 dollars when they come from yes it has given me comfort but there's nothing in my years it doesn't give me that years that i've lost the memories that often lost i mean to this day if you ask my parents for any of my childhood photos she would say she has them because the court has them of 3 trials and so i'm going to try nordstrom is the one new photos you want to show you humans. i don't have no records of my upbringing as they took. my life bonded january 6th of 2012 that's when my life that's when i have record of who i am. surrounded by family members and cameras want ribeiro walked out of state bill correctional center a free man all i want to do is enjoy my time with my family but it's been 20 years of separation and this is a new beginning for me so this may be one of those. not
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a few last months. turned the conviction that he would. know. $20000000.00 is not enough it never will be enough nor any amount because again is the memories they mean. not the money. one rivera is barely 19 years old when his life turns into a nightmare on the 17th of august 1902 the chicago police force accuses him of the rape and murder of holly staker an 11 year old babysitter who was stabbed $27.00 times the case makes headlines across the country. in the space of a few hours the chicago police turns one into a publicly hated monster. i had never sensed as because then yes i was an innocent person going to prison is a natural
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a sense as for something that he knew so that was this added bonus to my him going into prison 1st of all i'm going to an environment that is unnatural unknown and very very scary. the 2nd i'm going into for murder. her. name for 11 years so as i got 3 strikes against him in prison they don't like me. but they do i got them twice when i was in prison. 2 it's embraced on me of course i had to fight them off thank god then i defy them off. in prison records this is what i had so we do it when i was interesting. rivera was not far from being sent to the electric chair these years of violence in prison these years spent on the margins of society have forever destroyed his trust in others and in the system. for me to hear
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at that time they were willing to kill in 1000 year old kid and understand what the hell was going on shows you the character of mankind you know i'm. to this day i still have difficulties in trust because if you was willing to kill me then i mustn't anything that you are not willing to kill me now when i get death threats. are going to live my life by smiling and watching my back because people still want to hurt me just as in that i know that because they doing to me constantly while i'm walking in the streets and i get in the branches the general approach is that you know what i have a chance to kill you i would because you don't deserve to be alive i have free when i think you killed that there is so this is what i want to live with but still yet i got to smile. in 2015 the results of d.n.a. analyses allowed want to be exonerated for good ali staker is
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a real killer still roams free and no police officer seems to be searching for him out of the 20 $1000000.00 that won rivera received $2000000.00 were paid in by reed following a legal agreement in spite of this compensation not a single police officer has been personally sanctioned. all the officers. that worked in my case as well it's attorneys if all retired with pension pension there was no repercussions no richard vision no criminal charges nothing i see exceeded into job they need to hire and major tenants to his is very much a wall of retired and they gave him a plaque for good job. there's a culture of. unaccountability and police officers know
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that they can engage in misconduct that has nothing to do with solving their crime and everything to do with. pointing the finger at perhaps the easiest person to point the finger at and there will be no consequence and so it happens over and over and over again and states still yeah it goes a victim. having clothes they did they still own so let me i might give credit would i have credibility but what about her family do they even care no they're not even searching for the person they get these early because they thought and they still feel that i'm guilty. in this theory our criminal justice system is designed to correctly identify perpetrators and bring them to justice where fails and where fails because of misconduct. the reaction of the criminal justice system is really the opposite of
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what it should be the criminal justice system tries to cover up the failure. and retain its legitimacy instead of admitting its mistakes and finding the real perpetrators the law gives police officers what is called qualified immunity for their actions which means it's very difficult to sue their. after the fact for their roles in obtaining false confessions prosecutors have what's called absolute immunity. so unless they become part of the police investigative process they are not going to be held responsible for their role in wrongful convictions. no one should be above the law. and police officers themselves should not be above the law.
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reed has not responded to any of our interview requests however the firm has informed us that their training procedures now take the risk of false confessions into account. for its part the supreme court of the united states still allows police officers to lie during the interrogation stage. or ask in a couple of these guys depositions why they thought telling a lie was going to get the truth and they didn't have an answer for me they just said well that's what we do that's the way interrogations go we're allowed to lie to them and i again ask why do you think lying to someone is going to get a truthful answer in response in they just couldn't answer it and for the life of me i don't understand why someone would think that lying to someone is going to get a truth response back so it's a horrible practice that that goes on all the time and in the us it's just
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it doesn't really serve it doesn't serve justice at all. what state does the american judicial system find itself in today with corrupt cops and untouchable magistrates the american justice system is continuously producing more inequalities and more impunity in a country that is more divided than ever. agree
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has long positioned itself as a sovereign player within the e.u. it can stand up to brussels and voted for del and when it comes to its own national interest but when it comes to dealing with the trumpet ministration is the old and government just as ready to put hungary 1st. the swarms of them samoyed. who was before. much of those who heard the food you are never to see him with north korea who will . move. move.
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move show you the smooth beautiful little. glitter who are. more muslim also his girls will give you films for good girls. go to shows on the boat to assume you belong there to show the story of the war should go. to stand up to. its need to fill it with. the little one wished they'd say look it is a. chance just not a chance to just meet them mashed on. the street the president and introduce washington's. as we have petitions to go to school to snoop to come up and you will close with us the girls are with you for this approach to your shoes shouldn't for you should cook door for one who's doing.
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a paradise with some all around turned into a round the experimentation field but agricultural chemicals we know that these chemicals have consequences they are major irritants there's no question otherwise why would that the chemical company workers themselves be geared up that suited up locals attempt to combat the on regulated experiments but often in day you have many of these people where one foot into the biotech pharma and the other foot in the government regulatory bodies this kind of collusion is reprehensible while the battle goes on the chemicals continue to poison hawaii and its people so one has to ask the question whether there is a form of environmental racism going on in hawaii whether these companies feel they can get away with this because the people have less political power.
5:00 pm
this hour's headlines stories a glimpse into wiki leaks founder julian.


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